#ossasepia Logs for 19 Jan 2020

April 21st, 2020 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-18-Jan-2020#1015350 - heh; listen, get used to *always* look a bit more at whatever you are doing at any given time; I specifically did not say anything about comment/articles numbers there so you have a chance to fix that too on your own steam; but you have to look and consider more than just the exact prod, what! [04:25]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 19:32:20 lobbes: jfw: this is a good point, ty. I'll do just that [04:25]
diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-18-Jan-2020#1015344 - is that a question? lolz. [04:41]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-18 18:01:44 lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/ossasepia/2020-01-18#1015339 << yeah, overall I liked the final result but indeed it took me 11 hours (from my estimated 6).. not sure why I'm so slow with writing [04:41]
ericbot: Logged on 2020-01-18 09:09:40 diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-17-Jan-2020#1015311 - that sounds like it took way longer than you expected. [04:41]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-17 19:35:15 lobbes: diana_coman: okay, penance article published! Now to start planning mp-wp bot work this weekend [04:41]
diana_coman: dorion: are those weekly plans & reviews more useful to you on Fridays in the end or on Sundays or not that useful at all or what? [10:35]
whaack: so.. fiesta round two was just as bad as the first. One of my phones got pick pocketed, and then there was so much traffic leaving the party that we could not get out of the city until ~6am. rough way to end the vacation but i'm going to get to the review+plan for the week and then begin cranking out articles. [14:41]
diana_coman: whaack: sounds like the usual "popular entertainment" experience really. [15:20]
diana_coman: jfw: how do you find writing those gbw-node draft articles? [15:24]
jfw: diana_coman: they've been easy enough, but slow; I find a lot of time going into futzing with referencing, re-reading the code, thinking about what's clear or needs explanation or could use improvement [15:27]
diana_coman: jfw: hm, slow as in "I wish this went faster" or slow as in "not worth this much time on it"? [15:29]
jfw: then that 'futzing with referencing' breaks down into, let's say, the useful part of re-reading / checking that they're justified, and some 'html overhead' part [15:30]
jfw: I think the effort is worth it for this item though probably not all code I'd post. Also wish it went faster. [15:31]
diana_coman: well, certainly not all the code and not in the same level of detail, sure; there's no "same for everything", no. [15:32]
diana_coman: as for faster, it should get faster with practice and/or improvement of process if there's some part that's really just overhead; what's that html overhead anyway? [15:33]
diana_coman: as in writing the html tags or what? [15:33]
jfw: that, and also finding and testing the #select search terms [15:35]
jfw: then occasionaly I do get tags / syntax wrong so there's some cycling through save draft / preview / edit [15:36]
diana_coman: jfw: uhm; fwiw I tend to write the whole thing as draft in some .txt, tags included and all that; then into mpwp + preview + edit and publish, that's it. [15:37]
diana_coman: not sure it's really worth previewing as you go really but anyways, if you'd rather it took less time, find ways that work for you to streamline it. [15:39]
jfw: I write in a .html first too (gets syntax highlighting); probably need to focus on getting that down to one cycle, yeah. [15:41]
jfw: maybe looking into editor features to help with tags [15:42]
diana_coman: sounds sensible. [15:44]
whaack: diana_coman: yup. i learned my lesson twice in a row about avoiding LATAM crowds (which can be extended to crowds in general) [15:44]
lobbes: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015352 << this makes sense [15:45]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 04:25:17 diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-18-Jan-2020#1015350 - heh; listen, get used to *always* look a bit more at whatever you are doing at any given time; I specifically did not say anything about comment/articles numbers there so you have a chance to fix that too on your own steam; but you have to look and consider more than just the exact prod, what! [15:45]
lobbes: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015354 << I was definitely asking-without asking there. To state it properly: how do I speed up my writing? [15:45]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 04:41:06 diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-18-Jan-2020#1015344 - is that a question? lolz. [15:45]
diana_coman: lobbes: well, in a few words it would be "through purposeful practice/review/feedback loop" really; but specifically for this instance, how did it go in the end like that since iirc your plan provided for some incremental work on it througout the week and then it ended all up on Friday+spill out on Saturday ? [15:47]
lobbes: diana_coman: there was definitely spill-over. I did about an hour of writing on Wednesday but indeed didn't get started until Friday really [15:48]
diana_coman: lobbes: why? [15:48]
lobbes: diana_coman: I'm thinking on this why [15:49]
diana_coman: take your time. [15:49]
lobbes: I still just put it off I guess. Even though I budgeted the hour for each day I kept thinking 'ah well I'll have plenty of time Thursday in any case'. [15:51]
diana_coman: lobbes: even if you had "plenty of time Thursday in any case" (which predictably, you didn't), the trouble starts with the very framing there: it's not about whether you have "enough time later for this or that" but rather: what did you do actually useful with the time on Monday and Tuesday? [15:53]
lobbes: diana_coman: yeah, I can see this framing. I didn't really do anything useful with my time those days besides running an errand or two. I instead just did my usual wasting activities. [15:55]
lobbes: I find it harder to get started on things after saltmine days in general. Weekends are easier because I can just wake up refreshed and start working [15:56]
diana_coman: lobbes: myeah, that's the trouble with full-time saltmine esp if still screen-based really; it still eats up the day pretty much, regardless of "easy" or not. [15:57]
diana_coman: it's not even all that much after your effort really as after your time, basically keeping you... busy. [15:58]
lobbes: diana_coman: this is starting to become tangible now through this recent failure to meet my deadlines [15:58]
lobbes: because yeah, it IS rather easy work but still when I come home I feel 'burnt out' [15:59]
lobbes: and Fridays too, while I'm still tired I can at least say 'well I can sleep in tomorrow' i.e. I have control of my time [16:01]
whaack: lobbes: Why not do your writing before your saltmines work? Get paid while being burnt out [16:01]
lobbes: whaack: not a terrible idea, I suppose if I started waking up a few hours earlier this is feasible [16:02]
diana_coman: lobbes: well, I'm not going to find solutions for you there but note that 2 days out of every 7 is going to take a very long time indeed to get anywhere [16:02]
lobbes: diana_coman: understood. I'm going to need to remedy this in some way. [16:03]
diana_coman: lobbes: make clear to yourself your own priorities and then align your actions to those [16:03]
diana_coman: and yes, plenty of various ways to do it really but... only if you want (that hard want meaning) to do it. [16:04]
lobbes: diana_coman: this makes sense. Esp the making clear my own priorities. Then the various actions I could take are more readily identifiable [16:05]
lobbes: thank you [16:05]
diana_coman: you're welcome; and do speak up on it anytime if you're stuck/want feedback. [16:06]
lobbes: I will [16:07]
whaack: lobbes: waking up early is a good habit to pick up anyways [16:08]
diana_coman: heh, if he goes to sleep early too then; not even a bad idea at all for that matter. [16:08]
whaack: i used to be a night owl but my schedule was switched out of necessity for surfing [16:09]
diana_coman: lobbes: you know, if you are burnt out/tired then, logically speaking, go to sleep, what; no matter what the hour, if too tired to do anything useful, then go to sleep. [16:09]
lobbes: diana_coman / whaack it is true, I have a terrible habit of staying up / waking up late [16:10]
whaack: ^ how-to-not-snowball 101 :D [16:10]
diana_coman: lobbes: see, alternatively you move to CR, get into surfing and then apparently your schedule will switch by itself even, problem(s) solved! [16:11]
lobbes: bwhah [16:11]
lobbes: I'd be a horrid surfer I imagine; I can't even swim [16:12]
lobbes: I just.. sink [16:12]
diana_coman: even better, you'll learn to swim too! esp with those rip currents in CR, there can't be a better place to learn to swim ! [16:12]
lobbes: lol do-or-die eh? [16:13]
diana_coman: well, hard guarantees, yes? can't be much harder than that. [16:14]
diana_coman: but that aside, packing more than one problems into one solution is otherwise not a bad idea at all; just pick problems and solution wisely, that's all, lolz. [16:14]
lobbes: I like it. Efficient! [16:15]
whaack: well you can learn to surf without knowing how to swim, at the beginner spot here (where I took thimbronion) you can stay where it is only waist deep. [16:17]
lobbes: whaack: that does sound kind of fun [16:18]
diana_coman: lobbes: you know, quite a big part of that style jfw says is mine comes pretty much from... lacking time to beat around various bushes. [16:18]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-12 15:00:53 jfw: I did not mention disappointment like that, no. Perhaps as big of a headwind, then, and the only one that's in my control, is developing that diana_coman style cut-right-to-the-point say-what's-really-on-your-mind approach, which I indeed admire in her [16:18]
whaack: well you should learn to swim / handle rip currents anyways [16:18]
diana_coman: so yeah, efficient better than inefficient, sure! [16:18]
whaack: the one and only corpse i've ever seen was an older man who washed up in the surf in Playa Guillones [16:18]
diana_coman: whaack: ahaha, that is one way to encourage him! [16:19]
lobbes: lol that is a good sales pitch [16:19]
diana_coman: dorion: you around at all? [16:20]
whaack: (granted there were 3 meter waves that day, i learned he had a daily swim routine that he *really* stuck to) [16:20]
lobbes: now that's dedication [16:21]
lobbes: diana_coman: makes sense on the time thing. [16:22]
lobbes: diana_coman: I will bbl. I'll make sure to get review/plan out today. I also discovered that I have tomorrow off of work, so I'll have some extra space for mp-wp-bot prep spillover if need be [16:27]
dorion: diana_coman catching up now. [16:35]
BingoBoingo: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015376 << I suspect there's some profound cultural differences between your LATAM and my LATAM, but the crowds may not be the problem so much as you lack practice reading and navigating the crowds. [16:39]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 15:44:26 whaack: diana_coman: yup. i learned my lesson twice in a row about avoiding LATAM crowds (which can be extended to crowds in general) [16:39]
dorion: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015358 << they are helpful. this week I let my ego get tangled in losing the pics, which delayed my writing. I also didn't provision enough time in my plan last week to accomodate whaack, whose visit I very much enjoyed. as the logs indicate, I was working on the hawaii article friday night, rather than plan/review. [16:39]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 10:35:40 diana_coman: dorion: are those weekly plans & reviews more useful to you on Fridays in the end or on Sundays or not that useful at all or what? [16:39]
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: that's quite likely indeed that he's not that good at dealing with crowds at all; but I'd still say best read from some ...distance, lol. [16:41]
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: Right. [16:41]
whaack: BingoBoingo: during my time in Tamarindo I had a stroke of good luck with regards to not being robbed etc. and that luck ran out yesterday [16:42]
diana_coman: dorion: so how do you pick what you work on when you get some time? [16:43]
BingoBoingo: whaack: I also suspect losing the camera might be messing with your head a bit. You've got to mind how you present when you are out and about. If you move around like you've got something to lose, the local grab and run artists are going to read "target" out of that. [16:43]
diana_coman: whaack: not being robbed etc is not a matter of luck really [16:44]
diana_coman: what BingoBoingo says above ; but more to the point: pickpockets do not randomly choose targets (or they won't last long really) [16:45]
diana_coman: they are actually quite good at reading people for that matter. [16:45]
diana_coman: at least in the specific way they are interested in, of course. [16:46]
diana_coman: I guess uni time in Bucharest came at least with a side education on this, lolz. [16:46]
BingoBoingo: Down here its the same people getting robbed 6+ times a year. [16:46]
whaack: BingoBoingo: Yup I made a very specific and stupid error. I had my phone in my pants pocket and I moved it to my outside blazer pocket as I was in the thicket of a crowd. 1 min later i checked for it and it was gone [16:47]
diana_coman: ahaha, that's really more like a tax agreement than anything else [16:47]
dorion: diana_coman I am conscious of the plan, but clearly there's some gap between the thinking and doing. [16:47]
diana_coman: basically a less boring way of taxing [16:47]
diana_coman: dorion: well, overall if looking back at all of it really, on the bright side, you'll do one way or another those parts that are absolutely crucial; and otherwise for the rest, well.... [16:49]
dorion: diana_coman a friend gave me drucker's "the effective executive" yesterday, which I've started. one point it opened me up to is regularly re-evaluting priorities. [16:50]
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: It really seems like it. "Reparations Recovery" is how Lafond describes Baltimore's version. [16:50]
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the once nice film cameras didn't make their way to the feria because there is a robust used film camera market here. [16:51]
dorion: he says one can only effectively focus on one or two priorities at a time. once one has been completely, re-evaulate the priorities and plan. [16:51]
diana_coman: dorion: conscious of the plan I'm sure you are but the part that is not all that clear is how you deal with it esp when you are behind/it starts falling apart. [16:52]
BingoBoingo: whaack: That isn't necessarily an error on its own. You left out the failure to keep a hand in your pocket while taking some time to think about who the most stabbable people in the crowd are. [16:54]
dorion: diana_coman yeah, it's exactly clear to me either. there's definitely a stress response when I am getting behind. my understanding of brain function tells me the hypothalmus is more in control and the cortex less so, which thinking about it now is probably a reason I'm less conscious of that process. [16:56]
diana_coman: dorion: the flexible part is that re-evaluate and adjust if/when needed, yes; not sure what are you saying there though, that weekly re-evaluation is too coarse? [16:56]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 16:43:15 diana_coman: dorion_road: overall, the plan (and especially the initial plan) is really meant to be a roadmap, not a straightjacket (and I seriously think it would hinder rather than help you if you make it all that rigid); so plan it as a flexible thing to start with: a guide to make sure you don't waste time, but not something so fixed that it can't/shouldn't adapt to significant changes as they happen. [16:56]
dorion: not exactly clear* [16:56]
BingoBoingo: whaack: That though seems to be enough to get the facial muscles moving in a way that the kids start looking for the next, less present target. [16:57]
diana_coman: dorion: that's why I keep saying that the time to speak up about missing a deadline (and therefore to ADJUST the plan too!) is the day before the deadline, not the day of the deadline nor the one after nor "never", you know? [16:58]
diana_coman: no need to *get to the stress* even, wtf. [16:58]
whaack: BingoBoingo: ah that sounds like an enjoyable exercise. should i also imagine how i'd go about it once i have identified my targets? [16:59]
dorion: diana_coman thanks. I see more flexibility, balance and proactive communication going a long way. I'll start focusing on those. it occurs those are causes to work from. [17:00]
diana_coman: dorion: if/when it's already late, might even work better to at least not snowball it: adjust the expectations of everyone for the bit that is late and focus on the one(s) that can still be done on time unless the priorities really are reversed; but seriously, don't get so stressed about it all. [17:03]
dorion: diana_coman re the weekly planning cycle being too coarse. I don't think it is looking at it through the lens of the adaptable roadmap rather than straightjacket. [17:04]
dorion: diana_coman ok, I'll take that approach and also calm down. [17:05]
BingoBoingo: whaack: I'll try to dig you some jameslafond links for you. My first few days here I was walking around as though I were in the neighborhood surrounding my brother's house in Saint Louis. [17:05]
BingoBoingo: This was to the point I nearly shoulder checked a motorscooter shortly after landing. [17:05]
diana_coman: cool, so look at it through that lens then, do simply speak up (I haven't yet eaten anybody around here for speaking up, have I?) and it'll be fine. [17:06]
whaack: BingoBoingo: cool, thanks [17:06]
dorion: diana_coman no, you've not eaten anyone I'm aware of for speaking up :) [17:07]
BingoBoingo: whaack: It was a bit much to be honest, but having the right sort of alert scowl at the ready work here not that Montevideo isn't near as alien anymore. [17:08]
dorion: thanks diana_coman [17:11]
whaack: lol hold on - when you 'stepped aside and turned' you stepped _towards_ the scooter? [17:11]
whaack: related: i learned in my early CR days that girl needs to walk on your curb-side unless you want to open her up to the possibility of the drive by ass slap. [17:17]
dorion: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015395 - calls to mind robert kiyosaki's (rich dad, poor dad) "pay yourself first." [17:18]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 16:01:44 whaack: lobbes: Why not do your writing before your saltmines work? Get paid while being burnt out [17:18]
dorion: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015446 - like how bullies know/sense who to bully. [17:22]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 16:45:40 diana_coman: they are actually quite good at reading people for that matter. [17:22]
dorion: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015450 - inside pockets of blazer for things of more value. [17:23]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 16:47:08 whaack: BingoBoingo: Yup I made a very specific and stupid error. I had my phone in my pants pocket and I moved it to my outside blazer pocket as I was in the thicket of a crowd. 1 min later i checked for it and it was gone [17:23]
whaack: yup, everything moved to the inside pockets afterwards, of course. [17:24]
BingoBoingo: whaack: I left my line on the sidewalk into the source of the uncomfortably close exhaust not and conspiciously turned to look while plenting my boots. Smart? Probably not. Effective at deterring a potential grab and run? Yes. [17:25]
jfw: I also let myself get worked up / stressed yesterday from being again behind on my plan. And hesitated to speak up along the way because of... perhaps some shame at how slow things were going plus a vain hope that I'd somehow still get it all in. [17:31]
jfw: Specifically - I'm not getting my 5 hours of wallet dev, and while I caught up on the #o log from break and got assorted blog reading in, I've barely made a dent in a mountain of #t backlog [17:33]
diana_coman: jfw: was the writing of those articles that ate up your time otherwise or what specifically? [17:35]
jfw: dorion suggested prioritizing that by search for mentions. I suppose I've hesitated on that too because I worry I'd still miss too much context [17:35]
jfw: diana_coman: that was quite a bit of it, the bvt & fixpoint responses took a while too [17:36]
diana_coman: heh, as I was saying, he's fine at handling on time what's crucial/burning [17:37]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 16:49:02 diana_coman: dorion: well, overall if looking back at all of it really, on the bright side, you'll do one way or another those parts that are absolutely crucial; and otherwise for the rest, well.... [17:37]
diana_coman: jfw: so then re-adjust: next week plan at least a few days without article and with reading #t instead; anyway, does it take longer than the 1.5 hours/day? iirc there wasn't any really heavy log-day lately, was there? [17:39]
diana_coman: it occurs to me that I should possibly start eating people up for NOT speaking really. [17:39]
jfw: I've also started to wonder if I'm just a really slow reader. Adding up the log catchup time (including whatever background reading that pulls in) came to ~50 words per minute; then I did some conscious speed tests on simple material at ~200wpm [17:40]
diana_coman: the trouble with always handling only what's burning is that one is then basically firefighting; no wonder stressed up too, sure. [17:41]
jfw: one of the heavier days from #o was 2020-01-05 with the mp-wp patch review chat [17:41]
diana_coman: jfw: even better: write up summary of the day's log; so you get your reading + your writing :D [17:42]
diana_coman: talking of 2 problems in one solution [17:42]
jfw: yes I've allowed it to overflow 1.5h. Hmm, sounds good [17:42]
diana_coman: jfw: how fast/slow you read the logs is likely to depend on how deep you want to go into whatever is discussed + to what extent it is (or not) familiar to you. [17:43]
diana_coman: so to some extent you should be able to *adjust* the speed when/if needed; the logs like all other text can also be re-read [17:43]
diana_coman: so for catch-up situations, you can have a quicker read; then again, if after that you never get around to re-read any of it.. [17:44]
jfw: btw I quite enjoyed the testing thread [17:45]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-05 16:45:11 diana_coman: lobbes: do you know what black box and white box testing are? [17:45]
diana_coman: jfw: glad to know it! only boring stuff around here really, testing, going to sleep when tired, speaking up when needing to communicate, seriously, boring. [17:46]
jfw: if I never get around to re-read, then what? I won't recall well + am indicating I didn't find it worth the read? [17:47]
jfw: "don't jump in crowded bullpens or swim in 3m waves" [17:47]
diana_coman: jfw: then it's not much of an "adjust the speed" really; it's more of a "change your speed" [17:48]
diana_coman: jfw: precisely! [17:48]
diana_coman: I guess dorion goes for the scan, you go for the deep dive, on average it balances out all right over some cervezas or something, there's that possibility too. [17:49]
diana_coman: for that matter, never discussed any logs/trilema stuff at a Junto? [17:50]
whaack: ^ they do discuss logs/trilema stuff during Junto. a person there even knew me as "whaack" [17:52]
jfw: I've done some presentations on applied cryptography basics plus one on http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-economics/ + http://trilema.com/2014/the-forum-and-its-implementation/ [17:52]
diana_coman: whaack: eh, you are a celebrity-bird, that's why they knew you! [17:53]
whaack: lmao [17:53]
jfw: oh I also did an "Everyday Digital Hygiene" - meaning of entropy, generating passwords with dice, and the like [17:55]
diana_coman: jfw: getting back to http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-19-Jan-2020#1015507 - the point is that if you decide something is worth another read, then you should explicitly schedule and do it; anything other than that is just pretense really as it will never happen so best not pretended either; you decide either way at any time but just ...don't lie to yourself, it's not worth it. [17:56]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-19 17:44:14 diana_coman: so for catch-up situations, you can have a quicker read; then again, if after that you never get around to re-read any of it.. [17:56]
jfw: yep, and I don't think I'm easily fooled by myself anyway [18:00]
jfw: probably doesn't stop me from trying, lol [18:00]
diana_coman: jfw: you are not; but you are also quite good at talking yourself into anything you want if you really choose to; basically it cuts both ways since yeah, it's ...you with you, you know? [18:01]
diana_coman: but sure, if/when you do fool yourself, it'll be an intricate thing, not the easy stuff; lolz. [18:03]
jfw: haha. gotta talk myself into things wisely then [18:05]
diana_coman: sounds... wise! [18:05]
jfw: ...at which point I notice how diana_coman almost let me off the hook from daily writing then found a way not to [18:10]
jfw: probably for the best [18:10]
diana_coman: ahaha; delayed-notice! [18:11]
diana_coman: will be back tomorrow. [18:11]
jfw: cya diana_coman, pleasure chatting. [18:12]
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/20/wh-plan-for-week-15-jan-20th-jan-26th/ << Young Hands Club -- WH Plan For Week 15 (Jan 20th - Jan 26th) [21:17]
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/20/wh-review-of-week-14-jan-13th-jan-19th/ << Young Hands Club -- WH Review of Week 14 (Jan 13th - Jan 19th) [21:49]
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/20/ejb-review-week-4-jan-13-jan-19/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb review: week 4 (Jan 13 - Jan 19) [23:04]
feedbot: http://younghands.club/2020/01/20/ejb-plan-week-5-jan-20-jan-26/ << Young Hands Club -- ejb plan: week 5 (Jan 20 - Jan 26) [23:19]

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