#ossasepia Logs for 17 Dec 2019

April 21st, 2020 by Diana Coman
whaack: diana_coman: EOD Report: Completed today's schedule: 1.5hr of writing w/ 15 min proofread + 30 min prep for next day, 8hr saltmines, 1hr of Spanish study. There was still some spinning/derpage (specifically ~1hr of texting at the end of the day) and it is clear that this new 'more aggressive' schedule still leaves quite a bit of room for improvement. [01:52]
diana_coman: whaack: yeah; basically you are able to do way, way more than you have the habit to choose to do. [03:56]
diana_coman: lobbes: btw that review of time in tmsr is fine as an overview, still missing the conclusion part where you look at it all as laid out and attempt to figure out some concrete lesson to learn from it, moving forwards. [03:58]
diana_coman: jfw: what's not clear at all from your current plan is what are you going to do re work and holidays, esp since the wallet is not going to be ready before you leave, is it? [04:11]
diana_coman: To be explicit: there are just 3 options there, namely a. you drop the work quickly and painlessly now to pick it up painfully in January b. you set down the work carefully and time-consumingly now to pick it up easily in January c. you don't do either and therefore take the work (or parts of it) with you on holidays too, whether you sit down to do any of it or just carry it in your mind anyway. [04:11]
diana_coman: jfw: so which of a,b or c above you reckon it will be? [04:11]
lobbes: diana_coman: I'm headed out to mines now, but I will give this some thought throughout the day. My initial take is that I'm not sure there is a single lesson that can be taken; rather a collection of them (which I thought I kinda touched on, but perhaps there's value it me laying it out explicity to myself) [10:43]
diana_coman: lobbes: better explicitly than implicitly for sure; and several lessons/collection of them, sure. [11:01]
diana_coman: the main trouble with "implicit" is that you can (and will) conveniently ignore/change it/lie to yourself about it, that's how it goes; so yeah, explicit & written down. [11:02]
jfw: diana_coman: I see that without a firm decision it would default to option a, which sounds none too appealing. I think my free time on the holiday would be best allocated to reading; if I find myself inspired to continue coding then so much the better, but unwise to bank on it. So I'd better take option b and it'd be a good practice to learn anyway. I recall you linked an example from eulora work [12:33]
jfw: (i.e. taking the time now to set down the work carefully) [12:34]
jfw: diana_coman: I'm wondering what to do for a travel key, thinking it unwise to carry my main one into the Zone, in light of http://trilema.com/2019/the-contemplated-update-to-the-trilema-voice-model/ . One thing I learned from that is apparently I could have been giving dorion_road his !!ups all this time - I hadn't realized! [12:50]
jfw: but with the contemplated change, I gather I won't be able to stay in the channel except when speaking, unless a lord rates my travel key +2 [12:52]
BingoBoingo: jfw: I can do that if you sign the announcement of your travel key. [12:53]
jfw: thanks BingoBoingo, solves that nicely. [12:54]
whaack: diana_coman: I must say I feel quite happy knowing there is (what appears to be) a low resistance path to improvement. Cutting some of the bs should be quite easy. I'm going to work to make it into a positive feedback loop, as I gain from cutting out bad habits I'll be more inclined to get rid of the more entrenched ones. [13:14]
whaack: diana_coman: I'm pushing back my trip to Santa Cruz until tomorrow/Thursday since there's a birthday present in the mail that won't arrive until then. That gives me 4 additional hours today, I will use 1hr for Spanish study and 3h for setting up my VM for the systematic exploration of irc networks project. [13:18]
diana_coman: jfw: I can rate your travel key, not a problem. [13:45]
diana_coman: whaack: sounds all good. [13:46]
diana_coman: for that matter if the new model is deployed sooner rather than later, I'll re-rate dorion_road's travel key to 2 as well so he can speak as he needs to, what. [13:49]
diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-17-Dec-2019#1013342 - sounds good. [13:50]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-17 12:33:52 jfw: diana_coman: I see that without a firm decision it would default to option a, which sounds none too appealing. I think my free time on the holiday would be best allocated to reading; if I find myself inspired to continue coding then so much the better, but unwise to bank on it. So I'd better take option b and it'd be a good practice to learn anyway. I recall you linked an example from eulora work [13:50]
diana_coman: http://ossasepia.com/2020/04/21/ossasepia-logs-for-17-Dec-2019#1013345 - btw, this was *yet another one* of those asking-without-asking; jfw if you keep at it, I'll start thinking I'm enabling bad habits by even tolerating those at all. [14:19]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-17 12:52:15 jfw: but with the contemplated change, I gather I won't be able to stay in the channel except when speaking, unless a lord rates my travel key +2 [14:19]
jfw: right you are diana_coman, noted. [14:24]
lobbes: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/ossasepia/2019-12-17#1013354 << This resonates with me quite a bit actually, as I have definitely caught myself doing this "internal sliding" before. Anyways, I have added my key takeaways for each year. Ty for the feedback [20:02]
ericbot: Logged on 2019-12-17 14:57:44 diana_coman: the main trouble with "implicit" is that you can (and will) conveniently ignore/change it/lie to yourself about it, that's how it goes; so yeah, explicit & written down. [20:02]

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