#eulora Logs for 12 Apr 2017

April 12th, 2017 by Diana Coman
mircea_popescu: diana_coman cft done. [00:08]
danielpbarron: !~calc 4524/2.62 [00:31]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 4524/2.62 = 1726.7175572519081 [00:31]
danielpbarron: !~calc 189/1.10 [00:31]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 189/1.10 = 171.8181818181818 [00:31]
danielpbarron: !~calc 10379/6.01 [00:34]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 10379/6.01 = 1726.955074875208 [00:34]
danielpbarron: !~calc 1.05*(243*11 + 225*10) - 2.62*1727 - 1.10*172 - 2853 [00:36]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 1.05*(243*11 + 225*10) - 2.62*1727 - 1.10*172 - 2853 = -2397.789999999999 [00:36]
danielpbarron: !~calc 1.59*(243*11 + 247*10) - 6.01*1727 - 1.10*172 - 2853 [00:42]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 1.59*(243*11 + 247*10) - 6.01*1727 - 1.10*172 - 2853 = -5244.099999999999 [00:42]
danielpbarron: !~calc 251/113 [00:44]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 251/113 = 2.2212389380530975 [00:44]
danielpbarron: !~calc 6.01/2.62 [00:44]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 6.01/2.62 = 2.293893129770992 [00:44]
mircea_popescu: !Qauction 2.37mn 9999 lbn q 237 [00:56]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 51 STARTED by mircea_popescu: lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-02 19:56:25 UTC (9999 hours) [00:56]
mircea_popescu: how about that! [00:56]
mircea_popescu: ow fuck [00:56]
mircea_popescu: !Qauctioncancel 51 [00:57]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 51 was cancelled by mircea_popescu [00:57]
mircea_popescu: !Qauction 2.37mn 30 9999 lbn q 237 [00:57]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn coppers Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (30 hours) [00:57]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2.37*9999*11 [00:59]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 2.37*9999*11 = 260673.93000000002 [00:59]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2.37/0.26067393 [00:59]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 2.37/0.26067393 = 9.091818272736365 [01:00]
danielpbarron: !~calc 84893/4.61 [01:34]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 84893/4.61 = 18414.967462039043 [01:34]
danielpbarron: !~calc 4347994/23.61 [01:35]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 4347994/23.61 = 184159.00042354933 [01:35]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (29 hours 11 mins) [01:45]
diana_coman: !~calc (9967*2.37*11*9+1858*180*1.29*3.05)/510498 [02:28]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (9967*2.37*11*9+1858*180*1.29*3.05)/510498 = 7.158522442791156 [02:29]
diana_coman: !~calc (9967*2.37*11*9+1858*180*1.29*3.05+29359)/510498 [02:29]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (9967*2.37*11*9+1858*180*1.29*3.05+29359)/510498 = 7.216032952136932 [02:29]
diana_coman: huh, isn't that funny: at 900\% markup for lbn, resources will have to go for something around 725\%, which is what I was saying I should sell resources to start with given that otherwise it's simply more profitable to craft them [02:30]
diana_coman: so I guess I'll have to stop this nonsense of charging only 500\% [02:31]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (28 hours 11 mins) [02:45]
diana_coman: !Qbid 52 2.37mn [03:17]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu I want another account please [03:17]
mircea_popescu: heh my quality went up, my qty changed and bot locked up. [08:49]
diana_coman: what do you mean "bot locked up"? [09:11]
mircea_popescu: i mean it sat there with some ingredients uncvombined [09:17]
mircea_popescu: i had a long "fail" delay for safety, so noithing more happened [09:17]
mircea_popescu: anywya, still did 3 clicks so not the end of world. [09:17]
diana_coman: ah, I see [09:22]
mircea_popescu: anyway. in tne end i only managed 5032 cft. i suppose my qty actyually went up or something, dunno. [09:23]
diana_coman: no idea there [09:23]
mircea_popescu: impossible to fucking price anything in this game. [09:23]
mircea_popescu: anyway, ready for pick-up whenever. [09:23]
diana_coman: but as I was saying earlier, can I haz new account please? [09:23]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 5032 * 180 * 1.38 * 3.05 [09:23]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 5032 * 180 * 1.38 * 3.05 = 3812343.8399999994 [09:23]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman yup, 1sec. [09:23]
diana_coman: will pickup next time I pop back in town if that's all right as I just went out for a bit of digging [09:24]
diana_coman: it turns out that Foxy just can't find branches anymore [09:24]
diana_coman: I suspect the noob will find them no problem though [09:24]
diana_coman: dreams of a text client - could run a eulora bot-farm [09:25]
mircea_popescu: for srs. [09:25]
mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Gzcws/?raw=true diana_coman < [09:26]
mircea_popescu: foxy can find grass but not branches ? [09:26]
diana_coman: yep [09:28]
diana_coman: and thanks for the account, works [09:28]
diana_coman: the thing with grass is that I have at least this spot where I think there is nothing else anyway [09:28]
diana_coman: or at least Foxy never ever found anything and not for lack of trying [09:29]
diana_coman: seriously considers banning claims from server within some radius of the houses [09:33]
mircea_popescu: heh [09:35]
mircea_popescu: why is the house so attractive anywya [09:35]
diana_coman: it's like people can't be bothered to walk a bit before digging [09:35]
mircea_popescu: a just lazy ? [09:35]
diana_coman: so maybe the ground gets scorched there at some point and there is nothing to be found anymore - feel free to wear out your tools though :p [09:36]
mircea_popescu: lol [09:36]
diana_coman: well, you think it's something other than being lazy? [09:36]
mircea_popescu: the actual solution would be that in the future the maps playuers claim to build on won't have resources. [09:36]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i thought it was you know, town being on a spot. but since nobody is digging up the hill once it moved... [09:36]
diana_coman: you mean separate lands with building rights and land with farming /hunting rights sort of thing? [09:37]
diana_coman: well yes, that's the thing [09:37]
diana_coman: it doesn't seem to be related to some specific point hence possibly resource [09:37]
mircea_popescu: well originally it'd just be plain maps, but once you claim it, it becomes a building area AND you get taxation on maps around it. [09:37]
diana_coman: wherever the town goes, so do claims [09:37]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, I can trade now for the cft [09:39]
mircea_popescu: hit me [09:39]
diana_coman: thanks [09:40]
mircea_popescu: np [09:40]
diana_coman: now let's see what Mr Dongle can do with those [09:40]
mircea_popescu: anyway, this ended up a loss for me, so i guess in future ima price AFTER i complete crafts lol. [09:40]
diana_coman: oh, wow [09:40]
diana_coman: I guess it makes sense [09:40]
mircea_popescu: well i priced on the basis of 5.6k output. [09:40]
mircea_popescu: which by the math (divide grass by 3) i had. [09:40]
mircea_popescu: but it never materialized [09:41]
diana_coman: did the q go up? [09:41]
mircea_popescu: o fuck me, of course not. lol. [09:41]
mircea_popescu: no but, there's no "divide by 3" [09:41]
diana_coman: ah, there isn't anymore, no [09:41]
mircea_popescu: say you make 5 at a time. the max can be anywhere between 15 and i dunno, 20 or something. [09:41]
mircea_popescu: /20 * 5 != /3 [09:42]
diana_coman: you can MAKE IT BE I think [09:42]
diana_coman: as in: you know you get 7 cft out [09:42]
diana_coman: so then ask bot to put in 21 [09:42]
mircea_popescu: yeah but then oyu get lower q etc [09:42]
diana_coman: assuming your bp says between 15 and 23 or whatevs [09:42]
diana_coman: well yes [09:42]
mircea_popescu: i suppose this is a good spot to fiddle with huh. [09:42]
mircea_popescu: m/M shouldf prolly be turned into percent. [09:43]
mircea_popescu: is that you diana_coman ? [09:51]
diana_coman: that who/where? [09:51]
mircea_popescu: thje bid [09:51]
diana_coman: oh,the bid, yes [09:51]
mircea_popescu: well the good news being that i did the math right, and ima be pumping lbn of all qs at 900 to 950\% bv. [09:52]
mircea_popescu: any preference re q ? [09:52]
diana_coman: I think the pricing for harvestables is in fact correct as initially stated at around 700\% from foxy [09:52]
diana_coman: on the other hand I expect the noob will be able to sell at much lower markup [09:52]
diana_coman: so it should balance, possibly at lower than 400\% [09:52]
diana_coman: will see once I set them both up [09:53]
mircea_popescu: what q lbn do you prefer ? lower ? higher ? [09:53]
diana_coman: I suppose higher q - it's still oc I'm doing there [09:53]
diana_coman: kind of curious whether the noob is any luckier than fox - he's not much better at carrying [09:54]
mircea_popescu: !Qauction 9.43mn 30 9999 lbn q 908 [09:54]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i expect that 700\% includes no pops or anything, and thus overstates reality by a factor of mabye 3-4 though. [09:58]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, how exactly does one include pops? fwiw foxy's been mining for a few days straight; she got some mini-pops but overall she's deep in the red; moreover NO FUCKING ORDS even [09:59]
diana_coman: I'm all ears to hear of some model that truly includes pops reasonably [09:59]
mircea_popescu: myeah. just, it has happened to me, more than once, that one single stick in the bunch paid for the entire run twice over. [09:59]
mircea_popescu: i dunno of any model other than people doing long term mining. [10:00]
diana_coman: for that matter I don't really know how would you include pops at crafting even; do you include them actually? [10:00]
mircea_popescu: i can't pop. [10:00]
mircea_popescu: using 60 grass putting out 140 cft what's gonna pop. [10:00]
diana_coman: trouble being that "one stick paid for the entire run twice over" is not really very meaningful since it all depends on where you consider the run to start/end [10:01]
mircea_popescu: i was just giving it as an anecdotal [10:02]
mircea_popescu: but i iomagine normal working of market will wring it out. [10:02]
diana_coman: myeah, I split those few days in about 4 chunks (mainly because jammed + had to go and store): on one of them it was double output, yeah; it did shit overall, still [10:02]
diana_coman: yes, I suppose market can work [10:04]
mircea_popescu: no other way. [10:05]
danielpbarron: diana_coman> well, you think it's something other than being lazy? << it's in the logs.. i had Skywhatever start off there so he didn't have far to walk to train (the first few ranks go by fast) [10:37]
diana_coman: oh, I expected that to be like... at the end of the houses or by the sand sort of thing [10:38]
diana_coman: I get it not to walk a lot, but really [10:38]
danielpbarron: and re: no ords, your "grass only spot" doesn't give ords is all [10:38]
diana_coman: that is so not true, lol [10:38]
diana_coman: out of curiosity: how did you figure that out [10:39]
diana_coman: ? [10:39]
danielpbarron: i've seen that some spots are more likely to give ords than others [10:39]
diana_coman: I HAD ords there; just none on this multi-day runs [10:39]
danielpbarron: you might have used it up [10:39]
diana_coman: maybe [10:39]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron what's your view of lbn price, for my curiosity ? [10:41]
danielpbarron: my view is i'm glad i don't have to try to comprehend where your numbers are coming from because i already have lbn of my own [10:43]
mircea_popescu: lol i cv [10:43]
danielpbarron: also, a noob with a tool doesn't get tinies [10:44]
mircea_popescu: no, but a vet does. [10:44]
danielpbarron: lucky for me, the turning wheel doesn't demand lbn then [10:45]
mircea_popescu: could do something like - set veteran miner to mine with cft in storage, arraign 2-3 noobs with lbn in storage to pick his tinies. depending how fast theyare. [10:45]
danielpbarron: where did that 2nd to last new guy go? he didn't live in sweeden did he? [10:46]
mircea_popescu: lol [10:46]
mircea_popescu: who, skysomething ? [10:47]
danielpbarron: yeah [10:47]
mircea_popescu: i dunno, we weren't going to need to worry because he was very dedicated ; lasted the usual half week. [10:47]
mircea_popescu: i suppose had issues digesting his own idiocy once it became clear he said he was going to save his key and did not. [10:47]
diana_coman: I'm sure he is still very dedicated; might have changed his dedication object, but that's not important, is it [10:48]
mircea_popescu: no, of course not. just like very loyal people who are loyal to different masters depending. [10:48]
diana_coman: precisely [10:48]
diana_coman: fwiw re lbn - fox eats one stack in a few hours now [10:49]
mircea_popescu: i'm vaguely surprised mirrors haven't been outlawed yet. [10:49]
diana_coman: kind of went high in terms of consumption - if using basic tools ofc [10:49]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman im not sure i can support that in the long term. [10:49]
diana_coman: well, I'm not sure I can AFFORD that in the long term, lol [10:49]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron here's a thought : alter foxybot to tail-miner, as described above. [10:49]
mircea_popescu: you give it a target miner, it mines its tinies. [10:50]
danielpbarron: that sounds like AI or something [10:50]
mircea_popescu: well, i expect it's the way forward. i think a lot of miner profit is currently wasted becauyse not right tiny usage, which is why prioces so high [10:51]
diana_coman: kind of why I gave in and asked for the noob account [10:52]
mircea_popescu: but could also use humans, i guess. not hard to account for : you give it 1k lbn, he gives you 400 units of stuff and has 600 lbn left atend of day, you know he's not cheated. and if you add up all the various units with the claims you made it checks out too [10:52]
mircea_popescu: totally great place for noobs imo, as miner helpers. [10:52]
diana_coman: yeah well, need one who is a bit less dedicated but kind of hangs around [11:01]
mircea_popescu: you got DicePower covering that angle. [11:03]
diana_coman: ahahhaha, hangs around IN GAME [11:04]
diana_coman: although I suppose he could leave a char hanging around there too [11:05]
mircea_popescu: not like it costs anything. [11:23]
diana_coman: mwahahaha, watch foxy bundling with super-speed [11:27]
diana_coman: interesting; assuming that this skydragon is to be trusted, he paid 2 coppers to rank up his building 1 as per http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-04-06.log.html#t22:00:04 ; my noob just paid...3 [11:32]
mircea_popescu: sooo, a click of coal takes me... about 2.5 hours. [11:33]
mircea_popescu: not so terrible, can to 10 a day, will be working at this for... two weeks lmao [11:33]
diana_coman: ahahah, so much for "too busy to play eulora" [11:34]
mircea_popescu: ya srsly. i set it up to work, ima check it once a day or some shit, good for weeks. [11:34]
hanbot: hey diana_coman wanna sell me those supplications now? [11:45]
danielpbarron: or auction them :) [11:57]
danielpbarron: and yes 2 copper for 1 rank up is what i saw too [11:57]
danielpbarron: or 3 i guess [11:57]
danielpbarron: i still have the notes [11:57]
danielpbarron: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/LSekX/?raw=true [11:59]
Skydragon_: Hello. Sorry that i didn't tell about me being sick. [13:30]
Skydragon_: danielpbarron, hopefully i will get healthy again this week because ugh it has been hell. [13:32]
Skydragon_: Been laying in bed for 2 days straight [13:33]
Skydragon_: Why does this need to happen to me [13:33]
Skydragon_: I've connected through mobile because i dont have the enegry to turn on the computer [13:35]
mircea_popescu: o that sucks [13:36]
mircea_popescu: well, get well soon, we just figured out a use for noobs. [13:36]
Skydragon_: Thank you and oh? [13:37]
mircea_popescu: yeah it's all in the logs but they'll explain it to you when you're back on the horse i'm sure. [13:39]
diana_coman: !Qauction 1.64mn 24 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 [14:15]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54 STARTED by diana_coman: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn coppers Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (24 hours) [14:15]
diana_coman: !Qauction 1.64mn 24 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 [14:15]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55 STARTED by diana_coman: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn coppers Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (24 hours) [14:15]
diana_coman: hanbot, danielpbarron ^ [14:15]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (16 hours 11 mins) [14:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (25 hours 8 mins) [14:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (23 hours 29 mins) [14:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (23 hours 29 mins) [14:45]
danielpbarron: !Qauction 55 1.64mn [14:50]
lobbesbot: danielpbarron: Error: '1.64mn' is not a valid integer. [14:50]
danielpbarron: !Qauction 55 1640k [14:50]
lobbesbot: danielpbarron: Error: '1640k' is not a valid integer. [14:50]
danielpbarron: oh right [14:51]
danielpbarron: !Qbid 55 1.64mn [14:51]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Heard: 1.64mn from danielpbarron Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (23 hours 24 mins) [14:51]
danielpbarron: !~calc 1.38*41*3630 [14:52]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 1.38*41*3630 = 205385.4 [14:52]
danielpbarron: !~calc 1.64/0.2053854 [14:52]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 1.64/0.2053854 = 7.9849882221423725 [14:52]
mircea_popescu: o.O [14:53]
mircea_popescu: !Qbid 54 2.05mn [14:53]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Heard: 2.05mn from mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (23 hours 21 mins) [14:53]
mircea_popescu: !Qbid 55 2.05mn [14:53]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Heard: 2.05mn from mircea_popescu overbidding danielpbarron Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (23 hours 21 mins) [14:53]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2050000/(1.38*41*3635) [14:56]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 2050000/(1.38*41*3635) = 9.96750593066603 [14:56]
diana_coman: !~calc 1.38*3630 [15:05]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 1.38*3630 = 5009.4 [15:05]
diana_coman: uhm; the bv doesn't seem to be 3635; as I said previously, spirover and co report those supps at 4002 and 4008 berries and moss respectively (qabv) [15:07]
mircea_popescu: looks. [15:10]
danielpbarron: i had written them down as 3630 and 3635 [15:10]
mircea_popescu: mine's 2905 and 2900 at q 100 [15:11]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 2905 * 1.38 [15:11]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 2905 * 1.38 = 4008.8999999999996 [15:11]
danielpbarron: please don't tell me bv varies per player [15:11]
mircea_popescu: aha! [15:11]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron nope. [15:11]
mircea_popescu: maybe you wrote down a qabv by mistake once ? [15:12]
danielpbarron: i doubt it, but maybe the value on those changed since i wrote it down [15:12]
mircea_popescu: i doubt it... [15:12]
danielpbarron: it's happened (see almost wine) [15:12]
mircea_popescu: but that was announced. [15:12]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2050000/(4005*41) [15:13]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 2050000/(4005*41) = 12.484394506866415 [15:13]
danielpbarron: !~later tell Skydragon get well soon! no big rush as long as you come back eventually [15:17]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: The operation succeeded. [15:17]
danielpbarron: heh that's a little contradictory.. get well soon because it sucks to be sick, but no rush for my sake [15:20]
mircea_popescu: lmao [15:30]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (15 hours 11 mins) [15:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (24 hours 8 mins) [15:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (22 hours 29 mins) [15:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (22 hours 29 mins) [15:45]
diana_coman: !~calc 14*0.39*141 - 28*11*237 [16:26]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 14*0.39*141 - 28*11*237 = -72226.14 [16:26]
diana_coman: !~calc 14*0.39*141 - 28*11*2.37 [16:26]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 14*0.39*141 - 28*11*2.37 = 39.89999999999998 [16:26]
diana_coman: ahahaha [16:26]
diana_coman: !~calc 320*0.01*58 - 83*180*1.29 [16:27]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 320*0.01*58 - 83*180*1.29 = -19087.000000000004 [16:27]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (14 hours 11 mins) [16:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (23 hours 8 mins) [16:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (21 hours 29 mins) [16:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (21 hours 29 mins) [16:45]
diana_coman: !~calc 57*1.57*58 [16:51]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 57*1.57*58 = 5190.42 [16:51]
diana_coman: !~calc 57*1.57*58 - 83*180*1.29 [16:51]
jhvh1: diana_coman: 57*1.57*58 - 83*180*1.29 = -14082.180000000002 [16:51]
danielpbarron: why you gotta use a different format than me! [16:54]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, ? [16:55]
danielpbarron: i do quality * quantity * value [16:55]
diana_coman: oh, I don't always follow same order [16:55]
danielpbarron: i noticed! [16:55]
danielpbarron: my order isn't random. in craft runs, the quality of output is most likely to change, then the quantity, and the value does not change [16:56]
diana_coman: for one thing this is building, lolz [16:57]
diana_coman: for the other, to me things are pretty clear anyway as to what is what, so I am not a stickler for order *here* [16:57]
danielpbarron: the quantity could be the same as the value [16:58]
diana_coman: could be, yes [16:58]
danielpbarron: or not just the value of the thing, but any value [16:58]
danielpbarron: but yes it is clear to me that in this case you got 14 quality 39 berries from 28 q 237 bits for a bv profit of about 40 [16:59]
diana_coman: aha [16:59]
danielpbarron: and then a few hundred branches of lowest quality from bla bla bla threads [17:00]
diana_coman: yep [17:00]
danielpbarron: !~calc (2.37*28*11)/(0.39*14*141) [17:01]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: (2.37*28*11)/(0.39*14*141) = 0.9481723949809057 [17:01]
danielpbarron: !~calc (2.37*28*11*9)/(0.39*14*141) [17:01]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: (2.37*28*11*9)/(0.39*14*141) = 8.53355155482815 [17:01]
diana_coman: this noob play is ....interesting; all sorts of weird stuff from timings to outputs [17:02]
danielpbarron: yeah my current gal takes 7.5 seconds to barehanded gather [17:02]
danielpbarron: i haven't tried my main in a while but he could do it in 4.75 [17:03]
danielpbarron: and it takes her ~50 seconds to use a basic pickaxe [17:03]
danielpbarron: and she gets ~100\% hit rate! [17:03]
danielpbarron: tool or no tool [17:03]
danielpbarron: which was actually annoying because i was trying to table walk [17:04]
diana_coman: yes, so far my noob got 100\% small with a tool for sure [17:04]
diana_coman: lol [17:04]
danielpbarron: so now i know how to define shortcut keys [17:04]
danielpbarron: i can pickup/drop table so fast now i think it might crash the server [17:04]
diana_coman: but hm, if you want to table walk, just change a bit the bot to skip explore as such [17:04]
diana_coman: I mean: copy/make another activity + change etc [17:04]
diana_coman: o.O I haven't realised that was unknown [17:05]
danielpbarron: yes yes i was trying to do it quickly [17:05]
diana_coman: I think I kept explaining how I set up a key for /explore [17:05]
danielpbarron: yeah well i'm really lazy what can i say [17:05]
diana_coman: ages ago, ugh [17:05]
diana_coman: I suppose it could be on the wiki, huh [17:05]
danielpbarron: what should that be called, /Shortcuts ? [17:06]
danielpbarron: hotkeys? [17:06]
diana_coman: probably hotkeys, dunno [17:06]
danielpbarron: shortcuts sounds like a navigation thing [17:06]
diana_coman: yeah [17:06]
diana_coman: omfg [17:06]
diana_coman: apparently the way to get high q branches is now via noob smalls wtf [17:07]
danielpbarron: called it! [17:08]
diana_coman: !~calc (11*2.37*9)/(60*0.9) [17:17]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (11*2.37*9)/(60*0.9) = 4.345 [17:17]
diana_coman: ahahaha [17:17]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, ^ [17:17]
diana_coman: apparently grass as high q as 90 works below 500\% still [17:18]
diana_coman: it's just the right combination of ....players,lmao [17:18]
diana_coman: !~calc (11*2.37*9+187)/(60*0.9) [17:19]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (11*2.37*9+187)/(60*0.9) = 7.8079629629629625 [17:19]
diana_coman: ofc, not exactly [17:19]
diana_coman: but as long as tinies are treated as consolation prizes anyway [17:20]
diana_coman: remembers that at some point enums will ALSO be additional input.... [17:21]
diana_coman: !~calc (187+83*180*1.29*3)/(31*3.2*58) [17:24]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (187+83*180*1.29*3)/(31*3.2*58) = 10.081479421579532 [17:24]
danielpbarron: http://www.eulorum.org/Hotkeys tah dah! [17:28]
diana_coman: oh, huh; it CAN be done from within game too [17:29]
diana_coman: hm [17:29]
diana_coman: anyways, that's good as it is too, for sure [17:29]
diana_coman: mind linking it somehow from main page or menu or something? [17:30]
danielpbarron: wait how can it be done in game? [17:30]
diana_coman: http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-02-20.log.html#t23:34:34 [17:32]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2016-02-20 23:34:34: <diana_coman> and yes, re your shortcut trouble: open that window, scroll in there at the bottom of it and right click on an empty square [17:32]
diana_coman: I walked gax through it some time last year [17:32]
diana_coman: the window being /show shortcut [17:32]
diana_coman: !~calc (187+75*11*2.37)/(37*60*0.9) [17:35]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (187+75*11*2.37)/(37*60*0.9) = 1.072197197197197 [17:35]
danielpbarron: http://www.eulorum.org/Commands << added link here, which is linked from main page [17:35]
diana_coman: works [17:35]
danielpbarron: well lol [17:35]
diana_coman: !~calc (187+11*2.37)/(60*0.9) [17:36]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (187+11*2.37)/(60*0.9) = 3.9457407407407405 [17:36]
diana_coman: !~calc (187+75*11*2.37*9)/(37*60*0.9) [17:36]
jhvh1: diana_coman: (187+75*11*2.37*9)/(37*60*0.9) = 8.901026026026026 [17:36]
danielpbarron: how do you close the shortcut window? [17:37]
diana_coman: should close if you go /show shortcut again [17:37]
danielpbarron: says it's not found [17:37]
danielpbarron: this better not screw up my craft [17:38]
danielpbarron: i won't know for a week [17:38]
diana_coman: o.O [17:38]
diana_coman: your client does not find the shortcut window? [17:38]
diana_coman: that's weird, I just opened it now with fox [17:38]
danielpbarron: oh nm i typed shortcuts the second time [17:38]
diana_coman: ah [17:38]
diana_coman: the single most idiotic thing there is that you need to somehow guess to...right-click on an empty square [17:39]
diana_coman: to define a new shortcut [17:39]
danielpbarron: might be easier to do it the way i typed up, except that my way requires closing the game [17:40]
danielpbarron: but i haven't tried this new thing yet [17:40]
danielpbarron: and i feel more at home on command line, so not easy for everyone [17:40]
diana_coman: I think it IS easier; esp if you have more than 1 you want to define [17:40]
diana_coman: then again, windows people might prefer this one because where's the file and all that [17:41]
diana_coman: I mean: the direct, edit file method is easier [17:41]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (13 hours 11 mins) [17:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: No bids Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (22 hours 8 mins) [17:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (20 hours 29 mins) [17:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (20 hours 29 mins) [17:45]
diana_coman: !Qbid 53 9.43 [17:51]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: Error: Invalid bid input. Examples of valid input: 12 ; 37k ; 1.3mn [17:51]
diana_coman: !Qbid 53 9.43mn [17:51]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Heard: 9.43mn from diana_coman Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (22 hours 3 mins) [17:51]
diana_coman: sooo, same tool, same Foxy, setup etc; 1 tiny spits out 2k value, another one spits out 500 [17:54]
danielpbarron: !~calc 0.01*230*59 [18:00]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 0.01*230*59 = 135.70000000000002 [18:00]
danielpbarron: so what's that, Foxy makes the claim, alt-Foxy builds it with Foxy's bundle? [18:01]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, I'm still trying all combinations [18:01]
diana_coman: those 2 tinies there are all-fox [18:01]
mircea_popescu: holy backlog [18:02]
diana_coman: hello backlog you mean [18:02]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron impressive lol. so, qual qty val ? [18:03]
danielpbarron: yeah [18:03]
diana_coman: huh, noob builds high q bundle in his own claim + enum in no time; HOWEVER, noob takes ages to build high q bundle in his own claim + high q enum [18:04]
danielpbarron: can use log search to find all crafts using particular item, or all crafts of a certain line (by searching the quality lost per click of container+tool) [18:04]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman o got high q branches ? [18:04]
mircea_popescu: i would LOVE to burn 10 - 20 stacksw of q > 500 sb. crafter's promise i'd make it all ppb and cs. [18:05]
diana_coman: myeah, trouble is that they seem to end up expensive like hell [18:05]
diana_coman: pretty much ALL the trouble atm, lol [18:05]
mircea_popescu: heh [18:05]
mircea_popescu: get the tinies though. that's important. [18:06]
mircea_popescu: esp if you get them with nice q 900 lbn [18:06]
diana_coman: I admit I'm at a loss re tinies really; can't figure out wtf with them [18:06]
mircea_popescu: noob build foxy's tinies with high lbn i say! [18:07]
diana_coman: I'm making here combinations of all sorts, lol [18:07]
mircea_popescu: more convenient than noob build foxy's tinies with foxy made bundles, because you don't have to make all the kinds of bundles. [18:07]
diana_coman: trouble being ofc that making ALSO big sample is kind of iffy [18:07]
diana_coman: making bundles is the easy part; esp since automated [18:08]
danielpbarron: yeah ^^ [18:08]
diana_coman: and if you know where to go, you don't need ALL of them [18:08]
danielpbarron: although making bundles feels kinda hackish [18:08]
danielpbarron: but this is how i do all my craft runs now. i pre-make the bundles so that it cannot jam when the blueprint changes mid-run [18:09]
diana_coman: why hackish? should be a market for bundles even [18:09]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron o hey that's a great idea. [18:10]
mircea_popescu: ima have to hack something together to get bundlemaking huh. [18:10]
danielpbarron: it's an easy xmacro [18:10]
danielpbarron: especially nifty on toils which use (for me) over 4000 numina [18:11]
danielpbarron: so it's a sure-fire jam. the blueprint changes several times an hour [18:11]
mircea_popescu: yeah i hadn't really considered it before, but my coal keeps jamming [18:11]
diana_coman: hm, noob building noob claim with foxy's enum + bundle might work too [18:23]
diana_coman: obv, can run out of enums though [18:24]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, the thing with branches is that fox can NOT get branches anymore for love or money [18:25]
mircea_popescu: hm. [18:25]
diana_coman: so noob-claim is there kind of only option [18:25]
mircea_popescu: do you have old enums ? [18:25]
diana_coman: yep, just used a few to fill in my table here, lol [18:25]
mircea_popescu: yeah, i'd use old higher q enums even if the noob finds the claims. [18:25]
mircea_popescu: maybe even use the noob enums with foxy see what happens [18:26]
mircea_popescu: gotta cross all the wires see which blows a pinata [18:26]
diana_coman: I am doing ALL combs or at least trying here! [18:26]
diana_coman: quite a mess [18:26]
diana_coman: enums seem to be actually quite important [18:26]
diana_coman: their q I mean [18:27]
mircea_popescu: i suspect. [18:30]
mircea_popescu: i supppose this will result in yet another lever for the bot. [18:32]
mircea_popescu: "use highest q enum avail / use lowest q enum avail" :D [18:32]
diana_coman: no, no, first mix to desired percentage [18:32]
diana_coman: :p [18:32]
danielpbarron: oo is there a market for enums now?? :D [18:34]
danielpbarron: i have a LOT of old high quality enums [18:35]
mircea_popescu: apparently [18:35]
diana_coman: hold your horses; unless there's a market for resources that actually makes it +ev to buy enums, there is no market for enums [18:39]
mircea_popescu: i got ~2k q 215 sb tiny enuyms [18:39]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman no, actually there IS a market. what the prices work out is merely a quantitative discussion. but the fact is there ~is~ a reason to buy them, at the right price. [18:40]
mircea_popescu: as opposed to there not being one. [18:40]
diana_coman: yeah, theoretically there is [18:40]
mircea_popescu: but yes, the value cap on them is pretty significant. say best case a q 200 enum gives you one q 500 rather than q 300 sb that q 100 enum would have given you. the value of the enum is then a fraction of the market value of 200 q points on sb, which is whatever, 100 copper * factor. [18:42]
mircea_popescu: ie not a fortune [18:42]
mircea_popescu: then again considering enum bv is like 1... [18:44]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (12 hours 11 mins) [18:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (21 hours 8 mins) [18:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (19 hours 29 mins) [18:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (19 hours 29 mins) [18:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (11 hours 11 mins) [19:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (20 hours 8 mins) [19:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (18 hours 29 mins) [19:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (18 hours 29 mins) [19:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (10 hours 11 mins) [20:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (19 hours 8 mins) [20:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (17 hours 29 mins) [20:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.05mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (17 hours 29 mins) [20:45]
hanbot: !Qbid 54 2.2mn [20:59]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Heard: 2.2mn from hanbot overbidding mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (17 hours 15 mins) [20:59]
hanbot: !Qbid 55 2.2mn [20:59]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Heard: 2.2mn from hanbot overbidding mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (17 hours 15 mins) [20:59]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (9 hours 11 mins) [21:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (18 hours 8 mins) [21:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (16 hours 29 mins) [21:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (16 hours 29 mins) [21:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (8 hours 11 mins) [22:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (17 hours 8 mins) [22:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (15 hours 29 mins) [22:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (15 hours 29 mins) [22:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 52: 9999 lbn q 237 Opening: 2.37mn Highest Bid: 2.37mn Ending: 2017-04-13 10:57:16 UTC (7 hours 11 mins) [23:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 53: 9999 lbn q 908 Opening: 9.43mn Highest Bid: 9.43mn Ending: 2017-04-13 19:54:44 UTC (16 hours 8 mins) [23:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 54: 41 Supplication of Berries q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:09 UTC (14 hours 29 mins) [23:45]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 55: 41 Supplication of Mosses q 138 Opening: 1.64mn Highest Bid: 2.2mn Ending: 2017-04-13 18:15:37 UTC (14 hours 29 mins) [23:45]

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