Reference Code Shelf

This is a list of code that I reviewed and found to be honest, useful and readable. I'll update this list as I find more code to add to it, hopefully. You can read more about it in the post about my reference code shelf.

My public key: diana_coman.asc
My software development key: diana_coman_dev.asc

EuCrypt (Keccak hashes)


GAWK Logbot for irc and mp-wp

Keksum - standalone Unix Keccak in C

Logotron in Python

Mersenne Twister Ada Lib

Mersenne Twister Generic Ada Lib

SMG_Comms (Eulora's Communication Protocol)

UDP (Keccak hashes)

V Code Control (Scripts for code control with V)


V-Tree (Keccak hashes, using vtools)