#eulora Logs for 14 Sep 2016

September 14th, 2016 by Diana Coman
lobbes: shinohai: I got a help page up on the log www. I got your bot listed along with commands I grabbed from pete's blog. But let me know of any commands you'd like to add to the list: [01:17]
lobbes: http://logs.minigame.bz/help [01:17]
lobbesbot: Title: #Eulora Help (at logs.minigame.bz) [01:17]
lobbes: &item cwr [01:35]
euporium: Cheapest Wedding Ring(CWR) cat: ? base value: 6058 http://dianacoman.com/Eulora/Cheapest-Wedding-Ring.html [01:35]
lobbes: mircea_popescu: likewise, let me know of anything else you want on said help page [02:05]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, eurgh, yes; it's back on now [02:22]
mircea_popescu: nice lobbes [06:24]
diana_coman: sorry folks, today's update is earlier than usual and it might take a while [08:10]
diana_coman: and it's done, server is back online [08:47]
mircea_popescu: o hey nice. [08:49]
mircea_popescu: maybe now i can finally extract this remark o.O [08:49]
diana_coman: hi supersechi [09:11]
supersechi: hi [09:11]
shinohai: gm [09:11]
supersechi: I'm searching for mircea_popescu [09:11]
supersechi: is she online? [09:12]
diana_coman: he seems to be around, yes [09:12]
shinohai: snickers [09:12]
supersechi: Ok, because I want to use Eulora, and in the start guide i have read that I need to ask her for an account [09:12]
diana_coman: so just ask; might help to notice it's *him* though [09:13]
diana_coman: supersechi, first make and register your key though [09:14]
shinohai: welcome to Eulora, if you need assistance in your newfound life if slavery, we will be glad to help [09:15]
supersechi: I have done it [09:15]
diana_coman: hm, deedbot did not seem to be aware of it; supersechi what steps have you followed exactly? [09:16]
diana_coman: ahaha shinohai, that might be a good motto for your win-guide [09:16]
supersechi: Sorry,I thought that was a "she"and not a "he" [09:16]
shinohai: ^_________^ [09:17]
supersechi: I have followed this guide [09:17]
supersechi: http://bit-box.org/blog/?p=5 [09:17]
shinohai: it is a low quality guide but all is there [09:17]
shinohai: you likely forgot the step to propagate your key to servers [09:18]
shinohai: then to register w/ deedbot [09:18]
supersechi: What do I have to do? [09:19]
diana_coman: uhm, what's with those floods [09:20]
shinohai: l/me gains 50+ souls for another noob pasting gpg public key in chat buffer [09:21]
supersechi: Hey sorry [09:21]
supersechi: Sorry [09:21]
diana_coman: ahahaha shinohai you probably got it aha [09:21]
shinohai: put it on a psatebin supersechi [09:21]
supersechi: I will send you the key with pastebin [09:22]
diana_coman: and that's prolly what happened when he tried to register with deedbot too [09:22]
shinohai: keks [09:22]
supersechi: https://thepb.in/p/Rghnwgk1qz8uz [09:22]
shinohai: supersechi: come back in 30 minutes [09:23]
supersechi: Ok [09:23]
supersechi: Why? [09:23]
shinohai: you have to wait for the server to see you [09:23]
shinohai: then register with the bot [09:23]
supersechi: Ok [09:23]
supersechi: But my key registration is ok? [09:23]
shinohai: so far [09:24]
mircea_popescu: supersechi http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/pg64a/?raw=true [10:19]
supersechi: Ok [10:20]
supersechi: https://thepb.in/p/wjh05RGxBXMSv [10:20]
supersechi: This? [10:20]
mircea_popescu: huh ? [10:23]
mircea_popescu: just decrypt the thing i sent you [10:24]
supersechi: I don't understand [10:24]
supersechi: Aaaah ok [10:24]
supersechi: Thanks [10:24]
mircea_popescu: yw! [10:31]
diana_coman: welcome to Eulora supersechi [10:34]
supersechi: Thanks [10:34]
diana_coman: read around (the wiki is a good place to start) and ask in here if you need help/things to do [10:36]
shinohai: yay its daytime again [10:40]
diana_coman: found anything while exploring shinohai ? [10:41]
shinohai: not yet sadly [10:41]
shinohai: !~eu.town [10:43]
jhvh1: Town is located @ 176, 56, 161 [10:43]
shinohai: ^ put those coordinates in supersechi [10:43]
diana_coman: cool stuff shinohai [10:50]
shinohai: ok im in town supersechi [10:51]
shinohai: In Soviet Eulora, games plays you. [10:53]
supersechi: What? [10:54]
mircea_popescu: lol [10:56]
shinohai: inside the game type /point 176 56 161 [10:59]
shinohai: and it will change your direction [10:59]
supersechi: Ok [11:00]
supersechi: Doesnt work [11:02]
diana_coman: supersechi, he means /pilot instead of /point [11:03]
supersechi: Done [11:04]
diana_coman: with /pos you can find out where you are [11:05]
supersechi: I have found a bag [11:05]
supersechi: How I can take it?' [11:05]
diana_coman: right click and pickup [11:05]
supersechi: Ok [11:06]
shinohai: loool yeah i meant /pilot [11:06]
supersechi: Where are you? [11:07]
shinohai: me/ im here. [11:07]
shinohai: imnot in eulora maybe diana_coman is [11:07]
supersechi: What [11:08]
supersechi: Why I have to go there? [11:08]
diana_coman: supersechi, Foxy (my char) is at -70 42 -27 [11:08]
diana_coman: people are all around the map anyway [11:08]
diana_coman: if you want come to foxy and I'll give you some stuff to do to earn some euloran money [11:09]
supersechi: Yes [11:09]
supersechi: I would like to have my 0.01 BTC [11:09]
diana_coman: eh, for that talk to mircea_popescu [11:09]
shinohai: lol is that all? [11:09]
shinohai: you can earn more while u wait [11:09]
supersechi: How? [11:10]
mircea_popescu: supersechi im at -224 51 -150, coime say hi [11:10]
supersechi: I'm coming [11:11]
mircea_popescu: addy ? [11:14]
supersechi: What? [11:14]
mircea_popescu: you have to post a bitcoin address [11:16]
supersechi: 1BMXf5jjmDh11HfDDKFbVeTTvBdFzV4Znb [11:16]
mircea_popescu: aite. [11:16]
supersechi: In game? [11:16]
mircea_popescu: hm ? [11:17]
supersechi: Post it in game? [11:17]
mircea_popescu: nah here's good enough. [11:19]
supersechi: Ok [11:20]
supersechi: Done? [11:29]
mircea_popescu: takes a few hours. [11:34]
shinohai: shall update btctalk [11:34]
supersechi: It's ok [11:35]
shinohai: do some more work or you stop? [11:35]
supersechi: I think I will play [11:36]
supersechi: But the only problem is that makes my laptop so hot! [11:36]
shinohai: thats what she said [11:36]
supersechi: Why? Is not a very high-graphic game [11:36]
shinohai: ask your laptop manufacturer [11:38]
mircea_popescu: supersechi make sure gfx drivers are up to date ; also - there was a solution someone posted in log, a week or so ago [11:42]
mircea_popescu: something with limiting the thread count in config file. [11:42]
supersechi: It's Ok [11:51]
shinohai: lol [11:57]
shinohai: o wau made it back to town [14:53]
shinohai: still found naught [14:53]
diana_coman: shinohai, it's a tough world without any tools nor skills [14:54]
shinohai: i have an adze [14:55]
shinohai: lol [14:55]
shinohai: some frangible threadz [14:56]
shinohai: and scribblings [14:56]
mircea_popescu: it's a start! [14:56]
mircea_popescu: in other news grenadine hit 24mn yest lol [14:56]
shinohai: and coppers [14:56]
diana_coman: are you actually *using* any of the things you have, shinohai ? [14:57]
shinohai: no i was waiting for some slave labor [14:57]
diana_coman: do you want some tasks? [14:57]
shinohai: lemme start with 1 task [14:58]
diana_coman: come to town and trade foxy [14:58]
shinohai: kk one sec [14:58]
diana_coman: go find the claim, unlock and start building (lock it while it builds so it doesn't vanish if you disconnect) [15:01]
diana_coman: bring the output back [15:01]
diana_coman: will give you 10\% of output at market value [15:01]
diana_coman: either coppers or grass [15:01]
diana_coman: sounds good? [15:01]
shinohai: ok i may b slow [15:02]
diana_coman: no hurry, it can wait even until tomorrow [15:02]
diana_coman: good luck [15:02]
shinohai: ty this shall be intersting [15:02]
shinohai: how to locate claim /explore? [15:03]
diana_coman: it's an ordinary (tiny < small < ordinary) so the building it will take some time, but not half a day, lol [15:03]
shinohai: lol [15:03]
shinohai: kk [15:03]
mihi: !~bible Matt 6:24 [15:50]
jhvh1: mihi: [KJV] Matthew 6:24 :: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. [15:50]
mihi: !~step 1 [15:51]
jhvh1: mihi: Error: "step" is not a valid command. [15:51]
mircea_popescu: no step for you! [15:59]
mihi: steps back [15:59]
mihi: btw mircea_popescu thank you for a background actor role in one of your blog articles :P [16:01]
mircea_popescu: ha! [16:18]
mircea_popescu: you're welcome [16:18]
shinohai: diana_coman: do i have to just keep /explore ing ? [18:17]
mircea_popescu: yea [18:29]
shinohai: Mircea has got 0.02 BTC worth of Clump of Dry Grass and assorted loot while building. Congratulations! [18:29]
mircea_popescu: ouch. [18:34]
shinohai: i died [18:35]
shinohai: lol [18:35]
mircea_popescu: i spent like 6mn to get those 2 ;/ [18:36]
shinohai: im still looking for a single claim [18:36]
mircea_popescu: didja buy a book on auction ? i dun recall [18:37]
shinohai: no i have scribblings [18:37]
mircea_popescu: ah [18:37]
shinohai: i purchased a secret guild [18:38]
shinohai: or somesuch [18:38]
mircea_popescu: !~calc 9970 + 1766+8320 [18:39]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 9970 + 1766+8320 = 20056 [18:39]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (5868 * 231 + 4000 * 9) / (5868 + 4000) [18:41]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (5868 * 231 + 4000 * 9) / (5868 + 4000) = 141.0121605188488 [18:41]
mircea_popescu: meh. [18:41]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (3912 * 231 + 6000 * 9) / (3912 + 6000) [18:41]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3912 * 231 + 6000 * 9) / (3912 + 6000) = 96.61743341404357 [18:41]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (3912 * 231 + 6050 * 9) / (3912 + 6050) [18:41]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3912 * 231 + 6050 * 9) / (3912 + 6050) = 96.1776751656294 [18:41]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (3912 * 231 + 6060 * 9) / (3912 + 6060) [18:41]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3912 * 231 + 6060 * 9) / (3912 + 6060) = 96.09025270758123 [18:41]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (3912 * 231 + 6069 * 9) / (3912 + 6069) [18:41]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3912 * 231 + 6069 * 9) / (3912 + 6069) = 96.0117222723174 [18:42]
mircea_popescu: !~calc (3912 * 231 + 6070 * 9) / (3912 + 6070) [18:42]
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: (3912 * 231 + 6070 * 9) / (3912 + 6070) = 96.00300540973753 [18:42]
hanbot: btw diana_coman, a curiosity: i got a pop last night that doesn't show in the top for some reason (any tab, but should be well enough for 'anytime'. was building, 13 Sept. 23:57:46 ARS. [23:36]

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