#ossasepia Logs for 18 Mar 2020

April 21st, 2020 by Diana Coman
jfw: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-17-Mar-2020#1022184 - those darn prophecies: would I have finished it today if he hadn't said that? [03:23]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-17 04:48:43 dorion: maybe you will get that saturday review afterall jfw, lol. [03:23]
jfw: I was pretty distracted / unfocused today. But at least I get to bed before 2am. Small steps back toward a routine. [03:25]
jfw: spyked: I tried a "!1subscribe http://trilema.com/feed/" to feedbot now that's no longer delivered via #t; it responds "Please provide a valid feed URL". [03:27]
jfw: lobbes: in that log import project you ever get a hold of the pre-2016 ones (ie. #b-a) in a raw form? It's the kinda thing I'd like to have around and afaik phf never shared what MP had given him to seed btcbase. [03:32]
dorion: jfw I think you need a space between the 1 and s [03:50]
spyked: jfw, should be fixed (was a bug in feedparse), pl0x try again [04:14]
spyked: for some reason it didn't like "naked" tags (the trilema feed contains an empty "dc:creator" tag that it previously didn't?) so it croaked suddenly. ftr, I rewrote one of the feed parsing functions in a haste, so I'm not discounting the possibility of further bugs [04:18]
spyked: will reload this fully in head later, re-read and publish patch [04:19]
dorion: hey spyked, good to hear from you. [04:22]
spyked: hey dorion [05:03]
spyked: btw, in case feedbot PM seems too annoying: #spyked is still set to notify on all the feeds from #trilema, plus a few others; but I can also add them here (or elsewhere) if e.g. diana_coman finds it useful [05:04]
diana_coman: hi spyked , long time no see [05:06]
diana_coman: I still have #trilema feeds in PM; now that the log dump is finished I don't expect it will be any trouble as it is, really [05:07]
diana_coman: that being said, when I get around to do all updates, I'll see. [05:08]
spyked: hi diana_coman ; ok, lemme know when/if you need any updates to the #o rss [05:13]
diana_coman: thanks & will do. [05:23]
diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-18-Mar-2020#1022242 - lolz, blame it on cassandra nao? jfw, anyways, roll it now together into the one at the end of this week and just review both; only do it by Friday better and be done with it. [05:25]
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-18 03:23:08 jfw: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-17-Mar-2020#1022184 - those darn prophecies: would I have finished it today if he hadn't said that? [05:25]
diana_coman: waves [16:21]
dorion: hi diana_coman [16:22]
diana_coman: hi dorion, how's the draft coming along? [16:22]
dorion: still working the plan where we left off yesterday. [16:22]
diana_coman: take the time it takes. [16:23]
jfw: hi diana_coman. roger on rolling up the review, thanks. [16:24]
diana_coman: jfw: np; what are you working on this week anyway? [16:24]
dorion: I got distracted yesterday by a) family business (both parents work at hospital, virus panic kicked in yest) and b) and patching a relationship locally with a guy I had trouble with about 17 months ago or so. [16:27]
diana_coman: I see. [16:28]
jfw: Some more articles to write for the blog, overdue housekeeping in the vein of reading more of the V publications, deciding on a keccakized one, testing the keccakized trb tree, and time permitting, that 'gypsy key' and ledger genesis. Also we have another unix + management Saturday session on the calendar. [16:29]
jfw: Reviewing dorion's draft(s). [16:29]
dorion: diana_coman for the what we've done opening of the draft, I'm proceeding from university to present at a high level with links. i.e. what we've done as individuals prior to jwrd, leading into the feature offering of jwrd, i.e. the hardware + software + training package. [16:32]
diana_coman: dorion: iirc from yesterday there was the idea of having a clear statement of the problem you are solving there, so hopefully it fits in your outline above; other than that sure, go ahead and write it so that there's something to look at and talk about; there's not all that much to say just on an outline at that level. [16:35]
dorion: diana_coman right, what we've done, the problem and our solution, clients who have had success, and how to work with us. [16:44]
jfw: isn't the "what we've done" more about what we've done about the particular problem rather than our whole backstories? At least for the intro. [16:46]
dorion: that will certainly cut to the chase much faster. [16:57]
diana_coman: dorion: jfw is right above; you can still give a very brief background but usually that's a bit to the side ie a sort of short bio for each at the bottom or something [16:59]
dorion: very glad I asked. [16:59]
diana_coman: cool, getting to grips with those question-tools! [17:00]
diana_coman: will be back tomorrow [17:40]
jfw: spyked: thx for fixing, the subscribe worked now. [17:54]

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