#eulora Logs for 03 Apr 2017

April 3rd, 2017 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: lobbes, ping me when you are around for the auction payment [02:41]
mircea_popescu: http://danielpbarron.com/2017/apprentice-lapidary-consideration/ << this is some pretty cool stuff! [09:55]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman got more dts ? [10:40]
diana_coman: will check when next in town [12:52]
mircea_popescu: kk [13:26]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2.64*102*1000 - 4.90*21005 - 6.01*2100 - 2352 [15:02]
jhvh1: danielpbarron: 2.64*102*1000 - 4.90*21005 - 6.01*2100 - 2352 = 151382.50000000006 [15:02]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, I still have some dt but ofc I have no idea how to price them, forgot that [15:26]
Skydragon: Hello there! [15:26]
diana_coman: hello Skydragon [15:29]
Skydragon: I'm about to give this game a try. I suppose it's better then pokebits,hammercoin and what not else haha. [15:31]
diana_coman: Skydragon, there's a guide for account setup: http://www.eulorum.org/Account_Setup [15:32]
Skydragon: Thank you. [15:32]
diana_coman: this channel is logged so you can have a look while downloading or something; you might find some interesting things in there re "better than" such as this one perhaps: http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-04-03.log.html#t13:55:37 [15:33]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-04-03 13:55:37: <mircea_popescu> http://danielpbarron.com/2017/apprentice-lapidary-consideration/ << this is some pretty cool stuff! [15:33]
diana_coman: lobbes, you around? [15:34]
Skydragon: Hmm, do i run the game client by exe or java? [15:36]
diana_coman: o.O [15:36]
diana_coman: Skydragon, I gather you are running Windows? [15:36]
Skydragon: Yes, i am on windows 10. [15:36]
diana_coman: then you are probably best off taking jurov's binaries from here: http://minigame.bz/jurov/ [15:37]
Skydragon: Oh okay! Thank you for pointing me to the right direction. [15:37]
diana_coman: poke around the wiki as there are lots of useful things in there; http://www.eulorum.org/Windows [15:38]
Skydragon: Hmm, i can see that i need my own public key then i need to have this gpg4win. [15:43]
Skydragon: Working on it at the moment. Should soon have the key id. [15:47]
Skydragon: There we go, i have my key id now. [15:52]
lobbes: diana_coman: at meat-job atm, will log on in a few hours prolly. I'll giva ya a ping once I am [15:53]
lobbes: Btw, I checked my inventory yesterday and I got 198 Slithy Toves (q100) if anyone needs some [15:55]
Skydragon: Would it be possible to get some help with the key progress? I'm just unsure about it. :) [15:56]
diana_coman: ooo, nice lobbes [15:58]
diana_coman: Skydragon, did you follow that guide? [15:58]
Skydragon: Yes. [16:00]
diana_coman: so then: if you get stuck somewhere, say clearly where, lol [16:02]
danielpbarron: lobbes, you should.. auction them! :p [16:03]
danielpbarron: i would bid [16:04]
Skydragon: Well, i was wondering if the key that i export onto my desktop is the one i send to keys.connectical ? [16:04]
diana_coman: assuming that you are exporting the public key, yes [16:07]
diana_coman: from the guide: Via KDE's kleopatra or in gpg4win's version of the same, enter the list of certificates and click on the line corresponding to your keypair. Now click on File and Export Certificates, select a place on your PC where you'd like to save the file, and give it a name ending in the file extension .asc . Once this is done, open the file you just saved [16:07]
diana_coman: make sure it is the public one, lol [16:07]
Skydragon: That's what i am unsure about. I'm not sure if it's the public one haha. [16:08]
diana_coman: it says... [16:08]
diana_coman: When pasting your public key into the input field, ensure you begin with the line [16:08]
diana_coman: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- [16:08]
diana_coman: anyways, mess up a few pairs until you figure it out, what's the problem [16:09]
Skydragon: Alright it's sent to keys.connectical.com [16:11]
Skydragon: Oh that was quick. It's already uploaded. [16:12]
Skydragon: Do i do the command here or in pm of one of the bots here? [16:14]
Skydragon: Lobbesbot? [16:14]
Skydragon: Ah nevermind. [16:15]
Skydragon: Hmm i cannot seem to get the registering to work. [16:19]
Skydragon: Must be doing something wrong. [16:19]
Skydragon: Hmmm... [16:21]
diana_coman: Skydragon, make it easier on people to help you, you know? say clearly WHAT you are doing, step by step and what is the problem/err etc [16:22]
Skydragon: Ah sorry my bad. Well, what i am doing right now in deedbot's pm tab, is putting !!register <full_gpg_keyid> "ID here" next to > and i tried putting the id between the <> too [16:24]
Skydragon: then the bot tells me "Provide a paste URL to the ascii-armored GPG public key or the full 40 character key fingerprint without spaces or dashes." I tried doing the public key and the 40 character key fingerprint too. [16:25]
Skydragon: And that for some reason doesn't work. [16:26]
shinohai: Skydragon: paste the key here: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ [16:26]
shinohai: then !!register <url> [16:27]
shinohai: should be all you need to do [16:27]
Skydragon: Will do! [16:28]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman ah there is that. [16:29]
mircea_popescu: lobbes> Btw, I checked my inventory yesterday and I got 198 Slithy Toves (q100) if anyone needs s << should prolly auction that [16:32]
mircea_popescu: wtf is keys.connectical [16:32]
Skydragon: Mircea, at http://www.eulorum.org/Account_Setup and at the line [16:37]
Skydragon: "When pasting your public key into the input field, ensure you begin with the line" on the blue text called "input field" which brings you too https://keys.connectical.com/ when you click it [16:37]
mircea_popescu: ah [16:38]
mircea_popescu: that thing'll need a rewrite. any volunteers ? [16:38]
Skydragon: Goes to the same website when you click here on the line "Once your key is ready, you'll need to "push" it to keyservers so that it's available for proper use. To do this, click here" [16:40]
Skydragon: Mircea so that's not the correct website to go to for registering my key? [16:41]
Skydragon: Then what website is it instead? [16:41]
mircea_popescu: <shinohai> Skydragon: paste the key here: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ then !!register <url> [16:41]
mircea_popescu: ^ [16:41]
Skydragon: There we go. I finally figured it out how to registering it. [16:43]
mircea_popescu: that's nice. [16:43]
Skydragon: And now i need a account. :) [16:44]
shinohai: Nothing a few crayons couldn't fix. [16:44]
mircea_popescu: did you actually get eulora to run ? [16:44]
Skydragon: Yup i have it up and running right now [16:45]
Skydragon: At the login page right now. [16:45]
mircea_popescu: aite a sec [16:45]
Skydragon: Okay :) [16:46]
mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/h2Ac4/?raw=true [16:47]
mircea_popescu: shinohai mind making that page read modern english ? [16:47]
shinohai: mircea_popescu: The Eulora page you mean ? [16:48]
mircea_popescu: ye [16:49]
shinohai: Will add it to this week's agenda ;) [16:49]
shinohai: Hmmm .... " last modified on 5 September 2016, at 21:52." [16:50]
Skydragon: Hmm how would i go by changeing the window size of the game? [17:00]
Skydragon: It's quite small lol [17:01]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu> that thing'll need a rewrite. any volunteers ? << done. [17:02]
mircea_popescu: ty [17:02]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon either alt enter or edit the config file. [17:02]
mircea_popescu: there's also a cog like button in game [17:02]
danielpbarron: shinohai, ^ [17:02]
Skydragon: Ah [17:03]
danielpbarron: although feel free to edit further [17:03]
Skydragon: There we go 1920 x 1080 [17:06]
mircea_popescu: nice [17:07]
mircea_popescu: im doing a daylong craft right now, but once it's done trade me and i'll give you some items [17:08]
Skydragon: Oh okay. [17:12]
Skydragon: The world seems to be quite big which is cool. [17:13]
Skydragon: I have a feeling that it's gonna be a lot to learn about this game. At the moment im not extacly sure what the point of the game is. Do you just go around exploreing and interacting with stuff? [17:15]
danielpbarron: if you figure out a point please let me know [17:15]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon the world is actually tiny. next update will see proper big world [17:16]
mircea_popescu: read the s.mg reports/discussions, there's a lot of material tjhere. [17:16]
danielpbarron: next update ?? [17:16]
mircea_popescu: what, you thought we were done ? [17:16]
danielpbarron: no [17:16]
Skydragon: Hmm okay, so i see i have stats such as health stamina etc.. [17:17]
Skydragon: crafting tab and some other things too, cool! [17:17]
danielpbarron: is this a report that hasn't published yet? [17:17]
Skydragon: So the copper is ingame currency to buy stuff with? [17:18]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron no ? you mean the large world ? [17:18]
danielpbarron: yeah [17:18]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon yeah 1 ecu = 1 satoshi [17:18]
Skydragon: Tools eh, like swords and such? [17:19]
danielpbarron: tools that help you explore and craft better [17:20]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon so far exploring and crafting are active. [17:21]
Skydragon: Ah okay [17:21]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron it was announced a while back, lemme dig it out. [17:22]
danielpbarron: i remember something about it happening this year, but now you say it's in 2 days! [17:23]
mircea_popescu: ah i didn't mean next wed. [17:23]
danielpbarron: oh [17:23]
danielpbarron: lol [17:23]
mircea_popescu: no, no. just you know, next time we do a big update, will change the client sometime this summer. [17:23]
danielpbarron: cool [17:23]
danielpbarron: yeah gonna need a secret place to craft soon with all these noobs joining. idk how much longer it'll be safe to assume my gear is safe on the ground when i disconnect [17:24]
mircea_popescu: hehe [17:24]
serje: diana_coman can I use keybase.io to encrypt/decrypt? [17:24]
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/eulorangement/#selection-79.0-79.389 << land update [17:25]
mircea_popescu: serje pretty miserable idea, why should they own your keys. [17:25]
serje: I don't know ... because I was lazy to install something to encrypt/decrypt [17:26]
serje: but if you put the problem that way I can instal something [17:26]
serje: I never thought at that [17:26]
mircea_popescu: basically you're asking to be someone else's slave. why, it's silly. own your shit. [17:27]
diana_coman: serje, you *can*, but why would you? [17:28]
diana_coman: oh, I see you got the answer already [17:29]
serje: I won't! Let me install that! brb [17:29]
Skydragon: Is it asking to much for a mentor that learn me how the game works? Haha.. [17:30]
Skydragon: daylong craft? It takes that long to craft stuff? [17:32]
danielpbarron: daylong isn't even that long [17:33]
danielpbarron: i have some stuff i'm not sure would finish between server updates [17:33]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon some expert crafts take a long time / are high value [17:35]
mircea_popescu: i suspect danielpbarron might be looking for an apprentice. [17:35]
mircea_popescu: also, read the logs, the blogs, the wiki ... there's a lot to read. [17:35]
mircea_popescu: game's pretty complex. [17:35]
Skydragon: Ah well still that's cool that game is complex. At least it's not diffcult like dark souls haha [17:37]
Skydragon: I think [17:37]
danielpbarron: if someone is gonna be an apprentice to me they'll need to invest in some skills, with money [17:37]
danielpbarron: i have my own 0-skill noob otherwise [17:37]
danielpbarron: Skydragon, talk in here please [17:37]
Skydragon: Ah sorry my bad [17:37]
Skydragon: So apprentice? [17:38]
Skydragon: Oh so i need to get money for skills? [17:38]
danielpbarron: yes, and buy them from other players [17:38]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon the game doesn't produce loot from thin air. [17:38]
danielpbarron: there are ways to grind up the cash from nothing, but it'll take a while to get enough for a skill [17:39]
danielpbarron: in USD terms it's really cheap though [17:39]
danielpbarron: (while supplies last -- btc that is) [17:39]
danielpbarron: but if you buy 'building' and probably also 'gathering' you'll probably be able to make that money back with the stuff you find and sell here in public auction [17:40]
danielpbarron: low quality materials are wanted, but i know in my case, quality 1 is becoming less useful over time. would like something more in the 50 range [17:41]
Skydragon: How do i gather materials extacly? [17:41]
danielpbarron: type /explore [17:41]
danielpbarron: that's where having the skill comes in handy. you won't find much at rank 0 [17:42]
Skydragon: Okay i found a tiny bird next marker? [17:42]
danielpbarron: at first you'll mostly be /exploring just to get practice points so you can train for higher ranks [17:43]
mircea_popescu: well done. [17:43]
danielpbarron: oh heh, wow [17:43]
mircea_popescu: i thought noobs complained noobs didn't find shit ? [17:43]
danielpbarron: yeah wtf [17:43]
danielpbarron: guy has some gifted attributes or something [17:43]
danielpbarron: or found a really sweet spot [17:43]
danielpbarron: idk that bird's nest is much in demand though [17:43]
danielpbarron: Skydragon, the marker also came with instructions on how to use it [17:44]
mircea_popescu: well it's an item [17:44]
Skydragon: So the thing i have in my inventory is the bird nest? [17:44]
mircea_popescu: what's it say ? [17:44]
Skydragon: tiny bird's next ennumeration [17:44]
Skydragon: That's it right? [17:44]
danielpbarron: right click it [17:44]
Skydragon: Hmm i need to combine it somehow? [17:46]
mircea_popescu: it's the enumeration that lets you dig up the claim you made. [17:47]
Skydragon: Trying to figure out how to use it tho [17:47]
danielpbarron: you probably need something called "little bit o' nothing" or "coarse frangible thread" no? [17:48]
danielpbarron: unless it's an ordinary you found, in which case auction it! [17:48]
Skydragon: oh it's little bit o nothing that i need to combine with it [17:49]
Skydragon: So i get these little bit o nothing by randomly do /explore on random spots? [17:49]
Skydragon: Can i read about materials some where? [17:52]
Skydragon: and that's how you find little bit o nothing right? [17:52]
Skydragon: hmm i found one more tiny bird nest marker [17:54]
mircea_popescu: ima give you some lbns and some threads tomorro. [17:56]
mircea_popescu: they're crafted items, both. [17:56]
mircea_popescu: you can look up the recipes on diana's site [17:57]
Skydragon: Oh okay and diana's site? [17:58]
Skydragon: May i have a link to it? [17:59]
mircea_popescu: drv [18:01]
mircea_popescu: sec* [18:01]
mircea_popescu: http://dianacoman.com/Eulora/index.html [18:02]
Skydragon: Thank you. [18:03]
Skydragon: Question is little bit o nothing something you find as you explore or do you craft it? [18:07]
mircea_popescu: it's crafted. [18:13]
mircea_popescu: i think keys also decay into it if you leave stuff unlocked long enough [18:13]
mircea_popescu: but that's low quality. [18:13]
mircea_popescu: dunno if this matters to you though. [18:13]
Skydragon: Ohh i see! Cool [18:15]
shinohai: The girls had to come whack me on the back because I started laughing when I read http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-04-03.log.html#t21:24:44 [18:17]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-04-03 21:24:44: <serje> diana_coman can I use keybase.io to encrypt/decrypt? [18:17]
shinohai: I was in the middle of a drink [18:17]
danielpbarron: Skydragon, you might want to lock those claims in the meantime [18:18]
danielpbarron: girls? does shinohai have his own harem now? [18:18]
Skydragon: Daniel why should i lock them? [18:19]
danielpbarron: so they don't go away by the time you use them [18:19]
shinohai: I have 2 temporary harem girls over this evening. Nice weather means BBQ on front patio in bikinis [18:19]
Skydragon: Okay i locked all 3 [18:20]
danielpbarron: this gives me an idea. i'll put some bits and threads and tools on my other character so i can sell em when my main is crafting [18:21]
mircea_popescu: shinohai sweet set-up [18:21]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron not bad idea at that. [18:22]
Skydragon: So i assume i cannot do much right now? Just wait or whatever? lol [18:22]
Skydragon: Hm? [18:26]
mircea_popescu: well you can dig and let the keys decay and then mine with the bits. [18:26]
diana_coman: Skydragon, you CAN do plenty of things; apparently you need to figure them out first though [18:26]
mircea_popescu: but yes, you gotta do some reading to understand what;s going on, there's no way out of that. [18:27]
Skydragon: I could do by being someones appertanice or however you spell it now lol [18:28]
diana_coman: Skydragon, so start by reading the wiki and the relevant posts on people's blogs; danielpbarron explained what it takes to be his apprentice too, so it's not as if there aren't options [18:32]
Skydragon: Hmm okay. [18:34]
mircea_popescu: what did books go for, like 100k or such ? [18:35]
Skydragon: Books? [18:38]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon to get skills. [18:39]
Skydragon: Oh, i already thought i had the basic skills. [18:40]
ben_vulpes: shinohai: piiiics [18:40]
mircea_popescu: nope. [18:41]
Skydragon: I'm just gonna wait for the keys to decay then. [18:49]
Skydragon: Not sure how long that is gonna take tho [18:49]
mircea_popescu: well, can make more in the interim. [18:50]
shinohai: Best roll a joint or 18 while you wait for that to happen Skydragon [18:50]
mircea_popescu: shinohai what, they don't ? [18:50]
shinohai: Well in my experience keys take quite some time to "decay" [18:51]
mircea_popescu: ah really ? i thought it's fairly quick [18:51]
Skydragon: Like 24 hours ? [18:52]
mircea_popescu: more like an hour i thought [18:52]
shinohai: I left some of mine out by an old claim and it took like a week [18:53]
mircea_popescu: o.O [18:53]
Skydragon: Oh a week then xD [18:53]
mircea_popescu: darn how did danielpbarron get the top of the month! [18:54]
Skydragon: danielpbarron has a blog eh, well lets see if i can find it. [18:59]
Skydragon: Found it but it doesn't stand anything about being a apprentice for him. [19:03]
ben_vulpes: iirc the apprentice offer predated the multiple accounts per key regime [19:04]
diana_coman: Skydragon, I meant he said it in here: http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-04-03.log.html#t21:37:17 [19:05]
Skydragon: Oh? [19:05]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-04-03 21:37:17: <danielpbarron> if someone is gonna be an apprentice to me they'll need to invest in some skills, with money [19:05]
Skydragon: Ah i see. Well that's gonna take awhile then. [19:05]
diana_coman: well, you are basically asking people to invest time in you, but at the same time you are refusing to invest much yourself [19:06]
Skydragon: Just need those keys to turn into litte bit o nothing and figure out what to next etc.. [19:06]
Skydragon: If it's gonna take a week for the keys to decay then it will surely take awhile lol [19:08]
diana_coman: question is whether you'll spend that time actually reading the wiki and all the other posts [19:09]
diana_coman: or...not [19:09]
Skydragon: I've read that it's quailty of material which is based by the skills and by the tool you're usiing and as well tasks new players as myself can do for veterans if they have a job for you etc.. [19:16]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman do they actually take a week now ?! [19:16]
diana_coman: they shouldn't; and I saw claims vanish in front of me/ the moment I moved a bit so not sure about that [19:16]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon relax, take it easy, there's really a lot to learn etc, takes a while. [19:16]
diana_coman: tbh I did not really keep the keys to see about the lbn so dunno there [19:17]
mircea_popescu: must have been some weird legacy corner case [19:17]
diana_coman: if they are locked it should take certainly longer [19:18]
mircea_popescu: ah yeah, make sure your claims aren't locked [19:18]
Skydragon: Yup the markers are not locked and the key are inside them atm [19:19]
diana_coman: ... [19:19]
mircea_popescu: best keep the key in your pocket [19:19]
mircea_popescu: else you know, they may disappear altogether [19:20]
diana_coman: Skydragon, if you want the key as lbn, why would you leave it inside the marker that you expect to vanish? [19:20]
Skydragon: Oh, so the keys decay in your inventory too? [19:20]
mircea_popescu: i don't think he expected it to vanish lol [19:20]
diana_coman: they do [19:20]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon yeah, claim sticks go away / keys turn to lbn [19:20]
mircea_popescu: in your inv, in the bank, whatever. [19:20]
mircea_popescu: simple method is to just go make claims, once your inv is full of keys put them in bank, then keep making claims. once bank is full you should prolly have some lbn already made etc. [19:21]
mircea_popescu: noob can bootstrap himself, but takes patience and hard work. [19:21]
Skydragon: oh i will do that then [19:21]
Skydragon: I know where the bank is at least [19:24]
diana_coman: he means "storage" rather than bank since bank is for coppers (money) only [19:24]
mircea_popescu: right [19:25]
mircea_popescu: not even sure about it, but what q enums do you get ? [19:26]
mircea_popescu: might even be a market for it if they're all eccentric like q 1 or such. [19:26]
Skydragon: Not sure how to check quality on it [19:27]
Skydragon: and i figured out how to do the /bot explore command, althought bot locks the new markers it finds [19:28]
Skydragon: oh wait the 1 down the corner means its 1 q right? [19:29]
Skydragon: on the item [19:29]
diana_coman: upper corner is count and lower corner is quality Skydragon [19:30]
Skydragon: its 1 then [19:30]
Skydragon: By the way, how do i make the bot stop locking the new discoverd claims and keep the key in the invetory also? [19:32]
Skydragon: Changeing 1 to 0 didn't seem to do it [19:32]
diana_coman: try /bot help [19:33]
Skydragon: So /bot explore 1000 line 10 0 will do i think? [19:36]
Skydragon: Let's see if it still locks [19:36]
Skydragon: Ugh it still locks :/ [19:38]
Skydragon: Not sure what im doing wrong lol [19:40]
Skydragon: Any tips? [19:40]
diana_coman: did it say in its window that it will leave the keys? [19:41]
diana_coman: and oh, actually yes, lol [19:41]
diana_coman: iirc it either leaves the keys in claim and therefore unlocked claim OR it keeps the keys but locks claim because you haven't built it [19:42]
diana_coman: you could change the bot's code to do what you want it to do, but you need then to compile the client again [19:42]
Skydragon: To bad i would not know how to do that, oh well. [19:45]
diana_coman: I suppose you can leave it to fill your inv and then go and manually unlock them [19:49]
Skydragon: Yeah [19:50]
mircea_popescu: sounds like a hassle. [19:55]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon it's not actually that hard to edit the bot code, just look into your source dir [19:55]
mircea_popescu: oh, he's on windows. nevermind. [19:55]
diana_coman: yeah, the "user-friendly" windows [19:56]
diana_coman: so friendly that user can't do anything [19:56]
mircea_popescu: you know, i always said that's the cornerstone of friendship : ropes and chains. [19:57]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon anyway, on the positive side, if you had some lbn on you it'd just build the claims. [19:58]
diana_coman: I suppose I can give him a few to have a go at it [19:58]
diana_coman: Skydragon, trade foxy in game [19:59]
Skydragon: Ah sorry irl things lol [19:59]
diana_coman: there, good luck [20:00]
Skydragon: ty [20:12]
Skydragon: 817 bird nest and 114 crumbly rock [20:27]
serje: ok mircea_popescu, I guess I'm ready [20:32]
serje: anyway if I won't manage to do what I have to do I will ask for help here :P [20:32]
serje: hit me with an account [20:33]
Skydragon: I'll think most people are sleeping now [20:35]
Skydragon: Not sure what time it is for them but for me it's 02:35 at the night [20:35]
serje: damn ... i thought everyone is playing 24/7 [20:36]
Skydragon: I dunno [20:37]
serje: https://s11.postimg.org/ywz3iu9mr/45247521.jpg [20:38]
lobbes: !Qitem st [21:54]
lobbesbot: ITEM: Slithy Tove (st) Base Value: 5093 Bundle Value: [21:54]
lobbes: !~calc 5093*150 [21:55]
jhvh1: lobbes: 5093*150 = 763950 [21:55]
lobbes: !Qauction 763950 32 150 ST q100 [21:56]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 50 STARTED by lobbes: 150 ST q100 Opening: 763950 coppers Ending: 2017-04-05 09:56:57 UTC (32 hours) [21:56]
lobbes: lel, first time using my own auction bot [21:57]
lobbes: this could potentially push total auction-bot sales to date over the 50mn mark! (currently at 48,810,950 ecu) [22:00]
lobbes: diana_coman y'know, odds are I won't be on during normal daylight hours until this weekend. But still, no rush on teh payment; next billing won't even be until July anyways [22:02]
mircea_popescu: serje ready in what way ? [22:12]
mircea_popescu: !Qbid 50 1mn [22:13]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 50: 150 ST q100 Heard: 1mn from mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-04-05 09:56:57 UTC (31 hours 43 mins) [22:13]
mircea_popescu: lobbes definitely will go over 50 [22:14]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 50: 150 ST q100 Opening: 763.95k Highest Bid: 1mn Ending: 2017-04-05 09:56:57 UTC (31 hours 12 mins) [22:44]
Skydragon: Hmm been a few hours now and the keys haven't decayed yet lol [23:33]
mircea_popescu: try logging off / back in ? [23:34]
Skydragon: Will try that [23:35]
mircea_popescu: also try not filling the town up with claims. go dig up in a field somewhere. [23:35]
Skydragon: Sorry and i tried to logout and in but the keys are still there. [23:36]
mircea_popescu: tsk. [23:37]
mircea_popescu: well this'll have to get looked into i guess. [23:37]
mircea_popescu: in principle they should have decayed by now. [23:37]
Skydragon: Oh okay. [23:37]
Skydragon: And yes all claims are on "Unlocked" [23:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 50: 150 ST q100 Opening: 763.95k Highest Bid: 1mn Ending: 2017-04-05 09:56:57 UTC (30 hours 12 mins) [23:44]
mircea_popescu: Skydragon my craft is like 90\% done so if you stick around a few hours ima give you some stuff and oyu can proceed then [23:48]
Skydragon: Sure! I will be still here. [23:55]
Skydragon: Can keys still decay when you put them in storage? [23:57]

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