Killing two birds with a stone here, I finally found the way to painlessly and easily produce blog articles out of code-writing, too, since writing of code is still writing after all and I really don't see any reason why those writing today's literature - also known as "coding" - should be content with being read merely by machines and not publish it on blogs, nor seek a human readership that might be - that is indeed *hoped to be* - more discerning and less easily satisfied, perhaps, but all the more rewarding to interact with! Getting to the point though, I have updated VaMP yet again, to make publishing of code for reference and discussion a natural and integral part of coding instead of some afterthought at best or horrible chore and hated imposition at worst. It took a couple of days and another dive into html and css but the effort has been worth it, seeing how the result is that the machine will do it all for me from now on, quite reliably and without any further probing, questioning or any trouble at all.
Building up concretely that desired support for collaboration between code writers, readers and publishers, VaMP produces from now on automatically and as an integral part of its use, the html file containing the full description of the codebase transformation that each applied patch stands for. This html description includes a clear marking of any created, deleted, moved or unchanged files as well as the full content of every changed file, with links provided for each line of code and html attributes that enable full control of the exact presentation form via a css file or similar.
The relevant added content of my css file to handle VaMP patches presentation currently uses alternating light yellow and beige backgrounds to visually separate consecutive lines from one another and color-codes text with gray for unchanged, blue for added, red with a line striking through the text for deleted. While there is scope quite on purpose for more fine-grained tuning of the presentation, I'd rather add any more detailed bits and parts only when and if needed, so for the time being I'm quite fine with keeping it as short and straightforward as possible1. Worth noting that the whole view even wraps correctly to screen size any longer lines, as any text viewer should do (and *not* requiring that the writer breaks the text at arbitrary places to force on anyone whatever screen width the writer enjoyed best). All of it is achieved simply with html and css and without any additional plugins or whatever else, since there really is no need for and no gain from any such added complexity.
Since a first attempt to publish the html of a patch revealed that my footnotes plugin is so eager to help that it will interpret as a footnote any repeated round brackets even in text enclosed within <pre> tags, I get to illustrate the shiny new html view of patches, most appropriately, through the latest and possibly smallest patch on VaMP itself - the addition of round brackets to the list of html-escaped characters in VaMP's shiny new html_io package:
2_1 |
-- DC, 2022 |
2_2 |
2_3 |
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; |
2_4 |
with Ada.Strings.Maps; use Ada.Strings.Maps; -- for the html chars |
2_5 |
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings; -- for Trim's Both |
2_6 |
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; -- for To_Lower |
2_7 |
with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories; |
2_8 |
2_9 |
with Raw_Types; use Raw_Types; -- String_To_Raw |
2_10 |
with Raw_IO; use Raw_IO; -- Write_Octets |
2_11 |
2_12 |
package body HTML_IO is |
2_13 |
-- packages from Raw_Types; |
2_14 |
use Octets_Buffer_Pkg; |
2_15 |
2_16 |
procedure Write_Class( class : in html_class; |
2_17 |
content: in String; |
2_18 |
fname : in String; |
2_19 |
append : in Boolean := True) is |
2_20 |
open_str: String := Html_Open(class); |
2_21 |
close_str: String := Html_Close(class); |
2_22 |
cls: String := """" & Trim(To_Lower(class'Image), Both) & """"; |
2_23 |
begin |
2_24 |
case class is |
2_25 |
when patch => |
2_26 |
-- content = filename of patch, assumed html-safe |
2_27 |
declare |
2_28 |
cstr: String := Html_Anchor(href_str => content, |
2_29 |
text_str => Simple_Name(content)); |
2_30 |
s: String := open_str & cstr & close_str & lf_str; |
2_31 |
o: Elem_Array := String_To_Raw(s); |
2_32 |
begin |
2_33 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, data => o, append => append); |
2_34 |
end; -- patch |
2_35 |
when line_no => |
2_36 |
-- content = number/code, as desired, assumed html-safe |
2_37 |
-- this opens a <tr> that is closed by the next line_* |
2_38 |
declare |
2_39 |
nstr: String := "L" & content; |
2_40 |
hstr: String := "#" & nstr; |
2_41 |
cstr: String := "<tr><td><pre>" & |
2_42 |
Html_Anchor(name_str => nstr, href_str => hstr, |
2_43 |
class_str => "line_no", |
2_44 |
text_str => content) & " </pre></td>"; |
2_45 |
o: Elem_Array := String_To_Raw(cstr); |
2_46 |
begin |
2_47 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, data => o, append => append); |
2_48 |
end; -- line_no |
2_49 |
when line_del | line_add | line_keep => |
2_50 |
-- content as relevant, will be html-escaped |
2_51 |
declare |
2_52 |
cstr: String := escape_html(content); |
2_53 |
s : String := "<td><pre class=" & cls & ">" & |
2_54 |
cstr & "</pre></td></tr>"; |
2_55 |
o : Elem_Array := String_To_Raw(s); |
2_56 |
begin |
2_57 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, data => o, append => append); |
2_58 |
end; -- line_del|add|keep |
2_59 |
when hunk_hdr => |
2_60 |
-- content as relevant, assumed html-safe |
2_61 |
declare |
2_62 |
s : String := "<tr><td colspan=""2""><pre class=" & cls & ">" & |
2_63 |
content & "</pre></td></tr>" & lf_str; |
2_64 |
o : Elem_Array := String_To_Raw(s); |
2_65 |
begin |
2_66 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, data => o, append => append); |
2_67 |
end; -- others than patch or line_no |
2_68 |
when others => |
2_69 |
-- content as relevant, assumed html-safe |
2_70 |
declare |
2_71 |
s : String := open_str & content & close_str & "<br>" & lf_str; |
2_72 |
o : Elem_Array := String_To_Raw(s); |
2_73 |
begin |
2_74 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, data => o, append => append); |
2_75 |
end; -- others than patch or line_no |
2_76 |
end case; |
2_77 |
end Write_Class; |
2_78 |
2_79 |
procedure Write_Tag( tagname: in String; |
2_80 |
opening: in Boolean; |
2_81 |
fname : in String; |
2_82 |
append : in Boolean := True) is |
2_83 |
begin |
2_84 |
if opening then |
2_85 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, append => append, |
2_86 |
data => String_To_Raw("<" & tagname & ">")); |
2_87 |
else |
2_88 |
Write_Octets(fname => fname, append => append, |
2_89 |
data => String_To_Raw("</" & tagname & ">")); |
2_90 |
end if; |
2_91 |
end Write_Tag; |
2_92 |
2_93 |
---------------own utilities and varia |
2_94 |
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ |
2_95 |
function escape_html(src: in String) |
2_96 |
return String is |
2_97 |
-- html characters to escape and correspondence function |
2_98 |
2_99 |
-- round brackets are escaped to avoid footnote interpretation |
2_100 |
html: constant Character_Set := To_Set("<'>""&()"); |
2_101 |
function To_Html(c: in Character) return String is |
2_102 |
begin |
2_103 |
if c = '<' then |
2_104 |
return "<"; |
2_105 |
elsif c = '>' then |
2_106 |
return ">"; |
2_107 |
elsif c = ''' then |
2_108 |
return "'"; |
2_109 |
elsif c = '"' then |
@@ -108,6 +109,10 @@ |
2_110 |
return """; |
2_111 |
elsif c = '&' then |
2_112 |
return "&"; |
2_113 |
elsif c = '(' then |
2_114 |
return "("; |
2_115 |
elsif c = ')' then |
2_116 |
return ")"; |
2_117 |
else |
2_118 |
return "" & c; |
2_119 |
end if; |
2_120 |
end To_Html; |
2_121 |
-- count for final max length of the string |
2_122 |
plus: Natural := Count(Source => src, Set => html); |
2_123 |
--lt,gt add only 3, amp 4 |
2_124 |
maxlen: constant Natural := src'Length + plus*5; |
2_125 |
result: String(1..maxlen); |
2_126 |
pos: Natural := result'First; |
2_127 |
idx, len: Natural; |
2_128 |
from: Natural := src'First; |
2_129 |
begin |
2_130 |
-- loop and copy from src |
2_131 |
while from <= src'Last loop |
2_132 |
idx := Index(Source => src(from..src'Last), Set => html); |
2_133 |
exit when idx = 0; -- nothing found |
2_134 |
-- write to res html sequence for src char and advance in src |
2_135 |
declare |
2_136 |
hs: String := To_Html(src(idx)); |
2_137 |
begin |
2_138 |
-- any characters before the one to escape |
2_139 |
len := idx - from; |
2_140 |
if len > 0 then |
2_141 |
result(pos..pos+len-1) := src(from..from+len-1); |
2_142 |
pos := pos + len; |
2_143 |
end if; |
2_144 |
-- escaped character |
2_145 |
len := hs'Length; |
2_146 |
result(pos..pos+len-1) := hs; |
2_147 |
pos := pos + len; |
2_148 |
end; |
2_149 |
-- advance in src |
2_150 |
from := idx + 1; |
2_151 |
end loop; |
2_152 |
-- copy any remaining content from src |
2_153 |
if from <= src'Last then |
2_154 |
len := src'Last - from + 1; |
2_155 |
result(pos..pos+len-1) := src(from..from+len-1); |
2_156 |
pos := pos + len; |
2_157 |
end if; |
2_158 |
return result(result'First..pos-1); |
2_159 |
end escape_html; |
2_160 |
2_161 |
function Html_Anchor( href_str: in String; |
2_162 |
text_str: in String) |
2_163 |
return String is |
2_164 |
begin |
2_165 |
return "<a href='" & href_str & "'>" & text_str & "</a>"; |
2_166 |
end Html_Anchor; |
2_167 |
2_168 |
function Html_Anchor( name_str: in String; |
2_169 |
href_str: in String; |
2_170 |
text_str: in String) |
2_171 |
return String is |
2_172 |
begin |
2_173 |
return "<a name='" & name_str & "' href='" & href_str & |
2_174 |
"'>" & text_str & "</a>"; |
2_175 |
end Html_Anchor; |
2_176 |
2_177 |
function Html_Anchor( name_str : in String; |
2_178 |
href_str : in String; |
2_179 |
class_str: in String; |
2_180 |
text_str : in String) |
2_181 |
return String is |
2_182 |
begin |
2_183 |
return "<a name='" & name_str & "' href='" & href_str & |
2_184 |
"' class='" & class_str & "'>" & text_str & "</a>"; |
2_185 |
end Html_Anchor; |
2_186 |
2_187 |
-- returns the html string that opens an html element of given class |
2_188 |
function Html_Open( class: in html_class ) |
2_189 |
return String is |
2_190 |
begin |
2_191 |
return "<span class='" & To_Lower(html_class'Image(class)) & "'>"; |
2_192 |
end Html_Open; |
2_193 |
2_194 |
-- returns the html string that closes an html element of given type |
2_195 |
function Html_Close( class: in html_class) |
2_196 |
return String is |
2_197 |
begin |
2_198 |
case class is |
2_199 |
when line_no => |
2_200 |
return ""; -- special case as line_no is <a> and closes itself |
2_201 |
when others => |
2_202 |
return "</span>"; |
2_203 |
end case; |
2_204 |
end Html_Close; |
2_205 |
2_206 |
end HTML_IO; |
If you think perhaps that the above is "too long" given the small actual change, note that the impact of even a small change is not something that the machine can really evaluate in any meaningful way. As a consequence, VaMP simply provides as much context as it finds to one change and that means the whole file that is affected. If anything, I count this as a plus, since it even adds some very healthy incentives: every change to existing code is quite expensive for readers and users as it requires a re-loading of a potentially wider context and having at the very least the whole file to re-read for any proposed change is a good reminder of this; all the better if this also pushes one to keep code files small and clear enough so that such publishing of a patch does not result in a huge thing that nobody bothers with; finally, this is likely to penalize (correctly) huge patches as well as messy codebases since then any change touches a lot of files and so the resulting html-view of the patch balloons to include possibly most of the code, each and every time - hopefully until the codebase is finally structured more sanely.
Obviously, the above incentives are only that - they can't force anyone to change anything and one can always simply avoid the trouble thus uncovered. For instance, one can always choose and publish only excerpts rather than the full thing, since VaMP does not force nor is it intended to force publication of anything - it simply facilitates and provides all the required support to make it very easy indeed for code writers to publish their *writing* as such, and for code readers or publishers to reference and discuss a proposed change. This is exactly as it should be, since on one hand there can be valid situations when partial publishing is the most that can be done without violating other constraints of the wider context and, on the other hand, there is no imposition on the user to publish or not publish anything, only an additional provision and a better alignment of incentives.
In short, this latest improvement of my versioning tool helps with publishing too and precisely in the best possible way: automating the useful but tedious part of the task and thus improving my efficiency significantly. Yet again.
For reference, here's how the relevant part of the css looks like, at the moment:
/* for html view of code patches */ .patch {background: Beige} .code_table { background-color: LightYellow; border: none; font: 1em 'Courier New', Courier, Fixed; } .code_table td { border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .code_table tr { border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .code_table tr:nth-child(even) {background: LightYellow} .code_table tr:nth-child(odd) {background: Beige} .code_table pre { word-wrap : break-word; /* IE 5.5+ */ white-space: pre-wrap; /* css 2.1 + */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* mozilla... */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* various Opera versions */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; padding: 0; margin: 0; tab-size: 2; -moz-tab-size: 2; /* mozilla is special... */ font: 1em 'Courier New', Courier, Fixed; } .code_table a { color: grey; text-decoration: none; } .dir_del, .file_del, .line_del { color: red; text-decoration: line-through; } .dir_move, .file_move { color: brown; text-decoration: none; } .dir_move, .dir_del, .dir_add { font-weight: bold; } .file_keep, .line_keep { color: grey; text-decoration: none; } .file_change { color: blue; text-decoration: none; } .dir_add, .file_add, .line_add { color: blue; text-decoration: none; }
Comments feed: RSS 2.0
Nice to see that "pre-wrap" trick got in. Any particular reason for forcing the font to Courier? (Since you're using "pre"s it should otherwise follow the user's preferred monospace font, as indeed the snippet in footnote 1 does.)
What does the "2_" prefix in the line numbering mean - second file of a set?
It's definitely nice to have the full-file-context change markup available at least in some view. I suppose using it as the default for publication finally provides some meaning to the file boundary and a reason for slicing the code-scroll into smaller files beyond merely "my editor/compiler/whatever tool sucks". At worst it's no more arbitrary than the magic three lines of context.
I don't see that the "@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@" headers are doing anything useful in this view though, as it's erased the chunk boundaries they once demarcated.
I think it came from avoiding difference in size and look of the font between labels (line numbers links) and the code-content. Other than this, I don't particularly crave monospace for code and so I didn't bother to flip it the other way around but it's certainly possible. The css really is something to tweak as practice informs is most useful, neither anything to do with VaMP nor something yet crystallised as such. Do you find that Courier annoying in the context or for code?
Yes, since the html is really the view of a whole patch, line numbers have to come with a file number too. In this case the first file was the manifest and I didn't publish that because there wasn't much point to it here but well spotted!
I was/am in two minds about whether to leave that in or not, indeed. My initial view on this was that one might want to further make those into links to the exact corresponding hunk as given in the patch file if that is published too but I can't say that I have a strong case for either "they must be left in there" or "they should NOT appear in there" so kind of left it for now to see how it turns out more useful in practice. Would you really rather not have them in there?
It was more just wondering why specify it at all or why specifically for code tables; but since you ask, I don't especially mind Courier but it's not my favorite; in particular it suffers from 1/l and O/0 ambiguity and has rather wide glyphs and light stroke weight compared to other screen fonts (perhaps that's just some artifact of my present setup but I think I've noticed it more generally).
Ah, I could see such links perhaps being helpful to have, whether from the hunk headers or something else, since the patch, as the complete thing being signed, is the more primary source. Even without explicit links, the numbers from the header could serve as search term. At the same time, they still look kind of odd to me, sitting three lines above the actual change while the context extends past those three. So, perhaps to be determined in time and in any case a minor point.
Thanks and good point re 1/l ambiguity so it's changed to Monospace. Updated the css for .code_table pre and added the font-family to use for td pre a, as well:
I can see the oddity of the hunk headers, more likely use will inform as to what is most useful there and it will get changed then quite easily.
I was taking a fresh look at this as an option for patch blogging; what do you think of using the "semantic" ins/del tags instead of (or in addition to) the custom element classes? (Not sure if there's any that'd fit the "changed file".) Seems to me it'd be nice to have some minimally legible output even before adding external CSS, where currently there's no way to distinguish added, deleted and unchanged lines and files. (My browser by default renders del with a strikethrough and ins with an underline.)
I would need to check that it doesn't interfere with the element classes when they are both present.
As you notice, there isn't a full set of such tags that one could use for the task and this is exactly why I didn't go with ins/del in the first place - because they don't solve the problem and then I'm still stuck adding more on top with the potential for the two to interfere and make an even bigger mess overall. I agree that it would be nice to have at least *some* legible output even before css but only if there is a way to make it without breaking when the css is present as well. I'll admit that html and especially the whole "semantic web" and presentation part is one of those things that I never gladly dig into.
If you want these two tags in and you already looked at how they interact with the css when both are present, either just add them and send over the diff or let me know and I'll look into it, I don't expect it would take much.
When both are present, for instance
<pre class="line_del"><del>blabla</del></pre>
then by browser defaults it shows for me in black with a strikethrough. It can still be styled at either the class or element level, as for instance
.line_del { color: red; }
.code_table del { color: red; }
however if browser defaults specific to the del element are to be changed, such as removing the strikethrough for whatever reason, it would have to use the second form. Or for maximum verbosity it would also work to put the line_del class on the del too.
Thanks for trying those out for me and coming back with it. Indeed, when adding the ins/del tags, with the current css it's both the browser's defaults and the class-level styling that gets applied but since in this particular case it means simply that the added lines end up in blue AND underlined, I can't say I mind it enough to change the css just for it and I'm fine with supporting the ins/del tags as well since you asked for them, not a problem.
I've added them to the latest VaMP and will deploy it shortly. To get the latest html for any patch, it's enough to simply apply the patch with the latest vamp.
[...] This time, due to the significance of the work and perhaps further animated by glimpses of a shiny new code-blogging tool and its rationale, I will again present the bulk of the changes directly for fine-grained elucidation. After all, if [...]
[...] enabled the development of very useful tools that pushed quite quickly for further developments and new connections that were simply not even visible before the successful regrind. This time though, the scope is [...]
[...] about 8 months later, on the 5th of May 2022 and then on the 12th of May 2022, there was the addition of a tidier alternative visualisation of patches and their dependencies, followed by the addition of html formatting and output production, bridging directly code and VaMP output to the blog [...]