#eulora Logs for 03 Oct 2015

October 3rd, 2015 by Diana Coman
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron hey you want these sticks ? [08:16]
danielpbarron: ya [08:24]
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, [08:24]
mircea_popescu: im doinggrass, meet me there ? [08:29]
danielpbarron: k [08:29]
diana_coman: hello [11:59]
mircea_popescu: hlola! [12:00]
mircea_popescu: has been bot mining. [12:00]
diana_coman: oh hi, I sold the wm and sm to daniel [12:01]
diana_coman: so he has everything to make all that oil [12:01]
diana_coman: how is that going? [12:01]
diana_coman: (I left the bot a lot on mining these days) [12:01]
diana_coman: chetty, a small glitch to report though not entirely sure whether it's not on the client anyways: the trade window seems to report the original stack count rather than what is actually there (moved over 1500 sm for daniel from my pile of 1700 and it showed 1700 in the trade window) - it's really nothing major as the right amount of items gets changed [12:02]
mircea_popescu: not bad so far. found me an odinary bn [12:02]
mircea_popescu: which apparently wants canine! [12:02]
diana_coman: ahahahha, yeah [12:02]
diana_coman: I even have a remarkable bn of all things [12:03]
diana_coman: yuck [12:03]
diana_coman: lol [12:03]
diana_coman: I keep finding ordinaries of moss, which take...3 (three!) dead molluscs.... [12:04]
mircea_popescu: i'd buy some moss. [12:04]
diana_coman: alongside other "easy" stuff such as tlc, lotus harlots etc [12:04]
mircea_popescu: incidentally, my q for these is 131. how much for the claims diana_coman ? [12:05]
diana_coman: I got about 500 sm a bit earlier out of one [12:05]
diana_coman: at 170q [12:05]
diana_coman: uhm, let me thing a bit, I haven't priced those for rares before [12:06]
mircea_popescu: k [12:06]
diana_coman: base value says already almost 5k, lol [12:06]
diana_coman: would you be fine to build for me 3 ordinaries of basic resources in exchange for 2 ordinaries of sm? in coppers I guess I'd need to price them atm something like 11k I suppose [12:12]
mircea_popescu: i have no problem building, sure. [12:13]
diana_coman: then that's probably the best [12:13]
mircea_popescu: meet you in game in ~20mins ? [12:13]
diana_coman: ouch, can you do it like in ...3 hours better? [12:13]
diana_coman: I need to go in 5-10 minutes now [12:13]
diana_coman: and out of action for about 3 hours, lol [12:14]
mircea_popescu: sure, this evening works. [12:14]
diana_coman: great [12:14]
diana_coman: oh, and by then I should have the tool packs too [12:14]
diana_coman: all worn out and ready to be made toolkits, lol [12:15]
mircea_popescu: o yay! [12:16]
diana_coman: mircea_popescu have all old ord and greater claims have been restored at some point in the end? I still find I have some mining techniques and no corresponding claim somehow (and it's from the older ones for sure) [16:16]
mircea_popescu: nah, they've not. [16:16]
mircea_popescu: i have some of those too. [16:16]
diana_coman: in any case, I have the set of tools ready [16:17]
diana_coman: whenever you want it [16:17]
diana_coman: thing is that at least 2 of those are remarkables even ugh [16:18]
mircea_popescu: alrighty comingin. [16:19]
danielpbarron: all the enumerations have a base value so even without the key they are probably useable somehow, perhaps through the faith line [18:09]
olfe.freenode.net-: [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [21:33]
mircea_popescu: nah they'll get the sticks regenerated eventually, just, kindapremature atm. [21:39]
mircea_popescu: nobody even digs up remarkables. [21:40]

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