Because the forum was searching for this snippet that lived in fact happily in my personal logs until now, here it is shared for all who want to know - why beating, how beating, what sort of beating? To all those questions, there is of course a simple answer: enjoy!
mircea_popescu buna-mea o fost directoare in anii lichidarii analfabetismului. cetateni veneau ca bre, nu ma pune la buche, hai mai bine sa va repar gardu', da-mi ceva sa ma chinui fizic ca cu aia-s invatat macar.
diana_coman mda, cred
mircea_popescu asta nu inseamna ca vietuirea nu-i chin, doar de-aia, ca esti tu invatata cu un chin anumit. tate is.
diana_coman da' in cuvintele nemuritoare ale maica-mii catre o anume profa de fizica de voia sa ma ia cu sila la pregatire din ceva motiv: doamna, eu n-am nevoie sa platesc pe altcineva sa ia fata la bataie daca-i cazul
mircea_popescu ahahaha
mircea_popescu "ce, iti pare ca n-o poci bate io ?!"
diana_coman pai fix aia, da
mircea_popescu seaca faza.
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lichidarii analfabetismului -- Sounds like quite literal backport of "ликбез" (ликвидация безграмотности).
Probably it even is precisely translation of that, yes.
Quite exactly the source of the term, which is rather why I thought I must've said something in logs. But apparenty... I dunno, just thought I had maybe.