#eulora Logs for 14 Jun 2015

June 14th, 2015 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: morning [02:57]
jurov: morning [11:32]
chetty: morning [11:53]
jurov: how does it look? no jam today? [12:21]
mircea_popescu: actually so far it looks prettttty good. [12:23]
mod6: we on for 2nd Eulora sunday? [14:00]
mod6: ah, server isn't up yet. ok. [14:00]
mod6: ima check back in a bit. :] [14:04]
mircea_popescu: coming back up ~4 is the estimate here. [14:04]
mircea_popescu: (3:08 atm) [14:04]
ben_vulpes: morninf [14:05]
ben_vulpes: is it more effecient to level explore via /explore or by finding and using many of the three items? [14:07]
jurov: ben_vulpes both [14:08]
jurov: the items are prolly faster, but have a limit [14:08]
mod6: alright, i'm gonna be a bit late anyway. gonna run out and grab a quick bite to eat. bbs. [14:50]
chetty: bare hands? [15:01]
chetty: oops [15:01]
jurov: at least before death is implemented [15:23]
jurov: if there was an artist, i'd ask him about art for grim reaper npc :D [15:24]
jurov: or we can have Morana instead, using existing art :DDD [15:26]
diana_coman: hello, I've started a small cookbook for eulora, if it's of any use to anyone else: http://www.dianacoman.com/Eulora/index.html [16:00]
diana_coman: I've made a script to get it all in html nicely linked and it just uses a csv file for input [16:00]
mod6: nice [16:00]
diana_coman: so it should be easily adapted to use a full set of recipes if anyone gets them out from eulora via some script [16:01]
diana_coman: I did not really try to do that at the moment though [16:01]
diana_coman: (please use the index page for any links/bookmarks though, as the rest of the pages might change name as more recipes are added - for the moment each recipe just gets an id rather than the name itself) [16:03]
diana_coman: thanks mod6 [16:05]
mod6: np, looks good. thanks for putting that together. [16:05]
mod6: maybe someone can link it on the wiki [16:06]
diana_coman: hmmm, I can probably add a link on the wiki, let me see [16:06]
diana_coman: good idea [16:06]
diana_coman: there, added [16:09]
diana_coman: (I hope I did that right) [16:10]
mod6: Yeah, looks good. [16:11]
jurov: i could have published recipes 2 days ago(even in json) but when i put first tidbits to wiki, chetty was all like, hush hush, don't put too much info [16:24]
mod6: ah, maybe that's a good point. [16:25]
mod6: once upon a time, we told no eulorian sekrets [16:25]
jurov: https://github.com/Chettie/Eulora-client btw if you missed it, i added logging of recipes/merchant/store there [16:35]
jurov: so whenever you open recipe/merchant/storage window, it will dump the info to console for easy perusal [16:37]
jurov: your patches welcome, too [16:37]
mod6: aight, gotta head out for a while. will be back in a few hours. [16:54]
ben_vulpes: did i miss a memo? server still appears down to me. [17:03]
jurov: missed nothing, it's down since yest [17:03]
mircea_popescu: oook... so unfortunately, teh sunday event is delayed for next sunday. [17:38]
mircea_popescu: there's an issue with the explore function and well... needs some time. [17:38]
ben_vulpes: a well [17:39]
mircea_popescu: sorry! [17:45]
mod6: no worries. my client isn't starting up now anyway. [18:45]
mod6: scratches head [18:45]
mod6: ok nm, just need to get my env vars set right. [18:56]
ben_vulpes: heh i ran into that one too. [19:05]
mod6: for some reason, this pos ubuntu box reset itself in the car. [19:07]
mod6: so lost my terminal that was all set to go :} [19:07]
mircea_popescu: i have a .sh that's include the export env and just run that [19:17]
mircea_popescu: was too much hassle to remember them all the time [19:17]
mod6: yeah, i actually just added 'em to my ~/.bashrc [19:20]
mod6: thanks tho :] [19:21]
jurov: ben_vulpes: definitely use the items up to max first. i remembered that when i explored instead, the stuff i got was very poor quality [20:17]
jurov: and you don't want to leave the claims for later - cuz that means ending up with unmanageable heap of keys [20:18]
ben_vulpes: thanks jurov, gtk [20:18]
mircea_popescu: ironically, there's a gotcha about very low quality., in that low qual resources also have their uses. [20:27]
mircea_popescu: but that's all im gonna say [20:28]
danielpbarron: the small claims are profitable according to npc prices, and the ordinary claims end up costing money [20:37]
ben_vulpes: has anyone found some sort of crucible for reducing things to constituent bits? [20:40]
ben_vulpes: not having leveled up to this point to test it i have to assume that mp's npcs are underbidding the market and recycling the goods [20:41]
jurov: there are more of them???? [20:55]
jurov: ol' greyhawk's beer can hardly be called "underbidding the market" [20:55]
jurov: danielpbarron: have you considered quality,too? larger claims seem to have better output [20:58]
ben_vulpes: jurov: that'd be an 'ask', right? [21:00]
danielpbarron: i just based it on the price the npc offered [21:01]
ben_vulpes: i'm saying i'd be surprised if that price wasn't waaay under their "real" value in the game economy. [21:03]
jurov: in the beginning you could have stashes of materials with different qualities and the price varied wildly depending on that [21:03]
jurov: but since it confused the merchant, instead of fixing the merchant gods decided that the materials in your inventory always stack up and quality averages out [21:05]
jurov: (i'm not saying anything wrt "real" value) [21:06]
RUchamp: Server down for you guys [21:19]
danielpbarron: ya [21:21]

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