#eulora Logs for 20 Sep 2017

September 20th, 2017 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: whoa, lobbes, your bot cloned itself! [07:53]
lobbes: christ on a cracker.. time to go log diving I guess [15:37]
mircea_popescu: lol [15:39]
lobbes: alight. removing bot from chan until I can figure out wtf is going on [15:48]
diana_coman: gah, nothing seems to finish before a dc anymore [16:01]
lobbes: you guys are going to need dedicated servers to finish clicks pretty soon :P [16:02]
lobbes: in other news, I'm retarded. that join/part spam was caused by my own fuckup in one of my shell scripts that greps the process list to see if supybot instance is running [16:06]
lobbes: my grep was way more specific then it needed to be [16:06]
lobbes: so then a small change in the display of the process list caused the grep to return nothing, thereby triggering the "start supybot" portion [16:07]
lobbes: going to make a few tweaks and then watch behavior in my test chans for a couple of hours. auctionbot should hopefully be online again by tonight [16:09]
lobbes: god I feel stupid [16:09]
lobbes: peers at lobbesbot [16:28]
lobbes: alright, lobbesbotpocalype should be over. I'll be watching [16:28]
shinohai: lobbes: maybe something like http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/BOE9a/?raw=true ? [16:28]
lobbes: hm yeah. that may be better than going with grep [16:30]
lobbes: this is what I got currently: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/76fw6/?raw=true [16:30]
shinohai: I had an easier go of just looking for the pid, hope it helps o/ [16:39]
shinohai: (Plus lets me log restarts) [16:39]
lobbes: thank you, sir o7 [16:39]
lobbes: yeah that log is a good idea [16:39]
mircea_popescu: lobbes but what is a home machine if not a dedicated server. [17:33]
lobbes: hmm you got me there. I was erroneously conflating "dedicated servers" with "ironclad connection" [17:37]
shinohai: Order one of mp's surplus pogoplugs if he'll sell one. Boom! Dedicated server. [17:51]
lobbesbot: Post from eulora2: King's Bounty - A Knight's Tale <http://trilema.com/2017/kings-bounty-a-knights-tale/> [22:16]
shinohai: Thankfully lobbesbot is back [22:24]

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