#ossasepia Logs for 28 Dec 2019

April 21st, 2020 by Diana Coman
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: I worked a few extra hours on TheFleet project today, close to 12h. I did about 2hr of writing, no Spanish. I have some good news. I was lucky to figure out that the servers that returned IRC-ERR_NOTREGISTERED-MESSAGE in response to /list were complaining because I didn't wait for them to acknowledge my random nick. In other words, very few / no networks require you register to issue /list. I have a list of [02:17]
whaack: just under 700,000 channels right now. I am missing channels from roughly 100 networks. They mostly offline, but some have a few rules that are messing up my script, such as "you must be connected for 60s before grabbing the channel list" [02:17]
diana_coman: whaack: not bad; do take & keep notes re networks' various requirements, as they will surely come in handy at a later time too. [05:33]
diana_coman: you'll have quite a nice article coming out of all this too. [05:33]
adlai: unsolicited advice, for whaack: copying guitar tabulature is not sufficient cause for owning a dedicated printer; moreover, your musicianship will likely benefit from time spent reading and writing the scores yourself, and your finer musculature might benefit from a wider variety of cramps. [16:46]
adlai: wonders whether the truly manic superhackers can typeset tabulature so that the inkjet's servomotors provide appropriate percussive accompaniment while the human practices from an earlier copy [16:51]
whaack: adlai: what do you mean my finer musculature would benefit from a wider variety of cramps? [17:04]
trinque: he's doing his idiot adlai schtick where he breaks the fourth wall and talks to the tv audience for laughs. [17:04]
whaack: ah [17:05]
diana_coman: adlai: unsolicited advice is for writing on your own blog, not in here; do write in here when you have some unsolicited but useful work you want to showcase. [17:08]
adlai: thank you for the admonition, lady of the oldcoloredskeletonphotochannel [17:09]
whaack: trinque: do you understand how/when (format t "example") decides to flush its output to the slime repl? I had to put the form (finish-output nil) after it in one of my loops to get it to print [17:09]
whaack: another q is when the debugger throws an error it has the option [*PROCESS-INPUT] Continue reading input, what is the difference between this and [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. [17:13]
BingoBoingo: whaack: You've got a comment [20:19]
whaack: BingoBoingo: I saw! and am typing a response rn [20:20]
trinque: whaack: start reading here, and click the blue stuff https://eklitzke.org/stdout-buffering [21:23]
trinque: second question would be easier with moar context, i.e. a paste of the contents of repl [21:25]
trinque: maybe they're equivalent, and the abort option is common to all slime session errors. [21:26]
whaack: trinque: i'll read the link. the process input / abort is a general q. i see both options appear during errors. I would like to be able to send a signal that pauses evaluation (say i.e. mid loop) , be able to type stuff into the repl to change the environment, and then continue the evaluation [21:27]
whaack: process input looked like what I wanted, but yeah it appears to be the same as the abort option [21:28]
trinque: https://common-lisp.net/project/slime/doc/html/Debugger.html [21:32]
trinque: typically folks set a breakpoint, let their program run until it hits the breakpoint, and then fiddle around using the debugger. [21:33]
trinque: this isn't unique to common lisp [21:33]
whaack: trinque: the first link cleared up an important confusion, ty. [21:58]
whaack: i often redirect to files and tail -f them, and i now know why output is often delayed. [21:59]

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