#eulora Logs for 19 Jul 2015

July 19th, 2015 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: wow, "you can't store more than 200 stacks in a single category" [04:26]
mircea_popescu: aha. [04:26]
jurov: diana_coman: it's from storage? [04:35]
diana_coman: fwiw the gathering exp is now better, but still patchy at times [04:35]
diana_coman: yes, I had apparently 200 different stacks of patterns... [04:35]
diana_coman: I stacked them together now and it's ok [04:36]
diana_coman: in the worst case I guess I would start using some claim as storage too [04:36]
jurov: or pay someone to store them for you :D [04:37]
diana_coman: looool [04:37]
diana_coman: can you imagine NOT being able to get your stuff because the guy you paid for storage is not online? [04:38]
diana_coman: geez [04:38]
jurov: imo in future versions of clients everyone will be online all the time, usually running on some crafting script [04:39]
diana_coman: well, I can't do that for instance, since I am a lot of time travelling atm (hence, no computer left running) [04:40]
diana_coman: and anyway, online but afk is still offline for storage purpose [04:40]
jurov: some npc-like behavior will do [04:41]
jurov: maybe grundin will have it someday for the copper trading [04:41]
diana_coman: yeah, another npc-storage-bot player-programmed, lol [04:41]
mircea_popescu: ladies and grundinmen, your attention please! [04:44]
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/eulora-shop/ [04:45]
diana_coman: ha ha mp, you know what? my wm sell for more to the merchant [04:46]
diana_coman: so maybe some price based on base value for wm too? [04:46]
mircea_popescu: more than 1k ?! [04:48]
diana_coman: yep, last time I checked I could have sold them for 1089 [04:48]
diana_coman: will check again as soon as I am back in the village [04:48]
diana_coman: right now I'm gathering branches, lol [04:48]
mircea_popescu: holy shit you're good o.O [04:49]
mircea_popescu: anyway, updated [04:49]
diana_coman: against most odds as it were, yeah :)) [04:49]
mircea_popescu: didn't expect anyone was actually getting them over 100 q [04:49]
diana_coman: yes, they are over 100q [04:49]
mircea_popescu: wd. [04:50]
jurov: interesting. apparently merchant won't buy my shrooms at all [04:54]
chetty: morning folks [04:55]
diana_coman: interesting approach for pricing crafted precursors [04:55]
diana_coman: sounds like a good deal for beginners to actually make and sell those rather than basic harvestables [04:55]
jurov: how do i compute the worth of, say, slag of q 100? [05:00]
jurov: worth = base value [05:00]
jurov: 5* + 3* and these are how much? [05:05]
jurov: if both are 100 then it's 500+300 total am I correct? [05:07]
jurov: mircea_popescu: ^ [05:17]
jurov: by same calc, base value of Leaky trebark Flask is 4400 not 4070 [05:27]
jurov: if everything here is worth 100 ('Spicy Moss': 1, 'Shiny Rock': 12, 'Flotsam': 24, 'Rotten Fruit': 3, 'Coarse Frangible Thread': 3, 'Crumbly Rock': 1) [05:27]
jurov: also, what is base value for recipe? [05:29]
jurov: chetty i'm tinkering only for a hour and still getting gathering points, i hope i don't seal them from anybody [06:10]
jurov: *steal [06:10]
chetty: well jurov I am still working on this issue [06:11]
jurov: thumbs up! [06:18]
jurov: and while this happens, I can't finish making clump of slag, stays a bundle, retrying third time... [06:19]
jurov: .. and nothing [06:23]
jurov: moved it instide the table, it eventually finished [06:26]
chetty: I do believe the two things are related .. [06:29]
mircea_popescu: jurov well you look at what merchant offers to pay basically [06:55]
mircea_popescu: and yes if both are 100 then 5+3 = 800 [06:55]
jurov: as i wrote, it does not offer [06:55]
mircea_popescu: for what, flotsam ?! [06:55]
mircea_popescu: storage also shows you qual adjusted base values, when you go to store. [06:56]
jurov: flotsam, yes. but not interested in my mushrooms, apparently [06:56]
jurov: and storage shows value 773 for q=94 shrooms [06:57]
jurov: no idea how was that "adjustment" computed [06:57]
mircea_popescu: q94 or q 99 ? [06:58]
jurov: 94 [06:59]
jurov: just checked [06:59]
jurov: er.. 733 sorry [06:59]
mircea_popescu: so then. 733÷.94 = 779.787234043 [07:01]
mircea_popescu: hence 780 [07:01]
mircea_popescu: and following this logic, slag q 100 would be, 5 flotsam of 100 (88 each) + 3 shiny rock of 100 (79 each) 5 * 88 + 3 * 79 = 677 [07:04]
jurov: 677 is base value or what would merchant show? [07:06]
mircea_popescu: these aren't different. [07:07]
jurov: and where come the numbers 88 and 79 from? [07:07]
mircea_popescu: same process you got the number 780 from [07:07]
jurov: thanks. are you busy ingame? i have a hoe bundle [07:10]
mircea_popescu: was making a toolkit, but brt. [07:11]
mircea_popescu: hey diana_coman a) http://www.dianacoman.com/Eulora/4.html << lacks a link for LTF and b) wouldn't it be a good idea to name these something other than "4" ? [07:45]
mircea_popescu: http://www.dianacoman.com/Eulora/24.html < also no link [07:45]
diana_coman: yes mircea_popescu that was the result of a very sketchy python thing [07:58]
diana_coman: I should update it anyway I guess [07:58]
diana_coman: I am just not decided whether it's a good idea to keep them like that in html [07:58]
diana_coman: any ideas /opinions on the matter are welcome [07:58]
diana_coman: atm there are a few glitches resulting in a few missing links indeed [08:01]
diana_coman: if it is useful as html, I would now re-write it anyway to use the output from the recipe parser so that I get more in there + probably name the pages based on item initials I guess [08:03]
chetty: server reset in 2 [08:05]
chetty: done [08:09]
jurov: "reset" sounds like everyone gets their balances zeroed :D [08:10]
chetty: hahah no, just you [08:11]
jurov: no coppers for ya anymore! [08:13]
diana_coman: ha ha, the bot managed to train automatically on ranking up [08:59]
diana_coman: but I am not sure that's really reliable... [08:59]
chetty: nice, its a start for sure :) [09:06]
chetty: poor mp I told him what file to edit for the language filter but he is still getting filtered, did I forget something? I think it was just one xml file .. [09:08]
diana_coman: yes it is just one as far as I know, but I think he has a rather messed up client [09:12]
diana_coman: I told him the file too [09:13]
diana_coman: as far as I could tell, the client first looks for a chat config file and if that one is not found, it looks in the general config and otherwise takes the default [09:13]
diana_coman: but mp said he did not have the folder structure I have... [09:13]
diana_coman: so I am not sure what client he has there [09:13]
diana_coman: otherwise: I am still struggling to make the bot reliably ask the server for the recipe content :( [09:14]
diana_coman: ugh [09:14]
diana_coman: it's funny that the right click on a recipe in inventory shows one thing (item description) while right-click on recipe in the brain shows another thing (craft info) [09:16]
chetty: well if it always showed the craft info would have to always be there and no item info [09:18]
chetty: hmm he certainly has those files, he just has a lot of stuff I deleted from thedelivery client cause its really only needed on the server .. [09:19]
diana_coman: hooray, figure out a reliable way to ask the server for recipe content [10:38]
diana_coman: given how long it took, I'll probably need another week at least to get anywhere near a release for the bot though [10:39]
danielpbarron: diana_coman> wow, "you can't store more than 200 stacks in a single category" << why i started selling all my unstackable bits of nothing to the NPC [11:13]
diana_coman: uhm, I was just throwing them away really [11:13]
diana_coman: did you get anything for them really? [11:14]
danielpbarron: yeah i get 11 copper each [11:15]
danielpbarron: shrugs [11:15]
diana_coman: not that bad given what they are and what dismal quality really [11:16]
chetty: really does mean to try and make those stackable one of these days [12:18]
danielpbarron: yeah it's not worth the time it takes, although i'm starting to better understand the concept of "time != money" [13:27]
danielpbarron: 11 satoshi is 11 satoshi [13:27]
danielpbarron: the whole bezzle dollar thing really screws up mentality [13:28]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu the moss I mine sells for 218 at the merchant [15:21]
diana_coman: mod6 I have something for you [15:22]
diana_coman: ha ha, can one actually *eat* a chetty stick? [15:52]
diana_coman: as apparently that's what I did, lol [15:52]
mircea_popescu: o.O [15:52]
mircea_popescu: YOU ATE CHETTY ?! [15:52]
diana_coman: the stick! [15:52]
diana_coman: it's certainly gone, lol [15:52]
mircea_popescu: this is getting steamy. [15:53]
diana_coman: and presto [15:53]
diana_coman: lol [15:53]
diana_coman: use chetty's divining stick [15:53]
mod6: lol [15:53]
mircea_popescu: mmm... [15:54]
mircea_popescu: i don't think that denotes eating... [15:54]
diana_coman: hmm, maybe it got put somewhere and I just don't see it [15:55]
diana_coman: being quite invisible otherwise [15:55]
diana_coman: hmmm [15:55]
mircea_popescu: soo... everyone ready for the grand auction ? [15:55]
chetty: someone is abusing my magic stick? [16:06]
mircea_popescu: lol [16:08]
diana_coman: ha ha chetty [17:15]
diana_coman: in the end I found it [17:15]
diana_coman: the invisible stick [17:15]
diana_coman: it was indeed equipped in the left hand, but being invisible... [17:15]
mod6: ahhh [18:05]
diana_coman: so I defo need to finish that bot and get those slithy toves, lol [18:12]
danielpbarron: ftr i still have 1 slithy tove [18:22]
danielpbarron: maybe we can work out some deal where i get some wine for it [18:22]
diana_coman: sure danielpbarron [18:22]
danielpbarron: is it easy to figure out how many wines you can make from 1 samovar? [18:24]
diana_coman: hmmm, I could estimate and hope that the decay is linear [18:25]
diana_coman: certainly more than toothpaste by the looks of it [18:25]
danielpbarron: the number isn't so important, but something like.. 50\% of its durability to make wine? [18:27]
diana_coman: oh, that can certainly be done, yes [18:27]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu I still make VERY good wine :D [18:28]
diana_coman: I'm just good with wine I guess [18:28]
danielpbarron: first lemme get this 1 wine at a sane quality to see how this new skill works [18:29]
diana_coman: roughly I'd say around 30 wines out of samovar if I see it right [18:30]
diana_coman: assuming it's correct now [18:30]
diana_coman: as maybe this is also silly [18:30]
diana_coman: well, I'll go and get more berries while mircea_popescu looks at it I guess [18:30]
danielpbarron: i have berries [18:30]
diana_coman: as otherwise I'll prolly end up with another one at this qual [18:31]
danielpbarron: i have q92 x 206 [18:31]
diana_coman: oh, sounds good [18:32]
danielpbarron: aw it restarted [18:32]
diana_coman: I had them better quality, but I am running low on them as it needs about 20 per wine [18:33]
danielpbarron: i'm trying to figure out how to do price calulation [18:33]
diana_coman: go to the merchant [18:33]
diana_coman: and just see how much he gives for them [18:33]
danielpbarron: how does mp do it without going to merchant? [18:33]
diana_coman: that's the base [18:33]
diana_coman: well, he MADE the thing [18:33]
diana_coman: lol [18:33]
diana_coman: so he knows the numbers [18:33]
mircea_popescu: i wrote down the stuff on this piece of paper here [18:33]
danielpbarron: haha [18:33]
mircea_popescu: ok back up, check it. [18:34]
mircea_popescu: you do get to keep the first one [18:35]
danielpbarron: so is 100 quality the line between "good to craft with for training" and "should sell to someone better" ? [18:35]
diana_coman: uhm, I don't think so, no, why? [18:35]
diana_coman: it depends on your own level I'd say? [18:35]
danielpbarron: where is that line then? [18:35]
danielpbarron: oh [18:35]
diana_coman: I need those berries danielpbarron [18:37]
mircea_popescu: well depends on the buyer's level rly. someone who makes q 30 items could get bps out of a q50 item [18:37]
mircea_popescu: i can't get bps no matter what really, too high output q [18:37]
danielpbarron: so 24k for berries ok? [18:38]
danielpbarron: 206*129*0.92 ~= 24.5k [18:38]
diana_coman: ok [18:38]
danielpbarron: oh the npc factors in the q? [18:40]
diana_coman: yes he does [18:40]
danielpbarron: i may have done it wrong then but w/e [18:40]
diana_coman: well, as far as I can tell, lol [18:40]
danielpbarron: you benefit [18:40]
danielpbarron: i just want the wine [18:40]
diana_coman: well, you too surely, since it's wine for you :) [18:40]
diana_coman: awww, my prev wine is now back to 110 [18:41]
diana_coman: lol [18:41]
danielpbarron: woah i just got a chetty's divining stick recipe! [18:44]
diana_coman: yay, well done danielpbarron [18:45]
diana_coman: trouble with those is that you REALLY want them high quality [18:45]
diana_coman: as otherwise you risk not being able to use them even once [18:45]
diana_coman: I suppose [18:45]
danielpbarron: i can sell it [18:45]
danielpbarron: *will [18:45]
diana_coman: so, the wine is now at 111q [18:46]
danielpbarron: ready? [18:46]
diana_coman: base value 4273 [18:46]
diana_coman: yes [18:46]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, is the new skill supposed to show up in the list at the NPC for training? [19:03]
danielpbarron: my toolkit is nearly busted already :O [19:06]
danielpbarron: on a related note, got 30somethign more metal things [19:06]
mod6: booom [19:14]
mircea_popescu: yueah coming right back up [19:14]
mod6: ah coo [19:14]

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