SMG Comms Chapter 4: C Wrappers for RSA and MPI

October 25th, 2018 by Diana Coman

~ This is a work in progress towards an Ada implementation of Eulora's communication protocol. Start with Chapter 1.~

The C part of SMG Comms is - unsurprisingly - a pain in the ass and a three-pointed thorn in the backside:
1. All the RSA operations are coded in C because of the heavy dependency on the MPI lib. This is not something I can change at the moment since I don't yet have an Ada implementation of long integer arithmetics. Sigh.
2. The OAEP padding schema has to be called repeatedly until the result is indeed (when considered as a very large number) a value smaller than the RSA key's modulus. So although the OAEP padding itself (including underlying Keccak are implemented in Ada), the comparison between obtained value and the modulus of the key goes through the MPI swamp so it forces a call to C. Nevertheless, the "implemented in Ada" and "repeat until the result CAN be encrypted with given RSA key" are both absolutely right and proper and as they should be so there's nothing to change here. Hooray.
3. As a result of 1 and 2 above, the code flow can easily get ugly because one ends up with calls from Ada to C (to do RSA operations for instance) but *also* from C to Ada (to do Keccak, if one aims to provide oaep+rsa from C directly). This is currently the sad state of the wrappers provided as first attempt in EuCrypt for rsa-oaep. Nevertheless, it's horribly ugly, difficult to follow and overall unsanitary so it has to go.

My current solution to the above issue with rsa-oaep is to isolate properly the C code and stick to calls in only one direction, namely from Ada to C. To do this however, I first need to write some more ...C code. Eurgh. The new C code is a set of wrappers for RSA and MPI methods that I need to call from Ada (essentially from what will be Ada implementation of the rsa-with-oaep part): those wrappers provide a sane interface that matches SMG Comms' raw types layer - basically those methods can be called with arrays of octets as input/output without forcing onto the rest of the code MPI structures, unpredictable memory allocation and other abominations.

The above approach has two very important benefits: the code is much easier to follow since there is no ugly back and forth between Ada and C; the C part (MPI especially but also the RSA layer) is properly separated from the Ada part so that it should be relatively easy to simply replace it with a sane Ada implementation whenever such a wonder becomes available. The main downside to this is that it adds conversions from arrays of octets to MPIs and back as part and parcel of using the wrappers but I still think it's the better option available at this moment.

The C wrappers that I need for SMG Comms include the comparison of 2 MPI values (so mpi_cmp from MPI lib), the encryption and decryption with given RSA key as well as a procedure to generate a RSA key (from rsa lib). In addition, I wrote an mpi_to_octets function that does as the name suggests: reads the raw octets stored in the MPI and returns them to the caller. The reason for this to feature as a separate function is the sad fact that MPI's own "get buffer" allocates memory and then expects the caller to de-allocate it. Rather than import this headache and propagate it all through the new code, I wrapped it up in here and dealt with it: callers of mpi_to_octets should allocate their own memory and de-allocate it accordingly. The signatures of those wrapper methods are in all their enumerated-arrays-of-octets glory (RSA key components are passed as array of octets just as well as anything else) in c_wrappers/c_wrappers.c:

//Wrapper methods for C implementations of RSA and MPI.
//To be used / called from Ada so that the C part remains well separated and
//  can therefore be swapped easily at a later stage for something sane.
//S.MG, 2018

#include "mpi.h"

//Comparison of 2 arrays of octets interpreted as MPIs.
//This method creates 2 MPIs out of the given arrays of octes and then
//  calls the mpi_cmp method from mpi/mpi-cmp.c, returning its result.
// ************************************************************************
// ***NB: Make SURE that a and b have indeed allocated at least len_a and
// *****    len_b octets respectively! NO CHECKS PERFORMED BY THIS METHOD!
// ************************************************************************
//@param a An array of octets representing the first MPI.
//@param len_a The length of the first array (number of octets).
//@param b An array of octets representing the second MPI.
//@param len_b The length of the second array (number of octets).
//@return 0 when a=b, -1 when ab
int mpi_cmp_octets(char *a, unsigned int len_a, char *b, unsigned int len_b);

//Encryption of given octets with public RSA key: n and e given as octets too.
// ************************************************************************
// ***Length of output is KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS.
// ***NB: Make SURE that out, input, n and e have enough space allocated!!
// ***NB: NO MEMORY ALLOCATED for its parameters by this method and
// ************************************************************************
//@param out Pointer to ALREADY ALLOCATED space for the encrypted data.
//@param len_out Length of the allocated space for out (in octets).
//@param input Pointer to the data to be encrypted.
//@param len_input Length of the allocated space for input (in octets).
//@param n Pointer to the public RSA modulus to use for encryption.
//@param len_n Length of n (in octets).
//@param e Pointer to the public RSA exponent to use for encryption.
//@param len_e Length of e (in octets).
//@return The actual length of the output i.e. number of chars written to out.
int public_rsa_octets( char *out  , unsigned int len_out,
                        char *input, unsigned int len_input,
                        char *n    , unsigned int len_n,
                        char *e    , unsigned int len_e);

//Encryption of given octets with *private* RSA key given as octets.
// ************************************************************************
// ***Length of output is KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS.
// ***NB: Make SURE that ALL pointers have enough space allocated!!
// ***NB: NO MEMORY ALLOCATED for its parameters by this method and
// ************************************************************************
//@param out Pointer to ALREADY ALLOCATED space for the encrypted data.
//@param len_out Length of the allocated space for out (in octets).
//@param input Pointer to the data to be encrypted.
//@param len_input Length of the allocated space for input (in octets).
//@param n Pointer to the public RSA modulus of the given key.
//@param len_n Length of n (in octets).
//@param e Pointer to the public RSA exponent of the given key.
//@param len_e Length of e (in octets).
//@param d Pointer to the private RSA exponent of the given key.
//@param len_d Length of d (in octets).
//@param p Pointer to the prime p of the given key.
//@param len_p Length of p (in octets).
//@param q Pointer to the prime q of the given key.
//@param len_q Length of q (in octets).
//@param u Pointer to the inverse of p mod q for the given key.
//@param len_u Length of u (in octets).
//@return The actual length of the output i.e. number of chars written to out.
int private_rsa_octets( char *out, unsigned int len_out,
                        char *input, unsigned int len_input,
                        char *n    , unsigned int len_n,
                        char *e    , unsigned int len_e,
                        char *d    , unsigned int len_d,
                        char *p    , unsigned int len_p,
                        char *q    , unsigned int len_q,
                        char *u    , unsigned int len_u);

//Generates a new RSA key and stores its components at the specified locations.
//@param n Pointer to the public RSA modulus of the given key.
//@param len_n Length of n (in octets).
//@param e Pointer to the public RSA exponent of the given key.
//@param len_e Length of e (in octets).
//@param d Pointer to the private RSA exponent of the given key.
//@param len_d Length of d (in octets).
//@param p Pointer to the prime p of the given key.
//@param len_p Length of p (in octets).
//@param q Pointer to the prime q of the given key.
//@param len_q Length of q (in octets).
//@param u Pointer to the inverse of p mod q for the given key.
//@param len_u Length of u (in octets).
void gen_rsa_octets( char *n, unsigned int *len_n,
                     char *e, unsigned int *len_e,
                     char *d, unsigned int *len_d,
                     char *p, unsigned int *len_p,
                     char *q, unsigned int *len_q,
                     char *u, unsigned int *len_u);

//Copies the buffer of m to the location to which out points.
//*** This method does NOT allocate memory for out!
//*** NB: caller should allocate enough memory!
//@param out pointer to allocated memory where to copy the MPI's octets
//@param len_out size of out; will be replaced by actual number of octets copied
//@param m The MPI whose octets are to be retrieved
void mpi_to_octets( char *out, unsigned int *len_out, MPI m);

Corresponding code for the wrapper methods:

//Wrapper methods for C implementations of RSA and MPI.
//To be used / called from Ada so that the C part remains well separated.
//S.MG, 2018

#include "c_wrappers.h"
#include "mpi.h"
#include "smg_rsa.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h> //for memmove...

//Wrapper for comparing the given arrays of octets as MPIs
//1. allocate space for 2 MPIs u and v
//2. set buffer of u to content of a, buffer of v to content of b
//3. call mpi_cmp(u,v) and store result
//4. de-allocate u and v
//5. return result
int mpi_cmp_octets(char *a, unsigned int len_a, char *b, unsigned int len_b) {
  //variable to hold the final result of comparing a to b as MPIs
  int result;

  //calculate how much space is needed for each MPI
	unsigned int nlimbs_a = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_a );
	unsigned int nlimbs_b = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_b );

  //allocate space for the 2 MPIs
	MPI u = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_a);
	MPI v = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_b);

  //set the given octets as the values of the 2 MPIs
  //the sign is set to 0 (last parameter).
  mpi_set_buffer(u, a, len_a, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(v, b, len_b, 0);

  //compare the MPIs as numbers and store the result
  result = mpi_cmp(u, v);

  //tidy up: free the memory allocated for the 2 MPIs

  //return the result comparing a to b as MPIs
  return result;

//Encryption of given input with a public RSA key: n and e given as octets too.
//1. create (allocate memory for) MPIs for out and input;
//2. set the input as buffer for the corresponding MPI;
//3. create and set the public key structure with n,e as contents;
//4. call rsa/public_rsa and retrieve the result storing it in out;
//5. free allocated memory for all the MPIs.
//6. return the actual length of the encrypted result
int public_rsa_octets( char *out  , unsigned int len_out,
                        char *input, unsigned int len_input,
                        char *n    , unsigned int len_n,
                        char *e    , unsigned int len_e) {

  // precondition: output has enough memory allocated
  assert( len_out >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );

  //allocate memory for input and output MPIs
	unsigned int nlimbs_in  = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_input );
	unsigned int nlimbs_out = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_out   );
	MPI in_mpi  = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_in);
	MPI out_mpi = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_out);

  //set input as buffer for in_mpi
  mpi_set_buffer(in_mpi, input, len_input, 0);

  //create public key structure and set its contents to given n, e
  RSA_public_key pk;
	unsigned int nlimbs_n = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_n );
	unsigned int nlimbs_e = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_e );
  pk.n = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_n);
  pk.e = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_e);
  mpi_set_buffer(pk.n, n, len_n, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(pk.e, e, len_e, 0);

  //call rsa public_key encryption and retrieve the result, storing it in out
  public_rsa( out_mpi, in_mpi, &pk);
  int len = len_out;
  mpi_to_octets( out, &len, out_mpi );

  //tidy up: free allocated memory for ALL MPIs.

  //return actual length
  return len;

//Decryption of given input with the private key given through its components.
//1. create (allocate memory for) MPIs for out and input;
//2. set the input as buffer for the corresponding MPI;
//3. create and set the private key structure with n,e,d,p,q,u as contents;
//4. call rsa/private_rsa and retrieve the result storing it in out;
//5. free allocated memory for all the MPIs.
//6. return the actual length of the result
int private_rsa_octets( char *out, unsigned int len_out,
                        char *input, unsigned int len_input,
                        char *n    , unsigned int len_n,
                        char *e    , unsigned int len_e,
                        char *d    , unsigned int len_d,
                        char *p    , unsigned int len_p,
                        char *q    , unsigned int len_q,
                        char *u    , unsigned int len_u) {
  // precondition: output has enough memory allocated
  assert( len_out >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );

  //allocate memory for input and output MPIs
	unsigned int nlimbs_in  = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_input );
	unsigned int nlimbs_out = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_out   );
	MPI in_mpi  = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_in);
	MPI out_mpi = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_out);

  //set input as buffer for in_mpi
  mpi_set_buffer(in_mpi, input, len_input, 0);

  //create private key structure and set its contents to given n,e,d,p,q,u
  RSA_secret_key sk;
	unsigned int nlimbs_n = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_n );
	unsigned int nlimbs_e = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_e );
	unsigned int nlimbs_d = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_d );
	unsigned int nlimbs_p = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_p );
	unsigned int nlimbs_q = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_q );
	unsigned int nlimbs_u = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( len_u );
  sk.n = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_n);
  sk.e = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_e);
  sk.d = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_d);
  sk.p = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_p);
  sk.q = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_q);
  sk.u = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_u);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.n, n, len_n, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.e, e, len_e, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.d, d, len_d, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.p, p, len_p, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.q, q, len_q, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.u, u, len_u, 0);

  //call rsa secret_key encryption and retrieve the result, storing it in out
  secret_rsa( out_mpi, in_mpi, &sk );
  int len = len_out;
  mpi_to_octets( out, &len, out_mpi );

  //tidy up: free memory previously allocated for MPIs

  //return number of octets copied in out - real length of result
  return len;

//Generates a new RSA key and stores its components at the specified locations.
void gen_rsa_octets( char *n, unsigned int *len_n,
                     char *e, unsigned int *len_e,
                     char *d, unsigned int *len_d,
                     char *p, unsigned int *len_p,
                     char *q, unsigned int *len_q,
                     char *u, unsigned int *len_u) {
  // precondition: all pointers have enough memory allocated
  assert( *len_n >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );
  assert( *len_e >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );
  assert( *len_d >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );
  assert( *len_p >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2);
  assert( *len_q >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2);
  assert( *len_u >= KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2);

  //the secret key structure that will hold generated key components
  RSA_secret_key sk;
	int nlimbs = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );
	int nlimbs_pq = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2 );

	sk.n = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.e = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.d = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.p = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);
	sk.q = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);
	sk.u = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);

  //generate the rsa key pair - this may take a while!

  //copy components to their place
  mpi_to_octets( n, len_n, sk.n );
  mpi_to_octets( e, len_e, sk.e );
  mpi_to_octets( d, len_d, sk.d );
  mpi_to_octets( p, len_p, sk.p );
  mpi_to_octets( q, len_q, sk.q );
  mpi_to_octets( u, len_u, sk.u );

  //tidy up: free ALL MPIs

void mpi_to_octets( char *out, unsigned int *len_out, MPI m) {
  //copy the components as raw octets to the given pointers
  int len = 0;
  int sign;
  unsigned char * buffer = mpi_get_buffer( m, &len, &sign );

  //check and don't copy MORE than there is allocated space in out!
  assert( len <= *len_out );
  memmove( out, buffer, len );
  *len_out = len;    //save actual length of the component

  xfree( buffer ); //free the buffer that was allocated by mpi_get_buffer

The basic tests for the new C wrappers are the following:

//S.MG, 2018

#include "mpi.h"
#include "smg_rsa.h"

#include "c_wrappers.h"

void test_mpi_cmp() {
  int result;
  int i;

  //initialize mpis
  for (i=0;i b
  a[240] = 241;
  result = mpi_cmp_octets(a, KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS, b, KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS);
  if (result == 1)
    printf("PASS: mpi_cmp_octets on a > b.\n");
  else {
    printf("FAIL: mpi_cmp_octets on a > b ");
    printf("returned %d instead of 1.\n", result);

  //tidy up

void test_gen_rsa_octets() {
  RSA_secret_key sk;
  RSA_public_key pk;
	int nlimbs = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS );
	int nlimbs_pq = mpi_nlimb_hint_from_nbytes( KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2 );

  //allocate memory
	sk.n = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.e = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.d = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	sk.p = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);
	sk.q = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);
	sk.u = mpi_alloc(nlimbs_pq);

	pk.n = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);
	pk.e = mpi_alloc(nlimbs);

  //generate key pair
  int len_n = KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS;
  int len_e = len_n;
  int len_d = len_n;
  int len_p = KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2;
  int len_q = len_p;
  int len_u = len_p;
  char p[KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2];
  char q[KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2];
  char u[KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS / 2];
  gen_rsa_octets(n, &len_n,
                 e, &len_e,
                 d, &len_d,
                 p, &len_p,
                 q, &len_q,
                 u, &len_u);

  //check encryption/decr works
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.n, n, len_n, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.e, e, len_e, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.d, d, len_d, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.p, p, len_p, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.q, q, len_q, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(sk.u, u, len_u, 0);

  mpi_set_buffer(pk.n, n, len_n, 0);
  mpi_set_buffer(pk.e, e, len_e, 0);

  MPI encr = mpi_alloc(0);
	MPI plain = mpi_alloc(0);
  MPI out = mpi_alloc(0);
	mpi_fromstr(plain, "0x\
  public_rsa(encr, plain, &pk);
  secret_rsa(out, encr, &sk);

  if (mpi_cmp(out, plain) != 0)
    printf("FAIL: test_gen_rsa encr/decr failed.\n");
    printf("PASS: test_gen_rsa encr/decr passed.\n");

  //tidy up



void test_rsa_octets() {
  int noctets = 512;
	RSA_public_key pk;
	pk.n = mpi_alloc(0);
	pk.e = mpi_alloc(0);

  RSA_secret_key sk;
  sk.n = mpi_alloc(0);
  sk.e = mpi_alloc(0);
  sk.d = mpi_alloc(0);
  sk.p = mpi_alloc(0);
  sk.q = mpi_alloc(0);
  sk.u = mpi_alloc(0);

//key pair previously generated with EuCrypt
  mpi_fromstr(sk.n, "0x\

  mpi_fromstr(sk.e, "0x\

  mpi_fromstr(sk.d, "0x\

  mpi_fromstr(sk.p, "0x\

  mpi_fromstr(sk.q, "0x\

  mpi_fromstr(sk.u, "0x\

// copy the public key components
  pk.n = mpi_copy( sk.n );
  pk.e = mpi_copy( sk.e );

// some plain text message
	MPI plain = mpi_alloc(0);
	mpi_fromstr(plain, "0x\

// expected encrypted MPI (via rsa.c directly)
  MPI encr = mpi_alloc(0);
  public_rsa( encr, plain, &pk);
  MPI decr = mpi_alloc(0);
  secret_rsa( decr, encr, &sk);
  if (mpi_cmp(decr, plain) != 0)
    printf("FAIL: decrypted != plain in test_rsa_octets (MPI call)\n");

//allocate the char arrays for _octets rsa
  int len_n = noctets;
  int len_e = len_n;
  int len_d = len_n;
  int len_p = noctets / 2;
  int len_q = len_p;
  int len_u = len_p;
  char n[noctets];
  char e[noctets];
  char d[noctets];
  char p[noctets / 2];
  char q[noctets / 2];
  char u[noctets / 2];

//copy the key components into char arrays
  mpi_to_octets(n, &len_n, sk.n);
  mpi_to_octets(e, &len_e, sk.e);
  mpi_to_octets(d, &len_d, sk.d);
  mpi_to_octets(p, &len_p, sk.p);
  mpi_to_octets(q, &len_q, sk.q);
  mpi_to_octets(u, &len_u, sk.u);

//call _octets rsa and check results
  int len_encr = noctets;
  int len_decr = noctets;
  int len_plain = noctets;
  char plain_o[noctets];
  char encr_o[noctets];
  char expected_encr_o[noctets];
  char decr_o[noctets];
  char expected_decr_o[noctets];

  mpi_to_octets(plain_o, &len_plain, plain);
  mpi_to_octets(expected_encr_o, &len_encr, encr);
  mpi_to_octets(expected_decr_o, &len_decr, decr);
  len_decr = noctets;

  int len;
  len = public_rsa_octets( encr_o, len_encr, plain_o, len_plain,
                           n, len_n, e, len_e);
  if (len != len_encr)
    printf("FAIL: actual len of encr is %d; expected %d\n", len, len_encr);
    printf("PASS: actual len of encr matches expected: %d\n", len);
  int errors= 0;
  int i;
  for (i=0;i0)
    printf("FAIL: found %d errors in public_rsa_octets output\n", errors);
    printf("PASS: no errors found in public_rsa_octets output\n");

  len_encr = len;
  len = private_rsa_octets( decr_o, len_decr, encr_o, len_encr,
                            n, len_n, e, len_e,
                            d, len_d, p, len_p,
                            q, len_q, u, len_u);
  if (len != len_plain)
    printf("FAIL: actual len of decr is %d; expected %d\n", len, len_plain);
    printf("PASS: actual len of decr matches expected: %d\n", len);

  errors = 0;
  for (i=0;i0)
    printf("FAIL: found %d errors in private_rsa_octets output\n", errors);
  else printf("PASS: no errors found in private_rsa_octets_output\n");

  //tidy up



int main(int ac, char **av) {
  if (ac < 2) {
    printf("Usage: %s testID\n", av[0]);
    return -1;

  int id = atoi(av[1]);
  switch (id) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
      printf("Current test ids:\n");
      printf("1 test of mpi_cmp_octets\n");
      printf("2 test of gen_rsa_octets (can be very SLOW!)\n");
      printf("3 test of rsa_octets (can take a few minutes)\n");
  return 0;

The rest (and the longest part by far) of the .vpatch for this chapter includes the MPI lib from EuCrypt and the RSA lib from the same EuCrypt minus the oaep parts that are not going to be used by SMG Comms. Specifically, the changes to the RSA lib from EuCrypt are the following:

  • The constant KEY_LENGTH_OCTETS is changed to the value used by Eulora: 490. I've updated also all the references to the previously fixed value 4096 throughout the comments.
  • I discarded two methods from rsa.c/h: rsa_oaep_encrypt, rsa_oaep_decrypt, oaep_encrypt_c, oaep_decrypt_c.

In addition to the above, the .vpatch also makes a small change to the smg_comms.gpr file reflecting the fact that SMG Comms does not touch mpi and rsa directly but only through the new C wrappers so that the .gpr file uses "c_wrappers.gpr" and not rsa.gpr + mpi.gpr.

The .vpatch is as usual on my Reference Code Shelf and linked also below for your convenience:

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3 Responses to “SMG Comms Chapter 4: C Wrappers for RSA and MPI”

  1. PeterL says:

    In some of the places where you have #include, you are losing the name of the file. You will have to escape the < and > in the text, otherwise it looks like html in-bad signaling. (This is just for the blog text, the source itself is OK)

  2. Diana Coman says:

    Ugh, indeed. For some reason I was under the impression that "pre" tag was enough to avoid this issue but it's clearly not the case. Will fix.

  3. [...] up to the expected length, big deal. And this is in fact already handled and handled well in the wrappers I wrote previously for the RSA and MPI C code, since it was already clear that yes, any set of octets might start at any time with 0s but that [...]

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