#eulora Logs for 18 Jun 2018

June 18th, 2018 by Diana Coman
lobbes: mircea_popescu, ah good point. aite, I'll throw a link up tomorrow [03:51]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (13h25) >>> TD q943110 [04:13]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (13h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [04:13]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (13h25) >>> 2605 SM q173 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (13h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=No bids E=06-22 23:38:45 (111h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (13h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (13h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (13h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (13h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (13h24) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (13h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (13h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (13h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [04:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (13h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [04:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 152.6mn total bids --- [04:14]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, you around? [04:30]
diana_coman: hanbot, ? [04:30]
Mocky: latest batch of mining updates for the bot is complete. I'm pleased with what I got done this weekend. it addresses most of the issues raised so far. tool swapping, tracks the table when others are present, stage one stacking keeps quality separate using all table slots including what's already there, urgently-seeking-table mode in case backing up isn't getting you closer, improved pulling of ingredients from stacks, [04:52]
Mocky: and a few other things [04:52]
Mocky: i expect to release it this afternoon [04:52]
diana_coman: Mocky, yay, sounds good! [04:56]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (12h25) >>> TD q943110 [05:13]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (12h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [05:13]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (12h25) >>> 2605 SM q173 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (12h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=No bids E=06-22 23:38:45 (110h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (12h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (12h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (12h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (12h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (12h24) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (12h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (12h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (12h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [05:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (12h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [05:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 152.6mn total bids --- [05:14]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman now. [10:35]
mircea_popescu: Mocky nice! [10:35]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, k [10:35]
mircea_popescu: ty! [10:36]
diana_coman: thanks! [10:36]
diana_coman: hanbot, you around by any chance? [10:36]
diana_coman: !QCalc 205000000/(745*9.03*12255) [11:03]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: 2.48654614032 [11:03]
diana_coman: !Qbid 226 205m [11:04]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 226: 745 WOA q903 Heard: 205mn from diana_coman Ending: 2018-06-22 23:38:45 UTC (104 hours 34 mins) [11:04]
mircea_popescu: use it well, i really can't make more for a while. [11:07]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (6h25) >>> TD q943110 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (6h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (6h24) >>> 2605 SM q173 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (6h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (104h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (6h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (6h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (6h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (6h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (6h24) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (6h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (6h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (6h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [11:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (6h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [11:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 357.6mn total bids --- [11:14]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, it's so totally unclear as to what is the best use for woa, it's ridiculous already [11:40]
mircea_popescu: ikr;/ [11:41]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (5h25) >>> TD q943110 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (5h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (5h24) >>> 2605 SM q173 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (5h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (103h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (5h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (5h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (5h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (5h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (5h24) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (5h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (5h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (5h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [12:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (5h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [12:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 357.6mn total bids --- [12:14]
hanbot: diana_coman i'm around nao [15:29]
diana_coman: yaay [15:29]
diana_coman: thank you! [15:30]
hanbot: cool deal, ty [15:30]
diana_coman: ahaha, they are literally bv 450 each? [15:31]
diana_coman: lmao [15:31]
diana_coman: must be the thing currently selling for highest markup ever [15:31]
diana_coman: hopefully some interesting bps do pop up [15:31]
hanbot: yeah. anyway what can i say, the tools etc for the line are expensive as all getout. do you ever make supplications btw? [15:32]
mircea_popescu: i thjought i sold some supps. [15:33]
hanbot: i recall you had some leather/berries/mosses ones at some point? [15:33]
hanbot: you did, i'm gluttonous. :D [15:33]
mircea_popescu: lemme see what else is in here. [15:33]
diana_coman: hanbot, I had 2 neophyte book cons that yielded a handful of supps low q [15:34]
diana_coman: and yeah, I know re price of tokens, it wasn't directed at you and/or the sale really [15:34]
mircea_popescu: !QAuction 6mn 72 12 SoL q1735 [15:36]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 227 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 12 SoL q1735 Opening: 6mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (72 hours) [15:36]
mircea_popescu: !QAuction 6mn 72 12 SoM q1735 [15:36]
mircea_popescu: !QAuction 6mn 72 12 SoS q1735 [15:36]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 228 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 12 SoM q1735 Opening: 6mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (72 hours) [15:36]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 229 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 12 SoS q1735 Opening: 6mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (72 hours) [15:36]
mircea_popescu: !QAuction 6mn 72 12 SoB q1735 [15:37]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 230 STARTED by mircea_popescu: 12 SoB q1735 Opening: 6mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 19:37:08 UTC (72 hours) [15:37]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, on the moderately good news front, it turns out that spirover's cft is actually perfectly fine to get *basics* q 250+ (closer to 300 even) [15:38]
mircea_popescu: nb! [15:39]
diana_coman: obv, with foxy mixing but NOT building [15:39]
diana_coman: she can use her hard-won skills, but sort of ..not directly, lol [15:39]
hanbot: !Qbid 227 6mn [15:40]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 227: 12 SoL q1735 Heard: 6mn from hanbot Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (71 hours 56 mins) [15:40]
hanbot: !Qbid 228 6mn [15:40]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 228: 12 SoM q1735 Heard: 6mn from hanbot Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (71 hours 56 mins) [15:40]
hanbot: !Qbid 229 6mn [15:40]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 229: 12 SoS q1735 Heard: 6mn from hanbot Ending: 2018-06-21 19:36:44 UTC (71 hours 56 mins) [15:40]
hanbot: !Qbid 230 6mn [15:40]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 230: 12 SoB q1735 Heard: 6mn from hanbot Ending: 2018-06-21 19:37:08 UTC (71 hours 56 mins) [15:40]
diana_coman: hanbot, found them, they are all q112: 881 supps of mosses, 3 of snails, 2 of leather; do you want [15:41]
hanbot: wishes the grotesque tokens had a knowable purpose already [15:41]
diana_coman: oh, and 1 of berries, lol [15:41]
diana_coman: hanbot, hm, if those starter tokens go into cons maybe there are higher level cons taking the grotesque? [15:42]
hanbot: diana_coman mrrh, they're too low q honestly, maybe the snails tho' [15:43]
diana_coman: sure [15:43]
diana_coman: out of curiosity: how is the altar different that it's better with higher q bps? [15:44]
diana_coman: for ~everything else it seems too high q bps are trouble [15:44]
hanbot: cause it makes canines and similar that are valuable for high-q. [15:45]
diana_coman: uhm, but aren't you after the loot? [15:45]
diana_coman: or is there no loot? [15:45]
diana_coman: has no idea of the altar line [15:46]
hanbot: that *is* the loot [15:46]
diana_coman: ah, the output is the token, right [15:46]
diana_coman: hm [15:46]
diana_coman: and ofc there's another clash mircea_popescu : supplication of stones/snails [15:47]
mircea_popescu: hm ? [15:47]
diana_coman: sos and sos, no? [15:48]
diana_coman: supplications of stones vs supplications of snails? [15:48]
diana_coman: !Qcalc 10*3**3335 [15:49]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: Error: The answer exceeded 1.79769313486e+308 or so. [15:49]
diana_coman: !Qcalc 10*3*3335 [15:49]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: 100050 [15:49]
diana_coman: poor lobbesbot [15:49]
hanbot: oh yeah. well, stones and snails are both delicious, but would be good to know which i bid on lol. [15:51]
diana_coman: ahahaha [15:52]
diana_coman: hanbot, trade foxy for the 3 snails supps whenever convenient; they end up 100k the lot at usual bp markup [15:53]
diana_coman: uhm, that's 1mn [15:55]
diana_coman: lol [15:55]
hanbot: lol [15:55]
hanbot: thanx [15:55]
diana_coman: thanks [15:55]
mircea_popescu: hanbot mine are stones. [15:55]
hanbot: nice. [16:08]
mircea_popescu: im guessing the name should change huh [16:10]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (1h25) >>> TD q943110 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (1h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (1h24) >>> 2605 SM q173 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (1h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (99h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#227 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (71h22) >>> 12 SoL q1735 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#228 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (71h22) >>> 12 SoM q1735 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#229 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (71h22) >>> 12 SoS q1735 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#230 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:37:08 (71h23) >>> 12 SoB q1735 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (1h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (1h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (1h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (1h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (1h23) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (1h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (1h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (1h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [16:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (1h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [16:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 381.6mn total bids --- [16:14]
diana_coman: hm, interesting this repair stuff: 1.5mn coat+toolkit got fox ~700k wos back [16:33]
diana_coman: moreover, one wos got stuck at 17.5k while the other had no trouble [16:34]
mircea_popescu: interesting [16:34]
diana_coman: she got mostly ~4k back per click with some occasional 7k, 8k even 11k once or twice ftr [16:35]
mircea_popescu: and it costs 10k per click ? [16:35]
diana_coman: more like 14k I think, it's 2k only coat damage [16:36]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i don't follow what you did there. so 3 snail supps, 3k bv each, are 10k bv, and 1mn at 10000\% ? [16:37]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, what? [16:37]
diana_coman: she paid 100k for them what are you on? [16:37]
mircea_popescu: oh i thought you said 1mn [16:37]
diana_coman: she mistakenly put 1mn first, yes [16:37]
mircea_popescu: oh oh. i see [16:37]
mircea_popescu: for some reason (no doubt having lots to do with my havbing some for sale) i read that as in "she paid 1mn" [16:39]
diana_coman: she just about did: I saw money, I clicked accept and only then I actually looked, lol; hence my pinging her in chan [16:39]
diana_coman: anyways, back to my repair now ofc that would seem at first glance like about half return not even all that bad seeing how new wos is some 500\% markup; BUT there's that wos stuck at 17.5k... [16:40]
mircea_popescu: hm [16:42]
mircea_popescu: on the other hand, of course, stuff like altars we can't even make. so... definitely not so bad a deal. [16:42]
diana_coman: and ofc the grimy toolkits are iffy as to what they are worth [16:42]
mircea_popescu: http://lobbesblog.com/queryauctions/pricehistory/view.php?ItemSHC=gt << seems 10x ? [16:43]
diana_coman: well, 1 data point,dunno; hanbot do you want more grimy toolkits at same markup as ^ btw? [16:44]
mircea_popescu: this is bizarre, says you sold it, but im sure i sold some myself [16:44]
diana_coman: (this is not idle question - I will sell them if yes) [16:44]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, yeah, I sold one first [16:44]
diana_coman: then you rushed and sold more, lol [16:44]
diana_coman: but you didn't make it into the books neah neah neah [16:45]
diana_coman: :P [16:45]
mircea_popescu: what sorcery is this! [16:45]
mircea_popescu: http://logs.minigame.biz/2018-06-11.log.html#t23:59:08 < ha! [16:45]
mircea_popescu: lobbes ^ ? [16:46]
diana_coman: that...looks more like 3.5? [16:46]
mircea_popescu: ikr. [16:46]
mircea_popescu: which is what i was saying, so even if you make half return, it's not so bad if it only cost 3.5 [16:46]
diana_coman: aha; for as long as we can make at least toolkits I suppose [16:46]
diana_coman: and...for wos that doesn't get stuck at 17.5 or whatever other unpleasant surprise awaits somewhere [16:46]
mircea_popescu: yeah srsly. [16:47]
diana_coman: 17.5k at least, lol [16:47]
mircea_popescu: anyway, since she offered a coat ima do some repair tests of my own [16:47]
diana_coman: oh, and for all that 1.5mn put in, I barely got 1 single rank in mcguyver [16:47]
mircea_popescu: wowza. [16:48]
diana_coman: please do; might be again foxy's anti-talent at work for all I know [16:49]
diana_coman: hm, for some reason I was convinced I bought some apprentice gumbo cons too [16:53]
lobbesbot: A#225 O=3mn HB=3mn E=06-18 21:39:39 (0h25) >>> TD q943110 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#218 O=280k HB=300k E=06-18 21:38:44 (0h24) >>> 34 AE q1642 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#220 O=9.2mn HB=9.2mn E=06-18 21:39:00 (0h24) >>> 2605 SM q173 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#223 O=6.2mn HB=6.2mn E=06-18 21:39:27 (0h25) >>> 3247 F q1897 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (98h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#227 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (70h22) >>> 12 SoL q1735 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#228 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (70h22) >>> 12 SoM q1735 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#229 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (70h22) >>> 12 SoS q1735 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#230 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:37:08 (70h23) >>> 12 SoB q1735 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#216 O=4mn HB=4mn E=06-18 21:38:33 (0h24) >>> 495 EPS q1568 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#219 O=1.1mn HB=1.1mn E=06-18 21:38:53 (0h24) >>> 216 PSS q1554 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#222 O=6.8mn HB=6.8mn E=06-18 21:39:22 (0h25) >>> 3874 CR q2005 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#224 O=8.8mn HB=8.8mn E=06-18 21:39:32 (0h25) >>> 4711 NT q1798 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#213 O=9.8mn HB=9.8mn E=06-18 21:38:02 (0h23) >>> 4616 WWB q1159 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#214 O=56mn HB=56mn E=06-18 21:38:20 (0h24) >>> 3179 TLC q1250 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#215 O=25.4mn HB=25.5mn E=06-18 21:38:25 (0h24) >>> 8229 WPL q1564 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#217 O=5.5mn HB=5.5mn E=06-18 21:38:38 (0h24) >>> 1603 TPT q1666 [17:14]
lobbesbot: A#221 O=16.4mn HB=16.4mn E=06-18 21:39:15 (0h25) >>> 12073 CDG q1894 [17:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 381.6mn total bids --- [17:14]
Mocky: I'm about to publish this post with bot update and i have this tar ball with my 7 changed source files in it. I'm thinking that I should sign it. Is that the right command for that? Not really sure how to do this. [17:37]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 213 has ENDED: 4616 WWB q1159 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 9.8mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
diana_coman: Mocky, my v workflow goes gpg --armor --output name.vpatch.diana_coman.sig --detach-sig name.vpatch [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 214 has ENDED: 3179 TLC q1250 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 56mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 215 has ENDED: 8229 WPL q1564 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 25.5mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
mircea_popescu: Mocky that works. [17:38]
diana_coman: oh wait, you aren't using v, are you? [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 216 has ENDED: 495 EPS q1568 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 4mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
Mocky: no [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 217 has ENDED: 1603 TPT q1666 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 5.5mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman he's not quite there yet. [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 218 has ENDED: 34 AE q1642 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 300k coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:38]
diana_coman: nm then [17:38]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 219 has ENDED: 216 PSS q1554 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 1.1mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 220 has ENDED: 2605 SM q173 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 9.2mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
mircea_popescu: hanbot we settle this in a few hours if that's ok [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 221 has ENDED: 12073 CDG q1894 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 16.4mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 222 has ENDED: 3874 CR q2005 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 6.8mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 223 has ENDED: 3247 F q1897 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 6.2mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 224 has ENDED: 4711 NT q1798 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 8.8mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 225 has ENDED: TD q943110 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 3mn coppers. Attn: hanbot [17:39]
diana_coman: !QCalc 2*9999*543*0.7*10 [17:41]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: 76012398 [17:41]
diana_coman: !QAuction 76mn 48 19998 IO bp q70 [17:42]
mircea_popescu: nicepops.jpg [17:42]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 231 STARTED by diana_coman: 19998 IO bp q70 Opening: 76mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-20 21:42:46 UTC (48 hours) [17:42]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, more like nice inputs , none of them was higher than what went in really [17:43]
diana_coman: 51.4mn was the bundle for the highest there [17:43]
mircea_popescu: a [17:43]
diana_coman: not to mention the shitty one that got me a ton of craft-table bps,eurgh [17:44]
diana_coman: anyways, lemme see what else I got that is at least useful [17:44]
diana_coman: !QCalc 446*0.25*10 [17:45]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: 1115 [17:45]
diana_coman: !QAuction 111.5mn 72 PPB bp q25 [17:46]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 232 STARTED by diana_coman: PPB bp q25 Opening: 111.5mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 21:46:59 UTC (72 hours) [17:46]
diana_coman: uhm [17:47]
diana_coman: !QCancel 232 [17:47]
diana_coman: !QAuctionCancel 232 [17:47]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 232 was cancelled by diana_coman [17:47]
diana_coman: !QAuction 111.5mn 72 100k PPB bp q25 [17:48]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 233 STARTED by diana_coman: 100k PPB bp q25 Opening: 111.5mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-21 21:48:17 UTC (72 hours) [17:48]
diana_coman: !QCalc 10000*67*0.25*10 [17:55]
lobbesbot: diana_coman: 1675000 [17:55]
lobbesbot: Post from mocky: Foxybot Enhancements Part 8: Build 24 Release <http://mocky.org/Foxybot-Enhancements-Part-8-Build-24-Release/> [17:57]
diana_coman: !QAuction 4mn 48 24k Slag bp q25 [17:57]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 234 STARTED by diana_coman: 24k Slag bp q25 Opening: 4mn coppers Ending: 2018-06-20 21:57:31 UTC (48 hours) [17:57]
diana_coman: "At the start of a mining run, the table is scanned and the name and quality of each item is tracked. During the mining run, each new output is stacked in the table with existing items of identical quality, or stacked in an empty slot if there is not an exact match." - Mocky, does this mean that the bot basically keeps track of what it put where in the table and therefore it expects it to be there ? [18:01]
diana_coman: more to the point: does it check that the table's contents are as it expects them to be ? [18:01]
diana_coman: there was a previous bot version that kind of ran into the trouble of lag/lost messages/being too fast - it was interacting basically with the world as it *should* have been rather than as it was [18:02]
diana_coman: Mocky, what is "heaviest" table? [18:04]
diana_coman: and yeah, ideally you'd track the id of the item really [18:05]
diana_coman: curses again the planeshit idiocy with "identifying item by slot/position in the world" [18:05]
Mocky: diana_coman, yes, keeps track of where in the table and expects it to be there. it checks the tables contents at the beginning of the run but not before each transfer [18:09]
Mocky: heaviest table is just the weight attribute [18:09]
diana_coman: might be enough; it's more to be aware that it can be a lossy/faulty environment it's running in essentially [18:10]
Mocky: it appears to include the contents of the container. the id of the item doesn't appear to be stable, after a dozen pickups / putdowns it seems to change [18:11]
diana_coman: aha, that's actually a clever approach to tracking it; certainly easier atm than tracking id after pickup+drop [18:11]
diana_coman: and yes, weight of container is its own + contents [18:12]
Mocky: i could easily add re-checking of table contents before each transfer into the container to look for item-name and stack-count, but checking the quality is more elaborate: triggering a view item on it, waiting for the incoming message [18:13]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (97h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#227 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (69h22) >>> 12 SoL q1735 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#228 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (69h22) >>> 12 SoM q1735 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#229 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (69h22) >>> 12 SoS q1735 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#230 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:37:08 (69h23) >>> 12 SoB q1735 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#231 O=76mn HB=No bids E=06-20 21:42:46 (47h28) >>> 19998 IO bp q70 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#233 O=111.5mn HB=No bids E=06-21 21:48:17 (71h34) >>> 100k PPB bp q25 [18:14]
lobbesbot: A#234 O=4mn HB=No bids E=06-20 21:57:31 (47h43) >>> 24k Slag bp q25 [18:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 229mn total bids --- [18:14]
diana_coman: yes, it is because container contents message doesn't have quality for them, myeah; probably best as last resort thing, this [18:15]
Mocky: i think i'd be good to put the name:stack-count check in for each transfer... seems like an identical size stack of different quality moving into the spot would be rare and this check would probably catch most problems of that variety [18:19]
diana_coman: yes, that sounds good [18:20]
diana_coman: also, re missed moving to claim stuff: it could either catch the overweight message and go to "move stuff to claim again" [18:25]
diana_coman: or to table I guess [18:25]
diana_coman: or otherwise catch the error when moving and handle it [18:25]
diana_coman: anyways, it depends how frequent that happens too [18:26]
diana_coman: q: how does it handle remaining out of inputs? [18:26]
diana_coman: does it use bundles first if they are in inv? [18:26]
Mocky: yes, uses bundles first when present [18:35]
diana_coman: cool [18:35]
lobbesbot: A#226 O=205mn HB=205mn E=06-22 23:38:45 (96h24) >>> 745 WOA q903 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#227 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (68h22) >>> 12 SoL q1735 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#228 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (68h22) >>> 12 SoM q1735 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#229 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:36:44 (68h22) >>> 12 SoS q1735 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#230 O=6mn HB=6mn E=06-21 19:37:08 (68h23) >>> 12 SoB q1735 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#231 O=76mn HB=No bids E=06-20 21:42:46 (46h28) >>> 19998 IO bp q70 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#233 O=111.5mn HB=No bids E=06-21 21:48:17 (70h34) >>> 100k PPB bp q25 [19:14]
lobbesbot: A#234 O=4mn HB=No bids E=06-20 21:57:31 (46h43) >>> 24k Slag bp q25 [19:14]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 229mn total bids --- [19:14]

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