diana_coman: | happy new year everyone | [09:38] |
diana_coman: | and a bit of weird data: 2 stick ordinaries (mine) -> 6k flotsam each; 1 stick ordinary (fghj's): 7.5k flotsam; all built by fghj, bundles approximately same q (all provided by me, 119-120q) | [09:39] |
diana_coman: | if anybody else has xp building flotsam ordinaries with low q output, maybe they offer some numbers as to what it's their usual output on such | [09:40] |
danielpbarron: | how is that data weird? | [09:42] |
diana_coman: | why would it be the output on his ord higher than on mine? | [09:47] |
diana_coman: | it's a tiny bit of data, true | [09:48] |
diana_coman: | hence I'm asking what is people's experience on this to see whether those lie anywhere close to min/max/average or anything | [09:48] |
diana_coman: | adjusting for q, he got 26.5k coppers on mine and 33k on his | [09:51] |
diana_coman: | the base value of flotsam ord bundle is close to 15k so about 17k adjusted for q, so in both cases he got well above that (almost double on his claim) | [09:55] |
diana_coman: | ftr flotsam q was 5 in all above | [09:55] |
diana_coman: | maybe the hit on his was vs the top or average and those on mine below or whatever, but atm it's just seemingly weird to me | [09:57] |
danielpbarron: | those numbers are within the variance i'd expect; impossible to know if his was a higher number because of something other than luck | [10:23] |
mircea_popescu: | happy new year! | [10:39] |
mircea_popescu: | yah, maybe the guy got lucky. | [10:40] |
diana_coman: | danielpbarron, so what's the variance you'd expect? what numbers do you expect on an ord? | [11:09] |
diana_coman: | from running euclient through valgrind: LEAK SUMMARY: definitely lost: 8,464,825 bytes in 633 blocks | [13:11] |
mircea_popescu: | tsk tsk | [13:32] |
mircea_popescu: | anyway, honemstly i'd expect about 10-20k from an ord. | [13:33] |
diana_coman: | hm, so you'd class the hits on my two claims as run of the mill/average, while the one on his claim to be a lucky hit basically; so far on everything I rather saw *very* close values (as above on my first two ords, but I mean it for runs of 10-15 ordinaries really - where one gets the same amount of resources or +- 2); anyway, as soon as I get more ss will get more data on this too | [14:00] |
mircea_popescu: | not exactly run of the mill, but 1 sigma, eye-measured | [14:07] |
mircea_popescu: | all 3. | [14:07] |
mod6: | < diana_coman> happy new year everyone < mircea_popescu> happy new year! << HNY! | [15:24] |
mod6: | any one wanna buy some low qual grass? | [15:25] |
mod6: | diana_coman? | [15:25] |
diana_coman: | yes mod6, gladly | [15:25] |
diana_coman: | give me 5 min to finish testing this bot-thing and I'll get to town | [15:25] |
mod6: | sure np | [15:27] |
diana_coman: | done, on my way | [15:27] |
mod6: | ok | [15:27] |
diana_coman: | mircea_popescu, is my browser/address stale or did you revert back to the old shop page? http://trilema.com/eulora-shop/ | [15:28] |
diana_coman: | mod6, trade | [15:30] |
mod6: | thanks diana_coman! | [15:37] |
diana_coman: | thanks! | [15:37] |
mircea_popescu: | mod6 yeah, i do | [16:12] |
mircea_popescu: | o too late to the haystack huh | [16:13] |
mircea_popescu: | diana_coman darn, unintentional revery. | [16:13] |
mircea_popescu: | revert* | [16:13] |
diana_coman: | aaand the weirdest thing yet: one point on which I got bird's nest once and flotsam another time??? | [16:28] |
diana_coman: | the very same point/coordinates | [16:28] |
mircea_popescu: | o.O | [16:28] |
diana_coman: | -264 453 for the curious | [16:29] |
diana_coman: | but if this happens in more places, than finding stuff just got way more weird | [16:30] |
diana_coman: | finally made the bloody bot to just go through a list of coordinates and keep trying on those where it misses, discard those where it finds something | [16:31] |
mircea_popescu: | kinda why i was wanting that map, you know | [16:33] |
mircea_popescu: | how do we even know resources are geographically fixed | [16:34] |
diana_coman: | how CAN you actually know that they are fixed anyway, even if they really were? | [16:35] |
mircea_popescu: | hm ? | [16:51] |
mod6: | < mircea_popescu> mod6 yeah, i do << ah, yeah am about to get some more here... | [16:51] |
mod6: | will annouce again when i get to >5k or run out of tools. | [16:52] |
mircea_popescu: | by the looks of it, a million grass would sell atm | [16:52] |
mod6: | hopes for a grass jackpot | [16:52] |
diana_coman: | well, assume the resources are geographically fixed, right? ok, how do you *prove* that they are ? you can only prove that they aren't really | [16:52] |
mircea_popescu: | right. | [16:53] |
diana_coman: | mircea_popescu> by the looks of it, a million grass would sell atm <- indeed; and a million flotsam and a million shiny rock etc | [16:54] |
diana_coman: | unrelated: 400 pointy slag should be ready in ~9 hrs if nothing goes wrong | [16:56] |
mircea_popescu: | you got 900 io/4500 slag iirc ? | [17:04] |
mircea_popescu: | splitting it 400/500 ? | [17:04] |
diana_coman: | wasn't it 400 /400? lemme check | [17:05] |
diana_coman: | I went by this: http://logs.minigame.bz/2015-12-31.log.html#t16:34:04 | [17:05] |
mircea_popescu: | originally, but then i found more io, so. | [17:05] |
diana_coman: | oh, so what split do you want then? | [17:05] |
diana_coman: | I can do 450 each | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu: | 450/450 | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu: | so make it... 11 hours ? lol | [17:06] |
diana_coman: | yeah, add 2.5 hrs, lol | [17:06] |
mircea_popescu: | should be just about done with the ibs by then | [17:08] |
mircea_popescu: | you want that too ? | [17:08] |
diana_coman: | I want to see this whole run to say for sure | [17:10] |
mircea_popescu: | kk. | [17:12] |
mircea_popescu: | if anyone's looking to get into crafting... | [17:12] |
fghj: | hmm are my eyes in the stomach when in first person or do I transform into dwarf and back? Solution to this mystery will have to wait for tommorow. Bye | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu: | lol. model's not very well rigged. | [19:46] |
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