#eulora Logs for 09 Nov 2018

November 9th, 2018 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: hi thordir stick around for a bit longer/leave the page open so you get your account [10:56]
thordir: hi diana [10:58]
diana_coman: waves [10:58]
thordir: I'll keep it open for longer this time so there's no rush [10:59]
diana_coman: thordir, nu-i de graba, ci de faptul ca daca tu pleci nu-i clar nimanui daca revii si deci vrei contul ala sa ti-l faca sau nu; si atunci...nu ti-l face [11:01]
diana_coman: oricum.. ce te costa sa-l lasi deschis cat o fi pana capeti cont? [11:05]
thordir: inteleg... azi il las deschis [11:11]
thordir: nu-i de cost; aveam impresia ca webchatul se inchide daca nu-s activ pe el si asa ca-l inchideam dupa ceva timp. [11:15]
diana_coman: thordir, doar daca pierzi conexiunea, altfel n-are de ce (chit ca o fi existand si ceva prostie implementata asa aiurea sa se inchida ca "nu esti activ", totul e posibil) [11:17]
mircea_popescu: thordir hey there! [16:33]
mircea_popescu: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/rgKKP/?raw=true << there you go. [16:37]
thordir: mircea_popescu hello! [16:48]
thordir: thank you! [16:48]
mircea_popescu: mypleasure [16:51]
mircea_popescu: ahaha waht a great name. [16:52]
thordir: well it's definitely different than most games I've played [17:04]
diana_coman: welcome to the game thordir ! and not a bad name at all actually [17:20]
diana_coman: how did you find Eulora, thordir ? [17:20]
thordir: someone on /biz/ mentioned a random name - mircea popescu and I found it strange since it's romanian so I googled and found trilema; didn't take long to find Eulora after [17:22]
diana_coman: what is /biz/ ? [17:22]
thordir: board on 4chan [17:23]
diana_coman: I can see the point "biz + romanian = strange" lol [17:23]
thordir: I found it strange that someone would mention a full name like that out of the blue tbh [17:24]
diana_coman: did you find the eulora wiki ? [17:26]
thordir: yes I did [17:26]
diana_coman: k; ask in here if you need help [17:27]
mircea_popescu: word. [17:27]
thordir: diana_coman thank you ^_^ [17:27]
diana_coman: np [17:28]
thordir: any reason for being stuck @(275.98, 4.95, 354.2)? [19:45]
thordir: I was just dicking around in the water and got teleported there [19:45]
hanbot: thordir maybe try /unstick ? [20:29]
hanbot: if you venture far enough away from land atm you'll get teleported, but i'm not so sure about getting stuck there. [20:30]

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