#eulora Logs for 09 Jan 2018

January 9th, 2018 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: hi esthlos , ping me if your horridrun wants to be foxy's apprentice [04:31]
esthlos: sure, i'll be on around T20:00+00 [07:05]
esthlos: err T22:00+00 [07:05]
diana_coman: what's T22? [07:12]
diana_coman: esthlos I guess the eulora cat on my blog is a starter to get some idea in any case: http://www.dianacoman.com/category/eulora/ [07:13]
shinohai: Sounds like he means 10 pm [07:13]
shinohai: good morning Eulora [07:13]
diana_coman: morning shinohai [07:13]
shinohai: brb reiniciando mah gentoo [07:14]
esthlos: just using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 for precision, so it's 22:00 hours with zero offset from UTC [07:36]
shinohai: likes [07:37]
diana_coman: shinohai, what q were you building basics at? [16:40]
shinohai: q84 [16:41]
diana_coman: hm, might work; q is whether you still get sb, hm [16:41]
shinohai: Well thats my building lvl [16:41]
diana_coman: right; q will depend on bundle+enum anyway, hm [16:41]
diana_coman: what's gathering at? [16:42]
diana_coman: and sortage if you have it [16:42]
shinohai: q74 [16:42]
shinohai: Tinkering q32 ... I leveled up as high as I could go before the change [16:42]
diana_coman: yeah, tinkering not doing much for this; hm, not sure about sb; actually why don't you set up on getting flotsam ? [16:44]
shinohai: You guys need flotsam harvesters? [16:45]
danielpbarron: shiny rock [16:46]
shinohai: Think I used both of those up making slag last time [16:48]
danielpbarron: ya but i got plenty of flotsam [16:48]
shinohai: Looks like I have very little shiny rock - 4 q380 and 25 q1600 [16:49]
diana_coman: so go for shiny rock then, even easier because it is lighter, no? [16:51]
diana_coman: I've been using tons of both flotsam and sr, not as if there's any chance of having too much of those by the looks of things [16:51]
shinohai: The new grass! [16:51]
diana_coman: lol, quite [16:51]
knubie: how many active players on this game? [16:52]
diana_coman: last time this was asked: http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-05-16.log.html#t19:39:44 [16:53]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2016-05-16 19:39:44: <Wise> How many players are there registerd/active? Eulorum has been active since 2013, right? [16:53]
diana_coman: prolly a better question would be how much money do players in this game move around, but hey [16:55]
shinohai: The meta-game is just as much fun as actual game [16:56]
knubie: heh, still trying to read more up on it prior to starting.. [16:58]
diana_coman: take your time, it ain't going anywhere; reading is good, comprehension even better [16:59]
diana_coman: at the extreme end, we already have a player who optimised his character for a year prior to any playing and then quit because he didn't like his character's name [17:00]
diana_coman: plenty of games to choose from, even! [17:00]
diana_coman: now wonders if it wasn't even more than a year, can't be bothered to check though [17:01]
shinohai: I'd laugh if that btcvixen character came over to play and got a male avatar. TRIGGERED!!! [17:04]
diana_coman: lol shinohai [17:06]
knubie: lmao... [17:06]
knubie: shinohai, were you not the one that got her on board? lmao [17:07]
diana_coman: gaaaah, mcguyver suddenly dropped to 6 items from 7 [17:07]
knubie: her/him/it whichever is the correct term.. [17:07]
shinohai: Yes, I initially sent invite, I'm guilty of gender assumption. When one sees "vixen" you think "female" [17:08]
shinohai: Had no idea we had mental retardation on our hands. [17:08]
knubie: lollll [17:08]
danielpbarron: seems as though all new chars are fem lately [17:09]
diana_coman: or at least called Lushdrizzle or what was it [17:10]
knubie: heh, would have been an investment starting to play this game from early days... [17:12]
diana_coman: now that is called hindsight! [17:12]
diana_coman: there will be even later days though [17:13]
danielpbarron: hey i tried to get anyone who would listen to play [17:13]
danielpbarron: and only Birdman listened [17:13]
mircea_popescu: the sooner the better is the rule of bitcoin [17:14]
danielpbarron: on related note, childhood friend who owns computer company, who i've been telling for years to get bitcoin, finally texts me the other day asking where to get a wallet [17:14]
diana_coman: so basically he knew at least who to text for that [17:17]
danielpbarron: yeah but i'm a little worried he's gone the web wallet route, as he hasn't responded with any questions to my offer of trb and deedbot [17:17]
knubie: should give him the good old "told you so" [17:18]
danielpbarron: i don't even have to say told you so [17:18]
danielpbarron: people get weird [17:18]
knubie: lol that's even worst, when they know they focked up. [17:18]
lobbes: http://logs.minigame.bz/2018-01-09.log.html#t21:56:45 << I can attest to this! I've accumulated well over ~0.05 BTC worth of Ecu/items/BTC strictly playing the "meta-game". [17:20]
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-01-09 21:56:45: <shinohai> The meta-game is just as much fun as actual game [17:20]
lobbes: <danielpbarron> on related note, childhood friend who owns computer company, who i've been telling for years to get bitcoin, finally texts me the other day asking where to get a wallet << I had a friend tell me a few weeks ago "you oughta sell now before bubble pops!", to which I replied, "that's what you said when it was selling for k!" [17:25]
danielpbarron: yeah i get that every time [17:25]
knubie: you do tend to get a lot of seedy puppies when BTC is in the picture [17:28]
danielpbarron: speaking of which, someone else i know recently wanted me to broker a deal for 2 bitcoin at 8k/per when the price was 16k [17:28]
danielpbarron: i flat out refused [17:28]
knubie: would be hard to find such deals, with 50\% discount.. [17:29]
danielpbarron: he kept insisting and i was eventualy like.. let me meet this guy at a public place, and he's gotta send first. haven't heard back [17:30]
knubie: correct me if im wrong, but most of you seem to be early early adopters of btc [17:31]
danielpbarron: the kind that didn't sell [17:32]
knubie: nice, grats for not selling out, like most.. [17:33]
lobbes: I wasn't that early. Bought my first whole BTC back in 2014 when it was a mere 0. Slowly accumulated more and more fractions after price jump [17:33]
lobbes: But yeah. Store of value all the way [17:33]
danielpbarron: i once got 5 btc for a 35 USD donation to the ron paul campaign [17:33]
knubie: lobbes, that's still pretty early [17:34]
lobbes: There's the whole "hey, this is just like crapple stock! a.k.a They expect to buy x BTC at t.1 time, sell for x*n USD at t.2 time" mentality. Most don't get that I intend to live and eventually -die- grasping tightly to whatever BTC I own [17:34]
danielpbarron: and i did a couple paypals with BCB in otc sub 100 [17:34]
knubie: danielpbarron: lol [17:34]
knubie: BTC just needs to fix its fees... [17:35]
knubie: and it's perfect [17:35]
danielpbarron: yeah, they need to be higher! [17:35]
danielpbarron: bitcoin is far from perfect, and the fees are the least of its problems [17:36]
knubie: danielpbarron, did you expect it to come this far ?? [17:37]
danielpbarron: yes [17:37]
diana_coman: I'm making some barrels of bettle brew, let me know if anyone needs that [17:37]
diana_coman: beetle! [17:37]
danielpbarron: i expect it to keep going another 5 years prolly [17:37]
danielpbarron: and when it is replaced, it will be replaced by the republic, and bitcoin will be the thing to trade for the replacement [17:38]
danielpbarron: i think it could keep on going another 50 years as it is written, if i had to guess [17:39]
knubie: <<<< not very tech savy, but do understand the concept [17:39]
danielpbarron: so far all the alternatives do nothing to address the problems that might prevent bitcoin from lasting centuries [17:41]
Birdman: wish i'd have listened better [17:43]
shinohai: knubie: I do 1-on-1 support for Eulora, and will even help you get started with therealbitcoin if you get the desire to. [18:11]
knubie: shinohai: cheers, will need some sort of help/guide.. it's still downloading atm.. =) [18:13]
shinohai: Ah danielpbarron .... I will add you as an OP to jhvh .... I forgot it the up and down thing is contingent on that. [18:17]
knubie: shinohai: 5. Navigate to dev/cal3d. Edit configure.in to comment out (add # at the beginning of line) "AM_USE_UNITTESTCPP". Run: << is that still the correct steps? [18:41]
knubie: that line does not exist in that file.. [18:42]
shinohai: knubie: ignore it ..... what are you installing this on? [18:42]
knubie: Mint [18:43]
shinohai: You should be good to go .... lemme know if compilation fails. [18:43]
knubie: so just follow the rest of the steps? [18:43]
shinohai: yup [18:43]
shinohai: That seems to be a recurring theme lately, I'll try to get on wiki tomorrow and fix. [18:44]
diana_coman: knubie, check your gcc version too as it will NOT work with latest [18:49]
diana_coman: you need 4.x , not newer [18:49]
knubie: gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.5) [18:49]
diana_coman: well, try it and report on wiki if it works [18:50]
knubie: aclocal: warning: autoconf input should be named 'configure.ac', not 'configure.in' [18:52]
knubie: configure.in:41: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_DISABLE_STATIC [18:52]
knubie: If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow. [18:52]
knubie: See the Autoconf documentation. [18:52]
knubie: configure.in:43: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL [18:52]
knubie: configure.in:44: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL [18:52]
knubie: autoreconf: /usr/bin/autoconf failed with exit status: 1 [18:52]
diana_coman: so no, go back to 4.x [18:53]
knubie: same and downgraded to 4.9 [18:57]
knubie: think to make life easier, maybe just install on my other laptop runnings windows? [19:00]
knubie: does it run better on windows? [19:01]
diana_coman: you can install the binaries, yes [19:02]
diana_coman: you probably failed to downgrade all toolchain as it were [19:05]
danielpbarron: shinohai, ping [19:06]
shinohai: >.> [19:07]
esthlos: knubie: I just went through an install, feel free to ask for basic help [19:07]
shinohai: knubie: how did you downgrade, did you use update-alternatives? [19:07]
knubie: nop =( [19:07]
shinohai: If you just replaced your gcc, congrats you borked it all [19:07]
danielpbarron: i mean ping look in game ping [19:08]
shinohai: kk danielpbarron [19:08]
knubie: lol did i? [19:08]
danielpbarron: ready when you are [19:08]
knubie: heh, think im gonna head off to bed, but we sort it out tomorrow.. [19:10]
knubie: thanks peeps, and good night!! [19:10]
shinohai: nite [19:10]
Birdman: danielpbarron your last two ords are ready [19:27]
Birdman: thinking i should just burn all my sticks into bb, only farming i have bundles for in bulk [19:28]
danielpbarron: yeah this whole gathering for others thing doesn't make much sense for as long as claims go away so easy [19:28]
Birdman: unless someone would want to buy ords of something for like 5 stick uses each, which i think is break even in sticks for me + all small claims et al [19:29]
Birdman: danielpbarron you should come get these so i can leave this spot [20:30]
Birdman: otherwise they will disappear [20:30]
danielpbarron: ugh [20:31]
shinohai: danielpbarron: are you crafting? I can go pick it up [20:36]
danielpbarron: no i need to build them right away or they'll go away [20:36]
danielpbarron: almost there [20:36]
shinohai: kk [20:37]
danielpbarron: Birdman, i'm here [20:40]
danielpbarron: and interestingly, my client glitched and i'm showing up as a woman, which isn't new. [20:41]
danielpbarron: but. my macros don't work [20:41]
danielpbarron: when i chat, it says Daniel, but my key settings and/or macros are the client defaults [20:41]
Birdman: strange [20:51]
Birdman: in the middle of a stick right now [20:51]
Birdman: you're a guy on my screen [20:51]
danielpbarron: yeah it's a glitch on my end [20:52]
danielpbarron: !Qhelp [21:26]
lobbesbot: danielpbarron: http://lobbesblog.com/lobbesbotcommands [21:26]
danielpbarron: ReadErr, ^ [21:26]
Birdman: danielpbarron few seconds now [21:27]
Birdman: build those now cause they'll despawn soon after i leave [21:34]
danielpbarron: yeah i am [21:35]
danielpbarron: 2 at a time seems to work [21:35]
danielpbarron: it's the 3rd that goes away [21:35]
Birdman: how high are people getting on the qualities for supplications? [21:39]
Birdman: i have some that are q1.5k [21:40]
danielpbarron: i haven't clicked one since the float [21:40]
danielpbarron: no idea [21:40]

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