Branching Trees under VaMP

September 5th, 2021 by Diana Coman

Since there's nothing better than heavy, real-life use to test any new tool, my 2 weeks old VaMP got to handle already all the various small and large, light and heavy, straightforward and even utterly gnarly codebases that I care about currently. While there was no trouble whatsoever from VaMP itself, the exercise did point out and basically enforced at times some further cleaning and better structuring of the code being thus inspected - and I count this as an added benefit of finally having a proper versioning tool!

The resulting trees are also so much clearer and easier to follow (for NOT having 1001 spurious "dependencies" in them, mostly) that exploratory branches or connected projects or even regrinds1 of some set of patches simply find their natural and even *helpful* place in the complete tree, alongside everything else. If anything, it's actually the visualization that lags now behind and is increasingly in the way, to the point that I suspect I'll have to do something about it sooner rather than later, since it's a rather ridiculous situation to have the supposedly-clearer picture end up unable to fully show what the underlying tool is capable of. Still, I might take my time on this, since after all my time really is my own and there's no lack of interesting things competing for it.

Keeping for now the legacy visualisation and as an example, here's the VaMP tree that branches off to obtain the latest base layer, VaMP or Eulora client. Note that with VaMP, even such a closely related set of branches that obviously share a significant number of files are nevertheless clearly and unambiguously separated (and no, not relying for this on the manifest file, either):


For an even more obvious illustration of how much clearer VaMP trees can be, I intended first to look at the regrind of ye olde EuCrypt, since such a regrind allows at least a direct comparison of resulting trees, too, why not. This ran however quickly into another one of the old V's issues, namely unintended branching forced on by the tool, like this: while the mpi component is added in the 2nd patch, it literally ... vanishes from the "pressing" of any subsequent patches between 8th and 14th simply because these patches only add new files rather than changing existing ones. And since at that time there wasn't any manifest file as a sort of workaround for this and I refused to just change some files specifically to compensate for V's own problems, the effect is that for anything between the 8th and the 11th patches, inclusive, the user is forced to either make do with only a partial snapshot of the codebase or otherwise manually put it together out of 2 or 3 "presses" - just the sort of self-inflicted trouble that V provides. The V-tree of EuCrypt makes both the unintended branches and the forceful reunion of them all via the chapter 12 patch quite clear, too:


Given the above, this regrind of EuCrypt takes therefore the shortest path: the first 7 patches match directly the old first 7 patches, but then there is simply one single patch to bring the code to what was the last published version of EuCrypt. Since the detailed regrind is anyway needed more for historical reasons than for any current practical use, I am really not inclined at all to sink more time into it merely for the sake of fully recovering each and every patch as it should have been in the first place. The good news with VaMP is that even if I decide to do a fully detailed, history-preserving regrind at a later time, there will be no problem whatsoever, as it will simply appear in the VaMP tree alongside this quick regrind, effectively as a more detailed, finer-grained alternative and quite obvious as such simply from the graph visualisation directly. For now though, the VaMP tree of EuCrypt has only 8 patches in total and is just a very straight line. Even so, there is perhaps enough contrast if you compare the first 7 patches with the original ones: in the VaMP tree, even these 7 patches very clearly and unambiguously follow one another in direct sequence, without any "alternative" paths between them, spuriously created by the tool rather than intended by the user:


For a concrete example of VaMP in action, here's how I made the first new patch of EuCrypt, as a regrind of the old eucrypt_genesis.vpatch (the listing includes the "pressing" with of eucrypt_genesis as well as the first cleanup required: all those initial README files were identical and therefore VaMP listed them all as duplicates; once this issue was sorted so that there were no more duplicates, the patch was swiftly created and duly signed, too, since something unsigned is not even a patch at all, by definition):

$ press p1 patches/eucrypt_genesis.vpatch
creating eucrypt/README
creating eucrypt/mpi/README
creating eucrypt/smg_comm/README
creating eucrypt/smg_keccak/README
creating eucrypt/smg_rsa/README
creating eucrypt/smg_serpent/README
$mkdir eucrypt/v1
$nano eucrypt/v1/manifest.vamp
$vamp add
ERROR: Main_V: Usage: vamp add dirnew patchfilename keyfile dirold
$vamp add eucrypt/p1/ data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch data/keys/***.priv eucrypt/v1/
Enter a password for key in data/keys/***.priv:
STATUS: Diff-ing directories eucrypt/v1/ and eucrypt/p1/ to patch data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch with hash length -1
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_serpent
ERROR: duplicates in eucrypt/p1/ files/dirs are not acceptable under V, sorry. Found to be duplicates in eucrypt/p1/:
ERROR: Main_V: Directory eucrypt/p1/ contains duplicates and/or empty directories and/or special files that are not acceptable under V, sorry.
See the list(s) provided. Kindly clean these up and run V again.
$cd eucrypt/p1/eucrypt/
$nano -wF mpi/README smg_rsa/README smg_keccak/README smg_serpent/README
$cd ../../../
$ vamp add eucrypt/p1/ data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch data/keys/***.priv eucrypt/v1/
Enter a password for key in data/keys/***.priv:
STATUS: Diff-ing directories eucrypt/v1/ and eucrypt/p1/ to patch data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch with hash length -1
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_serpent
STATUS: Signing patch and writing to sig file data/sigs/eucrypt_init.patch.sig
STATUS: Patch written to data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch and signature written to data/sigs/eucrypt_init.patch.sig

The resulting eucrypt_init.patch is 57 lines long so not a heavy read by any measure. Moving on, the rest of the patches are created similarly, with the only annoyance being ofc that the duplicates issue has to be fixed for each of the old patches' output since the old v is unhelpful as always. And for a check, one can simply "go"2 to the output of this patch and then diff the directories:

$ vamp go eucrypt/v2/ data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch
using keys from data/keys signatures from data/sigs patches from data/patches, aiming to go from eucrypt/v2/ to data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch.
There are  1 trusted keys found in data/keys.
There are  11 patches included.
Creating the graph of all patches...
Reading/calculating indices for all patches...
Calculating all links between patches...
Allocating numerical ids...
Finding the shortest path from eucrypt/v2/ to output of patch data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch
The above set of patches will update eucrypt/v2/ to the output of patch data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch. Proceed (y/n)?
STATUS: Attempting to apply patch data/patches/eucrypt_init.patch on dir eucrypt/v2/
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: CREATING dir eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_serpent
STATUS: PATCHING file eucrypt/v2/manifest.vamp
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_keccak/README
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/mpi/README
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_rsa/README
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_serpent/README
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/smg_comm/README
STATUS: CREATING new file eucrypt/v2/eucrypt/README
STATUS: Checking for validity the resulting dir eucrypt/v2/
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_serpent
STATUS: Patch successfully applied.

As for the manual check of the two directories, first at the hands of the old vdiff for the sake of using it one last time and then, rather more specific, via VaMP itself:

$vdiff eucrypt/p1 eucrypt/v2
$vamp diff eucrypt/p1 eucrypt/v2
STATUS: Diff-ing directories eucrypt/p1 and eucrypt/v2 to file listing_p1_v2.diff with hash length -1
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_serpent
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_comm
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/mpi
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_rsa
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_keccak
STATUS: Entering Walk_Dir with dirname=eucrypt/smg_serpent
STATUS: Differences written to listing_p1_v2.diff

$more listing_p1_v2.diff 

UNCHANGED file eucrypt/README f95012efab511d8bcb069ce2676f236fda68421d6fc55a6e0e8682f4f16f
UNCHANGED file eucrypt/mpi/README 581dbae69cf2aa6b42997b5e3fb9f551884f4b33a22280f8f3857a2f
UNCHANGED file eucrypt/smg_comm/README f7f739e8292418e621d2db623a7c7e5f1180a60145a89a72969
UNCHANGED file eucrypt/smg_keccak/README 4a76c7a5aba2a4c181e6608764ac292a57e965c14ae41d7cf
UNCHANGED file eucrypt/smg_rsa/README 8175ba70c4849627a412f9ebbef48f0bbc246d4c41533917d75a
UNCHANGED file eucrypt/smg_serpent/README ba52bbe68a8d74e40f07218d3e8db179ff5567a6051491d5
UNCHANGED file manifest.vamp 5cf22534fa176541099d83b47f34940b0ca9499d97777dc7dc9f789c8b56b

From the above output, you might be tempted to say that VaMP is more verbose than vdiff, perhaps. I think that the more accurate description though would be that VaMP is more explicit than vdiff and I'll add to this that VaMP is indeed by design explicit rather than implicit, whenever possible. So yes, VaMP's own "diff" command always provides a full comparison of the two inputs, listing not only what is different but also what is identical. And now that I finally have this explicit and very helpful tool, I don't want to go back to the "implicit" way for anything in the world, either.

  1. Moreover, regrinding itself is not at all the huge pain that it used to be. And in losing the pain factor, it further gained in usefulness as it literally allows and supports for instance the gradual "digestion" of a huge initial codebase that may be perhaps imported first as a giant patch that gets nevertheless broken down into more manageable pieces as comprehension advances. In other words, VaMP can help indeed with code study and comprehension, too. 

  2. While this name might still change, it's both short and fitting enough for my current needs, since what one wants is to get to the *exact and guaranteed* result of the specified patch, as simple as that. So VaMP will simply go from where the code you give as input happens to be to where the patch takes it - provided that there is a fully valid path (possibly involving multiple patches) that verifiably gets you there, of course. 

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2 Responses to “Branching Trees under VaMP”

  1. [...] from the 1970s and it enabled the development of very useful tools that pushed quite quickly for further developments and new connections that were simply not even visible before the successful regrind. [...]

  2. [...] more details of its workings were published on the 5th of September [...]

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