#eulora Logs for 30 Sep 2018

September 30th, 2018 by Diana Coman
flay: elichai2: supybot / limnoria (python, latter is a fork of former) [01:46]
flay: I hope you got the part where I said â\u0080\u009Crootedâ\u0080\u009D. [01:46]
flay: according to https://code.google.com/archive/p/diskscrub/source/default/commits, the last commit was 4 years ago... [01:46]
flay: it looks good [01:47]
jungly: i am exploring..its really very neat.. [02:11]
jungly: So maybe user+domain@computer [02:12]
jungly: what are you expectations harisamin ? [02:12]
xenu27: What is a better option? [02:26]
xenu27: kmc - that in the same neighbourhood as Weird Stuff used to be, and not far from my wife's office. [02:26]
xenu27: """Portability Note: The clock function described in CPU Time is specified by the ISO C standard. The times function is a feature of POSIX.1. On GNU systems, the CPU time is defined to be equivalent to the sum of the tms_utime and tms_stime fields returned by times. """ [02:26]
xenu27: testname_: I believe the new tab page is an HTML so just tweaking that should be good [02:27]
pistachio4: excellent so from the view of CS using a predicate to find primes is as far as you would want to consider primes in any set. [02:52]
pistachio4: Wouldn't checking each byte individually by iterating through them accomplish the same? [02:52]
revprez_stg4: password4, ti sells msp430's and some arm cortex m series with fram [03:29]
revprez_stg4: b3nt0: no, you want a single source for package installation and dependency management. even a well accepted 3rd party package manager would be out of place on a system that already has one, and mixing source installs with package installs is just asking for a 3 day troubleshooting binge trying to find out which shared object is conflicting with your properly installed packages. its not just the removal of the package at issue there, ... [03:29]
revprez_stg4: it's the catalog of fil [03:29]
offtopik: Generally speaking, if you do a /whois on a person or a bot and its hostmask says something about "@freenode/blah/whatever", don't worry about it. [03:50]
offtopik: -D is the short version of --deep :p [03:50]
ynyounuo-: for some reason gparted is not allowing me to do that [04:02]
ynyounuo-: Which is OK because I know they're already included in b2 even though git can't figure that out any more? [04:02]
j1mc_polari: I mistakened the flickering to be for openarena, but it was in alienarena. [04:16]
j1mc_polari: lotuspsychje: I can browse, but cannot save anything to the disk, there's no option when i right click for a new folder. [04:17]
j1mc_polari: I think three, but sometimes the situation gets even worse, my "heads" are a running joke in some circles. [04:17]
j1mc_polari: (So long as IRC does give us some response) [04:17]
j1mc_polari: Or you can use forkIO to split up the job and then accumulate the results with a Chan [04:17]
pablo_s27: If it was off Apple's refurb pages, it gets the free year and is eligible for the two extra. [04:34]
pablo_s27: download or upload? [04:34]
pablo_s27: So wouldn't zip3 be named 'ziip' in your approach? [04:35]
pablo_s27: that is waht a cuck would say [04:35]
moho15: vs. a snapshot-based package manager [04:42]
moho15: osse: this is what it show now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/brhWshgdhT/ [04:42]
moho15: bjpenn: and? [04:42]
sn0w17: rocktop: and why the mv on line 39? [05:02]
sn0w17: DE s32le PCM signed 32-bit little-endian [05:02]
sn0w17: there is no dick : [05:02]
sn0w17: output please "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/" [05:02]
ironChicken12: also if you have connection tracking in the middle somewhere that may also have interesting consequences [06:04]
ironChicken12: We barely use phpldapadmin these days. We've written our own scripts for most things we use and continue to write more as needed. Its much easier and faster to handle [06:04]
ironChicken12: phogg: When you click on the application dotted hamburger, and search "appearance", it offers lots of things not installed, and the software center to install them when you click on them. [06:04]
ironChicken12: so bye thanks for help! [06:04]
ironChicken12: vague [06:04]
ironChicken12: after much fuckery i got it to work [06:04]
l2d25: Hell, I don't know how I do it, it just works [06:07]
l2d25: I can't do this , error : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/65dzCYCwzN/ [06:07]
l2d25: i have a textfile and i d like to put the lines of the text file into an array. Is it possible to "mask" the whitespace? [06:07]
Spydar0070: i hope linux never switches to clang as its default compiler [06:24]
Spydar0070: hmm, doesn't Haskell have something similar to Agda where you can provide a denotational definition of some type and tell the compiler to us ethe builtin [06:24]
Spydar0070: i recently had someone who's not fluent in english and wasn't aware of some french speacking git guys [06:24]
Spydar0070: Do you need screen shots? but resumming, gparted encounters input-output read errors, on cancel no disk show, if ignore, 4gb free space on a disk show (but is 1 TB). Disk utility shows also the free 4gb space and all options grey out but format, nevertheless if i click format is not posible with error "error wiping device: failed to probe device '/dev/sda' (udisk-error-quark, 0) and i go ahead paste what u just asked me, one second [06:24]
Spydar0070: Casper: it's on a boat; something happened when we took it out of water; one day we went to the boat and the batteries (2x 8D batteries) got down to 6v [06:24]
tsaavik17: it smells [07:05]
tsaavik17: error: Variable not in scope: addr [07:05]
tsaavik17: sometimes you're just right in the main part of the problem, and the mistake is somewhere on periphery [07:05]
tsaavik17: no idea what's even on them [07:05]
tsaavik17: so its +, -, -1, -, +, 1, +, -, -1... and so on [07:05]
kyhwana_: (unreg) <Menche18> Oh, and about those donations she speaks of: https://twitter.com/ISCdotORG/status/1025461692132519936 [07:20]
kyhwana_: also I kept a few thinkpads just to coreboot them [07:20]
kyhwana_: search and replace is trivial in either though [07:20]
kyhwana_: mx: that sounds like a harmless misconfigured client instead of an attempt to get into your account [07:20]
kyhwana_: what signal can be used [07:20]
kyhwana_: but they're a thinner cable, cant handle as much current [07:20]
redlegion13: deadbit: that doesn't work, because Linux has fallen to NIH, and is quickly becoming the new Windows [07:29]
redlegion13: .population england [07:30]
bdmc20: asheshambasta: deriving (Ord) [08:49]
bdmc20: merijn: to avoid space leaks, you evaluate a before f a [08:49]
JoseyWales: Oh god really? Central Nervous System? [08:52]
JoseyWales: The current block height is 1,646,151. Difficulty is 54,855,203,355. Hashrate is 456.61 MH/s. [08:52]
Deltadk25: Î\u0091llahâ\u0080\u0084is doing [10:03]
Deltadk25: tangent space of a bundle? [10:03]
Deltadk25: Shmam: talking of which. you now have this high version kernel image installed, which wont get updates but will always (well, for the foreseeable future) remain there. and not get security patches. so don't just keep it indefinitely, but really just while you test this. and make sure you assist to get this bug solved so that the fix will go into standard ubuntu kernel images and you can then just uninstall the current test kernels (sa [10:03]
irated21: well that is also pretty much what i said... 2 kinds of socket [10:06]
irated21: Hey all , anyone can help me configure nginx seems i have some trouble with it [10:07]
irated21: Holonium: how's it going? sorry, had to go [10:07]
kalipso: lotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yDVkNr6wvY/ [10:14]
kalipso: they are almost like fucking saudi arabia jesus [10:14]
kalipso: SON [10:14]
lsyoyom24: Guest77800: You are here in #fedora-unregistered because you are not registered or identified with freenode. See https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration or /msg nickserv help register for more information. [10:20]
lsyoyom24: Nobody knows what is going on but the authorities reacted really badly imo. Several times. [10:20]
lsyoyom24: uber low cost [10:21]
lsyoyom24: for some very rigid notion of "basic" [10:21]
lsyoyom24: Fedora? [10:21]
sgsabbage: What do you mean by depends on the standard, rascul ? [10:58]
sgsabbage: it's actually a useless use of timestamptz - the input and output are always UTC [10:58]
sgsabbage: Aremis117: you have started at least 2 times in parallel [10:58]
FaFaS25: secure wifi doesn't privately encrypt the information, it just encrypts it to the router itself, and anyone else who can get on the network can decrypt it just as well [11:15]
FaFaS25: ghc-mod doesn't know the StandaloneDeriving pragma? :( [11:16]
FaFaS25: https://j.root-servers.org/ https://a.root-servers.org/ they've both got broken https [11:16]
FaFaS25: all this is to reduce the vmdisk of a vmware vm [11:16]
caliculk3: I wonder if I can turn a 12-14 year old function Dell with a Pentium D into a router and backup server using OpenBSD [11:25]
caliculk3: I'd like a source for that, though, Xgc, if you have one [11:25]
caliculk3: yea i cant really get a signal to other access points [11:25]
caliculk3: or explicitly only allow a list of members [11:25]
loos19: other than qtwebkit5-examples/bionic 5.9.1+dfsg-2 amd64 [12:04]
loos19: Are you reading carefully, the text says "To update from source, the following steps are needed:" [12:04]
rofl____3: Rembane: at least as a rule of thumb, thatâ\u0080\u0099s good advice imho [12:41]
rofl____3: IcePic: it uses a Serial.write (myChannel.getData (), myChannel.getLength ()); why is this used for? [12:41]
rofl____3: davr0s: if you're not willing to explain why, then I don't want to talk about it either [12:41]
xeroks4: still, interpreting some bits as unsigned does not make the value magically correct. [13:07]
xeroks4: just aesthetics, but I've come to instinctively associate it with horrible quality embedded code. [13:07]
stef_24: whoever wrote that code should be retroactively aborted I think [13:15]
stef_24: bwahaha & they said android killed linux outright [13:15]
stef_24: Z-module: ok, so they made 2 mistakes then they didnt include the = in their workings out haha [13:15]
stef_24: muffindrake: C is basically a fancy portable assembler (at least C89)... Which is why it's considered a low level language. [13:16]
stef_24: FXpro: aka "extended partition" [13:16]
stor26: badboyjer, in line "deb http://security.kali.org/kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free " in the docs, 'kali/updates' is 'sana/updates' instead.. whatever 'sana' means (search for 'sana kali linux' or something) [13:23]
stor26: roconnor: tensorial strength [13:23]
sveitser8: dff: dial 666 [13:28]
sveitser8: It already has spaces [13:29]
samy^17: i typoed [13:31]
samy^17: (since i rarely use my phone, i have it on a plan that doesnt cost me anything for days when i dont use it, so i only use it when i *have* to make calls while out and about) [13:31]
samy^17: "drop the IO and make it a function outside of IO" [13:32]
samy^17: u can also just export some idf [13:32]
samy^17: this is why json is crap [13:32]
samy^17: Well, three points lying on the same line don't define a triangle. [13:32]
yawniek27: oh is a pay to win freemium game D: [13:32]
yawniek27: or how else can i ensure when the managed file is updated the service is restarted/reloaded [13:32]
yawniek27: Hmm, not sure I like adding "TasksMax=infinity" though... [13:32]
faisch18: You can kinda imagine t varying from 0 to +inf [13:34]
faisch18: meth: hehe [13:35]
faisch18: sorry.. kde +fedora [13:35]
faisch18: Yes, I did everything that the link said. [13:35]
fireglow2: rio: isn't that sad? physicists figure out the laws of our universe, engineers build skyscrapers and dams, and... mathematicians struggle with proving a single statement about a single function [14:52]
fireglow2: pavlos: how do I revive it? [14:52]
fireglow2: cheater: if you're not trying to understand git too much, yeah, just pull would be fine. [14:52]
fireglow2: kali_: I would either use the applicable utilities from a live linux environment or boot with net.ifnames=0 if it's causing a problem [14:52]
fireglow2: Dan-_-, :3 [14:52]
fireglow2: If I have something like â\u0080¦ how can I solve if for z when it's equal to zero? [14:52]
jn__13: Of course i had low expectations [15:08]
jn__13: â\u0085¿à´ uá¥\u0092taÑ\u0096á¥\u0092s are notâ\u0080¯dâ²\u009FÑ\u0096ng Î\u0091â\u0085¼â\u0085¼ah Ñ\u0096Ñ\u0095 doâ\u0085°á¥\u0092É¡ [15:08]
Reverite19: I don't know what to look for [15:23]
Reverite19: romainl: why no? If they are in ftplugin the function will be redefined every time a file of that type is opened, right? Which presumably has very little overhead but still, putting it in an autoload means it only gets defined once [15:23]
xcin7: petro: nobody's got a gun to your head [15:46]
xcin7: Make sure you don't end up with no house but plenty of avocado toast [15:46]
xcin7: Monero price in USD = 04.83 [15:46]
lonjil2: do you just save like every meme that you see? my folder is <4GB [16:24]
lonjil2: umm... i think its like around 2 ghz intel core 2 duo [16:24]
Cyb3r-As-13: Because that would semantically break old code [17:13]
Cyb3r-As-13: sidenote: you can change the name of them yourself and still be standard compliant [17:13]
Jumpforce1: Okay, so what I was speaking of earlier. I want to startup an ISP, I don't have anything to sell or the credentials to sell anything. I just need people to fill out my human survey, to see where my customers would be in my county. [17:28]
Jumpforce1: probably they'll all be ignored from the perspective of the requirement for placement in a register. [17:28]
systemdave9: If that doesn't work, then yes, you'll need to back up, and nuke-n-pave. [17:36]
systemdave9: lin_noob, if I had the equipment, materials and the relevant assembly and detail drawings, I could probably make you a basic rack in a handful of hours. [17:37]
systemdave9: *rip convo* [17:37]
Kitty29: Dwarf: that one is new to me, but I haven't been active a lot today [17:40]
Kitty29: bueno nwn [17:40]
Kitty29: oh, didn't know it wasn't being picked up again. bummer. [17:40]
Kitty29: although, correct code would never call opeator[] with an invalid index... but we all know code can often be incorrect [17:40]
zkms17: [ Ryzen 2700X and ASUS CH6, Bios update, boost, 24/7 overclock, stock cooler and CS:GO (Part 2) - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com [17:48]
zkms17: LordRyan: true, never recognised :-) file an issue on github armin [17:48]
zkms17: Et le type qui cherche des profils backend il s'appelle Jean-Philippe [17:49]
brainslug: no soooop for you! [18:44]
brainslug: its just that you can get better memory support [18:44]
brainslug: glguy: Ah.. [18:44]
Guest89355: > product [] [18:58]
Guest89355: You give it a path. ;) [18:58]
Guest89355: and basic firewall [18:58]
Guest89355: jlf huawai isn't completely out of the U.S. market but close [18:58]
tatanka_br: lopid: in any case, thanks for that -- can follow that up with cat and all is well w/ the world [19:31]
tatanka_br: tomreyn: I think everything apt-related fails: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QKMCZk6kG3/ [19:31]
tatanka_br: actually, sorry, I was being too quick to mock. Learath2 wrote something correct up there. [19:32]
tatanka_br: I believe earlier versions did not allow reading from a union member that was not the member last stored. [19:32]
tatanka_br: is there any benefit to that? [19:32]
BarthezZ_20: Yep, this is my circuit https://ibb.co/k0T88z [19:57]
BarthezZ_20: triangle [19:57]
Mastermind112: tds: they probably are recording stuff, which is why I don't want to use their wifi [19:59]
Mastermind112: and only because the markdown plugin depends on it :( [19:59]
masterpe13: Smootimus: EXTREME [21:15]
masterpe13: blackandblue: I'm not familiar with that exact model but an i5 dual core will be more than capable for software development. [21:15]
Jay2k110: ah & debians 25th of course https://itsfoss.com/debian-facts/ [22:09]
Jay2k110: time to call it a night, I'll be 'round here in the morning. thanks for the help timemage ! [22:09]
Jay2k110: um1b0zu: I definitely need training [22:09]
Jay2k110: it's like they want it painfully slow on purpose [22:09]
Guest18222: I wonder why this does not work ("... var/nix/db/big-lock': Read-only file system") with a r/o mount. http is readonly too and does not need r/w for substituting. [23:03]
BillGrimm1: how about "standard vim line" [23:11]
BillGrimm1: But back to your original problem. Don't put ANY consts in your code. It will work. [23:11]
BillGrimm1: Pihamies: if you had used @ version, it would've resulted in multiple arguments instead of a single argument, which kdialog most likely would've complained about [23:11]
BillGrimm1: that's a change [23:11]
BillGrimm1: is there a collective name for powers of two's, for example, 16, 256, 1024 and so on? [23:11]

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