#eulora Logs for 06 May 2016

May 6th, 2016 by Diana Coman
zakorus123: good morning [02:27]
diana_coman: morning zakorus123 [02:32]
zakorus123: morning diana [02:32]
zakorus123: u got work for me still? [02:32]
diana_coman: yes, sorted that out [02:59]
diana_coman: Birdman, I'm making tomes, so I'll have some a bit later today [03:50]
diana_coman: 221q [03:50]
diana_coman: available for sale: 3270 ibs 87q, price 1mn [03:58]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, jurov ^ [03:58]
Birdman: sweet keep me posted [04:10]
Birdman: congrats on all the pops hanbot [04:11]
Birdman: start crafting things that need tons of bbb guys! [04:37]
diana_coman: lol, I think mircea_popescu still buys bbb at 130\%, doesn't he? [04:40]
Birdman: 130\% isnt what i'd sell em for [05:50]
Birdman: before the change sure [05:51]
Birdman: after? if you want high tier rares you are gonna have to use tools [05:51]
Birdman: and even then the results aren't great, but i happen to be sitting on a stack over q100 and a stack <q100 [05:52]
Birdman: so i figure when they're needed ill be that guy with all the beans [05:52]
diana_coman: can't hurt to try I guess [06:05]
Birdman: yea suppose so, so has gathering confirmed gotten more difficult? [06:06]
Birdman: guess im high enough level to be happy about it [06:07]
Birdman: just would be a shame if im lagging behind now if im not using tools, always figured if im barehanding 24/7 im getting the rank fastest [06:08]
diana_coman: lol [06:10]
Birdman: whats funny bout that? [06:10]
jurov: Birdman: acc. to my calculation you can now barely get one level/day. and my calculations are for levels between 150-200 [06:18]
jurov: btw, given pervasive obfuscatious secrecy, i'm surprised server still sends exact experience numbers at all [06:22]
Birdman: jurov thats pretty depressing, it was about a level a day for me where i am now, so what maybe days per level [06:47]
Birdman: i still hit gud though seemingly a lack of ords, could be because i moved to a harder spot though [06:47]
Birdman: diana_coman how would i go about editing the bot to lock certain claims? [06:56]
zakorus123: im gonna head over to jambajuice and get myself a smoothie [06:59]
zakorus123: later [06:59]
zakorus123: just realized jamba juice doesnt open for another hour lol [07:06]
Birdman: yeh i had to wait till now to go to the coffee shot [07:24]
Birdman: shop* [07:24]
zakorus123: yeah [07:27]
Birdman: guess im the perfect person to click considerations, im noob enough to get alot of loot and skilled enough to get it decent quality [07:33]
Birdman: having the ultimate noob click it was a disaster, anyways [07:34]
diana_coman: Birdman, search in the code for the comment that even says "don't lock tinies and smalls" or some such - should be in botactivity.cpp [08:23]
diana_coman: I gave more precise details to danielpbarron so should be in the logs otherwise [08:24]
diana_coman: Birdman, 8 dt are ready [08:48]
Birdman: ill take em, and thanks i'll figure it out [08:57]
Birdman: diana_coman in town now? and how much for the lot [08:57]
diana_coman: in town, should finish this craft in 5-6 minutes, price is same per each as earlier really so 8*(52000+1.8*2.21*29170) [08:59]
diana_coman: ah, no, this was bods [08:59]
diana_coman: ugh [08:59]
diana_coman: 2.4*2.21*88462 [08:59]
diana_coman: each [08:59]
diana_coman: 3.75mn total [09:00]
diana_coman: sorry, got to take them out, lol [09:02]
diana_coman: ready Birdman [09:02]
Birdman: no sweat [09:03]
diana_coman: enjoy [09:03]
Birdman: thanks [09:03]
Birdman: bundle q 179 1.79*153999 [09:09]
Birdman: 275658.21-276942.82=-1284.61 [09:09]
Birdman: so there's that, next timme use a lower quality token and see if it shifts any [09:10]
Birdman: feel im losing 1\% ish due to the token [09:10]
danielpbarron: loss is because of rounding [09:17]
danielpbarron: everything'd have to be the same quality to avoid it [09:17]
danielpbarron: or else some other perfect mixture [09:17]
danielpbarron: not really worth the effort of figuring it out over 1k coppers [09:18]
Birdman: there's definitely some weird calculation for these bundles anyways, is the bv at 999 numina or one you know, even so, 10ecu bv numina, even all at the difference in quality between q163 to q223 numina, and the extra 120 or so from a token at q223 is only just over 6000 ecu, so why is the bundle going from q221 as the most expensive ingreds to q179 which if eulorum bv for nmgc is 153999, 42 q points is worth 153999*.42 ~65k [09:18]
danielpbarron: didn't you just confirm that the ingredients and the bundle are worth the same (with an error of 1k) ? [09:20]
Birdman: yeah [09:21]
Birdman: but using all ingreds q whatever the bundle q will come out equal in ecu, but less in quality [09:21]
Birdman: i think [09:21]
Birdman: its early, but im pretty sure that makes sense [09:21]
Birdman: if you take all ingreds anyways, multiply by bundle quality, comes out less than bundle bv in ecu [09:24]
Birdman: they inherently lose quality apparently [09:24]
danielpbarron: there is built in overcraft [09:25]
diana_coman: if that's the case Birdman, it's not that they "lose quality" but that there is implicit overcraft [09:25]
Birdman: so it saps some quality to make certain there's loot [09:25]
Birdman: but the ecu isnt changed [09:25]
Birdman: ? [09:25]
diana_coman: ugh, how does that make sense ? [09:26]
Birdman: thats the question im asking [09:26]
diana_coman: no, you are asking something that doesn't quite make sense, lol [09:26]
diana_coman: what is "sapping some quality"? [09:27]
Birdman: see above [09:27]
diana_coman: well, I don't see it, lol [09:27]
Birdman: you lose quality in making the bundle [09:27]
Birdman: all ingreds in ecu * bundle bv < bundle bv in ecu [09:27]
Birdman: bundle bv * quality that is [09:27]
diana_coman: ingred in ecu = input value [09:28]
diana_coman: not sure what is bundle value to do there [09:28]
diana_coman: bundle bv*bundle quality = output [09:28]
diana_coman: oc = output - input [09:28]
diana_coman: that's all there is [09:28]
Birdman: ingredient quality > bundle quality [09:29]
Birdman: ingreds * bundle q < bundle bv * quality in ecu [09:29]
diana_coman: mk, enjoy yourself [09:29]
Birdman: lol [09:30]
danielpbarron: no the bundle is input [09:31]
danielpbarron: output is after the click [09:31]
Birdman: irrelevant [09:31]
danielpbarron: click being the thing that takes time [09:31]
Birdman: if you use all q200 ingredients say, you will get a bundle with less quality than 200 [09:31]
Birdman: only thing left to know is by how much and if it can vary [09:31]
Birdman: so, blueprints well into the q200 range should be marked up even more than normal, considering how high the ingreds need to be [09:34]
diana_coman: danielpbarron, there are two steps, one can consider input/output at every stage, not a problem there per se [09:35]
diana_coman: Birdman, how did you calc bundle value in fact? [09:35]
Birdman: eulorum [09:36]
diana_coman: lol [09:36]
Birdman: but also is irrelevant [09:36]
diana_coman: might be or not; bundle value would logically be number of bits shown in there*11 [09:36]
diana_coman: mk [09:37]
danielpbarron: well the bundle had better equal the ingredients (minus some rounding) or there's a problem [09:37]
Birdman: its obvious to see 42 q points on the bundle is way more than 6200 ecu [09:37]
Birdman: which is the difference in ecu to get the ingreds i used entirely to 2.21 [09:37]
Birdman: i guess next one i'll take to the store [09:38]
danielpbarron: you can check the value yourself at storage [09:38]
diana_coman: <danielpbarron> well the bundle had better equal the ingredients (minus some rounding) or there's a problem <- ah, right; the output is what I say , got mixed up with the oc thing [09:38]
Birdman: thats what i meant heh [09:38]
danielpbarron: and the bundle value at q 100 had better not vary or else i have a bone to pick! [09:38]
Birdman: but the ecu checks out from eulorums level, you dont lose money, just quality [09:38]
Birdman: and logically if it has inherent oc then its for that reason [09:39]
Birdman: what you think the bv might be changing? [09:39]
danielpbarron: since my consideration bundle that i combined long before i clicked did ~not~ change in quality when the consideration finally showed a different number of maculatures [09:39]
danielpbarron: no, it doesn't change [09:39]
danielpbarron: i tested this [09:39]
danielpbarron: the blueprint can (as strange as it sounds) change what is written on it [09:40]
Birdman: oh, so the eulorum number for the bv is from before some change to the consids? [09:40]
danielpbarron: no [09:40]
Birdman: i've not seen any changes that you've mentioned [09:40]
Birdman: just noticed apprentice is some 54 maculature, and the neophyte is 45 [09:40]
danielpbarron: the considerations are apparently supposed to change how many maculatures it outputs based on how many bits exist in the world, but the bundle remains the same [09:41]
Birdman: is that confirmed by anyone? [09:41]
danielpbarron: if you look at the number of maculatures every week or so you might eventually see one change [09:41]
danielpbarron: it's not a daily thing [09:41]
Birdman: ah [09:42]
danielpbarron: unless someone were to destroy so many bits in a day i guess [09:42]
danielpbarron: or create [09:42]
Birdman: i could make ~50k of them [09:42]
Birdman: would that be better for looting ? [09:42]
danielpbarron: that might do it, i don't know how active people were in doing it back when i was waiting [09:42]
Birdman: mp just auctioned a bunch iirc [09:42]
danielpbarron: i think it used to be closer to 80 maculatures on the thing i had [09:43]
danielpbarron: and around 50 when i clicked it [09:43]
Birdman: so i have loads of maculature i could be convinced to shred, if anyone is thinking to do a large consideration run ftr [09:43]
diana_coman: <danielpbarron> the blueprint can (as strange as it sounds) change what is written on it <- ah, so basically it is the oc that changes [09:47]
Birdman: yeah [09:47]
Birdman: thinking more bits in existence the better for loot [09:47]
Birdman: mircea_popescu diana_coman any high q apron lints? [10:00]
alikim: jurov: acc. to my calculation you can now barely get one level/day. and my calculations are for levels between 150-200 << it took me 3 hours to get from level 4 building to level 5, I find way less tinies and no smalls anymore [11:11]
alikim: getting one level per day at 150 sounds very optimistic [11:14]
jurov: alikim i mean gathering, not building [11:37]
jurov: each skill is different [11:38]
Birdman: thinking i want lower quality consids if loot is only in bps [11:57]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i'll take the ibs [12:01]
mircea_popescu: Birdman> just would be a shame if im lagging behind now if im not using tools, always figured if im barehanding 24/7 im getting the rank fastest << this in itself would be a pretty absurd state of affairs if true. [12:02]
Birdman: absurd that i'd be ranking faster than others? [12:03]
Birdman: im already 3rd highest gathering as far as i know, and all i've done was barehanded, least since level 200 ish [12:04]
mircea_popescu: well yeah, if they spent the dough for tools and you get more for free, it'd be absurd. [12:06]
mircea_popescu: like if you could walk to work faster than in a car. wtf is the point of a car then\ [12:06]
mircea_popescu: birdman all ingreds in ecu * bundle bv < bundle bv in ecu << what ? so take slag. "all ingredients in ecu" = 5 flotsam + 3 sr = 5*88 + 3 * 79 = 677. "bundle bv", well, it's 677. so 677 * 677 < 677 then. oookay ? [12:09]
Birdman: yeah i meant bundle q there, not bundle bv [12:10]
mircea_popescu: Birdman> if you use all q200 ingredients say, you will get a bundle with less quality than 200 << you'll have to show this to me sometime ? [12:10]
Birdman: you can combine my next bundle to see for yourself if you want [12:11]
Birdman: or no, not necessary, you answered your own question [12:11]
Birdman: went by eulorum [12:12]
mircea_popescu: well yes. sum (qabv(all ingredients)) / bv(bundle) = bundle quality. [12:12]
Birdman: i think eulorum is right, has anyone checked the storage value of these things? [12:16]
Birdman: so assuming that is the base value, the total ingreds at q100 is less than the bundle bv q100 [12:18]
Birdman: so i guess the bundle is higher than what goes into it [12:19]
mircea_popescu: Birdman so it is wow, check that out. [12:22]
Birdman: crazy right [12:24]
Birdman: so the thing designed to over craft is harder to overcraft than normal [12:27]
Birdman: was that intended? thinking about it, that would be the better way to loot more in quantity than quality [12:31]
Birdman: and they are the only means of blueprints [12:31]
mircea_popescu: <Birdman> just noticed apprentice is some 54 maculature, and the neophyte is 45 << so then 45 * 1727 = 77715 meaning if you get 117742 ecu worth of materials, turn it into a bundle q 117742/153999 = 76 and then click it, you'll get OC for ~40k out of clicking a q76 bundle ? [12:33]
mircea_popescu: seems it's easier than easier. [12:33]
mircea_popescu: Birdman> mircea_popescu diana_coman any high q apron lints? << lemme look. hm, i got a bunch q 120-150 i could let go reasonably. [12:33]
Birdman: yeah i had that thought a moment ago [12:34]
Birdman: and cool i'd buy a stack [12:34]
Birdman: highest quality possible [12:34]
Birdman: <Birdman>was that intended? thinking about it, that would be the better way to loot more in quantity than quality? meaning the base value being higher than the ingreds [12:35]
mircea_popescu: q 149, 20mn ? [12:35]
Birdman: that come with a blowjob? [12:36]
mircea_popescu: hey, 10000 items * 1000 each * 1.49 qual * 130\% = 20 mn! [12:36]
Birdman: 10 each *** [12:36]
mircea_popescu: oh fuck, i was looking at theladels lol. [12:37]
mircea_popescu: sec [12:37]
mircea_popescu: Birdman same thing, 200k :) [12:37]
Birdman: awesome after this consideration ill buy [12:38]
mircea_popescu: kk ima get it out [12:38]
Birdman: though it will be awhile [12:38]
mircea_popescu: ill be aorund [12:39]
zakorus123: diana my job is done please come and collect [12:39]
zakorus123: :)\ [12:40]
alikim: mircea: can I get that mats bulk I took a rain check for? [13:25]
mircea_popescu: alikim alright. what was it, link me the logline. [13:30]
alikim: if I knew how to do it... [13:30]
mircea_popescu: cat logfile grep "raincheck" [13:33]
mircea_popescu: heh nothing here. weird. [13:33]
alikim: I'm using web irc [13:33]
mircea_popescu: http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-04-14.log.html#t13:13:15 << turns out you misspelled it lol. gotta misspell consistently! [13:34]
lobbesbot: Title: #Eulora log for Thursday, 2016-04-14 (at logs.minigame.bz) [13:34]
mircea_popescu: anyway, yes. [13:34]
alikim: cool, thanks, are you in game? [13:34]
alikim: I can come to town [13:36]
mircea_popescu: yes but what will it be ? [13:36]
Birdman: so low quality consideration gave lower quality stuff obviously, but alot less for the same bundle quality [13:36]
Birdman: mircea_popescu can i grab those lints now? [13:37]
mircea_popescu: sure Birdman [13:37]
Birdman: thanks [13:37]
mircea_popescu: no,u! [13:37]
Birdman: but in short, low quality considerations suck [13:40]
mircea_popescu: lol alikim, l'embarras du choix ? [13:40]
mircea_popescu: Birdman i thought they were better because more oc ? [13:40]
Birdman: i thought they would be too but over all value seems alot less [13:40]
mircea_popescu: you know one click may just be not much basis. [13:40]
alikim: mircea: anything, I just need it for sale later if I run out of money [13:41]
mircea_popescu: yes but i can't give you "anything". pick something. [13:41]
alikim: better bitterbean [13:41]
Birdman: fair enough [13:41]
mircea_popescu: what quality ? [13:42]
alikim: 100 [13:42]
mircea_popescu: alrighty. meet me in town in like 10 mins for your loot. [13:42]
alikim: kk [13:42]
danielpbarron: .. [13:43]
danielpbarron: wtf [13:43]
mircea_popescu: 1000000÷197÷1 = 5076 beans you get. [13:43]
danielpbarron: throws up hands [13:44]
alikim: I'm at heina [13:44]
mircea_popescu: go ahead an' trade me alikim [13:45]
mircea_popescu: ah wtf [13:45]
mircea_popescu: brb i left them in god's storage ;/ [13:45]
Birdman: what are you high man why get beans [13:46]
alikim: god storage? the one where bitcoins grow from your footprints? [13:46]
alikim: birdman: because I don't know [13:47]
mircea_popescu: alikim well where all the s.mg auction items are born, and special rewards such as this. there'\s a place in the sky. [13:47]
mircea_popescu: anyway trade me now [13:47]
Birdman: just seems a waste of a blank check [13:47]
mircea_popescu: enjoy! [13:48]
mircea_popescu: something tells me this is going to be a historically famous moment. [13:48]
alikim: thanks! [13:48]
alikim: birdman [13:48]
alikim: for you maybe, I don't craft so I've no idea, for me it's just money [13:48]
danielpbarron: you could have.. asked [13:49]
Birdman: no no, for me its money too, which is exactly why its a waste [13:49]
mircea_popescu: why should he ask lol. his game! [13:49]
Birdman: you could have effectively sold it for who knows, 4mn? [13:49]
danielpbarron: yeah there are items that sell for well over whatever the game values them [13:49]
danielpbarron: i guess i'm just glad he didn't pick some thing only i can make like tokens [13:49]
alikim: well, you could ve told me before why did you wait till I got it and now you tell me when it's late [13:49]
Birdman: ask someone of the item they are dreaming of having and you have a way to get it [13:49]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron imagine if he asked for 1mn in tokens. [13:50]
Birdman: i wasnt keeping up with logs [13:50]
Birdman: 10k tokens lol [13:50]
alikim: oh well, whatever [13:50]
danielpbarron: woulda totally crashed the token market :< [13:50]
Birdman: i'll buy those beans off you for 1mn if you want [13:50]
mircea_popescu: eh ill pay 1.3 [13:50]
Birdman: would take a long while to go through 10k of em [13:51]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron maybe i'd have weaseled out saying tokens are tokens. we'll never know. [13:51]
danielpbarron: tokens are ingredients [13:52]
alikim: if I run out of money while trying to level and gather then I'll use them, so far I'm good [13:52]
Birdman: magic beans [13:52]
Birdman: i got em pretty cheap trading for supplications [13:52]
danielpbarron: last sold was 150k for something worth around 100 to 200 prolly [13:52]
mircea_popescu: this has got to be some sort of record for a rce game. [13:52]
mircea_popescu: btw should i sell more lbn ? tools ? [13:55]
Birdman: i'd buy a bunch of cs [13:56]
mircea_popescu: hm. [13:56]
Birdman: and any bouq or lapidary consids [13:56]
mircea_popescu: ah more consids huh. well, let me finish this wine so the token craft it not hung ; then gonna make some cs and lbn mebbe [13:56]
mircea_popescu: then some bods and consids. [13:57]
Birdman: sweet [13:57]
danielpbarron: i have bods for sale [13:57]
Birdman: what line is making considerations ? [13:57]
mircea_popescu: what q danielpbarron ? [13:57]
mircea_popescu: Birdman bouquinism [13:57]
Birdman: ah damn [13:57]
Birdman: what premium do you want on those bods [13:57]
mircea_popescu: incidentally i'd be in the mkt for some poc/ma bps if anyone's looting/selling any [13:58]
Birdman: im not familiar with those abbreviations [13:59]
mircea_popescu: pointedly odorous charcoal / misshapen ampoule [13:59]
danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/eulora-shop/#bod [14:00]
danielpbarron: i also have poc and ma bps [14:01]
mircea_popescu: what q/how much for 'em danielpbarron ? [14:02]
danielpbarron: 82 quality, 50k each [14:02]
mircea_popescu: nice new outloook for shop. [14:02]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron 50k for a POC bp ?! [14:02]
danielpbarron: oh, no [14:03]
danielpbarron: those are 77 quality, 1.8k each [14:03]
mircea_popescu: meh, they're 500something base value. 500\% ? [14:03]
mircea_popescu: and trhe md q 60 ? whay so low! [14:04]
danielpbarron: that's how much i paid for 'em [14:05]
mircea_popescu: what qty's of these do you have ? prev shop listed qty too, was very helpful. [14:05]
danielpbarron: no it didn't [14:05]
mircea_popescu: i recall at some point ? no ? [14:06]
danielpbarron: that was a while ago [14:06]
mircea_popescu: stuck in my head. anywya. [14:06]
mircea_popescu: so how many of 'em do you have ? [14:08]
mircea_popescu: mkay i'll be afk. why's this so hard anyway! gotta pull tidbits of info with pliers already. [14:12]
danielpbarron: i have a few thousand i think [14:14]
mircea_popescu: eee nice, mites! [14:16]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron can be specific plox i'd like to make a whole package offer! [14:16]
danielpbarron: i have at least 3k of them [14:24]
alikim: does crafting create extra base value, i.e. the results of crating bv > ingredients bv ? [14:24]
danielpbarron: it can [14:25]
Birdman: alikim yeah thats the point of gathering [14:26]
Birdman: leveling, excuse me [14:26]
alikim: levelling in crafting? [14:26]
Birdman: anything, yeah [14:26]
alikim: well, not in gathering, although it depends on how you look at it [14:27]
alikim: extracting more higher q resources = creating extra bv ? [14:28]
Birdman: for now you get enumerations that increase in quality while leveling lol, but diana_coman had proven before that claims have some sort of their own quality, as we compared claims between three people [14:28]
Birdman: idk what you mean [14:29]
Birdman: getting more is getting more [14:29]
danielpbarron: typically you get less until you get more [14:30]
alikim: well, certain claims give you more resources than others, could be random or some internal value [14:30]
alikim: not sure about quality, I don't have q variance [14:30]
Birdman: well thats what we were trying to figure out, and the numbers showed a trend in tool found claims to yield more than barehanded, and higher gathering level found claims yielded more than lower level found claims [14:31]
alikim: higher gathering level found claims yielded more than lower level found claims << well that's attributed to you gathering level, not internal claim quality [14:32]
Birdman: might not be quality itself, but its something [14:33]
Birdman: something makes all claims not equal [14:33]
Birdman: and gathering level and tool effect that [14:33]
Birdman: <mircea_popescu>eee nice, mites! << are you looking for mites? hypothetically, would you pay 400\% premium on q600+ mites? [14:36]
danielpbarron: alikim, no because same guy built them all [14:39]
alikim: I'm already lost, what did you do exactly? One guy build a few claims or found a few claims? And then what? [14:41]
Birdman: 3 of us found claims in respective manners, one guy built them, tool found claims yielded more than none, higher gathering ranks yielded more than lower [14:42]
Birdman: using same ingreds on each [14:42]
Birdman: though different enumerations [14:42]
Birdman: which i dont think was a big deal back then but maybe it was and it totally skewed the numbers [14:43]
alikim: well, I don't gather statistics anymore because I'm levelling two skills at the same time but I my enum q goes up, I believe that affects amount and/or quality, so in your case claims could be the same really [14:47]
alikim: maybe tool found claims give you higher q ennums? [14:47]
danielpbarron: enums defo matter [14:47]
Birdman: no alikim [14:48]
Birdman: and alot has changed since that test was done danielpbarron [14:48]
Birdman: blueprint quality used to not matter [14:48]
danielpbarron: alikim, in the future you won't even get enums from gathering [14:48]
alikim: well, I can make this test myself as son as my enums go up enough, I still have the lowest q31 ones, so I'll tell you later [14:49]
Birdman: they definitely matter now, thats known [14:50]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron ok so 6k poc + 3k md bps, q 77 and 60 respectively, 20mn total ? [14:50]
danielpbarron: i don't have 6k.. [14:50]
danielpbarron: and md is supposed to be misshaped ampuole ? [14:51]
mircea_popescu: a right yea [14:52]
mircea_popescu: ok so then... 3k + 1.5k for 10mn ? [14:52]
mircea_popescu: Birdman i dun think so. [14:53]
Birdman: higher q then or is it just too much to entertain? [14:54]
mircea_popescu: well, more like got decent stocks on me atm [14:56]
Birdman: yeah but i wanna make some stupid quality stuff, so what q would that be? [14:57]
Birdman: stupid high q* [14:58]
mircea_popescu: i dunno, there's a diminishing return thing going. think about it : bv of the bundle is like 150k ; the value of 99 mites is like 100k. so if you make them 2x the qual of everything else, you only get the bundle up by 40\% [14:59]
Birdman: thats all they can be used for? [15:00]
mircea_popescu: afaik [15:00]
Birdman: hm [15:00]
mircea_popescu: and the beauty with bouq is that i get decent mites shredding the maculature i get from making cons. [15:00]
Birdman: yeah i assumed you already got it ~q300-400 [15:01]
mircea_popescu: i must be in a sweetspot or something, but atm i'm actually getting > 100\% what mites i use. [15:01]
mircea_popescu: your early package was a great starter ; but so far i seem ok. [15:01]
Birdman: wht \% mark up have you been getting on those considerations? [15:01]
mircea_popescu: all went in public auctions, add them all up. [15:02]
mircea_popescu: something like 3-400\% iirc. [15:02]
Birdman: fair enough, i think the value of overcraft on bouq consids is > than others because you can loot more consids [15:02]
mircea_popescu: possible. there are many variables involved though, it's not as easy as "lift this one lever as high as it goes" [15:03]
Birdman: example? [15:03]
mircea_popescu: well bp q matters for sure. [15:03]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron\x08>\x08\x0F enums defo matter << word. [15:03]
Birdman: of course, but the objective is to loot as much as possible [15:04]
mircea_popescu: who clicks them prolly aslo matters. [15:04]
danielpbarron: gonna have to turn down offer on the poc and ma ; although i understand it's not a bad offer, but then i'd essentially have paid a ~higher~ premium for the ones i already used that nobody is buying, and then you'd be able to make them too, ensuring nobody ever buys mine [15:06]
mircea_popescu: hm. [15:06]
mircea_popescu: but wait, didn't you buy the entire line ? or who got the bod bps [15:07]
danielpbarron: i have those [15:08]
mircea_popescu: so then YOU want to buy them from me anyway. [15:08]
danielpbarron: not to encourage alikim too much, but in that i'm limited on snails and heh heh, beans! [15:08]
mircea_popescu: and tbh i was just making them to sell anyway, so i have no problem with you buying. [15:08]
danielpbarron: prolly wouldn't want his 100 q anyway [15:09]
danielpbarron: actually wait i guess it was polished stones i kinda ran out of, for the ampuoles [15:09]
mircea_popescu: o look at that, it's mcguyver and lapidary. ouchies. [15:10]
danielpbarron: yeah [15:10]
danielpbarron: and bod is gung-ho [15:10]
mircea_popescu: yeah this is maybe not such a bright idea, not sure i wanna do k's of tw clicks. [15:11]
danielpbarron: i sorta want to do lots of lapidary (i like the hat) [15:12]
mircea_popescu: epic hat. [15:13]
alikim: daniel: well, the influx of low lvl resources has been cut tenfold, I don't know how much the economy depends on that, probably not much since there are only a few new players here. The beans ofc should I decide to sell will go at 130\% or higher [15:13]
mircea_popescu: alikim how do you figure the tenfold ? [15:15]
alikim: by my own returns [15:15]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman what was i paying for this ? [15:15]
mircea_popescu: alikim you're a very tiny fish tho. [15:15]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, 3270 ibs 87q 1mn [15:16]
mircea_popescu: cheerios. [15:16]
diana_coman: thanks [15:16]
alikim: well, my returns were conssistent since I started playing then they suddenly dropped about 10 times, could be a seasonal thing ofc but I don't hink it affects me only [15:16]
mircea_popescu: point in case : i just bought 1mn of 1st level stuff, there's ~7k flotsam and 4k sr that went into these - clearly freshly shaven - shavings. [15:17]
diana_coman: and in any case low lvl resources != barehanded [15:18]
diana_coman: not sure why would one consider that low lvl resources come from barehanded only or something [15:18]
alikim: diana: unless you deposit money you can't really buy those axes at 25k ea and explore, what happens in you case in irrelevant, I don't think you can extract q1 resources [15:19]
mircea_popescu: ah... i guess people with very low skills barehanded mining almost never see the higher bv resources, so maybe the assumption is that finds are tiered like in wow, and as you level you move to a higher tier [15:19]
mircea_popescu: this however is not how eulora works. think of it more like a sort of "cone of vision", as in physics. the higher a particle's energy is, the flatter / wider its cone of interactions gets. [15:20]
danielpbarron: alikim, so you work for someone else! [15:20]
mircea_popescu: alikim were you talking about low resources as in q1, or low resources as in bv < 100 ? [15:20]
diana_coman: alikim, well, zakorus123 did NOT deposit money and he DID buy those axes at 25k each etc [15:20]
danielpbarron: in any other game you wouldn't think twice about taking on NPC-offered "quests" [15:21]
danielpbarron: but when it's another player offering the quest i guess you think it feels too much like actual work or something [15:21]
alikim: in my case I found all base ones and maybe 5 advanced resources but I'm taking about q < 5 [15:21]
diana_coman: yeah, I suspect the problem is exactly that it's not npc-offered but people-offered [15:21]
mircea_popescu: alikim q 5 is not terribly useful in most applications, because the crafter might not want to throw his skill/high q bp into a low level bundle. [15:22]
mircea_popescu: depends, some are different, esp if he has low q bps for that particular use. [15:22]
mircea_popescu: often what i do with low (<20 or so) resources is rectify them more towards say 70ish by mixing with higher q. [15:22]
mircea_popescu: now logically : if i take your q 5 item and mix it with q 115 to make q 60, i will use 5k of yours and 5k of that for a stack. [15:23]
mircea_popescu: EXCEPT : the stack is worth 24x what your 5k is worth. the other 23x come from the other 5k, the valuable one. [15:23]
alikim: I'm not taking about how useful resources are, just stating the fact that now you can extract way less of them per unit of time than before [15:23]
mircea_popescu: so logically your contribution to my final product is ~4\%, and the other 5k did 96\% [15:23]
mircea_popescu: make sense ? [15:23]
mircea_popescu: in this example, even if your thing drops 10x, the actual move i'll see would be from 100\% to 96.4\% [15:24]
alikim: I guess free market economy will sort it out, the price for them will either change or not [15:24]
alikim: if it won't then it doesn't matter [15:25]
mircea_popescu: so far the demand for resources seems to consistently exceed offer though [15:25]
alikim: but I seriously pity any new non depositor [15:25]
mircea_popescu: (though there's some dispute as to what that seems truly means in fact) [15:25]
mircea_popescu: alikim incidentally, were you using same q lbn throughout ? [15:26]
mircea_popescu: that's a more likely explanation for sudden output drop, i guess. [15:26]
alikim: I used dif q bits to figure out how mats output / q depends on bit q, there is a funny dependency there and it drops but it's definitely not it [15:28]
danielpbarron: what is 'mats' ? [15:28]
alikim: claim output [15:29]
alikim: materials [15:29]
mircea_popescu: anyway. there's a difference between getting less experience for bh mining (which is factual) and getting less loot (which... isn't) [15:29]
alikim: well, I won't be able to shed any more light on vary low q mats anymore becuse I'm levelling, alhough it should work the same way across all values [15:32]
alikim: al least till I get to the point where even buying higher than q11 bits is profitable [15:33]
jurov: all i know a week ago i was bh looting *every time* and now i do *never*. no other difference. if that isn't factual then i don't know what is [15:35]
jurov: you don't need claims to clearly distinguish always/never [15:36]
mircea_popescu: the other thing is that you won't find any activity to be consistently profitable. perhaps the best illustration of this principle is any larger, profitable run. take out the most profitable click, suddenly you're barely above water. take out the most profitable 1\% clicks, it's maybe 66\%. [15:38]
mircea_popescu: i've seen this so often that to my eyes the rule of thirds became how i navigate the dubious waters of eulora loots. [15:39]
mircea_popescu: jurov might depend where you're doing it also ? [15:39]
jurov: same place, too [15:39]
alikim: ^^ and the same time [15:39]
mircea_popescu: so how many tries each side ? [15:40]
jurov: hundreds [15:40]
jurov: at least [15:40]
mircea_popescu: and in 100 tries you got 100 tinies, and now in 100 tries you get 0 tinies ? [15:40]
jurov: NOOOO [15:40]
jurov: i am talking about loot! [15:40]
Birdman: have you ranked up a decent amount lately? i've noticed abrubt changes from single levels [15:41]
Birdman: lvl 199 pure ords and misses from cs, lvl 200 got my first small with cs [15:41]
mircea_popescu: i'm confused. i thought that Is the loot ? [15:42]
Birdman: he's saying from building aspect i think, he's not looting extra from the claim [15:42]
jurov: let me explain again. a week ago, i got 3*X resources of X tinies. [15:43]
jurov: about [15:43]
jurov: now i 'm getting strictly X [15:43]
jurov: No other change, i did not even level up building [15:43]
jurov: no wonder the discussion becomes utterly impossible if you redefined "loot" to include everything and anything + sticks themselves... [15:44]
mircea_popescu: so this has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with barehanded GATHERING [15:45]
mircea_popescu: as it's a discussion of... building claims. [15:45]
mircea_popescu: ok ? [15:45]
jurov: yes, it's only about building [15:45]
mircea_popescu: ah ok. i dunno, nothing changed there at all. [15:46]
mircea_popescu: but the fact that you personally didn't level may not mean much - game thinks in relative-to-whole-playerbase terms. [15:46]
Birdman: there are noobs actively leveling now too [15:47]
Birdman: might have pushed you down some curve or up [15:47]
jurov: but the quality did not change either! [15:47]
jurov: was 30 before, is 30 now (with inferior lbn) [15:48]
jurov: eh, whatever, stuff happens, water under bridge, etc. [15:49]
Birdman: yeah but now your guy might be less prone to loot things in that way or something [15:49]
mircea_popescu: jurov you wouldn't necessarily see it in quality as well as before. [15:55]
mircea_popescu: used to be, back when this worldwide thing was exposed much more visibly in the quality. but now, many other factors can readily silence a change [15:55]
diana_coman: finally 500 building, go me [16:39]
alikim: show off ber ;) [16:52]
alikim: =uber [16:52]
Birdman: wd diana_coman [17:37]
alikim: mircea & diana: I found an extra book for building that I can give back to one of you, don't remember whom ;) [17:56]
alikim: I'd also like to buy a book that gives Sortage skill [17:56]
diana_coman: don't worry about it [17:56]
Birdman: ^ 2nd [17:56]
diana_coman: I think mircea_popescu has the sortage skill bp hence book [17:57]
alikim: he's asleep I guess [17:58]
alikim: how do you connect to this irc via a desktop client? what's the server address? [18:11]
danielpbarron: alikim, you figured out how to add this channel to your auto-connect ? [18:32]
alikim: not yet, but I'm using mirc now [18:32]
alikim: I'm trying different clients [18:36]
alikim: test [18:41]
danielpbarron: i think there's a way to use irssi on winbl0wz [18:43]
danielpbarron: if that doesn't work, there's x-chat [18:43]
danielpbarron: mirc is like the aol of irc clients [18:43]
danielpbarron: or you could set up a very simple little machine running gentoo just for your irc, and connect to that with ssh using PuTTY [18:44]
alikim: at least it's stable so far, I tried a couple of free ones and they crashed [18:44]
alikim: this one if I like it I can hack anytiime [18:45]
danielpbarron: anyway the reason i bring up auto-connecting is that you should add #trilema to that list [18:46]
alikim: what's in there? [18:51]
danielpbarron: that's the main channel, with the WoT that you had to join to play [18:51]
danielpbarron: you can get voice from the bot by typing /msg deedbot [18:52]
danielpbarron: (because you are in the WoT) [18:52]
alikim: what's voice? [18:52]
danielpbarron: ability to send messages to the channel [18:52]
alikim: it said get your otp [18:53]
danielpbarron: non-wot entities have to get temporary voice in 30 minute intervals from those of us who are in the WoT [18:53]
alikim: and some url [18:53]
danielpbarron: yep that's a message encrypted to your gpg key, like how you got your original eulora username and password [18:54]
danielpbarron: decrypt it, and send the resulting string to deedbot with /msg deedbot THESTRINGYOUDECRYPTED [18:54]
alikim: mmm... I don't remember my passphrase [18:56]
danielpbarron: you should better remember it! [18:57]
danielpbarron: loss of gpg key is like loss of life [18:57]
alikim: oh well, will leave it everything like this [18:57]
alikim: I'm not into that stuff [18:57]
danielpbarron: get into it. [18:57]
danielpbarron: why do you think it was required for you to get an account in eulora? [18:58]
danielpbarron: so you could just discard it afterwards?? [18:58]
alikim: normally no game requires this encryption shit, so yea, it was just extra annoyance [18:59]
danielpbarron: do you suppose the WoT is going to break down and die because you want to keep ramming your head into it? [19:00]
alikim: when I was doing it I had no idea about eulora or wot and shmot [19:01]
danielpbarron: doing what [19:01]
alikim: all that ecryption gpg stuff [19:01]
danielpbarron: lol you can at least idle in #trilema and read what goes on, although there's a public log on www for that [19:02]
alikim: it's fine I'm tryong to kepp all these endless chats to the minimum, I hope I'll get answer here [19:02]
alikim: you remimned me I need to store my password somewhere ;) [19:03]
alikim: because I can't decrypt messages anymore [19:03]
danielpbarron: i'm curious how this plays out : you have eulora account but no personhood ie gpg key [19:04]
danielpbarron: i guess for as long as the game only requiers username and password you get to keep using your account [19:04]
alikim: there is nothing I can do about it [19:04]
danielpbarron: i can think of a thing [19:05]
danielpbarron: make a new key, new nickname, get new account [19:05]
alikim: no way [19:05]
danielpbarron: like i said, loss of key is loss of life [19:05]
mircea_popescu: alikim> mircea & diana: I found an extra book for building that I can give back << ehh, feel free to sell it. [19:27]
alikim: mircea: can I buy a book that gives Sorting skill? [19:28]
mircea_popescu: lemme see here, a second. [19:28]
alikim: or exchange it to building one? [19:28]
mircea_popescu: hm i guess i gotta make some bbb [19:29]
mircea_popescu: alrighty ima make some sortage books once done with this shredding. [19:30]
alikim: what's bbb? [19:30]
mircea_popescu: better beetle brew [19:30]
mircea_popescu: fortunately diana_coman sold me some ibs, so ima make flasks then brews then books. [19:31]
alikim: thanks! [19:31]
mircea_popescu: alikim> normally no game requires this encryption shit, so yea, it was just extra annoyance < of all rthe dumb shit you've said/done to date, this is easily the dumbest. [19:32]
alikim: that's subjective [19:32]
mircea_popescu: if only. [19:32]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron this isn't even the lulziest bit. the lulziest bit is how the derps on silkroad were > 50\% pgp-less. [19:33]
mircea_popescu: there's just something fundamentally broken in people's heads, what. [19:33]
zakorus123: hey guys [21:59]
Birdman: mircea_popescu if you need some bbb bps i got em q100+ at 240\% qabv,q200+ 300\% [22:09]
Birdman: <alikim>I'm trying different clients << nettalk is pretty sweet [22:10]
mod6: < danielpbarron> make a new key, new nickname, get new account << alikim, hey man, this is what you need to do, seriously. listen to dpb he knows what he's talking about. keep your key safe and all is well. [22:54]
mircea_popescu: thanks Birdman but got plenty [23:06]
mircea_popescu: mod6 nah he meanwhiole found it [23:06]
mod6: ah! well, good deal then. [23:08]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 500 SA, d 15048, opening 10mn ; 5 stacks lbn, q 285, opening 7mn. ETA 17:00 ART [23:11]
mod6: this dotfile is driving me crazy. [23:11]
mircea_popescu: which ? [23:12]
mod6: oh the one im wrking on . [23:12]
mircea_popescu: lol [23:12]
mod6: is there an aution right now? sorry to interrupt if so. [23:12]
mircea_popescu: nah, they take a long time, there's no interrupting. [23:12]
mircea_popescu: o, you done with mining btw ? [23:12]
mod6: naw, just havne't had a ton of time to spend on it. any spare time I've got has gone to foundation related stuff. [23:13]
mircea_popescu: you know with the bot and all... takes relatively little. [23:13]
mod6: i need a new env so I can just let the bot run on the guy. currenty, I have eulora setup on my lappy. but i use it a bit for everyday hackery. [23:14]
mircea_popescu: a yeah that won't do [23:14]
mod6: so if i run it in the bg grinds everything to a halt. [23:14]
mod6: i need to buy a desktop box [23:15]
mod6: then i'll start hauling it in again. [23:15]
mod6: you need stuff? [23:15]
mircea_popescu: sweet. [23:15]
mircea_popescu: well i always need stuff. [23:15]
mod6: :D [23:15]
mod6: i'll get on it with the new box. [23:16]
mircea_popescu: trhere's also stuff you might not want to miss. like, electron has miner bundles on sale [23:16]
mircea_popescu: higher q [23:16]
mod6: ah, y4eah my shit is low qual. i've been left in the digital dust. [23:16]
mircea_popescu: lot has changed, too. lot more complexity nao [23:17]
mod6: its awesome really. [23:17]
mod6: i keep thinking in a different direction lately. [23:17]
mod6: we need to get cs written [23:17]
mod6: so much stuff Mr. P.! [23:18]
mircea_popescu: cs ? [23:18]
mircea_popescu: but yeah, lotta directions and they keep multiplyin' [23:18]
mod6: aint that the truth. [23:18]
mod6: cramer-shou[ [23:18]
mircea_popescu: a yes. yeah. [23:18]
mod6: s/[/p [23:19]
zakorus123: this game will eventually be the best game ever [23:19]
zakorus123: i have trust in that [23:19]
mod6: it already is [23:19]
zakorus123: :) [23:19]
mod6: thing has an irl/digital econ. nothing else comes close. [23:19]
zakorus123: tru [23:20]
mod6: problem is, i can't seem to find time for it :( [23:20]
mod6: at least, for the moment. need a new box. [23:20]
mod6: thankfully dc wrote up a bot so i can mine while i sleep but i've been too well, lazy/distracted/lame to buy a box to set it up for myself. [23:21]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 damn straight. [23:21]
mod6: could just be making free money. [23:21]
mod6: is death even a thing yet? [23:21]
mircea_popescu: mod6 notrly. [23:21]
zakorus123: u die but nothing happens to u [23:21]
mod6: holy jeeze i wanna lick 'em [23:21]
mod6: what am i doing? [23:21]
mircea_popescu: but the quality output calc changed ; and the resource finds changed ; and so on. [23:21]
mod6: sure. this happened few times iirc. [23:23]
mircea_popescu: yeah keeps getting more complex. [23:23]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, 10mn on sa and 7mn on lbn [23:23]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 500 SA, d 15048, 10mn heard danielpbarron ; 5 stacks lbn, q 285, 7mn heard danielpbarron . ETA 17:00 ART [23:24]
mod6: what's the 'd' stand for? [23:24]
mircea_popescu: durability [23:24]
mircea_popescu: like quality, basically, but for tools [23:24]
mod6: oh, aight. [23:24]
danielpbarron: also its value [23:25]
mircea_popescu: there's about say 100 hits in each of these. a little less. so comes altogether to like 45kish clicks [23:25]
mod6: did anyone find any Toves yet? [23:25]
mircea_popescu: mod6 diana even found bubbles! [23:25]
mod6: was that crazy rare? [23:25]
mircea_popescu: 75k bv imagine. [23:25]
mircea_popescu: like 15 canines all i none. [23:25]
mod6: you guys must be pulling like non-stop remarkables [23:26]
mircea_popescu: you put a lbn in that, say q 200, get out a bubble say q 250, happened before, you've turned a 200 copper bit into a 200k bv item that will sell for much more. [23:26]
mircea_popescu: a, nope. [23:26]
mircea_popescu: though danielpbarron did get a sizable. i think that was after you stopped mining [23:27]
mod6: so 75k bv is quite the pick up sounds like [23:27]
mircea_popescu: pretty crazy yeah [23:27]
mircea_popescu: course from what she says it's pretty rare. and i dunno anyone else found 'em yet [23:27]
mod6: ? [23:28]
mircea_popescu: honestly i'm not even sure. [23:28]
hanbot: 10.5mn on those sa, 7.5mn on the lbn please mircea_popescu [23:28]
mod6: i suppose its hard to tell, ya [23:28]
mircea_popescu: quality is all over the place, you can readily mine q 1000 grass [23:28]
mircea_popescu: at least, i have. [23:28]
mod6: holy shit [23:28]
zakorus123: wow thats gotta be expensive [23:29]
mircea_popescu: pretty sure diana and daniel also have [23:29]
mod6: i do like mowing the lawn tho [23:29]
zakorus123: mircea whats your gathering/building skill [23:29]
mircea_popescu: AUCTION : 500 SA, d 15048, 10.5mn heard hanbot ; 5 stacks lbn, q 285, 7.5mn heard hanbot . ETA 17:00 ART [23:29]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 400something [23:29]
mod6: O.O [23:29]
zakorus123: wow cool [23:29]
mod6: im like... 80 at most. [23:29]
mircea_popescu: mod6 the thing is, you have a lot more control over what you get now. depends on q of stuff you put in [23:29]
mod6: ok. [23:30]
zakorus123: ic [23:30]
mircea_popescu: to get very high grass you use high cft. so yeah it gets expensive, i'd say q 1000 grass is maybe 800c each ? [23:30]
mod6: is it to the point where the tool really makes a diff, not on qual, but on type of tool? say hoes v. picks? [23:30]
mircea_popescu: hard to tell. but you recall that time electron had a bunch for sale ? [23:30]
mod6: sure. i think i bought a bunch iirc [23:30]
mircea_popescu: mod6 some people say it does, some say it doesn't, tis not clear. [23:30]
mod6: this all reminds me, i've got some pretty reasonable cfts left over from you [23:31]
mircea_popescu: pretty cool. [23:31]
mircea_popescu: oh and the other thing, oc no longer loots bps. [23:31]
mod6: wait, oc? [23:32]
zakorus123: overcraft [23:32]
mod6: ohhh [23:32]
mod6: yeah, that was a thing for a while. [23:32]
mircea_popescu: and lbns are rare and expensive now ; people craft all sorta q's [23:33]
mircea_popescu: as you can see, 5 stacks going for 250c per lbn! [23:33]
mod6: :D [23:33]
mod6: i like it [23:33]
mod6: i can't even bid on this stuff [23:34]
zakorus123: i need diana to come on so i can giver her the results of the job she gave me [23:34]
mod6: i need to re-up one of these days from j-dawg. [23:34]
mod6: that's his new name [23:34]
mircea_popescu: lol. [23:34]
zakorus123: lol [23:34]
mircea_popescu: why not teh j-dove ? [23:34]
hanbot: or jur-lo [23:34]
mod6: lol, sounded funnier to me, in my head. [23:34]
mircea_popescu: ahahahaha [23:35]
mircea_popescu: shakira teh jur-lo. [23:35]
mod6: haha [23:35]
zakorus123: lol [23:35]
mircea_popescu: mod6 you better not be making fun too much or else he comes tomorrow and he's like o ya mod6 wanna buy some ecu ? for you, 3 btc to the million!1 [23:35]
zakorus123: lol [23:36]
mod6: f yah, he'll scalp [23:36]
mod6: it's all g. i've got decent cft's to give him on kickback :D [23:36]
mod6: i wanna build shit. [23:37]
mircea_popescu: eh, no sense selling out your cft if you wanna mine [23:37]
zakorus123: yeh [23:37]
mod6: mp is the best sales guy. here i was, trying to think about writing a bunch of complicated shit, and now I wanna build some virtual eulorian lean-to's [23:37]
mircea_popescu: lmao [23:37]
mircea_popescu: i can't wait till we get more stuff in there. lots of gfx stuff getting looked at, and i wanna get land ownership and npcs in already. [23:38]
mircea_popescu: poor diana, she's like in one of those memes with a huge boat full of containers, "your shipment of crazy has arrived" [23:38]
zakorus123: lolwut [23:38]
mod6: land owenership would be sweet. npcs as far as like actual fighting? or can that start without perm death? [23:38]
mircea_popescu: mod6 more like, build a house, hire a coupla street urchins, make them work all day and fuck them all night. [23:39]
mircea_popescu: you know, like irl, if irl didn't suck ass. [23:39]
zakorus123: would fighting an npc get you items? [23:39]
mod6: seems reasonable. [23:39]
mircea_popescu: zakorus123 well yeah. [23:39]
zakorus123: cool! [23:39]
zakorus123: <--- super excited [23:40]
zakorus123: whens that update coming? [23:40]
mircea_popescu: i dunno, as soon as we get it ready. hopefully before the year's out o.O [23:40]
zakorus123: cool [23:41]
zakorus123: :) [23:41]
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a bunch of stuff, i'd say eulora as is is maybe 10-12\% complete. [23:41]
zakorus123: and youll keep adding stuff even after its complete right? [23:41]
mod6: it certainly seems like the server stability issues are resolved for the time being. [23:41]
mircea_popescu: that's the plan. [23:41]
zakorus123: epic [23:41]
mod6: chetty got all that stuff straight [23:41]
mircea_popescu: mod6 actually alikim guy found some dubious parts ; but we patched. [23:42]
mod6: oh, huh. well, good testing/find then. [23:42]
mircea_popescu: work in progress. but year immensely better than last year this time ; or than 6 months ago [23:42]
mircea_popescu: he's a very clever fellow, that one. thinks outside the box. [23:42]
zakorus123: :P [23:42]
mod6: that's good! [23:43]
mod6: shit, took me like... what, days to figure out how to put a recipie in the brain [23:43]
mircea_popescu: anyway, we haven't had any further crashes ; we did an emergency shutdown on apr 15th cuz of that ; and otherwise server side updates every wed, which means the server goes down [23:43]
mircea_popescu: but it's only a few mins. [23:43]
mircea_popescu: lol that was one of the lulziest parts. [23:43]
mircea_popescu: o btw, mod6 didn't you have a magic bag ? [23:43]
mod6: yeah! [23:43]
mircea_popescu: gotta log in to get the coins out dontcha ?! [23:43]
mircea_popescu: free money! [23:43]
mod6: christ on a cracker, I never use it. [23:43]
mircea_popescu: d'oh [23:44]
mod6: i know right?! [23:44]
mircea_popescu: well then maybe sell it ? [23:44]
mircea_popescu: i dunno, people that play'd prolly wanna put some coin on it. [23:44]
mod6: all itd take is for me to login, get free money and then log out [23:44]
mod6: wtf is wrong with me? [23:44]
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron was all about how he's gonna leave it to his kids when he croaks. [23:44]
mod6: he got the golden goose thing right? [23:44]
mircea_popescu: o yeah, that also. [23:44]
mod6: i like my magic bag because it says "mod6's magic bag" :] [23:44]
mircea_popescu: but pretty sure he also got bag ; he was there early on when they got distributed [23:45]
mod6: yeah, he was there. [23:45]
mod6: ugh, lemme think here... [23:45]
mircea_popescu: who was, chet, me, you, diana_coman and danielpbarron jurov and who else ? hanbot iirc... [23:45]
mod6: yeah, seems right. [23:45]
mircea_popescu: maybe a coupla more. [23:46]
mod6: thinks [23:46]
hanbot: magic bag cron job? [23:46]
mod6: 1337*365 = 502605 :O [23:46]
mircea_popescu: ya not bad huh. [23:46]
mircea_popescu: course it hasn't been a year yet. i think... what was it, august ? when they went out ? [23:47]
mircea_popescu: goes to search trilema [23:47]
mod6: no? really? [23:47]
mod6: thought it was like in '14? [23:47]
mircea_popescu: was june 5th 2015! here : http://trilema.com/2015/minigame-smg-april-may-2015-combined-statement/ [23:48]
lobbesbot: Title: MiniGame (S.MG), April - May 2015 Combined Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. (at trilema.com) [23:48]
mod6: ah wow [23:48]
mod6: that picture someone drew is >9000 [23:49]
mircea_popescu: so next month will be one year [23:49]
mod6: :] [23:50]
mod6: hey... is there still like testing framework stuff needed? [23:50]
mircea_popescu: howssat ? [23:50]
mod6: i remember talking to dc about mockito a while back [23:50]
mod6: the idea here is that for integration testing or system testing you can mock out all of the objects you need (which can be somewhat cumbersome somtimes) and then use them directly; as opposed to doing a full end to end system test. [23:51]
mircea_popescu: i dunno, you'll hafta talk to her. [23:51]
mod6: ok, can do. [23:52]
mod6: i dropped the ball there a bit. i pointed her at some urls but, never really followed up. [23:52]
mircea_popescu: iirc she was going for google framework in the end. [23:52]
mod6: yeah, i think thats the one we were talking about. [23:53]
mircea_popescu: whatever, i don't tend to mess with people's tool choice except in the most extreme circumstances. [23:53]
mod6: *nod* [23:53]
mod6: i think if i move to fairbanks and build a shed, shoot moose, i could do this shit all day, most of the day and then live on that 00/year. [23:54]
mircea_popescu: kik [23:54]
mod6: figure 0 in .308, 0 in dialu[ [23:54]
mircea_popescu: ah but 500k ecu isn't 500 bux. more like... 2 or so atm. [23:54]
mod6: right. [23:55]
mod6: was just walking to my shitshoveling deal today thinking that i should deliver pizzas or something. (after reading snow crash) [23:56]
mod6: cause having to be downtown every day is starting to cramp my hacker style [23:56]
mircea_popescu: hey, even alf gave his notice ; moved to some better gig [23:56]
mircea_popescu: one where he doesn't have to move. [23:56]
mod6: yeah, i think im due to find a wfh contract gig or something [23:56]
mod6: becaus before in '11/'12/'13 i was much more... available. [23:57]
mod6: now im on fuckin 9 hour lock down like im in levenworth [23:57]
mod6: ok maybe not that bad, but shit. [23:57]
mircea_popescu: i go downtown maybe once a week or something, 5-6 times a month, for a club or whatever. [23:57]
mircea_popescu: if i had to go EVERY DAY i'd prolly be shooting people. [23:58]
mod6: ya. that's what i need. [23:58]
mod6: 1 time per week, no problem. [23:58]
mod6: thats what i had a the last gig. tuesdays, downtown. [23:58]
mircea_popescu: trafic here is fucking crazy. for one thing, ~none of these fuckers know how to drive. [23:58]
mod6: rest of the time, mod6 remote. [23:58]
mod6: well... yeah. [23:58]
mircea_popescu: or park. or anything. it's like being in fucking florida. [23:58]
mircea_popescu: which, incidentally, is their absolute favourite part of the us. [23:59]
mod6: and if you have to go anywhere far like the airport, get ready to sit and breath some CO [23:59]
mod6: my latest rage-against-the-machine complaint is that they have these metered lights here to get on the freeway. [23:59]

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