#eulora Logs for 23 Dec 2016

December 23rd, 2016 by Diana Coman
Tribalkiller_: Hi there ? [01:20]
Tribalkiller_: Are you there Mircea ? [01:29]
Tribalkiller: Hi there Mirc_popescu ! I would like to have my Eulora Credentials I think I've registered successfully so far xD [01:52]
jurov: Hi Tribalkiller, mircea_popescu will come around, just lurk few hours [04:22]
EDLionX: oh hey [04:32]
EDLionX: whered u come from? [04:32]
EDLionX: :))) [04:32]
EDLionX: (still cant find my damn table [04:33]
jurov: EDLionX: you want to pay for a detective service? [04:38]
jurov: My ECLisp interface can list all known things in the world and filter the data to find your table - if you're a coder, you can try it yourself. [04:39]
EDLionX: HUH [04:42]
EDLionX: that sounds neat! [04:42]
EDLionX: unfortunately im pretty poor myself hahaha [04:42]
jurov: http://explo.yt/post/2016/02/29/Embedded-Common-Lisp-for-Eulora << it's free [04:43]
lobbesbot: Title: Embedded Common Lisp for Eulora - serialized delusions (at explo.yt) [04:43]
mircea_popescu: ello [07:17]
mircea_popescu: aw he split ? [07:17]
Framedragger: had the pleasure of trying out witcher 3 a bit, and watching a friend play and fight. it's the shit! such detail in the environment - i don't mean useless visual effects - things like small puddles in roads, unique architectural elements among houses in villages and cities, shitloads of awesome sidequests with cool stories, etc. maybe time for me to get that new gfx card :) [07:20]
mircea_popescu: how are small puddles useful ? [07:21]
Framedragger: that sounded lame in retrospect. what i mean is small details that *add* to the environment - when you ride on a horse through a puddle, water spills, there are nice sounds etc. [07:22]
Framedragger: most lame comment of all, but: "it's so atomospheric!11" (it is.) [07:22]
mircea_popescu: aha [07:22]
Framedragger: no but, seriously, it's a game crafted with love. [07:23]
mircea_popescu: hehe not entirely without merit. anyway, on that score eulora is bound to disappoint you ; smg is not competing with sv on "atmosphericity" just like sv is not competing with smg on game design. [07:23]
Framedragger: it's just a contrast to assassin's creed shit and skyrim (though not much experience there, but from what i saw etc) [07:23]
Framedragger: oh absolutely fair enough: i play a 'lighter nethack brother' rougelike (http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/) and enjoy it, etc etc [07:24]
lobbesbot: Title: Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (at crawl.develz.org) [07:24]
mircea_popescu: maybe one day ; but honestly i dun see the merit in outlaying capital to try and play that game. will prolly be much cheaper to buy the "witcher 3" assets once they discover in practice that their business model doesn't work (ie, that no one who goes by atmospgericity is willing to pay for what that costs) [07:25]
mircea_popescu: and yes, the notion that "witcher 3" is nothing in itself, i could dress eulora in it tomorrow and it'd win out is of course mindblowingly evil to the "intellectual property" empire. [07:26]
mircea_popescu: but then again... people's choices are built upon their own choices, which is how they manage to diverge so severely from reality. [07:27]
Framedragger: yeah fair enough. (that being said, revenue's been great for them, it's just that i'm a terrible advertiser in this instance; the fact of the matter is, it's a massive super detailed world full of quests, open to exploration, with non-linear plot elements, etc. it's actually good. atmosphericity by itself is indeed lulzy) [07:27]
mircea_popescu: yes ; and "make eulora text client" is the first step on a road which ends with "modders can turn any arbitrary game into a skin for eulora - you can play eulora with witcher characters or wow characters" [07:28]
Framedragger: ..which does sound like a great super modular approach and path forward.. [07:29]
mircea_popescu: yeh. but not there yet so :) [07:30]
mircea_popescu: anyway - back to "useful", cuz that's what sparked this : it's the heuristic i use, that if it wouldn't help it in a fight with eulora, it isn't actually useful. [07:31]
mircea_popescu: ie, empty graphics, not substantial game-y-ness. [07:31]
mircea_popescu: and i don't mean "useful to the company" - i mean actually useful to the player. an element, however defined, either helps you recognize item y from item z or does not. [07:32]
mircea_popescu: there;s nothing substantially witcher-y about puddles. [07:32]
Framedragger: i jumped the gun with that one. yeah, sure. but to be contrasted with "this architectural style of this building hints at this noble class residing here." (i don't think i'm even stretching that much here from what's on actual offer.) at the end of the day however, one *can* map all of that to, say, terminal characters/sequences, i.e. it should be possible to losslessly translate things into a text client context. [07:37]
mircea_popescu: yeh, there definitely is something there. [07:37]
mircea_popescu: o how goes diana_coman [08:29]
diana_coman: heh, sounds like eulora is the geeky girl that fails atm the visual test of the "most of them are not blind" [08:29]
mircea_popescu: hey, more fun for us. [08:29]
diana_coman: nice, got a log on the fire and rather keen to get back to work on Sunday :D [08:29]
diana_coman: yeah, not really troubled by that "fail" just find it funny really [08:30]
diana_coman: and btw, the auction sounds great (though it took some log reading to figure out that Pete will hold the hammer) [08:30]
diana_coman: Framedragger, did you get to try Eulora ? [08:31]
diana_coman: how's the cons clicking mircea_popescu , did you get any higher level ones? [08:31]
mircea_popescu: nope ;/ [08:31]
mircea_popescu: but i did get the first >1 btc pop in history. [08:31]
diana_coman: :P [08:33]
EDLionX: I'm on a quest! [09:06]
mircea_popescu: what quest is it ? [09:08]
EDLionX: why, to find my table of course! [09:09]
mircea_popescu: oh hehe [09:09]
mircea_popescu: EDLionX didja just pm me ? [09:13]
EDLionX: oh yea [09:13]
mircea_popescu: say hiar. [09:13]
shinohai: For some reason I cannot clone jurov 's repo @ http://minigame.bz/jurov/Eulora-client.git [09:15]
lobbesbot: Title: Index of /jurov/Eulora-client.git (at minigame.bz) [09:15]
EDLionX: hiar? [09:16]
mircea_popescu: here. [09:16]
EDLionX: eh oh right [09:16]
EDLionX: 'member that fiverr money u said ure gonna give me [09:17]
EDLionX: can i have that? [09:17]
mircea_popescu: aha [09:17]
EDLionX: my pockets been running on fumes [09:17]
EDLionX: and winter sales is here [09:17]
mircea_popescu: ah you want it as paypal ? [09:18]
EDLionX: well sure, or bitcoin if u want [09:18]
mircea_popescu: alright, post bitcoin addy [09:19]
EDLionX: urgh [09:19]
EDLionX: hopefully i got this right [09:19]
EDLionX: wait a moment [09:19]
EDLionX: 19PTrqJnAXkzhjouFutcYKWQRxN8mWQvjx [09:20]
EDLionX: hopefully this is right [09:20]
mircea_popescu: why hopefulyl ? [09:20]
EDLionX: i am known to mess things up [09:20]
mircea_popescu: lolk [09:20]
EDLionX: a good example is what happened to me table [09:21]
danielpbarron: i've come up with a couple changes to foxybot that offer slight protection against table loss [09:30]
EDLionX: owh [09:30]
EDLionX: that would come in handy [09:30]
EDLionX: also ive been talking to u in game dan [09:30]
danielpbarron: one that checks if the character's Y-axis value is too far below the startPos.y and makes him go back to the last X,Z [09:31]
danielpbarron: although i may change this to check currPos against lastPos for a sudden steep decline in Y [09:32]
danielpbarron: and there's another check to see if the character is stuck, and tries to /unstick [09:33]
danielpbarron: and i'm gonna take a look at the code where the table gets lost, and see if i can make it go back a step to find it [09:34]
danielpbarron: there is a bug in my drunk explore method that wasn't detectable until i tried to add another method : since it is a switch case, it needs a break; [09:35]
EDLionX: oh smart [09:39]
EDLionX: oh even better [09:39]
EDLionX: jurov was mentioning something like that as well [09:39]
diana_coman: that sounds quite useful, danielpbarron ; might want to check if close to the shipwreck/hence teleported perhaps [09:39]
shinohai: False alarm on the jurov repo, finally cloned, must be shitty connection here [09:40]
shinohai: !~later tell jurov Cannot find src/common/lisp/compile.lsp when building from your repo :/ [10:50]
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded. [10:50]
danielpbarron: is drunk gathering on the side of a cliff [11:19]
shinohai: :D [11:20]
danielpbarron: already aimed line explore off the edge and and he turned back before falling [11:20]
danielpbarron: seems like a difference of 1 is the limit [11:21]
danielpbarron: that is, if your Y-axis drops by 1 or more in one step, you should probably turn back [11:21]
shinohai: intends to try danielpbarron 's patches next [11:22]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron interesting gravimeter approach [11:23]
danielpbarron: best part is this anti-fall measure is applied outside of the switch that handles which method you're using [11:24]
EDLionX: oh my gad i cant believe i actually found it [11:41]
EDLionX: it was stuck in the sand in this obscure part of the island [11:42]
EDLionX: -445 8 -450 to be exact [11:44]
mircea_popescu: wd! [11:48]
danielpbarron: oh i saw your in-game messages EDLionX, and no i am not using your table: i still have my original table from when i started playing [11:48]
danielpbarron: which i thought was gone forever, but was found by foxy [11:48]
EDLionX: hmmmmmmphhhhhh [11:49]
EDLionX: that was a joke geez barron [11:49]
danielpbarron: EDLionX, you must have seen how many claims i don't use. you want a few tiny and small ennumerations for free ? find out if it's profitable for you to buy them from me and follow in my bot's wake [11:59]
EDLionX: i would buy some small ennumerations yes [12:00]
danielpbarron: what resource you want? [12:00]
EDLionX: huh for free? even better [12:00]
EDLionX: eh whatever you have [12:01]
EDLionX: i like stocking up [12:01]
EDLionX: but not now [12:01]
EDLionX: im going to bed soon [12:01]
danielpbarron: i have solid branch through better bitter bean i think [12:01]
danielpbarron: i'll give you a couple of each and you find out which ones are profitable to use up threads on [12:02]
danielpbarron: my ennumerations and claims are high quality so you should see higher quality resources come out as compared to claims you found on your own [12:03]
EDLionX: alright, tomorrow perhaps? [12:03]
danielpbarron: k [12:03]
EDLionX: danke [12:03]
EDLionX: good day everyone [12:04]
danielpbarron: i added two new explore methods: contour, which sticks to whatever Y-axis value you start at, and snake which zig-zags up and down around the starting Y-axis; both use size to determine how far to turn on each try via pi/size (greater value means less turn, which means a wider arc) [13:22]
mircea_popescu: hey Tribalkiller [13:27]
Tribalkiller: hey hi :) [13:27]
mircea_popescu: did you want an account set up ? [13:27]
Tribalkiller: yes please [13:28]
mircea_popescu: lol danielpbarron killing it huh [13:28]
mircea_popescu: aite one sec [13:28]
Tribalkiller: good :) [13:28]
mircea_popescu: Tribalkiller [13:30]
mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/LALsb/?raw=true [13:30]
Tribalkiller: hmmm what fo I do from there xD ? [13:32]
Tribalkiller: *do I do [13:32]
mircea_popescu: start the game! [13:32]
Tribalkiller: alright Thanks :) [13:36]
mircea_popescu: did you manage ? [13:37]
Tribalkiller: i managed but says incorrect username or password [13:37]
mircea_popescu: ugh [13:38]
Tribalkiller: tried with both email and usename [13:38]
mircea_popescu: the username and pw are in the above gpgram though you using those ? [13:39]
Tribalkiller: yes [13:40]
mircea_popescu: are you doing something weird like l instead of I or so ? [13:40]
Tribalkiller: I dont think so does it take some time to update or it should work instantly ? [13:41]
mircea_popescu: should work instantly. [13:41]
mircea_popescu: oh i fucked it up. try now. [13:41]
Tribalkiller: in account it says email, should I put email or username you gave me ? [13:42]
mircea_popescu: username. [13:42]
Tribalkiller: server not running or not reachable but I think it did work [13:43]
mircea_popescu: do you have a crazy firewall or something ? [13:43]
Tribalkiller: might be it [13:43]
Tribalkiller: just a free one [13:43]
Tribalkiller: + window defender that isnt something xD lol [13:44]
mircea_popescu: i dont recall what ports it used a sec [13:44]
Tribalkiller: now its back to incorrect password or username lol :/ [13:45]
mircea_popescu: uh [13:45]
Tribalkiller: cant connect even with firewall down o.O [13:52]
Tribalkiller: version ? could I have an obsolete version of the game ? [13:53]
mircea_popescu: 1.2 [13:53]
Tribalkiller: 0.1.2 yeah sounds up to date [13:53]
mircea_popescu: then that's not it. [13:54]
mircea_popescu: can you ping ? [13:54]
shinohai: remembers when anond tried logging in by pasting the entire gpg message in the form [13:55]
mircea_popescu: did that work ? [13:56]
Tribalkiller: worked [13:56]
mircea_popescu: ah ? what did you do ? [13:56]
Tribalkiller: the ping worked i mean [13:57]
Tribalkiller: for eurola i get either wrong username / password or cant connect [13:57]
Tribalkiller: Using the wotpaste you send me [13:57]
mircea_popescu: this is pretty strange. [13:58]
mircea_popescu: so you are putting the name where it says , the password under it, and then the tab where the server is shown says what, "down" ? [13:58]
Tribalkiller: it says the \% [13:59]
mircea_popescu: what \% ? [13:59]
Tribalkiller: when i click login i get either wrong password, or it says connecting for few seconds then it gives server unreacheble error [14:00]
mircea_popescu: but what \% is this ? shouldn't have a \% ? [14:00]
Tribalkiller: varies between 80\% - 140\% sometimes more [14:00]
Tribalkiller: rare occasions it becomes failed [14:01]
Tribalkiller: servers : Eulora 143\% [14:01]
mircea_popescu: uh. [14:03]
mircea_popescu: listen, have you had the client open for a long time ? [14:03]
mircea_popescu: try closing it and opening it back up. [14:03]
Tribalkiller: incorrect password or username [14:04]
Tribalkiller: just restarted client [14:04]
mircea_popescu: well i guess ima make you a new pair. one sec. [14:06]
mircea_popescu: Tribalkiller http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/1bicW/?raw=true [14:08]
Tribalkiller: omg it worked xD [14:13]
Tribalkiller: woot ! [14:14]
mircea_popescu: wd! [14:14]
mircea_popescu: come find me over in town ima give you some things to start off with [14:15]
Tribalkiller: got to find it xD im at a barn next to where i spawned [14:21]
mircea_popescu: no rush [14:21]
mircea_popescu: im crafting so will be a while. [14:21]
Tribalkiller: ok [14:21]
Tribalkiller: what are all those lantern ? [14:40]
Framedragger: !~later tell diana_coman http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-12-23.log.html#t133102 << no, not yet! hope to do so some time soon. :) [16:56]
jhvh1: Framedragger: The operation succeeded. [16:56]
lobbesbot: Title: #Eulora log for Friday, 2016-12-23 (at logs.minigame.bz) [16:56]
danielpbarron: also modified the bot to stay away from the edge of the map, and specified coordinates (such as town and the portal to the graveyard) [17:21]
mircea_popescu: nice! [17:49]
shinohai: mircea_popescu: still want to dispose of those bundles? [18:04]
mircea_popescu: aye! [18:04]
shinohai: You in town? On my way [18:05]
mircea_popescu: hit me. [18:05]
shinohai: got a Festivus gift after all [18:07]
mircea_popescu: enjoy :) [18:08]
shinohai: ty! [18:08]
mircea_popescu: waves @ EDLionX [23:55]
mircea_popescu: didja get your fiver ? [23:55]

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