#eulora Logs for 11 Sep 2015

September 11th, 2015 by Diana Coman
lobbesbot: News from eulora: The trade hour <http://trilema.com/2015/the-trade-hour/> [04:13]
diana_coman: fwiw: foxy's been exploring bare-handed for wm for about 4 hours; results: 3 levels increase and *no* claims found at all. [10:08]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu re the idea of mining for wm bare-handed as it can't be negative ^ [10:09]
diana_coman: and add that to another 3 hours last evening at a different wm spot and with the same nil result in terms of wm claims [10:16]
chetty__: hey I can do that looking for flotsam :) [10:19]
diana_coman: yikes chetty__ [10:19]
diana_coman: btw, would you mine maybe some wm claims for me? I provide everything (claims+enums+thread or what is needed for ordinary) and will give you 10\% (plus the exp, obviously) [10:20]
chetty__: well if I manage to do anything today, I been sick a couple days now, good darn thing I got all the crashing fixed first ... [10:22]
diana_coman: ouch, hope you feel better soon [10:22]
diana_coman: no hurry with this anyway [10:22]
chetty__: me too, I had thought to have new client out this week, not goona happen :( [10:23]
diana_coman: no worries - there was a bit more time to get data and let the bot run wild anyway [10:30]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman : so what is your argumenbt exactly, that foxy the consumer has come to expect something out of three hours or something ? [16:02]
mircea_popescu: a) it's still not negative ; b) what happened to one month ? [16:02]

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