diana_coman: | bwahaha Foxy found "Finest Homunculus" | [08:49] |
diana_coman: | at 155k the piece, quite a good use of 1 cs + 7 threads though | [08:49] |
shinohai: | O.o | [08:52] |
shinohai: | Meanwhile, the geniuses at reddit ponder making a day botting faucets: http://archive.is/fzwYE | [08:53] |
lobbesbot: | Title: Does botting Bitcoin faucets work? : BitcoinBeginners (at archive.is) | [08:53] |
diana_coman: | ahahahahahah | [09:02] |
diana_coman: | gotta love the "total money invested" terminology there too | [09:03] |
shinohai: | I guarantee I could find 2 in my laundry room in loose change right now. | [09:06] |
diana_coman: | I suspect those "investors" would not be able to find 2 even in *your* laundry room, let alone in their own, hence the idea of botting faucets | [09:08] |
shinohai: | I understand that obtaining bitcoin is difficult in the US, but for the effort you will eventually find a willing purveyor for cash. | [09:12] |
shinohai: | though they are few and far between in my case. | [09:12] |
mircea_popescu: | ahahaha nice diana_coman | [09:48] |
mircea_popescu: | who would have believed after TWO YEARS almost people are still finding new items | [09:49] |
diana_coman: | judging by electron's list there surely still are unfound items in fact | [09:49] |
mircea_popescu: | :p | [09:49] |
diana_coman: | but at least I can make stinkbomb now! | [09:49] |
diana_coman: | ahaha the moment when I search in my own cookbook and NOT find the homunculus; lol! | [09:50] |
mircea_popescu: | :p | [09:51] |
shinohai: | read that as Spanish for "Homosexual assholes" before he had 2nd cup off coffee. | [09:51] |
diana_coman: | by the looks of the one I have it's actually not that expensive: about 23k at 100q (just that the one I have is 673q | [09:52] |
diana_coman: | the bubble is way more valuable | [09:52] |
diana_coman: | weird I did not find it earlier then but I guess it must be in really small/few locations or something | [09:53] |
mircea_popescu: | in other news, set the bot to do 10k slag and go to bed, come back find 1.5k slag.... | [09:54] |
mircea_popescu: | apparently i'll be here a week. | [09:54] |
diana_coman: | well, slag takes some time, yeah | [09:55] |
diana_coman: | or did it get jammed? | [09:55] |
mircea_popescu: | nop | [09:55] |
mircea_popescu: | shinohai th3nolo guy was pretty quick yest, did a coupla ords for me. | [10:36] |
shinohai: | wow O.o | [10:37] |
shinohai: | I just got disconnected :( | [10:37] |
shinohai: | bwahahaha eulora AND irc disconnects | [10:40] |
shinohai: | heh found my first Better Bitterbeans | [17:10] |
mircea_popescu: | wd! | [17:49] |
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