EuCrypt Chapter 16: Bytestream Input/Output Keccak

March 15th, 2019 by Diana Coman

~ This is part of the EuCrypt series. Start with Introducing EuCrypt. ~

Keccak1 suffers from a bit/byte issue: while internally the actual transformations work at byte-level, the input is taken bit by bit and expected to be in LSB order2 while the output is offered again bit by bit but coming out in MSB3 order if taken byte by byte. Moreover, the padding applied to any input to bring it to a convenient length is again defined - and even applied - at bit level rather than byte level. While originally I discussed this issue in more detail and systematised the options available for Keccak to get some clarity and make a decision on either bit-level or byte-level, the actual implementation followed as closely as possible the original specification retaining bitstream (i.e. bit by bit) input and output while doing internally the transformations at byte level, as confusing as that was. As soon as this implementation was put to actual use though, it became clear that the bitstream part really has to go because it causes huge waste (8x stack-allocated space for any input, quite correctly described as exploding) and trouble in the form of overflowing the stack even for relatively small inputs. So this is the promised .vpatch that updates Keccak to work on bytestream input and produce bytestream output, getting rid of the x8 waste and effectively choosing options 1.1, 2.2 and 3.2.

The obvious change is to convert all the bit* to byte*. This includes constants such as the Keccak rate that is now expressed in number of octets, types such as bitstream that becomes bytestream and functions such as BitsToWord that becomes BytesToWordLE. Note that the internals of the Keccak sponge (i.e. the transformations) are unchanged since they weren't working at bit-level anyway. The less obvious change is the addition of bit-reversing (via lookup table since it's fastest) - this is needed to ensure that Keccak receives and produces at octet-level the same values as it did at bit-level. Specifically, this means that input values on Big Endian iron will be bit-reversed for input (since input is expected LSB) and obtained output values on Little Endian iron will be bit-reversed (since output is extracted MSB). It's ugly but so far it's the only option that doesn't change the Keccak hash essentially.

The .vpatch contains those main changes:

  • Bit reversing: there is a lookup table with the corresponding bit-reversed values for any byte (i.e. 0-255 values mapped to corresponding values with the other bit-order convention). So the bit-reversing of a byte is simply a matter of reading the value from the table at that index.
  • Input: bytestream instead of bistream so effectively an array of octets. Because of Keccak's LSB expectation re input bits, the BitsToWord function became BytesToWordLE meaning that it will reverse the bits on Big Endian Iron. The Padding is also expressed at byte level in LSB format (so the last byte is 0x80 rather that 0x01.
  • Output: bytestream instead of bitstream. Because of Keccak spitting out MSB when output is extracted at byte level, the WordToBits function became WordToBytesBE meaning that it will flip the bits on little endian so that the iron sees the same value as a big endian iron would.
  • Tests: there is an additional test that checks the values in the bit-reversing table for correctness, effectively calculating each of them and comparing to the constant; other than this, the same tests are simply updated to use bytestream/bytes as input and output; as in the previous version, there are also tests for calculating a hash or using Keccak on a String, quite unchanged.

The .vpatch for the above can be found on my Reference Code Shelf and is linked here too, for your convenience.

As I don't have any Big Endian iron around, I couldn't test the above on anything other than Little Endian so if you are looking for something easy to help with, you've found it: kindly test and report here in the comments or on your blog (a pingback will be enough or otherwise comment here with a link).

  1. As originally specified by Bertoni et al. 

  2. Least significant bit. 

  3. Most significant bit. 

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