Possibly similar to the CR50 item Stanislav has been torturing recently, a green "Microchip" of unknown internals and dubious usefulness has finally been teased out of the reluctant and downright hostile Euloran soil. It took only a bit more than 3 years of pounding said soil.
On the plus side, it seems to be quite valuable at somewhere around 110`000 ECu (aka 11`000 satoshi atm) base value. On the more usual *other* side, there is no known use for it at the moment1 and it came out very low quality too, not to mention potentially booby trapped for all one knows:

At any rate, I hereby dedicate this very first lot of Microchips to Stanislav Datskovskiy. May all his quests be successful and take considerably less than it took me to find this item!
It wasn't needed until now, which is of course "no indication of future performance". ↩
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