#eulora Logs for 13 Jul 2015

July 13th, 2015 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: mornings [03:23]
diana_coman: fwiw unstick was working at least some time ago when I needed it [03:23]
mircea_popescu: a did it ? [03:30]
diana_coman: yes, I got unstuck a couple of times using it [03:41]
diana_coman: then again, sometimes it doesn't manage to do it, probably it depends on how far you need to move to get unstuck [03:42]
mircea_popescu: makes sense [03:44]
danielpbarron: server crashed; I was using the /explore command [13:56]
jurov: they don't want you to find teh crumbly rox [14:00]
mod6: heheh [14:01]
chetty: nah its something in inventory, still trying to figure out what :/ [14:08]
chetty: back up [14:08]
chetty: actually I think that one was a very old key [14:10]
jurov: still down? [15:22]
chetty: oops no, down again, 1 min [15:25]
chetty: up now, still some old bad keys hanging around it seems (chetty ponders taking a scrub brush to the database) [15:26]
jurov: just between us, mp had yest a pickaxe in the public craft table. i was able to replace it with worn one despite him standing next to it [15:34]
jurov: that's why i was grinning mischievously [15:34]
jurov: oh, how comes i have 1369 copper coins? it's no longer converts to 13 brass and 69 coppers? [15:39]
jurov: or what's these names [15:39]
chetty: hahah on the pickaxe, uh I dunno nothing has been changed about money stuff [15:41]
danielpbarron: crashed again [16:27]
diana_coman: hello [16:32]
diana_coman: is it just me again, or is the server down, chetty? [16:32]
mod6: (16:27) < danielpbarron> crashed again [16:41]
chetty: up now [16:45]
chetty: keys ... [16:45]
chetty: old keys still hanging around it seems [16:45]
diana_coman: oh, no worries [16:49]
diana_coman: btw, I noticed that it still seems to sometimes change keys to bits of nothing and sometimes not [16:49]
diana_coman: not sure when exactly not, but I certainly had againd in my inventory keys without any claim (no description either) after having cleared up yesterday [16:50]
chetty: they still look like keys if you are logged on when they change, but its just the icon [17:15]
diana_coman: oh, all right [17:16]
chetty: welcome aboard phf [17:33]
phf: thanks chetty [17:33]
chetty: I know a couple people have tried to build on Ma, not sure how far various people got with it [17:34]
chetty: ben_vulpes for sure hit that same issue with ssh [17:36]
phf: it's a dodgy process [17:39]
diana_coman: chetty, I wonder whether you might consider sending a specific message when work is done (work as in any action that takes some time to accomplish, so be it explore or craft or whatever) [17:41]
diana_coman: as with these mixed messages things can get quite funny [17:42]
diana_coman: a couple of times I somehow ended up with making 2 slags out of the same ingredients :))) [17:42]
diana_coman: not that I REALLY mind that, but well... [17:42]
chetty: you want a different one for end of craft and end of mining? the way it is now finish whatever you are doing it sends the same message indicating end of action, reset state to 'normal' instead of some brand of busy [17:46]
danielpbarron: crashed [17:46]
diana_coman: look how this was going: [17:47]
chetty: back up, danielpbarron when mp comes on ask him to check your inventory and get rid of old keys pls [17:47]
diana_coman: initially I intercepted the set mode messages [17:47]
diana_coman: and grabbed the things from the table when I got the message to get back to peaceful stance/ hence finished [17:47]
diana_coman: my understanding was that it was that the message it sends when you finish whatever it is [17:48]
chetty: yes thats it [17:48]
diana_coman: and it sometimes works fine, but sometimes it doesn't [17:48]
diana_coman: what happens [17:48]
diana_coman: is that another of those messages [17:48]
chetty: its the last step in pretty much all actions [17:48]
diana_coman: gets sent when you just finished mixing the things [17:49]
diana_coman: so what happened was this: [17:49]
diana_coman: put items on table [17:49]
diana_coman: started to combine which would normally go all the way to make the item [17:49]
diana_coman: got the message when only the bundle was made [17:49]
diana_coman: grabbed the bundle [17:49]
diana_coman: BUT [17:49]
chetty: making the bundle? oh yes, there would be, the bundle and the transform are seperate processes [17:49]
diana_coman: the server apparently continued making the thing [17:49]
diana_coman: so ended up with the thing AND the bundle [17:50]
chetty: lo, thats not so good .. [17:50]
diana_coman: yeah, that's why I thought you might want to know about it at least [17:50]
diana_coman: it didn't happen all the time for some reason [17:50]
diana_coman: it's not entirely deterministic, lol [17:50]
diana_coman: I can of course just wait for the 2nd mode message [17:50]
diana_coman: but ... [17:51]
chetty: yeah I will have to fix that, I am sure its timing and you have to hit it just right tho [17:51]
diana_coman: that's for sure [17:52]
diana_coman: I mean: that it is timing [17:52]
chetty: too soon and it will stop cause no bundle, too late and its done .. [17:52]
chetty: (well the server is done, maybe hasnt told you yet ) [17:53]
chetty: I suppose I could lock the busy state on, so no chance to fiddle with things :) [17:56]
diana_coman: tbh so far I found it more reliable to use the messages that say you got some skill experience :))) [17:56]
diana_coman: as well, you really get those only when you are done crafting the thing [17:56]
diana_coman: I am not entirely happy though that it is the best approach [17:56]
chetty: interesting, thats not the last step, bu yes you dont get those for the combine part making the bundle [17:57]
jurov: foxy has left heaps of keys for tiny claims but i can't find any recipes [18:37]
jurov: i have some own.. but about one in 5 is weird, gets gathering(!) points, refuses to make the flotsam until the bit o'nothing is moved [18:44]
phf: yeap, building eulora on mac os x is exactly the amount of torture that i thought it was going to be [21:21]
mircea_popescu: ;/ [21:28]
phf: ha [21:49]
phf: http://glyf.org/screenshots/eulora.png [21:49]
mircea_popescu: yay wd! [21:49]
mircea_popescu: you got one ? [21:49]
mircea_popescu: nice ping too. [21:50]
phf: so far it's not an easily reproducible result. half the files were built by calling gcc directly [21:51]
phf: mircea_popescu: no, can i have an account? [21:51]
mircea_popescu: ah yes, coming right up [21:51]
mircea_popescu: phf http://dpaste.com/0V0AJEG [21:54]
mircea_popescu: ima hop in game in a minute get you some starter stuff. [21:55]
phf: cool [21:58]
phf: let's see if it really works first. cs3d test had some visual glitches [21:59]
mircea_popescu: aha [21:59]
phf: ha, i spoke too soon. can't even type into the account box. something to do with focus [22:00]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman a couple of times I somehow ended up with making 2 slags out of the same ingredients :))) << can you document how this works ? [22:17]
phf: http://glyf.org/screenshots/eulora2.png [22:22]
mircea_popescu: lol it's a start. [22:23]
mircea_popescu: brt. [22:23]
phf: not sure if bug, or intentional graphics style :p [22:24]
mod6: lol, i just read the trilema article: An image is worth ten thousand words of sadness. [22:45]
mod6: omg. that's incredible. this is lvl1! [22:45]
mircea_popescu: lol mod6 [22:58]
mod6: =] [23:13]
mircea_popescu: well, there's a further update afoot. introducing a whole new skill line, and so far > 100 more items. [23:27]
mod6: wow! all for L1?? [23:30]
mircea_popescu: well yes. tier 2 starts once we get fighting. it may happen this year but i dun think so [23:32]
mircea_popescu: then there's magic, and land ownership, and and and. [23:33]
mod6: :] [23:33]
mod6: that's probably just fine anyway, hard to imagine trying to fight people at this stage. [23:34]
mod6: gotta do some mining tomorrow! [23:52]

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