#eulora Logs for 26 Mar 2017

March 26th, 2017 by Diana Coman
Birdman: placed an ord, have the key, telling me i dont have the correct key when trying to lock or unlock [07:43]
Birdman: same problem earlier with some small claims too, though they manage to lock when the bot gets them [07:44]
diana_coman: Birdman, so you got an unlocked ord or a locked ord? [08:22]
diana_coman: hello Marquess_Loaf [08:22]
Birdman: i have a locked ord as it is [08:22]
diana_coman: but you can't unlock it or what is the problem? [08:22]
Birdman: yeah, says i dont have the proper key [08:23]
diana_coman: weird [08:25]
diana_coman: do you actually have the key? [08:26]
Birdman: <Birdman>placed an ord, have the key, telling me i dont have the correct key when trying to lock or unlock [08:26]
diana_coman: hm, very weird [08:29]
Birdman: yeah, some keys were working others were not [08:32]
diana_coman: will look into it [08:33]
Birdman: tyty [09:11]
danielpbarron: !~calc 2.55*90*1000 - 4.08*21005 - 6.01*2100 - 2352 [17:50]

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