#eulora Logs for 11 Jan 2018

January 11th, 2018 by Diana Coman
Birdman2: lobbes any thoughts on making an order bot alongside the auction bot [00:00]
diana_coman: Birdman2, what's an order bot? [04:39]
lobbesbot: Post from dianacoman: EuCrypt Chapter 5: C = M ^ e mod n <http://www.dianacoman.com/2018/01/11/eucrypt-chapter-5-c-m-e-mod-n/> [10:21]
Birdman2: ah nevermind i forgot people have shops, which would be the place to post orders [12:22]
Birdman2: stupid stupid [12:22]
diana_coman: well, in chan for sure [12:23]
mircea_popescu: Birdman2 if you wanna do something useful how about you implement that ancient spec of eulora bot shop ? [12:34]
Birdman2: no idea what you're talking about [12:49]
Birdman2: You need to register a key with deedbot and then ask mircea_popescu for an account [13:19]
mircea_popescu: a hey. one second! [13:21]
shinohai: yup [13:48]
danielpbarron: all these new players bringing down our outputs :< [13:58]
shinohai: D: [13:59]
danielpbarron: congrats! it's a girl! [13:59]
Birdman2: random name/gender? damn, should've made a cooler name [14:00]
Birdman: as you say it brings our input down i get like 6k q112 bb from a small [14:02]
knubie: really goto get onto that znc, btw thanks shinohai for the link :P [15:29]
shinohai: No problem, cheers! [15:29]
knubie: shinohai, how did you say i should be down grading? [15:34]
shinohai: Using update-alternatives, you need a link to a walkthrough? [15:34]
knubie: yerp, thanks.. [15:35]
shinohai: https://codeyarns.com/2015/02/26/how-to-switch-gcc-version-using-update-alternatives/ [15:35]
knubie: shinohai, same error.. :/ [15:49]
shinohai: knubie .... even after the switch? [15:50]
knubie: yeah [15:51]
shinohai: Show me output of gcc --version please [15:51]
shinohai: Paste to wotpaste [15:51]
knubie: gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu2) 4.8.5 [15:52]
knubie: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Gp9VR/?raw=true [15:52]
knubie: shinohai: and this is the errors http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5We2e/?raw=true [15:54]
shinohai: mkay lemme look at logs, this happened to someone on Ubuntu the other day [15:54]
diana_coman: atm you can even kill yourself and your character will just come back to life in a few minutes [15:54]
diana_coman: no requirement re how often one logs in but tbh I don't remember when was last time I logged...out, hm [15:55]
knubie: diana_coman: that addictive? [15:55]
diana_coman: knubie, more like that's what makes sense, i.e. to let it run and do the work [15:56]
diana_coman: np [15:57]
shinohai: knubie: PM [15:58]
knubie: yeah, i was just checking [15:58]
shinohai: Anyone here ever had this weird error? http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DjjTA/?raw=true [16:44]
diana_coman: shinohai, http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-12-28.log.html#t17:47:41 [16:47]
shinohai: bah kk [16:47]
shinohai: God I fucking hate Debian based things now. "Let's spend 5 hours fixing obscure errors that occur NOWHERE ELSE!" [16:54]
mircea_popescu: heh [16:58]
knubie: lol [18:00]
knubie: hides! [18:00]
knubie: shinohai, finally got it all back to original, now ill fix it up, what was the actual version you wanted? so i dont use the 4.8 [18:01]
shinohai: I'm using 4.9.4 without issue [18:02]
knubie: ty [18:05]
knubie: shinohai, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/g7l4D/?raw=true [18:10]
knubie: that look healthier? [18:10]
shinohai: Much better! [18:11]
knubie: seems to be running smoother now on make :P [18:12]
shinohai: Heh, this was likely culprit all along [18:13]
knubie: yeah [18:14]
knubie: :P [18:14]
knubie: it was using gcc4.8 but g++5 [18:15]
knubie: im on ftjam atm [18:15]
knubie: see what happens [18:15]
shinohai: Good luck, ping me if you need further help. [18:16]
knubie: shinohai, error on ./configure --with-cal3d=/home/ossa/dev/cal3d [18:35]
knubie: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/yKllN/?raw=true [18:35]
knubie: we had it before didint we? [18:35]
shinohai: lemme check [18:37]
shinohai: Yeah, did your step 6 complete without failure? [18:39]
knubie: yerp [18:39]
knubie: ignore this one? [18:39]
knubie: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ftFnn/?raw=true [18:40]
knubie: that's step 6 [18:40]

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