#eulora Logs for 13 Oct 2017

October 13th, 2017 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: roger___, creator encourages bots even [04:04]
lobbesbot: A#151 O=2mn HB=2mn E=10-13 21:46:20 (12h53) >>> 20k RR q80 [04:52]
lobbesbot: A#150 O=2.86mn HB=2.86mn E=10-13 21:42:21 (12h49) >>> 29173 Flotsam q62 [04:52]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 4.86mn total bids --- [04:52]
roger___: hmm very interesting [14:01]
mircea_popescu: whassat ? [14:05]
roger___: og that the owner likes botting [14:05]
mircea_popescu: ah, yeah. [14:06]
lobbesbot: A#151 O=2mn HB=2mn E=10-13 21:46:20 (2h53) >>> 20k RR q80 [14:52]
lobbesbot: A#150 O=2.86mn HB=2.86mn E=10-13 21:42:21 (2h49) >>> 29173 Flotsam q62 [14:52]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 4.86mn total bids --- [14:52]
hanbot: !QAuction 2mn 48 1991216x cdg q1 [17:42]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 152 STARTED by hanbot: 1991216x cdg q1 Opening: 2mn coppers Ending: 2017-10-15 21:42:41 UTC (48 hours) [17:42]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 150 has ENDED: 29173 Flotsam q62 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 2.86mn coppers. Attn: diana_coman [17:42]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 151 has ENDED: 20k RR q80 SOLD to mircea_popescu for 2mn coppers. Attn: diana_coman [17:46]
mircea_popescu: !Qbid 152 2mn [17:47]
lobbesbot: AUCTION # 152: 1991216x cdg q1 Heard: 2mn from mircea_popescu Ending: 2017-10-15 21:42:41 UTC (47 hours 54 mins) [17:47]
lobbesbot: A#152 O=2mn HB=2mn E=10-15 21:42:41 (47h50) >>> 1991216x cdg q1 [17:52]
lobbesbot: --- end of auction list, 2mn total bids --- [17:52]

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