A Summer's Summary and Next Steps in Eulora

September 5th, 2019 by Diana Coman

Coming back from any holidays, no matter how short, means that I spend initially a few days simply with the task of picking up again each and every bit of work that I put on hold while I was away. Note that I didn't say "dropped for the holidays" but rather specifically put on hold in a prepared manner so that picking it up again is not a horrendous chore but rather an opportunity to re-load the context with a fresher mind. And this makes it also a good moment to review the work done over the past months and state the next steps just as I usually do anyway for my own benefit before setting to do any work. The only difference this time is that I'm publishing here this whole summary of work done + work in line to be done next, so that anyone interested can follow along. Why wouldn't I publish it anyway?

May was spent on two main pieces of work:

  1. A working initial1 implementation (both on client and on server side) of the SMG protocol parts that are already clearly defined, namely network communication, account request/creation, serpent keys request & management, file request & transfer. This part meant Ada implementation of the protocol but also wrestling the legacy Eulora client into using the network communication structures of SMG Comms as encapsulated in the standalone Ada lib called EuCore. It also included some server-side work so that the end result is proper communication: the client can now ask for a new Eulora account and the server will reply according to SMG Comms; the client can also use its already established Serpent keys to communicate with the server and the server will reply accordingly. As required part of this work, a broad mapping of the client and its dependencies had to be done as well and basic docs for the client were published.
  2. The initial design of client logic for communicating with the server i.e. moving up on to how to use the messages that the protocol (and the implementation at point 1 above) makes available. This involved more reading, thinking, discussing and structuring than coding. The concrete result is a clear client strategy for knowledge acquisition and a very basic initial skeleton of its implementation. However, as the *structure* of the knowledge to be acquired was not yet defined or even fully clear, the next steps (see June below) had to focus on clarifying that, before the implementation can be pushed any further.

June started with fleshing out the hierarchy of data in Eulora as an initial draft capturing the relevant knowledge so far. This helped clearly identify the big areas that required further detailed investigation, most notably the graphics part where neither the required building blocks nor the specific client approach were yet known in enough detail to allow any meaningful attempt to extract a relevant data hierarchy. So the rest of June was spent on figuring out the graphics part: acquiring a better theoretical understanding through study of the reference book for computer graphics2 and at the same time acquiring also a very practical knowledge of how things are done by first mapping broadly (and then ripping apart) the existing approach as it found itself spread and scattered through the legacy client, several plugins of the same and the several plugins more of CrystalSpace (CS) + the code of external libraries (cal3d especially). By the end of the month, the better understanding of the whole graphics part and the practical experience with it resulted in a working initial example of loading some specific type of graphics object and a clear structure of the notions involved. This structure doubles as the map to follow for the next steps towards making the client able to load everything on demand.

July focused entirely on graphics in Eulora, figuring out one by one and implementing a prototype loader for each of the sections in the map written at the end of June:

  1. Loading a static (incapable of movement) object given through its list of vertices, normals at vertices, colours at vertices, texture mappings at vertices and triangles that make its faces. This includes already loading factories and textures.
  2. Loading the landscape aka loading the terrain given through its heightmap and material palette. This includes also loading lights, materials and shaders. The whole was pursued only to the extent that the terrain and materials were indeed loaded as specified by the heightmap + material palette but without fully aiming to solve other potential issues such as the "mirror" effect that is more related to lighting and - possibly - some material or shader properties.
  3. Loading a character made of several parts that can in principle change on the fly. This part was pursued for now only to the extent that the character is loaded and shown + answers the player's control but without fully going into the details of equip/dequip, actions and the full extent of changing bits and parts.

August was a bit split, with the holidays in the middle:

  1. At the beginning of the month, I continued the work on graphics but moved from the 3D issues to 2D, namely the user interface with all the different icons and images and various bits that are sometimes known as the "skin" of a client. This required a deep dive into yet another plugin of the legacy client, the widgeting PAWS.
  2. At the end of the month, I started working on writing down the 2nd draft version of the client data hierarchy integrating the results of all the work on graphics + all the pondering and figuring out done throughout the month + the further discussions and clarifications in the SMG boardroom on the desired working of Eulora's communication protocol. This is still in the works currently but I plan to publish it for discussion as soon as I've got down all that I have so far and certainly no later than the end of next week (ie no later than 15th of September).

The current plan for September and beyond is this:

  1. Write and publish for discussion/revision the deeply revised (re-written really) draft of client data hierarchy. Deadline is 15th of September.
  2. Pending feedback and discussions, possibly dive again for more details if needed and/or revise further the data hierarchy, if/as required. This is a crucial part for moving forwards but it's also one that once fixed will be very costly to change.
  3. Work on the implementation of the client and server-side pieces of the SMG protocol that are still missing, as soon as they are set/clarified. At the moment, they are listed broadly and in this order: client-side data storage (aka cache, of which currently there is only a skeleton, pending better understanding of what the data is going to be exactly), object request/reply, client actions, full client logic for knowledge acquisition and storage, full client loading/use of local data cache, client and server management of own keys.

  1. to be refined/reviewed as other parts such as key storage and bootstrapping become clear 

  2. Foley, J.D., van Dam, A., Feiner, S.K. and Hughes, J.F., "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice", 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley 

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5 Responses to “A Summer's Summary and Next Steps in Eulora”

  1. [...] replaces the previous draft and is based on the new knowledge of client entrails of all sorts as acquired during those past 2 months. It is however still a draft in that it uncovers some new [...]

  2. [...] of mine is almost over and I take stock of that part of it that consists mostly in a relentless cutting of various tangles, draining of swamps, making of interfaces and bringing back to life forgotten [...]

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