#ossasepia Logs for 16 Dec 2019

April 21st, 2020 by Diana Coman
spyked: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-10-Dec-2019#1012415 <-- aite, sorry for the delay (ugh, I've been doing this too often for the last coupla weeks). will do this asap [05:44]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-10 13:10:45 diana_coman: spyked: can you add the younghands.club feed to feedbot in here? [05:44]
diana_coman: spyked: thanks! and wb. [05:46]
spyked: ty diana_coman, it's good to be back [05:48]
spyked: feedbot's up and checking for yh feeds for the chan. pl0x to let me know if it misbehaves [06:09]
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: My day started late (at about 11am) because I got back late last night and slept in. I spent about 7h setting up my VM, and then did 1hr of reading + 25mins preparing my article for tomorrow (today). For the vm’s os i am using centos 6. I got sbcl and quicklisp running on the vm and was able to load trinque’s code. There were some hiccups in getting sbcl working… the version I could get from yum was t [10:18]
whaack: oo old / incompatible with the libraries trinque’s code uses, and for some reason the latest version on sbcl’s couldn’t build. I was eventually able to get version 1.4.14 running smoothly. I can create a swank server on the remote machine and connect my local slime via an ssh tunnel. I am currently working on getting postgres running on the VM. [10:18]
whaack: diana_coman: I'm sending the eod report this morning because there was a net split last night. [10:19]
diana_coman: whaack: sounds ok but you should write-up the above and publish on your blog really. [10:22]
whaack: diana_coman: I have been taking notes including all the commands I ran to produce the writeup, I was thinking the article is incomplete without postgres running but I guess it would be useful to have a standalone how to 'centos6 VM w/ sbcl running a swank server' [10:27]
diana_coman: whaack: it can wait until you have postgres running too and you publish it all in one article, not a problem [10:27]
lobbes: http://younghands.club/2019/12/15/ejb-plan-week-0-dec-16th-dec-22nd/#comment-209 << diana_coman on my way out the door to saltmines, but I indeed forgot deadlines; will add tonight. [10:59]
lobbes: bbl [10:59]
lobbes: (I linked to wrong comment above, should be: http://younghands.club/2019/12/15/ejb-plan-week-0-dec-16th-dec-22nd/#comment-212) [11:00]
diana_coman: lobbes: works. [11:37]
diana_coman: dorion_road: I didn't further comment on your blog and review as I think they got quite covered during Saturday's discussion; is there though anything specific in there you want to ask about? [15:37]
diana_coman: meant plan* and review. [15:42]
dorion_road: diana_coman thanks, saturday covered it quite well indeed. I'll add the discussion as a comment where it makes sense. saturday was clear and at this point I don't have any questions. I'm on track to meet my deadline for the tmsr os mission and vision genesis article today with buffer. [16:46]
diana_coman: dorion_road: cool, glad to hear it. [16:51]
lobbes: diana_coman: okay, due dates have been added. [20:26]
lobbes: whaack: I've started to poke around the remote-saltmine market. I was wondering if you could recommend any specific job seeking strategy that helped you snag yours, or if it was simply a wot-hookup (looking back, virtually all of my jobs I've landed in the last decade were through my meat-wot; have never had much luck with the indeed.com or linkedin platforms) [20:26]
lobbes: dorion_road: I also wanted to pick your brain re: my eventual report on the state of the ebuilds. Where I currently stand is I've only ever used Portage; I've never really dug into it. I know it is a beast, so I was hoping that you could help me narrow my focus onto what specifically you'd like me to find out about it [20:26]
whaack: lobbes: My high school has a mailing list for all the students who were active in the comp sci community. I got my current gig responding to a job posting there. So no, I don't have a systematic job search strategy that works for everyone. In general I believe scanning one's meatwot is the best way to go. One strategy I've heard of although never tried is spamming employees at companies with referral programs. Then instead of being [20:40]
whaack: 1 in 1,000 emails sent to a recruiter, you are the ~only email, and you explain to the employee why you think you can get the job and remind them that 'hey if they hire me you get ,000' [20:40]
whaack: (or whatever the referral bonus is) [20:41]
lobbes: whaack: That is an interesting idea re: spamming employees at companies with referral programs. Mailing lists at old schools are something I didn't think of, I'll poke at that as well. But yeah, nothing beats a healthy wot [20:48]
lobbes: whaack: ty for the infos [20:48]
whaack: lobbes: gl. i'll be looking for a new gig soon as well since my contract finishes in February. If I see a good opportunity i'll send it your way. [20:51]
lobbes: whaack: tyvm (and gl on your search as well) [20:52]

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