#eulora Logs for 25 May 2018

May 25th, 2018 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/05/24/a-tiny-stab-at-a-little-pricing-problem/#comment-1226 -> answered [06:48]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, danielpbarron ^ ; adding to that, it turns out time might be the killer but quite in the sense of making it even iffier to sell harvestables - atm fox is crafting faster than she mines so there clearly is no surplus [06:50]
diana_coman: I guess the only hope there comes from a set of determined noob miners to flood the market with cheaper harvestables [06:50]
diana_coman: in this vein, Foxy'll have to offer bundles I suppose so I'll look into that next [06:51]
diana_coman: uhm, one of my noobs picked up a table crafted by some christian guy [09:39]
diana_coman: trying again to build a remark with a 200q bundle so not even something crazy: client reports...41 days needed [09:53]
Mocky: diana_coman, just got a small claim bare handed [10:51]
Mocky: 41 days, wow [10:52]
diana_coman: sound like your char is getting better at it Mocky [10:52]
Mocky: seems that way [10:54]
diana_coman: Mocky, what gathering and building ranks did you get to if you don't mind saying it? [11:00]
Mocky: gather 27, build 35 [11:02]
diana_coman: hey, not that bad really [11:07]
diana_coman: are you getting higher quality stuff or still 1? [11:07]
Mocky: still all 1 [11:08]
diana_coman: prolly too low q bundles [11:13]
Mocky: yeah q11 bundles [11:23]
danielpbarron: diana_coman, that was my table [11:54]
Mocky: I'm taking off on 4 day hike of appalachian trail in virginia. be back next week [11:55]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, you in town? [12:44]
danielpbarron: yes [12:51]
diana_coman: gah, I just went behind the houses [12:52]
diana_coman: mind coming over? [12:52]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, ^ [12:52]
danielpbarron: ty [12:54]
diana_coman: trading it didn't quite work (it complained first that it was full and then it did not want to allow me to move the bct directly [12:54]
diana_coman: np [12:54]
blessedmagnus: Hello [15:48]
blessedmagnus: Did all the steps on the wiki, can someone activate my account? [15:48]
mircea_popescu: blessedmagnus, what account was it ? [16:26]
blessedmagnus: 1ED7AC4583C9D83A4131010171C0411BF2FC4672 [16:30]
mircea_popescu: http://wot.deedbot.org/1ED7AC4583C9D83A4131010171C0411BF2FC4672.asc << that dun exist. [16:31]
blessedmagnus: Ok, that was the string deedbot returned after i messaged it !!register <wotpaste of public key>, I just assumed it was what you were asking for [16:41]
mircea_popescu: oh, you mean, you want an account made ? [16:42]
mircea_popescu: blessedmagnus, did you play before and lost your pw ; or is this your first time and you need an account to play ? [16:42]
blessedmagnus: Yes [16:42]
mircea_popescu: right. one moment. [16:42]
blessedmagnus: No, I haven't played before [16:43]
mircea_popescu: blessedmagnus, http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Gijk8/?raw=true [16:54]
blessedmagnus: thanks [17:03]
mircea_popescu: my pleasure. [17:05]

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