#eulora Logs for 06 Apr 2016

April 6th, 2016 by Diana Coman
alikim: so the higher the q of the bit the less stuff you extract? [00:03]
Birdman: well you pretty much always get one out of tiny claims [00:04]
Birdman: higher the bit higher the quality [00:04]
Birdman: you see the increase in value in quality [00:04]
alikim: yes but if I use higher q bit I get less amount of whatever I extract (of higher q) [00:06]
alikim: I can extract a 100 of something q1 or say 20 of q5 [00:07]
Birdman: tiny claims only give out one resource though [00:08]
Birdman: im pretty certain at least [00:09]
Birdman: ive only ever gotten one [00:09]
alikim: yes one type of resource [00:09]
Birdman: im saying one resource period [00:10]
Birdman: tiny claim = 1 resource [00:10]
Birdman: all claims only give one type of resource, at least right now [00:11]
alikim: what do you mean by resource? [00:11]
Birdman: output, w/e [00:12]
alikim: the amount of w/e is not one, it can be 56 or 93 [00:12]
Birdman: you've gotten 93 amounts of w/e out of a tiny claim?! [00:13]
alikim: of q1 yes every time [00:13]
Birdman: well thats news to me buddy [00:15]
alikim: what I'm saying is that if I use higher q bit the amount drops [00:15]
Birdman: bottom line is with higher q bits you can expect, obviusly, more value [00:15]
Birdman: however it manifests i couldnt tell ya [00:15]
alikim: well I need to test it more but no, you don't get more value from higher q bits [00:16]
alikim: because the amount drops a lot [00:16]
Birdman: yeah but a q 2 resource is worth 2x a q1 resource [00:17]
alikim: for low q yes, but if you get twice less q5 than q4 then no [00:17]
Birdman: right but i suspect that isnt the case [00:18]
danielpbarron: you do get more value, just not necessarily more profit [00:18]
Birdman: also idk how the game calculates value [00:18]
Birdman: exp is in there somewhere, higher q stuff gives more exp [00:18]
danielpbarron: alikim> I can extract a 100 of something q1 or say 20 of q5 << how is this less value? [00:19]
danielpbarron: that's an exact proportion [00:19]
danielpbarron: 20 * 5 = 100 [00:19]
danielpbarron: something quality 5 is worth 5 times the same thing at quality 1 [00:20]
danielpbarron: if we're talking electron prices [00:21]
alikim: what if it's not 100 and 20 [00:21]
danielpbarron: then it's whatever else [00:21]
alikim: you chose the exact numbers [00:21]
alikim: what if it's q4 100 and q5 50? [00:22]
Birdman: find out [00:22]
alikim: q1 is 1 it's always proportional to w/e [00:23]
alikim: I will but so far it's twice less q5 then q4 as I said [00:23]
Birdman: from what q bit to what [00:23]
alikim: about 100 ish to 200ish [00:24]
Birdman: oh, duh [00:25]
Birdman: these resources aren't the same base value as the bits [00:25]
Birdman: so you should see things like that happen obviously, and you're probably generating more value [00:26]
Birdman: your bit base value cost went up 11, 1 quality point in whatever you're gathering could be upwards of 10 or more ecu [00:26]
Birdman: and you only use one bit ya know [00:27]
danielpbarron: alikim, http://www.eulorum.org/User_talk:Danielpbarron << here's my personally compiled list of item base values [00:28]
lobbesbot: Title: User talk:Danielpbarron - Eulorum (at www.eulorum.org) [00:28]
alikim: well SB foe example is 58 so one q level gives you ~0.5 bit base value per q is 11 [00:31]
alikim: so 11 vs 0.5 [00:31]
alikim: anyway I gtg be beack later [00:32]
Birdman: yeah but you're getting a .5 or w/e increase over x amount of sb you get, just for the extra 11 ecu in bit quality [00:34]
Birdman: you arent paying 11 per standard branch you find [00:34]
danielpbarron: not paying 11 for a bit either [00:36]
danielpbarron: i find it hard to believe there's any profit to be had in a noob building tinies [00:37]
Birdman: well we're talking stricly base value inputs and outputs [00:37]
danielpbarron: it's probably a strictly "do it to rank up" kinda thing [00:37]
danielpbarron: and seeing as how alikim doesn't have building skill, it's probably a total waste [00:37]
Birdman: yeah [00:37]
Birdman: well [00:37]
danielpbarron: a gracious donation to shareholders [00:37]
Birdman: barehanded >> keys >> bits >> claims [00:38]
danielpbarron: ah, that's not a waste then [00:38]
danielpbarron: except his own time [00:38]
Birdman: yeah [00:38]
Birdman: electricity maybe [00:38]
alikim: I compiled the game client and after I run it, it opens the window with initial graphics in it and the progress bar at the bottom and then the client crashes, these are the details http://dpaste.com/11N4ZCX, can anyone please shed light on this? [03:32]
alikim: error.log is empty, no warnings or errors before it crashes [03:42]
diana_coman: never seen that before, maybe jurov has some idea [04:08]
danielpbarron: alikim, if you're going to go to the trouble of learning how to compile it for the purpose of writing your own modifications, wouldn't it be worth the extra effort to move off of winbl0ws to a sane development environment? [08:21]
mircea_popescu: so 17k cr q 231 from remark. [10:26]
mircea_popescu: 17 * 73 * 2.31 = 2866.71 [10:39]
mircea_popescu: and i put almost 5mn worth of bundle in, not to count whatever the enum/stick were worth... 1mn+ fo sho [10:40]
Birdman: lol [11:07]
Birdman: thats pretty rough [11:07]
mircea_popescu: yeah 50\% ;/ [11:11]
alikim: daniel: windows is just fine [13:23]
alikim: mircea: can you trade me? [13:25]
danielpbarron: l0l [13:27]
alikim: as I understand you are a militant linuxoid? [13:29]
jurov: alikim: we wenth through windoes sh*i with DicePower, find it in the logs, i'm not going to do it again [13:29]
danielpbarron: "living with wooden stumps for arms and legs is fine" not only that, wood that you can only use under license or alternatively through piracy [13:29]
jurov: lol cnat even speal it [13:30]
alikim: I am by all means got going to argue windows vs w/e, done with all that years ans years ago [13:30]
danielpbarron: there is no argument to make in favor of winbl0ws beyond the obvious "it's what i've come to expect, and I'm too lazy to change." [13:31]
alikim: just curious [13:31]
alikim: daniel: nah, not taking that bite sry [13:31]
alikim: I can tell you what I like most about windows though [13:32]
alikim: people who use windows don't run around trying to turn others in [13:33]
danielpbarron: yes they do. [13:33]
alikim: well, be better than that ;) [13:34]
danielpbarron: observe a thread about someone inquiring about how to move away from winbl0ws and see the hostages defend their captor. "oh you should dual boot to minimize the pain!!11" [13:34]
danielpbarron: "oh but then you can't play gamez!" [13:34]
danielpbarron: don't confuse me with the type of linux zealot that wants the whole world to come over to my side, even at the expense of my own santity, like those behind nigbuntu and other luser-phriendly distros [13:36]
danielpbarron: i don't think linux is that great either, but at least my gentoo linux can be configured to exclude the worst bastardizations [13:37]
mircea_popescu: sure alikim hit me [13:47]
mircea_popescu: dude firefox is fucking useless. [13:47]
Birdman: heh thats my argument, cant play games [13:48]
Birdman: without windows [13:48]
danielpbarron: anything that you can't do without winbl0ws is NOT WORTH DOING [13:49]
Birdman: alright comrade calm down [13:53]
Birdman: there's value in entertainment [13:53]
alikim: will items with diff qmix in my inventory ? [13:57]
mircea_popescu: yes. [13:57]
alikim: so I trade one q at a time then? [13:57]
mircea_popescu: nah just mix them [13:58]
alikim: will it be the same value? [13:58]
alikim: money wise [13:59]
mircea_popescu: you can check this yourself! [13:59]
alikim: I'm under alot of stress right now, can't think clearly [14:01]
alikim: trade me? [14:02]
mircea_popescu: you'll have to trad me [14:03]
mircea_popescu: ah, actually, get me A LOT of that leather, that's good. [14:04]
Birdman: whatcha payin for leather? [14:04]
mircea_popescu: ((13 * 197 + 15 * 152) * 1.15 + (36 * 59 + 861 * 58) * 1.3 )* 0.04 = 2929.91 [14:05]
mircea_popescu: Birdman 130\% [14:05]
mircea_popescu: also fuck, i did teh math wrong lol [14:06]
Birdman: i probably have ~ 6k leathers varying qualities if you're interested [14:06]
mircea_popescu: ((13 * 197 + 15 * 152) * 1.3 + (46 * 59 + 861 * 58) * 1.15 )* 0.04 = 2673.724 [14:06]
alikim: 3300? [14:06]
mircea_popescu: alikim hm ? [14:06]
mircea_popescu: Birdman very much so. [14:06]
Birdman: ill start the bitch of a process of takin it out [14:07]
mircea_popescu: ding me when done. [14:07]
alikim: I did the math for items separately it was 3300, now when they are mixed it's 2700? [14:07]
mircea_popescu: gotta show teh math you did ? [14:08]
alikim: yeah I need to find it [14:08]
alikim: it's in libre office spreadsheet, can make a screenshot of it [14:10]
alikim: http://i.imgur.com/aVxzdRo.jpg [14:13]
Birdman: mircea_popescu: 2166 q77; 3732 q49; 569 q130; 170 q30 [14:18]
mircea_popescu: srsly screenshot of spreadsheets ? O.o [14:19]
mircea_popescu: Birdman (2166 * .77 + 3732 * .49 + 569 * 1.3) * 152 * 1.3 = 837073.12 [14:20]
alikim: you want the spreadsheet itself? [14:20]
mircea_popescu: alikim ideally, make it a sexpr line like i did above. [14:20]
Birdman: i got 847'150 [14:20]
mircea_popescu: how ?! [14:21]
alikim: ok next time I will [14:21]
Birdman: probs cause you're missing the 170 q30 [14:21]
mircea_popescu: oh soz. [14:21]
mircea_popescu: aite, 850k, hit me. [14:22]
Birdman: kk, they're in the table [14:22]
mircea_popescu: Birdman don e [14:22]
Birdman: thanks [14:23]
mircea_popescu: nono, ty! [14:23]
Birdman: i've got troves of beans too so keep that in mind [14:23]
mircea_popescu: how about snails ? [14:25]
Birdman: nothing noteworthy, just groceries really [14:26]
Birdman: really just beans [14:26]
Birdman: lots of beans [14:27]
mircea_popescu: i got a large chunk of those myself. [14:27]
mircea_popescu: both low and high q, courtesy of diana_coman [14:27]
Birdman: i get a decent hit rate barehanded and they're worth quite a bit so thats why i focus on em [14:27]
Birdman: most bang for my bit [14:27]
mircea_popescu: ah makes sense [14:28]
alikim: mircea: the branches you got should be q5 not 4 (1 * 184 + 3 * 185 + 5 * 184 + 9 * 308) / (184 + 185 + 184 + 308) = 5.146 [14:46]
mircea_popescu: oddly they are 4 tho. [14:47]
mircea_popescu: i suppose the order of mixing fucked it up huh. [14:47]
alikim: not gonna mix anythine ever again [14:48]
alikim: wtf [14:48]
mircea_popescu: cdb tho, wtf am i gonna do, keep stacks of every quality ? [14:48]
danielpbarron: here's what i do: put all the different qualities in a craft table, then click 'move all to inventory and stack' [14:49]
mircea_popescu: ^ [14:49]
alikim: you can buy them from me as they are, so I don't lose 25\% of my money and then you can mix them up if you like :) [14:49]
mircea_popescu: alternatively, you could also calc the mixes so they come close to ints [14:49]
mircea_popescu: i sometimes bother with this for high value stacks [14:49]
mircea_popescu: alikim mkay, but then ima only buy stacks of 1k items or more! [14:50]
alikim: also, when you mix them up the q gets rounded down so you lose even more money [14:50]
mircea_popescu: that is the thing. [14:51]
diana_coman: alikim, it's a floored function, so q4 + q5 will give you q4 [14:51]
mircea_popescu: that's why it came to 4 not 5, you mixed some things in there. [14:51]
diana_coman: but q4 + q6 gives you q5 and you don't lose anything [14:51]
alikim: ok I'll sell you 1k stacks [14:51]
mircea_popescu: generally speaking : you can't do anything about consecutive quality stacks. [14:52]
alikim: then this is not the right formula for mixing (1 * 184 + 3 * 185 + 5 * 184 + 9 * 308) / (184 + 185 + 184 + 308) = 5.146, rounded down should be 5 [14:52]
diana_coman: did you mix some of the intermediate stacks as it were? [14:52]
mircea_popescu: well yes he did [14:53]
mircea_popescu: alikim you mixed in pairs not alltogether. [14:53]
diana_coman: so then apply the formula to each mixing [14:53]
alikim: I'm not gonna mix a single resource ever again [14:54]
alikim: I lost 600 copper out of 3000 [14:54]
danielpbarron: you can probably get away with not mixing [14:55]
alikim: can I buy some bits? [14:55]
mircea_popescu: alikim alright, how many didja want ? [14:56]
alikim: 1000000000000 but I can only buy 15 [14:57]
mircea_popescu: lol. aite, lemme get 'em out. [14:58]
alikim: birdman: can I buy 2 q331 pls? [14:59]
mircea_popescu: trade me. [14:59]
Birdman: alikim 400ea? [14:59]
alikim: yes [15:00]
danielpbarron: alikim, are you actually making money this way? [15:00]
mircea_popescu: enjoy [15:00]
alikim: mircea: thanks [15:00]
mircea_popescu: i dun even think 1 trn lbn exist in the game lol :D [15:00]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron well he has more today than yest, so he must be ? [15:00]
mircea_popescu: gotta say i'm pretty impressed, first bootstrapped eulora player. almost all the way up to a whole aureus coin. [15:01]
alikim: I'm not making money I need bits for testing [15:01]
alikim: money come from key bits mostly [15:01]
mircea_popescu: ah [15:01]
danielpbarron: that makes sense, 'cause i'm pretty sure you're paying way too much for bits [15:02]
mircea_popescu: one thing you might consider doing is - see what's the lowest q lbn that STILL gives you q 2 or w/e mining, and then use the high q bits to raise your low q bits [15:02]
danielpbarron: not that the bits aren't worth that much to others [15:02]
Birdman: type /pilot 72 0 -33 and come to me, how many do you want? [15:02]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron quite obviously turning high q lbn into <10 q commons is a loser. [15:02]
danielpbarron: but you are wasting the benefit of high quailty bits by not having building to rank up [15:02]
alikim: birdman maybe 3 [15:03]
Birdman: just 3? [15:03]
Birdman: dont bother [15:03]
mircea_popescu: aww! [15:03]
Birdman: save 3 keys [15:03]
danielpbarron: heh finally! I was wondering why you guys are doing trades for amounts we typically round off [15:03]
mircea_popescu: he wants the high q lol. [15:03]
mircea_popescu: i do it because he's new. what's he to do. [15:03]
alikim: birdman: I need those for testing [15:03]
danielpbarron: work for me [15:04]
Birdman: eta? [15:04]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron for the lulz, his whole trade was actually what i rounded off trading some wpl with Birdman :) [15:04]
mircea_popescu: but hey, again, what's he to do. [15:04]
danielpbarron: i said already: work for me! [15:05]
Birdman: alikim come to those coords im there w/ bits [15:05]
alikim: yeah I crashed coming [15:06]
mircea_popescu: does the client crash ? [15:06]
Birdman: take them for free alikim [15:07]
alikim: nah I'll pay [15:08]
danielpbarron: the time it takes to pay is worth more than what you are paying.. [15:08]
alikim: shit [15:08]
Birdman: mixed? [15:08]
alikim: soryy I need to unload mircea ones first [15:08]
danielpbarron: drop table, put in table [15:09]
danielpbarron: they stay separate when put in a dropped table; then you can pick the table back up and they stay separate [15:09]
alikim: thanks birdman! [15:11]
Birdman: np man [15:11]
mircea_popescu: speaking of bitbet auction in #trilema, time to do another s.mg auction ? what's teh playerbase think ? [15:14]
alikim: I've been given a lot of advice today and lost money every time following it, including the table, not even gonna try it, can't afford to lose more money, I stashed that table in the robot [15:14]
mircea_popescu: aw! [15:14]
alikim: it screwed me up today twice [15:14]
danielpbarron: well you need to learn to use it correctly [15:14]
danielpbarron: table is key when it comes to keeping qualities separate [15:15]
alikim: this auto mixing is a horrible thing, there must be a button for it if you want to mix [15:15]
danielpbarron: actually i agree [15:15]
alikim: ..or you are carrying very high q bits, you get dced, you relog and your key decays into low q bit and they mix [15:16]
danielpbarron: no.. things already in separate spots in your inventory won't just merge [15:16]
danielpbarron: although it's not often you can get two of the same item at different qualities in your inventory [15:16]
alikim: is it the client that initiates mixing or the server [15:16]
alikim: ? [15:17]
danielpbarron: it's the act of ~moving to~ inventory that mixes [15:17]
danielpbarron: so.. server? [15:17]
danielpbarron: a key is ~already in~ inventory, so doesn't mix with other bits [15:17]
danielpbarron: but if a key decays into a bit, and then you accept a trade for a bit, they will mix [15:17]
danielpbarron: because the traded bit is now entering the inventory [15:18]
alikim: so you mive something to your inv, the client sends msg to the server, the server mixes and send new q back? [15:18]
danielpbarron: well your client doesn't get to just define what's in you inventory.. so yeah i guess [15:19]
alikim: or do I have a chance to stop initiating mixing on the client side? [15:19]
alikim: ok [15:20]
danielpbarron: i'm not sure to be honest [15:20]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron> so.. server? << nah, client. [15:23]
mircea_popescu: note that you can take used up cs from hand, put it down in inv next to cs stack safely. same from table, ikf you TAKE IT by hand. [15:24]
mircea_popescu: but there are some buttons that say "take and stack", on the table and the storage. [15:24]
mircea_popescu: so you know, if you say "take and stack" it'll stack. if you just move things around, it just moves things around. entirely client behaviour, server dun care. [15:25]
alikim: so it's possible to change the client so it doesn't mix things up in your inv unless you manually drag items on top of each other? [15:25]
mircea_popescu: i would expect so. in particular it should be trivial to change the behaviour of storage buttonz if you want. [15:27]
mircea_popescu: but until and unless that is done, the correct way to handle variate quality items is to : 1) drop a table. 2) drag and drop individually each of the item of the type into the table. 3) pick up, one at a time, from ground, stacks of items of type and drag them into table. 4) remove, one at a time, stacks of items of type, and drag/drop to table. [15:29]
mircea_popescu: this process will maintain them separate. [15:29]
alikim: storage is fine since it doesn't mix anything up but when I withdraw to inv I want things to be kept separate. Ideally I even want a confirmation every time you are about to mix things up [15:29]
mircea_popescu: you'll have to use a table then. [15:30]
mircea_popescu: anyway, the solution to the problem i'm more inclined towards is to store q internally as a real ; even if display only as int. [15:31]
alikim: you still will accidentally mix things up, what if you need a high q item and you mix it with q1 [15:32]
mircea_popescu: yawell. [15:32]
diana_coman: server coming down in 15 minutes for scheduled maintenance&update [15:50]
mircea_popescu: yay. [15:51]
mircea_popescu: hey alikim [15:52]
mircea_popescu: aw darn he quit [15:52]
diana_coman: server back up [16:12]
mircea_popescu: so : this wed saw an update re looting process ; should make it more common for players to loot rarer stuff. [16:25]
mircea_popescu: this is liable to affect both mining finds and craft results. [16:25]
danielpbarron: grr [18:52]
Birdman: so mining finds like claim rarity or the building ? [19:15]
Birdman: woah getting sb cdg rr from the bbb area o.O [19:21]
Birdman: tubers?! whats next! [19:21]
danielpbarron: ack, same thing here [19:23]
Birdman: all basics though, so maybe basics are everywhere now & you need better levels / tools to find the rares etc [19:24]
Birdman: bright side is the hit rates are up, down side is the basics get less quality than my groceries and are worth less [19:25]
Birdman: also lack of farming exp from building now too [19:25]
Birdman: anyone have bod for sale or dt? [19:26]
Birdman: danielpbarron i think i need another token [19:27]
danielpbarron: also, finding heavy stuff.. [19:27]
Birdman: ^ [19:27]
Birdman: damn boulders [19:27]
Birdman: gonna keep an eye on it till it hits a rare to see whats really goin on here [19:27]
danielpbarron: i found leather barehanded just now [19:29]
Birdman: nice, at the leather spot or random? [19:29]
Birdman: also, got 2 out of a tiny from a bit, must have been quite the quality too considering 4 srs at q159 turned to q202 after adding what i got [19:30]
danielpbarron: near a spot that i would expect to have leather [19:30]
Birdman: so loss of value there too [19:30]
Birdman: which might have been possible before this change too just the first ive ever experienced it [19:30]
danielpbarron: i don't think quality changed [19:31]
danielpbarron: the grass i had before update is same quality as the boulders i got after [19:31]
danielpbarron: guess i'll focus my bot on shrooms or something [19:32]
Birdman: no im just saying i got two out of a tiny and they were higher quality than what i got previously [19:32]
Birdman: by a good bit [19:32]
Birdman: which has never happened to me before [19:32]
danielpbarron: diana_coman, http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-01-19.log.html?#t22:52:30 << is this in the latest version? [19:36]
lobbesbot: Title: #Eulora log for Tuesday, 2016-01-19 (at logs.minigame.bz) [19:36]
danielpbarron: ugh, finding grass and boulders where the shroom and moss should be [19:39]
Birdman: found 10 different basics on the bean place [19:40]
Birdman: but still with no beans [19:40]
danielpbarron: i did get a moss [19:40]
Birdman: so basics are everywhere [19:41]
danielpbarron: seems like it [19:41]
Birdman: and rare locations stayed the same, or expanded in some way [19:41]
Birdman: wonder if grass is found more often on the old grass spot [19:42]
Birdman: if not then what replaces the spaces where there were only basics [19:42]
Birdman: ~400 bare hands and my guy is over weight [19:49]
Birdman: so definitely cant do that over night anymore [19:50]
jurov: and using inferior lbn on tiny claim gets me 3 pieces of output? [19:59]
Birdman: nice [20:00]
Birdman: quality on farming stuff is down ~ 20 points [20:00]
Birdman: but basics seem unchanged [20:00]
Birdman: guess ill have a reason to craft with this update [21:14]
Birdman: or spend money on tool, which i suspect will be the only way to really get rares [21:20]
Birdman: sooo all my rares appreciated in value? :D [21:21]

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