#eulora Logs for 08 May 2016

May 8th, 2016 by Diana Coman
mircea_popescu: seems so iirc [00:21]
alikim: Birdman: well, now I can afford maybe 1-2 books, so it won't matter at all. As to tools, I understand their usefulness but my leveling costs are far from 100k per few levels so far [00:32]
alikim: at some point I'll have to speed it up somehow [00:33]
Birdman: right, so best investment would be a book now to get the level, and start training, and by the time you can afford the books you may not even need em [01:38]
Birdman: definitely not as many, and you'll gain \% profits on probably most of what you find and build assuming its mostly basics [01:39]
alikim: how much difference a lvl 2 in soring make? [01:46]
alikim: vs lvl 0 [01:46]
Birdman: think at level 4 i've gained 2\% [01:46]
alikim: of quality? [01:46]
Birdman: q89 bits were making q88 basics, think q90 now [01:46]
Birdman: 2 quality points [01:46]
alikim: now my q is 10 [01:47]
Birdman: there [01:47]
Birdman: there's weird math involed though, so im not sure your results would be the same [01:48]
alikim: I nedd to buy at least 10 books to get 1 q and that will cost me 1 mil [01:48]
alikim: 5 books if it's 2\% [01:48]
Birdman: how do you figure [01:49]
Birdman: it costs you one book and probably 40 tiny claims [01:49]
Birdman: and trainer fees i guess [01:49]
Birdman: im telling you its a total waste to buy more than one [01:49]
alikim: one book gives one level, right? [01:49]
Birdman: yeah [01:49]
Birdman: the first book is always the one most valuable [01:50]
Birdman: why pay 100k to rank up once when its already insanely easy to do so [01:50]
alikim: that was my point, I'm going to buy any as I don't see how it will make any difference [01:51]
alikim: = not going [01:51]
alikim: at q 100 it maybe does, at q 10 I don't think so [01:52]
Birdman: it makes more sense to do it low quality [01:52]
Birdman: 2/10 > 2/88 [01:52]
Birdman: you'd see in a short time 20\% increase [01:52]
Birdman: on every basic you find [01:52]
alikim: you lost me, what exactly one book gives? 2 q points? 1 quality point? 2\% increase of current q? or 20\% increase in material output? [01:54]
Birdman: one book gives you the skill to level one, at level two i saw an increase of 1 q point meaning its added 1\% of its base value (q100 value), level 5 is another q point, so to you making q10 things, its not adding 2\% of q10, its adding 2\% of value at q100, so its a 20\% increase [01:56]
Birdman: and to get to that few levels is trivial, not to mention there's value in having a skill, especially early on, means you wont waste any exp you could've gotten [01:57]
alikim: I don't get it, right now w/o the skill I get 1 unit of q10, what will I get at lvl 1? [01:58]
Birdman: one unit at quality 10 [01:59]
Birdman: then you train that skill, then you get exp for that skill every time you tinker anything, or build any basic resource claims [01:59]
Birdman: should mention it increases quality on tinkering stuff too [02:00]
Birdman: and the more you level it up the higher the quality goes [02:00]
alikim: yes I will train that skill but it won't go up to the next level w/o another book [02:02]
mircea_popescu: alikim> I nedd to buy at least 10 books to get 1 q and that will cost me 1 mil << it's pretty stupid to buy books to go from 1 to 10. if you're not buying the whole set to 100, best buy the later ones than the early ones. [02:02]
mircea_popescu: alikim> yes I will train that skill but it won't go up to the next level w/o another book << yes it will. [02:03]
mircea_popescu: it goes up exactly like any other skill, heina teaches it. [02:03]
Birdman: arguably a bad idea even then, when two levels are probably easily gotten with a single ord for awhile [02:04]
alikim: then what do you mean by saying one book gives me one level? [02:04]
mircea_popescu: exactly that ? [02:04]
alikim: one level of skill or one level of what? [02:04]
mircea_popescu: one level of skill. [02:05]
mircea_popescu: i dunno why this is so confusing, you already used books to get gathering or whatever skill [02:05]
mircea_popescu: same principle. [02:05]
alikim: then how to understand this: yes I will train that skill but it won't go up to the next level w/o another book << yes it will. [02:05]
mircea_popescu: did you need another gathering book to level your gathering past level 1 ? [02:06]
alikim: no [02:06]
mircea_popescu: well so then. [02:06]
mircea_popescu: same thing. [02:06]
alikim: then why would anyone buy more than one book? [02:07]
mircea_popescu: entirely up to them, what. maybe they're in a hurry. [02:07]
mircea_popescu: maybe they want to resell later. maybe who knows. [02:07]
Birdman: i'd buy a gathering level for 100k in a heart beat [02:07]
mircea_popescu: doesn't foxy make those ? [02:07]
Birdman: would need the lvl 1k book [02:08]
mircea_popescu: o.O how high are you ?! [02:08]
Birdman: but the point is the levels get incredibly hard, so if you have a business model or whatever that needs to be high in that skill you buy the books to catch up [02:08]
alikim: how high can you go with that book? [02:08]
Birdman: ill tell you if you tell me [02:08]
Birdman: 1-100 [02:08]
mircea_popescu: Birdman gathering ? i'm 382 [02:09]
Birdman: or a level 1k book? 1-500 [02:09]
Birdman: im 413 right now [02:09]
mircea_popescu: wow nicely done. [02:09]
Birdman: thanks, it was a grind [02:09]
mircea_popescu: remembers the time when he was best in everything [02:09]
mircea_popescu: that lasted for like... a week ? [02:09]
Birdman: i think you're the highest in alot still [02:10]
mircea_popescu: possible [02:10]
Birdman: i would think all the craft lines lol [02:10]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman prolly has lapidary at least [02:10]
mircea_popescu: and daniel prolly sacrifice. tho i guess that's not what you mean by crafting [02:10]
Birdman: yeah [02:11]
Birdman: crafting tab [02:11]
mircea_popescu: but yeah, tinkering fo sho. closing in on 900 [02:11]
alikim: so are there 2 books, one for 1-100 and one for 1-500? [02:11]
mircea_popescu: alikim there's a book for every 100 [02:11]
alikim: why other books cost 10 mil then? [02:11]
mircea_popescu: first player to get 2x the 100 gets the recipes. [02:11]
mircea_popescu: which books cost 10mn ? [02:11]
Birdman: the first person to get to the next highest increment of lvl 200 in that skill gets the bps to make a skill book to boost from 1- half the level they reached [02:11]
alikim: the one foxy sells for 8 mil and daniel for 10 mil, forgot the name [02:12]
alikim: let me find it [02:12]
mircea_popescu: ah, that's not a book, thats an actual skill item [02:12]
Birdman: that might be a skill item [02:12]
alikim: what does it do? [02:13]
Birdman: gives you the skill just the same [02:13]
mircea_popescu: same thing as a book [02:13]
Birdman: though i think you can eat 20 of them [02:13]
mircea_popescu: yeah was something like that iirc. [02:13]
Birdman: to get to lvl 20 the reason they're so expensive is probably because no one has the book and they're higher tier skills [02:13]
mircea_popescu: course nobody does that lol. but back in the day... were you around when they spawned on map Birdman or not yet [02:13]
alikim: why is it so expensive if it's just the same, not 100k? [02:13]
Birdman: yeah i sold a bunch that i found stupidly [02:14]
mircea_popescu: alikim some skills nobody reached 200 yet to sell books. [02:14]
mircea_popescu: take a new skill, just added to the game. nobody has it period. [02:14]
mircea_popescu: then people did sacrifice, got the skill items, then levelled the skills and made books. [02:14]
Birdman: plus the sacrifice line is expensive in the first place [02:14]
mircea_popescu: easier for noobs because of this. early on people spent serious millions to get say sortage. [02:14]
Birdman: not to mention the skills you're looking at are probably the gathering ones, which are insanely hard to level [02:14]
mircea_popescu: iirc i paid 15mn for lj or some shit [02:15]
mircea_popescu: 25 maybe ? [02:15]
Birdman: least farming is a bitch, nearly 3 weeks gathering and no level in farming [02:15]
mircea_popescu: i recall diana_coman complaining foxy is dumb because farming lol. [02:15]
alikim: ok, thanks, I haven't slept last night so my head is barely working, can I buy that book now for 100k? [02:16]
mircea_popescu: sure, i'm in town. [02:16]
alikim: kk, paying in beans? [02:16]
Birdman: well she's not alone anymore lol confirmed insanely difficult [02:16]
mircea_popescu: make sure you sleep at least a coupla times a week. the bitchez will wait. [02:16]
alikim: good beans q 100 [02:16]
mircea_popescu: alikim alright. lemme see here [02:16]
alikim: from god storage [02:16]
mircea_popescu: 100000 / 197 / 1.3 = 390 beans [02:16]
alikim: cool coming [02:17]
mircea_popescu: this may be the first time someone paid in beans [02:17]
mircea_popescu: funny enough, a bean is almost 2 argents. [02:17]
alikim: not the last one I hope, I have tons of those [02:17]
mircea_popescu: i think tons starts at multiple of 9999. [02:18]
mircea_popescu: is kinda curious what happens when alikim gets his first pop lol. [02:18]
alikim: yeah good thing about them they are light, imagine I asked for 1 mil in boulders [02:18]
mircea_popescu: well i guess dump it in storage. [02:19]
mircea_popescu: anyway, prolly best move'd been to ask for 1mn in petrified bubbles or something like that. [02:19]
alikim: I thought about that but decided against it [02:19]
Birdman: could you have asked for one q166k boulder? [02:19]
mircea_popescu: how come ? [02:20]
alikim: I don't want insane advantage [02:20]
mircea_popescu: Birdman lol, "gimme joseph's own kidney stone" [02:20]
Birdman: then what're you doin here [02:20]
mircea_popescu: lol a few bubbles isn't insane by any means. [02:20]
mircea_popescu: i think diana burned a dozen already or somesuch. [02:21]
alikim: I was happy with a regular 130\% mat [02:21]
mircea_popescu: good for you. [02:21]
mircea_popescu: aw shit i dumpoed them in storage [02:21]
mircea_popescu: a sec [02:21]
alikim: birdman: having fun? [02:22]
mircea_popescu: now alikim [02:22]
mircea_popescu: enjoy. [02:22]
alikim: nice, thanks! [02:22]
Birdman: fair enough [02:22]
alikim: seriously, 1 mil is 5 bucks [02:23]
mircea_popescu: anyway, the first few levels go pretty fast if i recall, and they dent quality pretty good [02:23]
mircea_popescu: after that, it slows. [02:23]
Birdman: i guess i was asking why play if not to win [02:23]
alikim: birdman: the fact that I didn't ask for stone bubles doesn't mean I aim to lose? [02:24]
mircea_popescu: thinking about it... something like bod or doubtful tomes might have been even smarter. [02:24]
Birdman: yeah those get some pretty good mark up and are in need [02:25]
alikim: ok I'll find another hole in the server ;) [02:25]
mircea_popescu: quality 1.2k dt prolly fetch a pretty peny. [02:25]
mircea_popescu: lol [02:25]
Birdman: alikim yeah sorta [02:26]
Birdman: whats the logic to win a little when you can win alot [02:26]
alikim: don't write me off just yet [02:28]
Birdman: i wont just yet, but it is an rce lol pay to play or paid to play [02:30]
Birdman: plus you'd probably had made someones day with some bubbles [02:31]
mircea_popescu: anyone got a stash of cr ? [03:03]
alikim: I have 1458 q1 [03:07]
mircea_popescu: ill give you 1500 for it. [03:07]
alikim: deal [03:08]
mircea_popescu: im in town. [03:08]
alikim: ok they heavy a sec [03:08]
mircea_popescu: cheerios [03:10]
alikim: thanks [03:10]
alikim: I have 5.4k rr q1, 5.5k rf q1, 1.7k sr, 1.4k sb, 1.2k bn, 1k wwb, 1.1k wpl, 600 tpt, 500 sm [03:14]
zakorus123: hey guys [03:14]
diana_coman: 9 hours of exploring: 12*32542 = 390k durability spent, ~1300 lbn, 1300 cft, found 1 bubble (ha!), 300 beans, 130 wwb, 9 pss, 400 moss, 280 rf, 600 rr [03:39]
diana_coman: location certainly matters [03:40]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, you around? [03:40]
diana_coman: danielpbarron> diana_coman, qf is 17-19 leather, 1-2 cordage, 4 shavings (the lower bound on leather might be wrong and i can't check it right now) <- thanks! [03:40]
zakorus123: gz diana [03:41]
zakorus123: got any click-work? [03:41]
zakorus123: cus turns out i yet again cant deposit for a while [03:41]
diana_coman: morning zakorus123 , not yet, maybe later today when I get to go through stuff [03:42]
diana_coman: how is exploring going? [03:42]
zakorus123: ok cool [03:42]
zakorus123: i just woke up and found out i crashed [03:42]
diana_coman: are you collecting bits of nothing at least? [03:42]
diana_coman: I hope [03:42]
zakorus123: yeah ive got around 700ish bon [03:42]
diana_coman: cool [03:43]
diana_coman: you can't have too much of that, lol [03:43]
zakorus123: yeah [03:43]
zakorus123: ok afk exploring [03:47]
zakorus123: see u later [03:47]
diana_coman: have fun [03:47]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, 2050 cr 207q, 385k [04:12]
danielpbarron: alikim> why is it so expensive if it's just the same, not 100k? << because I decided that price. The book isn't really worth 100k either. The skill items cost a great deal for me to make, and nobody else is really offering them.. [07:31]
danielpbarron: diana_coman, ah, i just checked and it's 12 to 19 leathers, the rest was correct [07:32]
danielpbarron: and it's a mcguyvering thing [07:32]
mircea_popescu: books and skill items very different objects tho. [10:36]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron but it is worth actually a lot more than 100k, because the book itself is bv 17k, and the only way to loot bps is to oc, and if you oc the bps you loot are higher q, and sooner or later your bp q is too high to loot bps and you're fucked. [10:37]
mircea_popescu: see what i mean ? [10:37]
danielpbarron: why would anyone use books then? there must be some way to cheaply replentish them once all the supply lines get fleshed out [11:16]
danielpbarron: if all they are for is getting the skill initially, sacrifice is the way to go [11:16]
mircea_popescu: ah, the mists of eulora. [11:21]
danielpbarron: come to think of it, i know your solution [11:21]
mircea_popescu: but yes, if the skill doesn't exist, certainly you're not getting it from a book [11:21]
mircea_popescu: oh ? [11:21]
danielpbarron: i always get loot no matter the overcraft [11:21]
mircea_popescu: o.O ? [11:21]
danielpbarron: you can just undercraft it as much as possible until you get even 1 low quality blueprint [11:22]
mircea_popescu: how are you going to loot bps with uc [11:22]
danielpbarron: then overcraft it as much as possible [11:22]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 500 SA, d 15048, 11.5mn heard danielpbarron ; 5 stacks lbn, q 285, 9mn heard diana_coman ETA 17:00 ART <<< won, come pick up << you picking this up btw ? [11:22]
danielpbarron: i'm not at my computer atm [11:22]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman now i am yes. [11:23]
mircea_popescu: and wow, bubble pretty much pays for your entirte run huh [11:23]
danielpbarron: since the big change, i feel like there's always at least a little loot no matter how big or small the over/undercraft is [11:23]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123> cus turns out i yet again cant deposit for a while << lol it changes rapidly with you. [11:23]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron really ?! i've not seen that, clicked a bunch of sortage books, 0 loot of any kind [11:24]
mircea_popescu: well, other than the book [11:24]
danielpbarron: maybe have a noob click it; i think loot is mostly an undesirable thing, the result of low skilled crafting [11:25]
mircea_popescu: yeah well, if the noob clicks it and keeps a bp i just lost the line didn't i. [11:25]
danielpbarron: that has to be rectified by an extremely complicated line of crafting to put the value back into something usable [11:26]
mircea_popescu: that's one way of looking at it huh. [11:26]
danielpbarron: well if you're gonna lose the line to progressively increasing quality anyway [11:26]
mircea_popescu: myeah. dilemma. [11:27]
danielpbarron: maybe a noob would be willing to buy the line [11:27]
mircea_popescu: of course one hope would be that as the q runs up eventually it doesn't matter how high the bp q gets, it evens out and stays put. hopefully within reach. [11:27]
danielpbarron: or you can give it to a child of yours [11:27]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron thought of that, but who the fuck can afford such a thing. [11:27]
mircea_popescu: definitely that, yeah. [11:27]
mircea_popescu: yet another valuable heirloom. [11:28]
mircea_popescu: if it lasts that long, at any rate. [11:28]
danielpbarron: well then neato for me cause i got the 2nd gathering one :D [11:28]
mircea_popescu: anyway danielpbarron the other way to think about the oc business is : consider there's two reservoirs involved. N holds a certain bv of numina ; B holds a certain bv of blueprints. any practical production of B will drain N ; many drainages of B will fill N. the rates are of course player-settable, but the thing is [11:29]
danielpbarron: also got one of the 1st tier things, tinkering maybe [11:29]
mircea_popescu: as the new crafting model took hold, it started with empty N and full B [11:29]
mircea_popescu: some reallignment between the two is not surprising. [11:29]
mircea_popescu: <danielpbarron> well then neato for me cause i got the 2nd gathering one :D << btw, hopefully new books added wed. for all the lines. [11:29]
danielpbarron: huh? you mean because someone got 200 recently? [11:30]
mircea_popescu: lol, igot 800 tinkering. many people, myself included, been waiting for the new books to be added already. [11:31]
mircea_popescu: it's almost done. [11:31]
zakorus123: anyone need me to make them some bps? [11:32]
mircea_popescu: afaik you're getting gathering diana_coman building i'm getting sortage boug gungho mcguyver 200 ; and tinkering 6 and 800. ftw! [11:32]
zakorus123: 10\% output [11:32]
zakorus123: :) [11:32]
mircea_popescu: anyone hit lj/mining/grocery or anything ? [11:32]
zakorus123: 10\% of output is mine i mean [11:32]
zakorus123: if you choose to use me that is [11:33]
zakorus123: sorry if im not being clear [11:33]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 i have no idea how i'd even value something like 100 sortage book. billions, i guess. [11:33]
zakorus123: wow [11:34]
danielpbarron: i already got my gathering book blueprints [11:34]
danielpbarron: had them for a while now [11:34]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron ah right you are. pretty sure diana's been waiting on something or the other. [11:35]
zakorus123: im thinking [11:35]
zakorus123: ok i have an idea! [11:36]
zakorus123: ill do 1mil or 10\% whichevers lower [11:36]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 huh ? [11:36]
zakorus123: for making bp [11:36]
mircea_popescu: i don't think you understand what this is about :) [11:36]
zakorus123: i dont. [11:37]
zakorus123: i offered my bp overcraft services [11:37]
mircea_popescu: :) nice attitude tho! [11:37]
mircea_popescu: anyway, let me explain. [11:37]
zakorus123: maybe it got lost in translation [11:37]
mircea_popescu: so skills can be learned by books ; the recipes for those books can only be looted by crafting the very books in question. people who first reach skill level milestones get blueprints, which gives them control over that particular skill book line. [11:37]
zakorus123: ic [11:38]
mircea_popescu: now, should a noob get to click this craft, and loot blueprints, AND KEEP ONE, the exclusivity above just dissolved. [11:38]
mircea_popescu: his proposal would be that hey, you could just sell the blueprints to a noob [11:38]
zakorus123: im honest i never keep any [11:38]
mircea_popescu: as in, give a noob the craft line. which i could, but fuck me it'd be a large pile of coin [11:38]
mircea_popescu: well i'm not talking about you, i'm talking in general. [11:38]
zakorus123: okay ask diana i do this for her half the time im online lol [11:39]
zakorus123: id never ever keep a bp that was commisioned to be made [11:39]
zakorus123: by me [11:39]
zakorus123: for someone else [11:39]
mircea_popescu: lol k. [11:39]
zakorus123: im always talking coppers when i say 10\% value [11:40]
zakorus123: never the bps themselves [11:40]
zakorus123: guess no one wants my bp overcraft services right now [11:43]
zakorus123: will wait [11:43]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 yeah it's a right guy at the right time sorta thing, takes patience. [11:43]
zakorus123: mhm [11:44]
zakorus123: i have patience in spades so it doesnt matter [11:44]
zakorus123: :) [11:44]
zakorus123: i had to spend the money i was gonna use to get 20mil coppers from jurov on bills [11:44]
zakorus123: kinda sucks [11:44]
zakorus123: but thats life [11:44]
mircea_popescu: eh what's the rush. jurov's not going anywhere. [11:45]
zakorus123: trudat [11:45]
zakorus123: im in no rush [11:45]
zakorus123: i just wanna get a leg up eventually [11:46]
zakorus123: emphisis on eventually [11:46]
mircea_popescu: depositing too soon is not advisable anyway. sorta like marriage, gotta get to know the girl first. [11:46]
zakorus123: lol [11:46]
zakorus123: i like the game alot [11:46]
mircea_popescu: tis true! [11:46]
zakorus123: but ur right [11:47]
zakorus123: cant rush things [11:47]
zakorus123: im always available to overcraft for 10\%/1mil whichevers lower so just remember me when you want to do something like that [11:48]
mircea_popescu: the largest crafts in game are maybe 400k bv you know, i can't imagine how 1mn will ever be larger. [11:49]
zakorus123: ic ic [11:49]
mircea_popescu: if you make something like a wos or such, even wiht bundle q300 it's still like 1.3mn all told. [11:50]
zakorus123: but yknow im always talking market value [11:50]
zakorus123: lol [11:50]
zakorus123: also i got 60k from diana on one craft earlier [11:50]
zakorus123: at 10\% [11:50]
mircea_popescu: nb [11:50]
zakorus123: i made her maculature and 3.9k bps [11:51]
mircea_popescu: o.O not bad. [11:51]
zakorus123: :) [11:51]
zakorus123: see overcraft can be good [11:52]
mircea_popescu: lol diana_coman 's eating lbn like water is she. [11:52]
mircea_popescu: prolly multiple stacks a day [11:52]
zakorus123: haha [11:52]
zakorus123: thats crazy [11:52]
zakorus123: never thought of that [11:52]
zakorus123: cus shes shredding the bad ones right? [11:53]
mircea_popescu: well no, just mining. [11:53]
zakorus123: the ones that would be worth more as LBNs [11:53]
mircea_popescu: o you mean the bps ? i have no idea. maybe [11:53]
zakorus123: i think that might be what shes doing [11:53]
zakorus123: i mean it would be smart to shred some of the ones you dont need [11:53]
zakorus123: cus lbns of high quality [11:54]
zakorus123: very nice to have [11:54]
zakorus123: how do you shred a bp you dont want anyway? whats the method? [11:55]
mircea_popescu: there's a "shredding instructions" blueprint. [11:56]
zakorus123: ic [11:56]
zakorus123: how much do those sell for? [11:56]
mircea_popescu: http://www.dianacoman.com/Eulora/Little-Bit-O-Nothing.html < there [11:57]
zakorus123: guess id need some screens, some of those boots, [11:59]
zakorus123: laundry list of things i need [11:59]
zakorus123: so guess thats not happening [12:00]
mircea_popescu: yah bouquinism is kinda expensive [12:00]
mircea_popescu: if you're thinking to start crafting, tinkering is much more accessible. [12:00]
zakorus123: yeah [12:00]
zakorus123: seems like it [12:01]
mircea_popescu: for one thing, the tool doesn't decay. this is huge. for another thing, many higher crafters can rectify your lower output basic items into usability [12:01]
mircea_popescu: same is not true of bouquinism, you spend serious dough to shred and get shitty lbn out which nobody wants. [12:01]
zakorus123: yeah [12:02]
zakorus123: that makes sense [12:02]
zakorus123: ok using dianas cookbook i think i wanna make some srs u got any bps of srs? [12:04]
mircea_popescu: sure. [12:04]
zakorus123: cool what q [12:04]
mircea_popescu: lesseee [12:04]
mircea_popescu: i got 112 and 200. [12:05]
zakorus123: ok ill take the 112s [12:05]
zakorus123: some of them [12:05]
mircea_popescu: how many ? [12:05]
zakorus123: hm... wahts the market value \% [12:05]
mircea_popescu: ima sell them to you for 50c each. that's like 50 / 25.5 / 1.12 = 175\% [12:06]
zakorus123: sounds good [12:06]
mircea_popescu: no market value because i dun recall any selling this year. [12:06]
zakorus123: ill take 50 [12:06]
mircea_popescu: aite lemme get some out [12:06]
zakorus123: ok [12:06]
zakorus123: im also running short on sr a bit [12:07]
zakorus123: so how many sr u got and what q [12:07]
zakorus123: :) [12:07]
mircea_popescu: ok trade me [12:08]
mircea_popescu: i dun got no sr, you'll have to find that yourself. [12:08]
mircea_popescu: enjoy [12:08]
zakorus123: ok thanks [12:08]
zakorus123: :) [12:08]
zakorus123: anyone else got some low q shiny rocks? [12:10]
mircea_popescu: honestly you prolly want high q. [12:10]
zakorus123: ok then [12:10]
zakorus123: high q shiny rocks [12:10]
zakorus123: err [12:10]
zakorus123: ~100 [12:10]
mircea_popescu: pester diana when she gets on, she prolly has some [12:10]
zakorus123: ok [12:11]
zakorus123: ive got enuf for 5 crafts [12:11]
zakorus123: so ill do that first [12:11]
mircea_popescu: works. say what bundle and what srs q you get, im curious [12:11]
zakorus123: ok we'll see [12:12]
mircea_popescu: do you have the tink skill ? [12:13]
zakorus123: q21 bundle [12:13]
zakorus123: i have 27 of tink [12:13]
mircea_popescu: a not bad at all. [12:13]
zakorus123: i got 1 q22 tiny rock :) [12:13]
zakorus123: err [12:13]
zakorus123: shiny rock shard [12:13]
mircea_popescu: so 21 to 22 ? pretty cool, this way you won't end up with a pile of hard to market low q sentiments. [12:14]
zakorus123: also- im still using low q mats [12:15]
zakorus123: cus i foudn em myself [12:15]
mircea_popescu: profit maker for you for sure, this set-up. basics sell for 115\%, but the srs prolly gets well over 120\%, maybe even 130\% with some luck. [12:15]
zakorus123: mhm [12:15]
zakorus123: allrighty :) [12:16]
zakorus123: im out of shiny rocks now [12:17]
zakorus123: seems like i made a profit but lemme calc [12:17]
zakorus123: bv on these is 99 [12:18]
zakorus123: each [12:18]
zakorus123: so 120/130\% is pretty nice comparitively [12:18]
zakorus123: and im not even done [12:19]
zakorus123: :P [12:19]
zakorus123: could get some better ones too [12:19]
zakorus123: if i get the highq mats [12:19]
danielpbarron: i also have srs blueprints for sale, but please to order 100k worth at a time [12:32]
danielpbarron: i get 11k for free every day so it's not particularily compelling for me to stop what i'm doing for a trade worth less than this [12:33]
zakorus123: sure sure. maybe when i got the need for a large amount [12:35]
zakorus123: which will be later [12:36]
danielpbarron: 50 is silly; that's what, less than half an hour's worth? [12:36]
zakorus123: tru [12:37]
zakorus123: but i dont have enuf money (yet) to make big purchases [12:37]
danielpbarron: i'm willing to extend lines of credit [12:38]
zakorus123: i dont like owing people [12:38]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 thinking about it : yes it's nice as far as \%s go, but i was thinking in terms of my own q 200ish crafting. [13:12]
mircea_popescu: the picture is a lot more grim for oyu because low q : you take say 50c worth of materials (because srs bundle is 255, and oyu do q 20ish), add 50c worth of blueprint, suddenly you're putting in 100 taking out 50. [13:13]
mircea_popescu: talking base values. yes you get nice experience, but the 10-15\% jump in value of your product doesn't justify the bp cost because it's working on such a narrow basis. [13:13]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, can collect now [13:15]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron i'm entertaining him cuz he's new, you know, his first try. [13:15]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman in town [13:15]
mircea_popescu: o sorry wrong one [13:15]
diana_coman: lol [13:15]
mircea_popescu: cheerios. [13:16]
diana_coman: yay, thanks [13:16]
mircea_popescu: what a trade day. first i sold 50 bps for 2500. then i sold 5 stacks of lbn for 9000000 [13:16]
diana_coman: eh; did you want that cr? not sure if I missed it or you just didn't want it [13:18]
mircea_popescu: remind me ? [13:18]
diana_coman: http://logs.minigame.bz/latest.log.html#t08:12:32 [13:18]
lobbesbot: Title: #Eulora log for Sunday, 2016-05-08 (at logs.minigame.bz) [13:18]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, ^ [13:19]
mircea_popescu: nah, but 356k i'd do. [13:20]
diana_coman: maybe later when I get loads of it [13:21]
mircea_popescu: kk. [13:21]
mircea_popescu: how about nt ? [13:21]
diana_coman: got 901nt 261q, also 125\% though , for same reason that I don't seem to have loads [13:25]
mircea_popescu: hmpf. [13:26]
diana_coman: really: the moment I get a few stacks at this q, I'll be fine to sell it cheaper [13:26]
diana_coman: not sure it makes sense that any q is same \% too [13:26]
mircea_popescu: prolly doesn't. [13:27]
mircea_popescu: tbh, i'd much rather have 3-5 stacks in the 50-100 range [13:27]
diana_coman: hm, I might be able to do that for cr actually [13:27]
diana_coman: but I don't get it: would you pay higher \% on ..lower q? [13:27]
mircea_popescu: not terribly needed for cr :) but if you can then meet 115 i'd buy [13:27]
diana_coman: uhm [13:28]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman no, i'd pay the same, i just don't particularly need q200+ [13:28]
diana_coman: oh, that's fine then, kind of explains why we basically can't trade on this [13:28]
diana_coman: I don't have what you need [13:28]
mircea_popescu: a noob prolly would benefit a lot from high q so he can both grow up and not make shitty sentiments too much [13:29]
diana_coman: he'll probably lose a lot though [13:29]
diana_coman: unless he's really luck [13:29]
diana_coman: lucky [13:29]
mircea_popescu: "lose" [13:29]
diana_coman: lol [13:29]
zakorus123: hey diana [13:29]
diana_coman: hi zak [13:29]
zakorus123: im willing to lose money to get skill [13:29]
zakorus123: cus in the long run [13:29]
zakorus123: yknow [13:30]
zakorus123: i might get my own line [13:30]
zakorus123: :) [13:30]
diana_coman: ok zakorus123 ; do you need anything? [13:30]
mircea_popescu: feed him some sr. [13:30]
zakorus123: just need some sr [13:30]
zakorus123: :) [13:30]
diana_coman: ah, kk, give me 5 min [13:30]
zakorus123: ~q150 [13:30]
mircea_popescu: if he can oc the srs craft and manages to loot some extra srs he should be doing ok. [13:30]
mircea_popescu: certainly better than you know, running q112 bps on q20 bundles. [13:31]
mircea_popescu: i'm starting to think the rule of thumb for noob crafter should be "never bp q over bundle q" [13:31]
diana_coman: yeah; tbh I gave him for free to thread some q2 grass into q3 thread for me [13:31]
diana_coman: he got the xp for free entirely [13:31]
zakorus123: trudat [13:31]
diana_coman: and I did not lose the time to thread the bloody thing [13:31]
zakorus123: but the exp was lousy [13:31]
zakorus123: so ~100 sr then [13:31]
zakorus123: cus i just reaslized too ~150 would be too high [13:32]
zakorus123: realized* [13:32]
zakorus123: q100* [13:32]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman is it more practical for you to have him go from 2 to 3 than for you to mix it with some grass, make it 10 or somesuch and craft yourself to q 50+ ? [13:33]
diana_coman: lol zakorus123 it's not as if I have everything and all in between [13:33]
diana_coman: you'll have to take what you find and then mix if you want some specific q [13:33]
zakorus123: ok [13:33]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman you know i've been thinking for a while about this problem. fucking multivariate matrix, so i have logs of what people trade. ok, so ? how do you extract prices ? [13:33]
diana_coman: I had/have loads of loq q bps [13:33]
mircea_popescu: i'm thinking of putting it up as an open problem in trilema. [13:33]
diana_coman: low q [13:33]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman better to have him do that than shred them ? [13:34]
diana_coman: yeah because shredding takes also loads of OTHERS [13:34]
diana_coman: which...ahem [13:34]
mircea_popescu: 1 ea [13:34]
diana_coman: but well, it was more of a trial run [13:34]
mircea_popescu: kinda why im curious about it :) [13:34]
zakorus123: ic [13:34]
diana_coman: as you can see above he's not that keen on it either even for free, lol [13:34]
zakorus123: lol [13:34]
diana_coman: ahaha, turns out I ate all the reasonable q sr with the last ibs run [13:35]
diana_coman: sorry zakorus123 , I have only some q7 , you'll have to wait for when I get more [13:36]
zakorus123: ok will wait [13:36]
diana_coman: but why exactly sr? [13:37]
diana_coman: I mean: the same thing 115\% to 125\% applies to all level 1 crafts anyway [13:37]
mircea_popescu: he was making some srs. [13:37]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman actually this is an experiment i'd like to run : give a noob high q bundle, q 5ish bp, set to make ltf. see how many he makes per click. [13:38]
diana_coman: so make the experiment, lol [13:39]
mircea_popescu: but ima wait for all my tink numina to sell out before lol [13:39]
zakorus123: lol [13:42]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman http://trilema.com/2016/multivariate-calculus-for-experts/ <<< for your lulz. [14:18]
lobbesbot: Title: Multivariate calculus for experts on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. (at trilema.com) [14:18]
zakorus123: <--- brain hurts [14:20]
mircea_popescu: hehe [14:29]
mircea_popescu: oh, hanbot an' danielpbarron are gonna love this : [14:29]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. opening shall we say... 9mn ? ETA 17:00 ART. [14:29]
hanbot: oh hello. 9mn here! [14:30]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 9mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART. [14:30]
hanbot: is that ending today? ie, hour an a half? [14:30]
mircea_popescu: ftr, qabv is 7168824 [14:30]
mircea_popescu: hanbot nah tomorrow at 5. [14:31]
mircea_popescu: ~25 hrs to go [14:31]
hanbot: cool [14:31]
hanbot: http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-official-may-auction-or-a-celebration-of-lifestyles/ << says sunday may 14th. shouldn't that be 15th? [14:33]
lobbesbot: Title: Eulora : Official May Auction, or a celebration of lifestyles! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. (at trilema.com) [14:33]
mircea_popescu: yeah tis the 15th [14:34]
mircea_popescu: next sunday. [14:34]
lobbesbot: News from eulora: Multivariate calculus for experts <http://trilema.com/2016/multivariate-calculus-for-experts/> [14:35]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, 9.45 mn almost wine [15:21]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 9.45mn heard danielpbarron . ETA 17:00 ART. [16:19]
Birdman: didnt few aw's go for millions before or is that wrong? [16:22]
Birdman: thinking i havent gotten any ords is because the spot im at can find tlc and other higher value things than the wpl spot right outside town [18:30]
mircea_popescu: Birdman sure. [20:53]
mircea_popescu: aaaand now, time to go for a little bit of mining! [20:56]
alikim: so, currently there are no 100k books that related to gathering / builing activities except sortage? [21:00]
mircea_popescu: well there are gathering and building books [21:03]
alikim: I now have gathering building & soratage, so I'm chacking if I can unlock and train anything else along with it at 100k budget [21:04]
mircea_popescu: ah. nah, iirc the lj/mining/farming skills are still item only [21:04]
alikim: ok, thanks [21:05]
hanbot: 10.5mn on the aw mircea_popescu [21:12]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 10.5mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART. [21:15]
mircea_popescu: eee eps ord! [21:49]
Birdman: schweet [21:50]
mircea_popescu: o look, and lh! [22:26]
mircea_popescu: i think this is the first time i find lh personally [22:26]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, 11.03 [22:36]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 11.3mn heard danielpbarron . ETA 17:00 ART. [22:40]
hanbot: lh, also ord? wd [23:09]
hanbot: mircea_popescu 12mn on the aw [23:11]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 12mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART. [23:13]
mircea_popescu: nah, just small, but still. [23:13]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, 12.6 [23:13]
hanbot: 13.5 here [23:14]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 13.5mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART. [23:14]
mircea_popescu: this caught up fast enough eh. [23:15]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, 14.2 [23:15]
hanbot: 15 [23:15]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 14.2mn heard danielpbarron . ETA 17:00 ART. [23:15]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 90 AW, q 222. 15mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART. [23:15]

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