#eulora Logs for 17 Jan 2018

January 17th, 2018 by Diana Coman
shinohai: anyone want some phree q1 sb? otherwise im just gonna drop it on the ground, I don't think I feel like dragging this back manually to town. [14:43]
shinohai: Exploring is decidedly not fun anymore. [14:47]
shinohai: Bring a table and drag this back and it's yours, I've had enough today [14:59]
shinohai: kk [15:00]
shinohai: well then really no use coming, you will need a table to drag it back, hence why I'm dumping it [15:01]
shinohai: Because I don't want to spend the next 2 hours clicking this manually back to town to store it [15:01]
shinohai: You can buy a table from Electron if you have some coppers [15:03]
shinohai: nah, there *should* be a Craft Table there ... was a few days ago, I bought some coarse frangible threads and saw it listed. [15:07]
shinohai: Nah that one there is like a permanent fixture lol [15:10]
danielpbarron: shinohai, how much sb are we talking about here? [15:12]
danielpbarron: doesn't take much to be overweight [15:13]
danielpbarron: you think dragging heavy stuff is bad? i just spent an hour mixing qualities [15:13]
danielpbarron: nolan_bugg, go pick up those branches if you're still around [15:14]
danielpbarron: i don't think training changed [15:14]
danielpbarron: the NPC that trains changed location [15:15]
danielpbarron: do you have any skills? [15:15]
danielpbarron: it's always been the case that you start with no skills, and you have to find or buy them [15:16]
danielpbarron: i don't mean to make it sound like you have a good chance of finding them, but they used to appear abundantly [15:16]
danielpbarron: yeah that post is still true, but you need the skill first [15:17]
danielpbarron: once you have the skill you can rank it up as far as you can [15:17]
diana_coman: http://logs.minigame.bz/2018-01-17.log.html#t20:01:00 -> you can drag stuff without table too [15:17]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-01-17 20:01:00: <shinohai> well then really no use coming, you will need a table to drag it back, hence why I'm dumping it [15:17]
danielpbarron: you need to buy them or be given them, from another player [15:17]
shinohai: For the life of me cannot figure out how [15:18]
danielpbarron: same as with craft table, set hotkey for /pickup /drop <itemname> [15:18]
shinohai: ah kk [15:19]
diana_coman: I can sell some skill books for gathering + building (possibly tinkering too); as per http://logs.minigame.bz/2018-01-14.log.html#t08:30:20 [15:20]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-01-14 08:30:20: <diana_coman> a skill book starts at 100k, ftr [15:20]
nolan_bugg: danielpbarron what branches? [15:20]
shinohai: nolan_bugg: come to -244.010 42.690 -206.190 [15:21]
shinohai: I have the branches there [15:22]
nolan_bugg: how to travel to coordinate? i cant remember how... [15:23]
danielpbarron: type /pilot x y z [15:23]
nolan_bugg: ok [15:24]
danielpbarron: you can use 0 for y [15:24]
danielpbarron: isn't there a new system for trading with electron? [15:24]
diana_coman: ah, no, right [15:25]
diana_coman: you need to ask electron for what he has [15:25]
diana_coman: or whether he has a craft-table [15:25]
danielpbarron: i can sell the blueprint and the ingredients and then you can make your own table at the community table [15:26]
diana_coman: there is even a quest for a craft-table, but who reads it [15:26]
danielpbarron: an in game quest? [15:26]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, the one on my blog; it does happen in game though, ofc [15:26]
danielpbarron: yeah that's what i was thinking with offering the blueprint, you get to go figure out how to make stuff [15:27]
danielpbarron: but mostly i don't want to have to move away from the spot to let you take a table [15:27]
shinohai: lol [15:40]
shinohai: nolan_bugg: I'll be in another window, so ping me here if you come to pick up [15:41]
diana_coman: if you managed to sell spirover stuff it shouldn't be that hard to buy stuff too [15:51]
diana_coman: he gives you instructions as to what to say to him [15:51]
diana_coman: so...talk, lol [16:04]
diana_coman: yeah, it's all right anywhere, as long as I see it basically; and chances are I see it here better but it's fine now; wait ~5 min for me to finish this craft and I'll get you the stuff [16:08]
diana_coman: come to town; I'll ping you when it's ready [16:08]
diana_coman: there you go , click accept [16:11]
diana_coman: bag button [16:11]
diana_coman: you can find the branches yourself obv [16:12]
diana_coman: have fun [16:12]
diana_coman: yw [16:12]
diana_coman: now if you are gathering stuff, get a few thousand shiny rocks [16:18]
diana_coman: I'll buy them at higher price than spirover does [16:18]
diana_coman: (and for that matter possibly others would buy such stuff too) [16:18]
diana_coman: then with the trade window open check the whisper tab [16:18]
diana_coman: he tells you what to say [16:19]
diana_coman: and say it to him with whisper, as you whispered to foxy [16:19]
diana_coman: he'll reply too [16:19]
diana_coman: heh, enjoy! [16:21]
diana_coman: just make it a few *thousands* of them [16:24]
diana_coman: or more, ofc [16:24]
diana_coman: go for it [16:25]
danielpbarron: feel free to auction those, i'd bid [16:26]
diana_coman: eulora is a very ..calm game generally [16:27]
diana_coman: eh, eulora gives out free nicknames with every account! [16:40]
diana_coman: lel [16:40]
Birdman: diana_coman until perma death and fighting comes along >:) [16:55]
diana_coman: Birdman, nicknames live on! and perma death is ...calm anyway, no? [16:56]
Birdman: calm for everyone else, anyways [16:56]

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