#eulora Logs for 21 Apr 2018

April 21st, 2018 by Diana Coman
avgjoe: Hello [12:29]
avgjoe: I've an error on compiling cal3d [12:30]
avgjoe: loader.cpp:932:12: error: cannot convert â\u0080\u0098boolâ\u0080\u0099 to â\u0080\u0098CalCoreKeyframe*â\u0080\u0099 in return [12:31]
avgjoe: loader.cpp:932:12: error: cannot convert â\u0080\u0098boolâ\u0080\u0099 to â\u0080\u0098CalCoreKeyframe*â\u0080\u0099 in return [12:31]
diana_coman: hello avgjoe ; did you get the exact versions indicated ? [12:35]
avgjoe: yes, downloaded the source code [12:36]
diana_coman: it sounds like some mismatch [12:36]
diana_coman: yes, but what version and what gcc [12:36]
avgjoe: can i also ask if I can try to apt get libcal3d12-dev ? [12:36]
avgjoe: or it won't work? [12:36]
diana_coman: well, you can certainly try; might help reporting more precisely what you are using if it works [12:37]
avgjoe: gcc 7.2 [12:37]
diana_coman: ugh, that's your problem most likely [12:37]
diana_coman: basically you need to downgrade gcc to 4.9 for instance [12:39]
avgjoe: ok [12:39]
avgjoe: i'm using this guide: http://www.eulorum.org/Ubuntu [12:39]
avgjoe: i've apt got the libcal and now i'm at step 6 [12:39]
avgjoe: seems compiling well, will update [12:39]
avgjoe: i'm already registered with the pgp key, what further step i'll need to do to sign up in eulora? [12:40]
avgjoe: got this other error at step 6: ./include/csutil/redblacktree.h:40:12: error: declaration of template parameter â\u0080\u0098Kâ\u0080\u0099 shadows template parameter template<typename K, typename K2> class Ordering> [12:42]
diana_coman: avgjoe, once you have your client working, you'll need to ask mircea_popescu for an account; hopefully the server will be up by then too [12:42]
avgjoe: currently is down? [12:42]
diana_coman: avgjoe, currently it's in the process of migration to the new iron; see http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-march-2018-statement/ [12:44]
avgjoe: thanks diana for the infos [12:44]
avgjoe: i'll try to compile with gcc 4 as i've done with trb [12:44]
avgjoe: compiled eulora on debian 9 [13:22]
avgjoe: always with the dirt trick of set jessie repo temporary, then downgrade gcc to 4.9.2, then compile [13:22]
avgjoe: and as diana_coman stated when you open the client and try to login with bogus data it says that the server is down [13:25]
lobbesbot: Post from danielpbarron: A True Church at PorcFest <http://danielpbarron.com/2018/a-true-church-at-porcfest/> [13:41]
ckang: hello ;) [21:12]
ckang: was wondering if i could get registered if its open [21:13]
ckang: dig: couldn't get address for 'ns1.minigame.bz': no more [21:19]
lobbes: ckang: smg servers are in the process of being migrated to pizarro. things most likely to up and running soonish. see also: http://trilema.com/2018/minigame-smg-march-2018-statement/ [22:51]
ckang: ah i see, any idea when things will be back up and operational ? [22:55]
mircea_popescu: shouldn't be long now. [23:10]

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