#eulora Logs for 14 Dec 2016

December 14th, 2016 by Diana Coman
EDLionX: sup peeps whats haps [09:14]
EDLionX: ping! [09:15]
EDLionX: daniel ping ping [09:15]
EDLionX: ping daniel ping [09:15]
danielpbarron: yo [09:16]
EDLionX: im just joking [09:16]
EDLionX: im not that silly [09:16]
danielpbarron: you didn't even ping me right [09:16]
EDLionX: ik :DDD [09:16]
danielpbarron: meet in town? [09:16]
EDLionX: i am in town [09:17]
EDLionX: just wait for me to go online [09:17]
EDLionX: heh [09:17]
EDLionX: hmmm [09:17]
EDLionX: i am IN [09:18]
danielpbarron: k [09:19]
danielpbarron: so this is from all 16 claims? [09:20]
EDLionX: yeah [09:20]
EDLionX: uhhh [09:20]
EDLionX: i get an average of 1.7k per claim [09:21]
EDLionX: maybe not average [09:21]
EDLionX: but i saw a lot of 1.7k results [09:21]
danielpbarron: !~calc ((9518 + 9965 + 8530 + 5118 + 52)*0.56 + 9518*0.5)/0.5 [09:23]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: ((9518 + 9965 + 8530 + 5118 + 52)*0.56 + 9518*0.5)/0.5 = 46682.96000000001 [09:23]
danielpbarron: !~calc (((9518 + 9965 + 8530 + 5118 + 52)*0.56 + 9518*0.5)/0.5)*0.15 [09:23]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: (((9518 + 9965 + 8530 + 5118 + 52)*0.56 + 9518*0.5)/0.5)*0.15 = 7002.444 [09:23]
danielpbarron: if i've done this right, 7k grass at quality 50 should be 15\% of this haul [09:24]
EDLionX: well just give me what you think is right m8 [09:24]
danielpbarron: so take back that, or accept trade and i'll do it [09:25]
danielpbarron: one of the stacks is a diff quality for some reason [09:25]
EDLionX: weird [09:25]
danielpbarron: the 9518 one, take 7003 from that [09:25]
EDLionX: after youre done calculating just tell me [09:26]
danielpbarron: accept [09:26]
EDLionX: heh? [09:27]
EDLionX: i thought youre givingh me coppers [09:27]
danielpbarron: i can do that, what do you want to sell the grass for? what's it usually go for? [09:27]
EDLionX: gee i dont know, usually mircea and foxy just calculate themselves and pay me what they think it is that im due [09:28]
danielpbarron: you want to just sell your grass to them? [09:29]
EDLionX: nah [09:29]
EDLionX: its fine [09:29]
EDLionX: ill just keep it [09:29]
EDLionX: and see if i could use it [09:29]
danielpbarron: you should sell it [09:29]
EDLionX: i should? [09:29]
EDLionX: alright [09:29]
EDLionX: ill sell it to you nah [09:29]
EDLionX: naaa [09:29]
EDLionX: buy them from me dannyboy [09:30]
danielpbarron: i think foxy or mircea can offer you a better price, or are you in a rush? [09:30]
danielpbarron: do you have the building skill? [09:31]
EDLionX: oh im not [09:31]
EDLionX: and i dont [09:31]
EDLionX: ill just wait for em [09:32]
mircea_popescu: sup ? [09:32]
mircea_popescu: im running torchlight via wine on TOP of eulora window. this poor box... [09:32]
EDLionX: using wine to open window games eh? [09:33]
EDLionX: nifty [09:33]
EDLionX: hey u wan sum grass [09:33]
mircea_popescu: sire [09:34]
EDLionX: 7003 of q50 normal grass [09:34]
mircea_popescu: how much ? [09:34]
mircea_popescu: oya [09:34]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 7003 * 60 * .5 * 1.5 [09:34]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 7003 * 60 * .5 * 1.5 = 315135 [09:34]
EDLionX: 10mn coppers thanks [09:34]
mircea_popescu: ^ [09:34]
mircea_popescu: 315k rather. [09:34]
EDLionX: d'oh [09:34]
EDLionX: oooo [09:34]
EDLionX: nice [09:34]
mircea_popescu: aite ima be in town to pick it up. [09:35]
EDLionX: okok [09:35]
EDLionX: waiting [09:35]
mircea_popescu: be like 2 mins [09:36]
EDLionX: k o k [09:36]
mircea_popescu: did you want to buy anything ? [09:37]
EDLionX: errr [09:37]
EDLionX: no [09:37]
mircea_popescu: aite. [09:37]
EDLionX: but what do you sell? [09:37]
EDLionX: magick? [09:37]
mircea_popescu: all sorts of things but i thought you may want miner stuff [09:37]
EDLionX: oh cool [09:37]
EDLionX: anything to help me with exploration [09:37]
mircea_popescu: well either tools or cft for digging up smalls [09:38]
EDLionX: tools are good [09:38]
EDLionX: the stone adze i have are broken [09:38]
EDLionX: since idk how long [09:38]
mircea_popescu: aite lemme see what i got. [09:38]
EDLionX: kewl [09:38]
mircea_popescu: trade EDLionX [09:42]
EDLionX: ooh [09:42]
EDLionX: sorry [09:42]
mircea_popescu: ok so i got adzes q 5.2k you can have for 10k each. [09:43]
mircea_popescu: how many do you want ? [09:43]
EDLionX: oh cool [09:43]
EDLionX: 10 [09:43]
EDLionX: i eman [09:43]
EDLionX: 5 [09:43]
shinohai: mircea_popescu: sell me 5 of those? [09:43]
EDLionX: ya i want 5 [09:43]
mircea_popescu: shinohai im in town [09:43]
mircea_popescu: oh. [09:44]
EDLionX: and cfgs [09:44]
EDLionX: that would be great [09:44]
EDLionX: how much dpo you sell that for [09:44]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 1.15 * 180 * 1.8 [09:44]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 1.15 * 180 * 1.8 = 372.59999999999997 [09:44]
mircea_popescu: 372.6 each. how many you eant ? [09:44]
EDLionX: hmmmm [09:45]
mircea_popescu: lol [09:45]
EDLionX: 50? [09:45]
mircea_popescu: aite. [09:45]
EDLionX: awesome [09:45]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 50 * 372.6 [09:45]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 50 * 372.6 = 18630 [09:46]
shinohai: kk ill trade with ya when EDLionX is finished [09:46]
EDLionX: 246505 outstanding amount [09:46]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 315135 - 50000 - 18630 [09:46]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 315135 - 50000 - 18630 = 246505 [09:46]
mircea_popescu: all i got EDLionX [09:47]
mircea_popescu: ill give ya moar cft [09:47]
EDLionX: oh its fine [09:47]
EDLionX: eh? [09:47]
mircea_popescu: there ya go. [09:47]
EDLionX: thanks mate [09:47]
mircea_popescu: rdy shinohai [09:47]
mircea_popescu: danke [09:48]
mircea_popescu: good luck to both o ya! [09:48]
shinohai: Gracias! :D [09:48]
EDLionX: danke [09:48]
EDLionX: oh i should say [09:48]
EDLionX: merci [09:48]
mircea_popescu: anything else before i go back mining ? [09:48]
shinohai: is having Eulora dt's hasn't been able to play for a few days [09:48]
EDLionX: all good for now [09:48]
mircea_popescu: i see you following me! [09:49]
EDLionX: nothing of that sort [09:49]
mircea_popescu: lol [09:49]
EDLionX: oh! [10:00]
EDLionX: guys i got my first claim! [10:00]
shinohai: \o/ [10:00]
EDLionX: 331 q20 grass [10:02]
EDLionX: thats something [10:02]
danielpbarron: congrats! [10:02]
EDLionX: xie xie [10:04]
mircea_popescu: wd! [10:20]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 331 * 60 * .2 * 1.5 [10:20]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 331 * 60 * .2 * 1.5 = 5958 [10:20]
mircea_popescu: 6k not terribru [10:20]
EDLionX: yay [10:42]
EDLionX: !~eu.town [11:02]
jhvh1: Town is located @ 176, 56, 161 [11:02]
EDLionX: keep forgetting towns coords [11:02]
usman: hello everyone [11:31]
EDLionX: oh hey usman [11:39]
EDLionX: how ya doing [11:39]
usman: hi sir [11:39]
usman: just playing game [11:39]
EDLionX: o k a y [11:39]
EDLionX: do you need any help [11:40]
danielpbarron: EDLionX, i use 175 0 155 [11:41]
usman: i have collected somethings [11:41]
EDLionX: cool [11:41]
usman: now how to use them ? [11:41]
EDLionX: is that coords daniel? [11:41]
danielpbarron: EDLionX, yeah for town [11:42]
EDLionX: what did you get [11:42]
usman: coarse frangible thread [11:42]
usman: little bit o nothing [11:43]
EDLionX: oh dang [11:43]
EDLionX: i need those stuff [11:43]
usman: cruddy hoe [11:43]
EDLionX: i broke all my stone adzes tooo damn [11:43]
usman: and tiny claim key [11:43]
EDLionX: where did you get all those stuff o.o [11:43]
danielpbarron: you can get all the free keys you want [11:44]
EDLionX: from you isnt it? [11:44]
danielpbarron: just follow around someone who's exploring with the bot, the keys will be in the claims [11:44]
usman: i traded from someone [11:44]
EDLionX: ah right [11:44]
usman: and one thing from the ground [11:44]
danielpbarron: and in my case, i've been leaving most tinies and smalls unbuilt, so you could even build the claim if you had ennumerations [11:44]
EDLionX: but you cant do anything without the scroll in mind [11:45]
EDLionX: aye [11:45]
danielpbarron: i have the ennumerations [11:45]
danielpbarron: you can buy them [11:45]
EDLionX: hmmmm id rather mine them for now [11:45]
EDLionX: also theres this question [11:45]
EDLionX: each time i explore it says that i get some points of exp in gathering [11:46]
EDLionX: but when i check my skill book it doesnt really state that there is an exp increase [11:46]
danielpbarron: !~calc 180*1.5*7 [11:46]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 180*1.5*7 = 1890 [11:46]
danielpbarron: or um, what quality thread did you use in that small you got earlier? [11:47]
mircea_popescu: hey hey [11:47]
EDLionX: 134? [11:47]
EDLionX: hey hey hey [11:47]
danielpbarron: !~calc 180*1.5*7*1.34 [11:47]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 180*1.5*7*1.34 = 2532.6000000000004 [11:47]
danielpbarron: looks like there's some room in there to profit from buying my ennumerations and building my left-over small claims [11:48]
EDLionX: i guess there is [11:48]
mircea_popescu: if he used mine it was 115 [11:49]
EDLionX: ill buy them when i feel like it [11:49]
EDLionX: annddddd it's 1 am [11:50]
EDLionX: gotta hit the hay folks [11:50]
mircea_popescu: lol. gnit! [11:50]
danielpbarron: EDLionX, goodnight, thanks for building my claims [11:50]
EDLionX: see ya when i see ya [11:50]
EDLionX: npnpnpnpnpnpnpnp [11:50]
usman: good night everyone [12:09]
mircea_popescu: laters [12:11]

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