#eulora Logs for 06 May 2017

May 6th, 2017 by Diana Coman
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (8h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [00:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [00:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (7h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [01:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [01:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (6h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [02:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [02:50]
diana_coman: aaaand of course it jammed half hour after I went to sleep [02:59]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, I'd rather use those CS for crafting, not sure the high q is otherwise making a difference [03:02]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (5h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [03:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [03:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (4h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [04:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [04:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (3h37) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [05:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [05:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (2h36) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [06:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [06:50]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (1h36) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [07:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [07:50]
diana_coman: aaand noob found 2 ords with a hoe [08:35]
diana_coman: !QAuction 200k 24 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [08:47]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 94 STARTED by diana_coman: 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 Opening: 200k coppers Ending: 2017-05-07 12:47:06 UTC (24 hours) [08:47]
lobbesbot: A#93 O=3mn HB=3mn E=05-06 13:27:44 (0h36) >>> 200 BOD bps 50q [08:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (23h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [08:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 3mn total bids --- [08:50]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 93 has ENDED: 200 BOD bps 50q SOLD to mircea_popescu for 3mn coppers. Attn: diana_coman [09:28]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (22h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [09:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids --- [09:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (21h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [10:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids --- [10:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (20h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [11:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids --- [11:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (19h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [12:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids --- [12:50]
danielpbarron: !~calc 14*9999*10*0.09 [13:03]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 14*9999*10*0.09 = 125987.4 [13:03]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=No bids E=05-07 12:47:06 (18h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [13:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 0 total bids --- [13:50]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 14 * 9999 * 10 * .09 [13:54]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 14 * 9999 * 10 * .09 = 125987.4 [13:54]
mircea_popescu: hmprgh. [13:55]
mircea_popescu: !Qbid 94 200k [13:55]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 94: 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 Heard: 200k from mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-05-07 12:47:06 UTC (18 hours 51 mins) [13:55]
diana_coman: hmm? [14:17]
diana_coman: !~calc 200000/(14*9999*10*0.09) [14:18]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 200000/(14*9999*10*0.09) = 1.587460333334921 [14:18]
diana_coman: hi mihi , how's it going? [14:34]
mihi: fine, and you? [14:34]
mihi: wrote a (pretty incomplete) Wireshark dissector script for the Eulora protocol, if anybody is interested: https://gist.github.com/schierlm/a10b89e011f8baf646cb0cb674a48241 [14:35]
mihi: (multipackets work, fragmented packets don't, and detail dissectors for only 11 message types) [14:36]
diana_coman: ha, nice [14:37]
diana_coman: did you play around with it? [14:43]
mircea_popescu: o hey! [14:43]
mircea_popescu: mihi you are aware we're in the process of upgrading the client / protocol, yes ? [14:44]
mihi: yes, I dissected my last few Eulora sessions and had a look at the protocol [14:44]
mircea_popescu: very nice. [14:44]
mihi: mircea_popescu, no I am not. But probably it will still be similar :) [14:44]
mircea_popescu: not really. for one thing the idea is to use full rsa [14:44]
mihi: btw I was also not aware that a claim can decay while I have opened it and trying to drag out the resources. But no glitches except that the branches did not appear in my inventory. [14:45]
mircea_popescu: for the ohter, the inherited object model is pretty much shit, i don't think there's a single class that's not getting changed/updated/absorebed/something [14:45]
diana_coman: mihi, did you publish somewhere what you obtained and what you think of it? [14:45]
mircea_popescu: on his github [14:45]
diana_coman: "his"? [14:45]
mircea_popescu: i assume. [14:46]
diana_coman: I saw the code and the readme, not an account of the dissection [14:46]
mihi: s/github/github account/ [14:46]
diana_coman: hence my question [14:46]
mircea_popescu: http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-05-06.log.html#t18:35:42 [14:46]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-05-06 18:35:42: <mihi> wrote a (pretty incomplete) Wireshark dissector script for the Eulora protocol, if anybody is interested: https://gist.github.com/schierlm/a10b89e011f8baf646cb0cb674a48241 [14:46]
mircea_popescu: ah [14:46]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i see what you mean. [14:47]
mircea_popescu: mihi include sample runs maybe ? [14:47]
mihi: mircea_popescu, screenshots? Or pcap files? [14:48]
mircea_popescu: pcap. [14:48]
mircea_popescu: screenshots are for noobs srsly nao. [14:49]
mihi: and I guess pcap files are too since probably everyone interested in it is playing Eulora anyway, so just start it and start sniffing :) [14:49]
mihi: but I can attach a sanitized one (will remove the AUTH messages) [14:49]
mircea_popescu: it's good in the sense of having it for later. if people don't save snapshots, in six months or whatever it'll all change and forever lost. [14:49]
diana_coman: mihi, yes, but you know, you already did the work anyway, why not publish it so people can refer to it later on [14:50]
mircea_popescu: lots and lots and lots of things were lost this way because people went "well everyone knows anyway". [14:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (17h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [14:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [14:50]
diana_coman: mihi, you seem to have a broken link on your profile/page at sourceforge http://schierlm.users.sourceforge.net/ , namely http://www.whohub.com/mihi [15:00]
diana_coman: talking of lost things [15:00]
mihi: ah thanks, all those new dotcom business die too quickly again... I see it from my bookmarks. All really old bookmarks I have (before 2000) have much higher chance to still be alive today than bookmarks from the last few years :( [15:03]
mircea_popescu: indeed. [15:03]
mircea_popescu: says a few thinks about the quality of the children that weren't left behind. [15:03]
mihi: diana_coman, if you are interested in the content of that link: http://web.archive.org/web/20101209141114/http://www.whohub.com/mihi [15:05]
diana_coman: reads [15:05]
mihi: (that is the only waybackmachine snapshot that is readable) [15:05]
mircea_popescu: one solution to this problem is to host your own blog. [15:07]
mihi: mircea_popescu, added a pcap file to that github page [15:07]
mihi: mircea_popescu, pages that I wrote do not die. I moved my private page from compuserve to nexgo to sourceforge, and when sourceforge dies, I'll reupload somewhere else. Problem are pages by others (like that WhoHub page or some dynamic things that I don't want to reinvent). [15:08]
mircea_popescu: myeah. [15:09]
mircea_popescu: #trilema has an auto-archiving all links bot, but there are limits. [15:09]
mihi: archiveteam and archive.org also do a tremendous work at archiving big webhosting sites that are about to shut down. However, dynamic content often cannot be archived sensibly. [15:10]
mihi: also the web (browsers, HTML) change, so some pages from 1999, even if archived, would no longer work in today's browsers :( [15:11]
mircea_popescu: contributing to the problem, the inept tendency to dynamicize content that shouldn't be. [15:11]
mihi: fully agree [15:11]
mircea_popescu: mihi i take the opposite tack : all sorts of today's crap doesn't work in my browsers, and i don't mind. [15:11]
mircea_popescu: there may not be any breaking change in that particular blockchain. anyone who tries, will be cut off and routed around. [15:11]
mircea_popescu: "if your site renders only in a browser that does not render ALL extant and historic websites, your site does not exist". [15:12]
diana_coman: mihi, it's good that they don't die, but suppose I want to link to your page to give credit so I link now to sourceforge; and then in 2 years time sourceforge dies and you move to whatever but then ...my link is broken, isn't it? [15:13]
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=archive.org >.> [15:14]
mircea_popescu: and in the interval, google & everyone pretends like "sourceforge is a big deal" on the strength of it having suckered mihi into delivering to it for free the fruits of his labour in this world. [15:14]
mircea_popescu: which to me is the more serious problem, because it gives a sort of political power, some kind of representativity, to entities that are by very far least qualified to have such. [15:15]
mircea_popescu: then what happens is that once usg is done raping the naively constructed resource, some spammer group buys it, and starts delivering malware over the remnants of trust the slower intellects still bestow on it, like it was the case with say softpedia, and like it will be the case with all these "we're three guys in california trying to convince the world to give us their work free", from facebook down. [15:18]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (16h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [15:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [15:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (15h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [16:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [16:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (14h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [17:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [17:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (13h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [18:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [18:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (12h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [19:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [19:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (11h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [20:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [20:50]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (10h56) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [21:50]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [21:50]
lobbes: test [22:22]
lobbesbot: A#94 O=200k HB=200k E=05-07 12:47:06 (10h24) >>> 14 stacks Petrified Feelingses q9 [22:22]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 200k total bids --- [22:22]
lobbes: okay, auction list functionality has been updated to only list when: 1) someone says something in channel and it has been > 1 hour since last thing has been said, and 2) when an auction with a bid resolves [22:23]
lobbes: *1 hour since last announce [22:24]
lobbes: hopefully will cut back on ye olde spam [22:24]
mircea_popescu: cool [22:50]

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