Christmas Time No. 3

January 24th, 2021 by Diana Coman


A bit delayed according to christmas no 1, a tad late even according to christmas no 21 but right on time for the newly minted christmas no 3, the snow delivery today was otherwise perfectly timed, starting quietly as we were waking up and then picking up heart to come down dense and steady for a lovely breakfast background, with huge white flakes crowding the air and turning the ground quite quickly into the very colour of today's winter sky. Then there was nothing but white above one's head and white under one's foot, the air was crisp, the streets deserted and the fresh snow almost forming by itself into snowballs at the lightest touch of hand. So we got a snowball fight going and I even got to take a few pictures in between making, throwing and otherwise dodging snowballs but that was basically handicap-fighting so enough is enough, I'll dump those here now and be done with all this picture-taking silly stuff - there's a serious snowball fight to get back to and everything else can wait!


  1. Christmas day has its own time zone of sorts: the more to the East you move, the later in the calendar it supposedly "happens" and so we usually pick and choose, not to mention the times when we add our own date as well. 

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6 Responses to “Christmas Time No. 3”

  1. Bogdan says:

    I'm gonna live, laugh, love, just for today
    Gonna take all the trouble that
    Tomorrow might bring and put it away
    Gonna drink every drop of happiness
    'Til they cover me up
    I'm gonna live, gonna laugh, gonna love

  2. Diana Coman says:

    Lol. But I'm not usually "gonna" anything really, I just ... do, firstly and directly (occasionally I also document part of the doing like here but always after the doing anyway).

    I do - namely most things when it turns out that it is indeed their time and that's just about all that matters in the end (though indeed, all that doing of the right thing at the right time accumulates over years and years).

  3. Bogdan says:

    Buna !

    Nu am mai auzit ''Lol '' de pe vremea - messenger -

    Ani trec , singuru lucru ce ne ramane este si vor fi 'amintirile'.

  4. Diana Coman says:

    Anii trec, intr-adevar, aia-i un dat. Insa ce ramane - ori daca ramane si altceva decat 'amintirile' - dupa trecutul acela, depinde pana la urma de ce face fiecare cu timpul respectiv, nu-i nicidecum asa un dat ori o chestie generala. Altfel zis, mai usor cu generalizarile facile ca nu-s ele facile fara motiv.

    Ce-i drept, cei mai multi oameni cam trec si ei prin ani precum gasca prin apa, de constata apoi (si vai, dar ce surpriza!) ca n-au ramas la urma decat cu amintirile. Insa asa "realizare" e a lor personala, nicidecum ceva universal, ca altminteri au existat dintotdeauna si inca exista oameni care nu doar ca raman ei cu multe (si importante altminteri) dupa zbaterea aceea de ani si ani (ca nu mai e doar asa o trecere) ci uneori mai si lasa in urma dupa ce nu mai sunt, de "raman" chiar si altii cu ceva dupa trecerea lor.

  5. Bogdan says:

    Sa sti ca ani trec repede si realizez caci vor trece si mai repede .
    Degeaba graba asta 'oarba' dupa bani , caci pana la urma nui vei lua cu tine !

    Fericirea is copii , timpu petrecut cu familia si cam atat !
    Ani vor trece si sper ca memoria sa nu ne *joace farse * si sa uitam cele mai mici detali ale timpului.

    Din poze observ ca esti intro tara 'nordica' Finlanda ? gresesc?

  6. Diana Coman says:

    Unde exact am zis eu bani? Ca va duce gandul fix la bani daca auziti ca lasa unii ceva util in urma si altminteri vorbiti in lozinci gen "goana asta oarba dupa bani" e fix si exact indicatia ca asa ganditi dumneavoastra, da' nu zice nimic despre mine si n-are nici nimic de-a face cu ce am zis eu de fapt mai sus ori pe tot blogul asta de altfel. Poate recititi daca nu e clar ori ceva dar cu atentie la ce e scris si la context, ca altminteri daca raspundeti tot la ce vi se pare in loc de ce este, chiar n-are cum sa fie conversatie veci.

    Gresiti si la generalizarea aia la fel de facila a "fericirii" si la locatie altminteri (chit ca-i scris si unde sunt destul de clar de altfel).

    Altminteri daca tot vorbim romaneste, as chiar prefera sa vorbim curat romaneste, nu importat asa ca adica ne-om trage de sireturi acum pe motiv ca engleza e mereu la per tu ori alte bazaconii.

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