#eulora Logs for 03 Jul 2015

July 3rd, 2015 by Diana Coman
diana_coman: ha, another remarkable [01:39]
chetty: server reset in 2 [04:42]
chetty: done, up [04:48]
HeySteve: I had a weird dream about Eulora last night [05:16]
HeySteve: figured out how to make potions [05:16]
chetty: coolness [05:19]
chetty: HeySteve, knowing MP unless it involved standing on your head it probably isn't right [05:37]
mircea_popescu: lm,ao [06:13]
mircea_popescu: <diana_coman> ha, another remarkable << i got a pair too! [06:13]
mircea_popescu: one of which - with the stick. incredible thing, i used two. one ordinary, the other remarkable. [06:13]
jurov: hahah yes eulora has a.. propensity.. to leak to dreams [06:48]
jurov: my dreams of ~ had utterly hapless feel, even more that the real thing [06:49]
chetty: lo [06:55]
jurov: speaking of tubers.. iirc mp promised reward for my assshot, shoulda not forget [06:57]
chetty: he just went to sleep I think [06:59]
jurov: whodunnit, having dreams == its good (see #b-a) [07:02]
jurov: my building quality suffered a setback from 91 to 62.. did foxy mine these extraordinaries and shot 10 lvl up? [07:18]
chetty: I think mircea played a lot while I slept [07:23]
diana_coman: chetty, this morning I found a remarkable claim and I locked it but it seems to have dissappeared :( [08:12]
diana_coman: or at least my key is gone from my pocket :( [08:13]
jurov: You got practice points in Pickpocketing! [08:52]
jurov: oops wrong window [08:52]
diana_coman: did you pickpocket anything jurov? [08:55]
diana_coman: and yeah,that claim is gone:( [08:55]
jurov: won't say [08:55]
chetty: oh dear, I thought I carefully saved that claim :( [08:56]
diana_coman: that one is saved and thank you very much actually [08:56]
diana_coman: but this morning I got another one [08:56]
diana_coman: and it was for the ..ahem, very rare dry grass things [08:56]
diana_coman: I locked it for sure [08:56]
diana_coman: but still it is gone :( [08:56]
chetty: hmm thats odd, well I am keeping an eye on claims today for another reason, perhaps Iwill spot something [08:57]
jurov: pity i must go afk, gotta mine before it gets fixed [08:57]
diana_coman: well, tiny chances of any other bigger claim I guess as it seems that mp leveled up in building at least too and therefore quality went totally down [08:58]
diana_coman: lol jurov, how is that before it gets fixed? [08:58]
jurov: i suspect the extraordinary claims mining will get fixed [08:58]
diana_coman: lol [08:59]
diana_coman: have you found any such claims too, jurov? [08:59]
chetty: nah actually I think you guys will like the small change in mining I am working on, if I ever get all the bugs out [09:01]
chetty: diana_coman, about when was that claim? I see a couple hundred locked claims sitting around so they are not all getting swept up, for sure [09:03]
diana_coman: no, it was this morning, about 6am here, so that's 8 hours ago [09:03]
chetty: ahh ok, well I dunno what to say, all I see now is tiny and small, but there is no reason the sweeper would even know what size a claim is [09:09]
diana_coman: uhm, I still have the scroll for it... [09:10]
diana_coman: and yeah, as I said now it went again pretty much down the drain [09:10]
chetty: so I just went thru a drill here on test server, ordinary claim, lock/unlock/lock etc and the flags set properly everytime the flag is all the sweeper knows [09:13]
diana_coman: so then what happened to that claim of mine? [09:13]
diana_coman: I checked several times that it was locked [09:13]
diana_coman: and I almost (but not quite, damn) took a screenshot with the message that I locked it, lol [09:13]
chetty: well thats what I am trying to figure out, I am just a bit stumped [09:14]
diana_coman: interestingly enough, the other time when MP's ordinary claim dissappeared, he still had the key though [09:14]
chetty: I dont doubt you but I cant fix it if I dont know what is happening :P [09:14]
chetty: hmm yeah if the sweper gets it it should take the key too, and the one of MPs that disappeared was not taken by the sweeper was another issue with it, part of the low qual thing we had yesterday [09:16]
diana_coman: if the quality of items I mine went from 144 this morning to 97 now, I gather that there is now Mircea's book on building or something [09:30]
chetty: lo, I dunno I did see a forest of markers when I logged on earlier, and jurov said his qual was down too [09:37]
chetty: I guess we need to break a finger on mp or something to slow him down [09:39]
diana_coman: ha ha, bake some surprises in the code so that he does not really know everything anymore :p [09:40]
chetty: :D [09:41]
chetty: you know its funny he seems to really enjoy á¹\u0095laying, I find it not so fun knowing everything [09:42]
diana_coman: well, I get what you mean [09:44]
diana_coman: but I think it depends on whether one enjoys most figuring things out or ...being the best I guess, lol [09:44]
diana_coman: oh, can we stack things separately in the inventory now, chetty? [10:07]
diana_coman: or is this a bug? [10:07]
chetty: nah, you always could, to some degree, its a little tricky cause of the assumptions it makes [10:18]
diana_coman: "to some degree" - I remember I quite tried before without any success, lol [10:19]
chetty: well I know for instance I can take a tool out of hand and put it apart from a stack of tools I have [10:20]
diana_coman: with tools it works indeed [10:20]
chetty: or unstack stuff in inventory [10:20]
diana_coman: maybe that's the thing [10:20]
diana_coman: that it works to unstack, but not when you just get something new out of storage and/or claim [10:20]
diana_coman: even if you manually move it (this I tried) [10:21]
chetty: its just it assumes you want to stack when you pick things up [10:21]
diana_coman: but I manually moved it to/put it into an empty slot! [10:21]
diana_coman: lol [10:21]
chetty: I might be able to improve the stacking function a bit if I ever get causgth up on other stuff, right now its a bit of a comprimise betwwen have the mechant stack properly and and players convience [10:35]
diana_coman: it's all right, don't worry about it, we got used to it by now anyway [10:36]
diana_coman: I was just a bit surprised when it actually worked for once (when I didn't need it to, of course) [10:36]
chetty: hahahaha [10:36]
diana_coman: yaaaaay [10:45]
diana_coman: finally I got a tool, lol [10:45]
diana_coman: I must be the very last one to get it, lol [10:45]
chetty: no way I have no tools [11:22]
diana_coman: uhm, I got blocked and the "you struggle under the weight.." but I am actually NOT having a full inventory (neither capacity nor weight) [11:27]
chetty: you know I couldnt find those words anywhere in the code yesterday when jurov mentioned it [11:28]
diana_coman: ahaha, but they might be in the client [11:28]
diana_coman: the server only sends a message to the client [11:28]
diana_coman: and the client has the actual string to display [11:29]
diana_coman: possibly [11:29]
chetty: that would be very rare, mostly the server sends the actual string [11:29]
chetty: but its an idea, I'll look in the client too [11:29]
chetty: ahha right you are, only message I know of doenthat way instead of straight from server, but now I can track it see whats up [11:33]
diana_coman: ahaha [11:33]
diana_coman: but glad it helped :) [11:33]
diana_coman: I've spent some time digging through the client code so I got some kind of blurry idea about it [11:34]
diana_coman: (precisely that time during which MP managed therefore to get hugely ahead, lol) [11:34]
chetty: lmao, well seems it does that because it allows a small chance to go other modes even if you are overwieght sometimes, but I really need to look more at the weight calculations [11:39]
diana_coman: there seems to be something funny going on in there [11:39]
diana_coman: aha, now let's see what this much-talked about improved hoe can actually do... [11:40]
chetty: cool, gl [11:40]
diana_coman: prolly nothing really given the latest results, lol [11:40]
diana_coman: uhm, is the server down, chetty? [12:05]
chetty: yeah it was, key [12:07]
diana_coman: ugh [12:09]
diana_coman: I was just dropping key [12:09]
diana_coman: keys [12:09]
diana_coman: but they are all recent keys really [12:10]
diana_coman: from today's mining [12:10]
chetty: well dont know it was yours [12:10]
diana_coman: anyone else online? I was alone a bit earlier [12:24]
diana_coman: now it says "wait"... [12:24]
diana_coman: and "the server isn't ready" [12:24]
jurov: yep, wait [12:35]
chetty: oops my bad [12:58]
chetty: resetting server [13:43]
chetty: done,up [13:44]
diana_coman: there seems to be a problem with movement as sometimes it gets all funny and the only way to get it back to normal is to log out and in again [14:57]
chetty: prolly moreopengl confusioos [15:02]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman specific ? [15:03]
diana_coman: it looks as if you'd be kind of skipping I guess [15:03]
diana_coman: that'd be the best description [15:03]
mircea_popescu: oh. i think the missing animation for working is prolly causing errors. im contemplating taking iot out at leasrt for now [15:04]
diana_coman: it makes it both slower overall and annoying really as the whole thing moves up and down [15:04]
mircea_popescu: the whole thing ?! [15:04]
diana_coman: well, sometimes it works fine for hours [15:04]
mircea_popescu: the whole what thing. you're so vague... [15:04]
diana_coman: ugh, how the hell am I to describe it, lol [15:05]
diana_coman: make a video [15:05]
mircea_popescu: i dunno how, but obviously "whole thing" is an undefined symbol. [15:05]
diana_coman: it's clearly the character the problem [15:05]
mircea_popescu: aha ? so your character raises above ground and falls under ground level ? [15:05]
diana_coman: ok: the character seems to be jumping slightly while taking each step [15:05]
diana_coman: no, nothing that dramatic [15:05]
diana_coman: just really as if it would jump a bit at the same time as walking [15:06]
mircea_popescu: oh oh. yeah, that is an animation issue, gonna be fixed in the next art release [15:06]
diana_coman: that's the best description for it really [15:06]
diana_coman: ok [15:06]
mircea_popescu: which was two weeks away before i dumped a truckload of stuff on chetty. [15:06]
diana_coman: lol [15:06]
chetty: well I did a fix on the male idle animation, but walking ... [15:07]
diana_coman: usually it is fine [15:07]
diana_coman: I can't really tell when/how/why it gets into that stuff [15:07]
diana_coman: sometimes it does though and the only fix I could find so far is to log out and back in [15:07]
diana_coman: as it resets it and then it's fine [15:07]
mircea_popescu: make a movie sometime [15:07]
diana_coman: btw mircea_popescu is there Mircea's book on Building now? [15:08]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman nah, im not even 100 [15:08]
diana_coman: uhm, then how/why did the quality of mined items drop so much?? [15:08]
mircea_popescu: and im only tinkering like 390 or so. but unless anyone blows me out of the water there will be a tinkering 400 [15:08]
mircea_popescu: how much is so much ? [15:08]
diana_coman: I'm barely mining at 98 now [15:09]
diana_coman: and I was mining at 144 or more [15:09]
diana_coman: and this 98 is now after I actually leveled up quite a bit [15:09]
diana_coman: this morning it was 89 or there, lol [15:09]
mircea_popescu: what skills do you have ? [15:10]
mircea_popescu: just building ? [15:10]
diana_coman: yes, is that the trouble? [15:10]
mircea_popescu: how are you going to compete with only the original skills lol. [15:10]
mircea_popescu: go, booquinize. [15:10]
diana_coman: yeah, with what please? [15:11]
mircea_popescu: well gotta make the table and iirc the clogs ? [15:11]
diana_coman: yes, where do I get that blueprint for the table? [15:11]
mircea_popescu: what am i, mafalda ? [15:11]
diana_coman: I barely finally only got that bloody improved tool [15:11]
diana_coman: well yes,you are actually, lol [15:11]
diana_coman: and btw I am mining flotsam simply because well, there was none left, none at all [15:13]
diana_coman: and yeah, I bought that expensive one and used it and got a bit to show for it [15:13]
diana_coman: not much though, lol [15:13]
mircea_popescu: i bought... 25k flotsam. it took a bunch of fucking clicking at 100 per buy. [15:13]
diana_coman: well, at least there were 25k flotsam [15:13]
mircea_popescu: but yum, dat flotsam. [15:14]
mircea_popescu: actually amusingly enough, i had mined it, back in the early days. 900 quality. [15:14]
diana_coman: ha ha, yeah, I had the same"amusement" with some threads I made [15:14]
mircea_popescu: was in merchant for like a month, waiting for buyers lol [15:14]
diana_coman: yes, when there was no tools and no one had any idea that there will be new tools needing that ton of flotsam [15:15]
diana_coman: + one might have actually relied on the thing that mining was going ok [15:15]
diana_coman: not that it would get all fucked up overnight [15:15]
mircea_popescu: actually i used most of it to make shavings and SLAG omfg. [15:15]
mircea_popescu: slag!11 [15:15]
diana_coman: I used the ton I had anyway precisely for those shavings, yes [15:15]
diana_coman: tons of them and still need more [15:15]
mircea_popescu: well kinda the idea, right ? [15:15]
mircea_popescu: you ain't never gonna have enough. it's a video game, aka cocaine. [15:16]
mircea_popescu: orwhat was it that you were never having enough of, heroin ? [15:16]
diana_coman: well, cocaine is good, but not flocaine [15:16]
diana_coman: or whatever it is one makes out of flotsam [15:16]
mircea_popescu: lmao [15:16]
mircea_popescu: (romanian joke translation : floci = pubic hair, especially the wooly kind women grow ; flocos = wooly, like a llama wooly, long haired) [15:17]
chetty: hmm widows wisp berries, rare? [15:25]
diana_coman: chetty, I thought they were kind of rare [15:31]
diana_coman: but accessible before you get some huge levels in any case [15:32]
diana_coman: lol, now a tiny claim got messed up [15:34]
diana_coman: it considered double click and therefore it stopped working on it [15:34]
diana_coman: but it still considered that it was actually used [15:34]
diana_coman: not sure it is very easy to reproduce though, as it's probably some weird timing involved [15:35]
diana_coman: any news about that missing remarkable claim from this morning? [15:35]
chetty: nope, I am still watching the databaseand the flags, it sure looks like everything is working correctly [15:36]
diana_coman: I can at least leave some new tiny claims too and see whether those disappear [15:36]
diana_coman: as it's true that I don't leave anything tiny or small [15:36]
chetty: I did a few, but I didnt leave any locked [15:37]
diana_coman: yeah, I'll leave one locked [15:37]
diana_coman: that's what I meant [15:37]
diana_coman: there, I locked a tiny [15:38]
diana_coman: not that I expect a tiny to disappear, lol [15:38]
chetty: I lockec and unlocked multiple times on my test system and checked the flags, but thats kinda cumbersome to do here, done have all the tools [15:38]
diana_coman: well, I just locked that one [15:39]
diana_coman: stared at it in amazement [15:39]
chetty: hahaha [15:39]
diana_coman: locked it and that thought "yeah, if only it doesn't disappear by the time I get to make the bundle for it" [15:39]
diana_coman: lol [15:39]
diana_coman: ugh, I got again that issue with "this claim has been used [15:41]
diana_coman: first it complained that "you need to target the item" [15:41]
diana_coman: and then when I moved the bit of nothing around (as that "targets" the item apparently) [15:41]
diana_coman: it started working on it only to report afterwards that the claim had been used [15:41]
diana_coman: .. [15:41]
chetty: ugh, I'll look at where that gets set in the code, see if I can delay it a bit [15:45]
chetty: click on the marker is a good way to 'target' [15:45]
chetty: I see your tiny locked claim in the db [15:45]
diana_coman: but was there no remarkable in the morning or you don't have a history? [15:46]
chetty: a whole bunch of lockables of the same type, and one locked [15:46]
chetty: not of transient items like this, would be massive overhead to keep it all [15:46]
diana_coman: yes, of course [15:47]
diana_coman: so waiting for the sweeper now, like for the news, lol [15:47]
chetty: aha well its about an hour, but slightly randomized so not exactly [15:47]
diana_coman: and I'll tell my luck to re-purpose or something since remarkable claims that go missing are hardly useful, lol [15:48]
diana_coman: yeah, no worries, that can wait [15:48]
chetty: hows your builds? [15:48]
diana_coman: basically and in a nutshell it sucks quite overall [15:49]
chetty: really? I got 5 grass out of a tiny, almost danced [15:49]
diana_coman: well done [15:50]
chetty: maybe it takes pity on noobs [15:50]
diana_coman: lol, they surely need some luck, that I think it is actually good [15:50]
diana_coman: uhm, good that I find smelly murky somethings, lol [15:51]
diana_coman: assuming that there are other books besides the one for bouqinism, I can't seem to find any [15:52]
chetty: haha keep em, I have a few I might pass along to noobs someday [15:52]
diana_coman: as for getting them as loot, no way [15:52]
diana_coman: all I get are wedding ring recipes [15:52]
chetty: oh, I should go hun that book [15:52]
diana_coman: yeah, I have a small collection precisely for that [15:52]
diana_coman: oh, I got 2 leathers from a small claim, amazing, lol [15:54]
jurov: lol that escalated quickly [15:58]
jurov: was it just one or two days ago when you shrugged off my resentment for mining? [15:58]
diana_coman: uhm, jurov? [15:58]
jurov: or i misread what you wrote? [15:59]
diana_coman: possibly, as I don't really get what you mean [16:00]
diana_coman: btw, that pickpocketing thing - did you just find it or got it as loot (or made it, whatever)? [16:01]
jurov: no i was joking [16:05]
jurov: and i mean, "see, now you complain too" [16:05]
diana_coman: uhm, tbh I did all the grinding to get to the current level and well, I will do more since it is needed; my "complaint" was more directed at the sudden and essentially mysterious drop that outside beta versions would really make no sense at all to me, that's all [16:07]
diana_coman: of course, this IS a beta version, so well [16:07]
diana_coman: I can't say I enjoy it though, of course [16:08]
diana_coman: and well, I can't say it goes well when it doesn't, can I? [16:09]
chetty: well my quality is a whooping 29, but I did finally rank up in building [16:13]
diana_coman: do you remember how much it was before the last changes? [16:14]
chetty: maybe 30 .. but seriously nothing has been changed in the way quality is calculated, (if you dicount that oops with the database yesterday) [16:15]
diana_coman: according to MP it has changed as it basically required other new skills [16:16]
diana_coman: that's what he was saying earlier, isn't it? [16:16]
diana_coman: or did I get that wrong? [16:16]
diana_coman: if nothing changed, then there is something really strange that I get now 98 when I used to get at least 144 [16:17]
diana_coman: (I mean for building, not for tinkering ) [16:18]
chetty: not really, I mean I havent looked at all the variables, in fact that would be a days project but there are a lot of plausable reasons in the formulas for quality to vary [16:19]
diana_coman: btw jurov, I did not "shrug off" your resentment of mining - I think I even said at the time that yeah, I used to be as frustrated about it as you sounded - that's why I was offering whatever help I could with mining and/or tinkering or selling/giving [16:21]
chetty: I think we mostly need to get some things to do in the game going, this gets old if its pretty all there is, need more actual explore (look at new lands) meet people, other stuffs [16:23]
jurov: i reword it more plainly - is there any help you can offer that won't lower quality of my next output? [16:23]
diana_coman: what do you mean by lower quality of your next output? [16:24]
jurov: you yourself found qual declines caused by factors outside your control grating [16:24]
diana_coman: if I make you a tool, you get more experience for yourself in terms of gathering and building, since you can mine more with it [16:24]
jurov: what do you think how player who don't play so much and get behiond with skills feel? [16:25]
diana_coman: does that make up for the experience you lose in tinkering? [16:25]
diana_coman: that's up to you to decide [16:25]
diana_coman: uhm, that sounds like stretching a few things a bit really [16:25]
jurov: how so? [16:26]
diana_coman: I "got behind" as you put it with tinkering and I was all right with that, since yeah, that's how it's made and it was clear, it was built-in and it was to be expected [16:26]
diana_coman: but the drop in quality now in building has nothing to do with either getting behind because of less time (btw, it's only partially that if we are to be precise here) [16:27]
diana_coman: or things that were valid before [16:28]
diana_coman: maybe it's clearer this way: it's not "factors outside your control" that I find grating, but change of rules + not even knowing exactly the changes [16:29]
diana_coman: I guess you can equate that with "lack of control" if you really want to [16:29]
chetty: I agree with that folks, and seriously we are trying to keep changes to a min, but some of this stuff really requires tweaking. [16:30]
chetty: and it has been tweaking, no real changes in how things work [16:31]
diana_coman: jurov, does it makes more sense now? [16:31]
diana_coman: chetty it's beta, of course :) [16:33]
jurov: i see. soo if you go away for a month and find out you get poor qual stuff, you'd be a-ok with that. [16:33]
diana_coman: uhm, what would you expect exactly? [16:34]
diana_coman: essentially as far as I get it, it works pretty much like in real life: either you pay with your time or you pay with your money (to some extent, of course, as it's not 100\% convertible) [16:34]
diana_coman: true, one might wonder whether it will manage to also deliver the same levels of reward that real life delivers so that one still loves it enough to go through all that, but that's a different discussion I guess [16:35]
diana_coman: then again, I talk only from what I see of it + my experience with it, but I obviously don't really KNOW how it works and I don't claim I do [16:38]
hanbot: notes real life isn't exactly made of the dichotomy diana_coman describes...there's the third, and usually far superior option, of "paying" with thought (and sure, w/e action it prompts, but that's hardly a standalone factor) [16:39]
diana_coman: of course hanbot, I wasn't trying to model it anywhere near its complexity, really [16:40]
diana_coman: but the note is most welcome, thank you [16:40]
diana_coman: essentially the main "grating" aspect was exactly from the fact that the lack of knowledge basically gives a huge handicap regarding precisely that third option [16:42]
diana_coman: uhm, and got stuck again under the weight of a non-existent inventory, lol [16:45]
diana_coman: chetty, I have a book for bouquinism if you still need it [18:03]
mircea_popescu: didja manage to get the table ? [18:04]
diana_coman: no [18:05]
mircea_popescu: how come ? [18:05]
diana_coman: lol, you're asking me? [18:05]
mircea_popescu: lol [18:05]
mircea_popescu: well, did you do a bunch of overloaded crafting ? [18:05]
diana_coman: yes [18:06]
diana_coman: as much as I could, with all sorts of very high quality ingredients from the merchant, whatever I could find [18:06]
mircea_popescu: and no dice, hm ? [18:06]
diana_coman: nope [18:06]
mircea_popescu: well, ima go arun myself later, i have an entire array of stuff set up [18:06]
diana_coman: I got tons of wedding rings as previously said, some food recipes, a few improved tools [18:06]
diana_coman: and that is it [18:06]
mircea_popescu: lol [18:06]
diana_coman: including one improved axe I have to add, as well, I guess that's about the best I got [18:07]
mircea_popescu: so what did you do with the improved tools ? [18:07]
diana_coman: I mined, not sure there is something else I can do? [18:07]
mircea_popescu: wait, you got imp tool recipe or actual item ? [18:07]
diana_coman: recipe, sorry [18:07]
diana_coman: not actual item, no [18:07]
mircea_popescu: and you crafted it and no dice ?! [18:08]
diana_coman: never actual item, lol [18:08]
diana_coman: yeap [18:08]
mircea_popescu: did you overload it or did you foolishly use very low qr axes ? [18:08]
diana_coman: no, I used all I had very good as yes, you said about overloading [18:08]
diana_coman: and yeah, I got the idea [18:08]
mircea_popescu: wow, and it dumped no recipe ?! [18:08]
mircea_popescu: this is sexism [18:08]
diana_coman: .... [18:09]
mircea_popescu: ok ima try it myself later gotta see this thing. [18:09]
diana_coman: I am working to give it another shot but basically I need tons of flotsam to make again everything [18:09]
mircea_popescu: the good news being, that if i manage ima offer tables for sale, and if i fail and it needs fixing ima fix it. [18:09]
mircea_popescu: o btw, something you'll appreciate : i got 4k grass from one claim. [18:10]
mircea_popescu: one SMALL claim. [18:10]
diana_coman: I'm not surprised, but I don't expect to see that happening [18:10]
mircea_popescu: well not expecting good things is how one gets to live to be old. [18:10]
diana_coman: on the other hand I get a remarkable claim that disappears [18:10]
diana_coman: not everyone truly wants to get to live to be old [18:11]
mircea_popescu: how do you mean disappears ? [18:11]
diana_coman: like that, locked and gone [18:11]
mircea_popescu: o.O no way ?! [18:11]
diana_coman: I got it this morning, I even said here when I got it [18:11]
mircea_popescu: i have like two ordinaries and two remarkables locked. i fucking hope they're not gone! [18:12]
mircea_popescu: brb [18:12]
diana_coman: and then later today I was complaining that it disappeared, lol [18:12]
diana_coman: curious, do check [18:12]
mircea_popescu: nope still here. [18:13]
mircea_popescu: listen, did you close it once, or did you close it, open it, then closed it again ? do you recall ? [18:13]
diana_coman: no, just once [18:13]
diana_coman: looked at it in disbelief [18:13]
mircea_popescu: wtf is this. [18:13]
diana_coman: closed it once, checked in the window the message, checked with mouse hovering that it was indeed closed [18:14]
mircea_popescu: hey, are you in game now ? [18:14]
diana_coman: I did not actually check by trying to put something in it [18:14]
diana_coman: yes [18:14]
diana_coman: true, next time I'll certainly check that too [18:14]
diana_coman: AND I will get a screenshot of it as I initially thought, lol [18:14]
diana_coman: but it won't be too son, lol [18:15]
mircea_popescu: fuck! [18:15]
diana_coman: do tell me [18:15]
mircea_popescu: i have the recipes buyt the claims themselves are gone! [18:15]
mircea_popescu: god damned it. [18:15]
diana_coman: ahhh, yes [18:15]
diana_coman: the same [18:15]
mircea_popescu: chetty the sweeper is eating locked claims! [18:15]
diana_coman: chetty knows about it [18:15]
diana_coman: I did complain the whole day basically [18:15]
diana_coman: and I even locked a tiny claim so that she can see whether it happens again [18:15]
diana_coman: hopefully to catch something [18:16]
mircea_popescu: ad interim : whoever gets bitten by this, keep your recipe. when you are ready to mine it talk to me i'll spawn a claim for you. [18:16]
diana_coman: that's good news :) [18:16]
mircea_popescu: so no, you've not lost them. [18:16]
mircea_popescu: but gotta figure wtf is going on with that annoying sweeper. [18:16]
diana_coman: what quality do you get from mining now? [18:17]
mircea_popescu: 150ish. [18:17]
diana_coman: aham, wow [18:18]
mircea_popescu: you / [18:19]
mircea_popescu: ? [18:19]
diana_coman: 99.... [18:19]
diana_coman: just 99 [18:19]
diana_coman: lol [18:19]
mircea_popescu: lol it's pretty good. [18:19]
diana_coman: it was about 89 this morning, yeah [18:20]
mircea_popescu: ahhh i can't wait to be done with work so i can play [18:20]
mircea_popescu: hasn't been the case in like... 25 years lmao [18:20]
diana_coman: and 144 the day before yesterday :))) [18:20]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman yeah the thiung is, the game's pretty fluid. not hard to catch up if decived. [18:20]
mircea_popescu: decided* [18:20]
diana_coman: only if one REALLY knows what they are doing [18:21]
diana_coman: and honestly you are the only one here who knows that [18:21]
diana_coman: or in any case, by a few degrees of magnitude better [18:21]
diana_coman: not too much one can do about that [18:21]
mircea_popescu: this is flattering :) [18:21]
diana_coman: uhm, given that you designed the whole thing? [18:21]
mircea_popescu: you're proposing i know what i'm doing ? i tell you, half this math i don't even understand without a few drinks [18:21]
diana_coman: the thing is: you have at least a reason to drink as it were [18:22]
mircea_popescu: lol [18:22]
diana_coman: what you are saying is: [18:22]
diana_coman: you mean you know where I'm going? [18:22]
diana_coman: neah, I don't understand this map ! [18:23]
diana_coman: while the rest don't even have a map [18:23]
mircea_popescu: lol [18:23]
diana_coman: at all [18:23]
mircea_popescu: so better situation because more known unknowns ? [18:23]
diana_coman: and anyway learnt to drive a car by banging it into stuff mainly [18:23]
diana_coman: more efficiency mainly [18:23]
diana_coman: and yes, knowing what to avoid is ALSO a very useful thing [18:24]
diana_coman: or at least where to tread carefully [18:24]
mircea_popescu: except on the other hand i have to try all sorts of stupid shit. [18:24]
diana_coman: honestly earlier with the tinkering thing I did not really think I was ahead if you were actually playing, since it's kind of ...surprising let's say [18:25]
mircea_popescu: what is ? or how you mean ? [18:25]
diana_coman: having gotten ahead while you were actually playing [18:26]
diana_coman: that is the surprising part, lol [18:26]
diana_coman: even temporarily, I'm not talking about anything else [18:26]
mircea_popescu: the only reason i managed to catch up is cuz you dun has all the skills. [18:27]
mircea_popescu: well, that and the fact that i made 30k flotsam into tiny bits. [18:27]
diana_coman: what can I say: I certainly can't even judge that as it were [18:28]
diana_coman: lol [18:28]
diana_coman: I did (do) not even know what these skills are about/for, lol [18:29]
mircea_popescu: materials were uncharacteristically abundent early on, esp via merchant. that's a window that's closing out. [18:29]
diana_coman: yeah, it already kind of gets fingers trapped in [18:30]
mircea_popescu: aha. [18:30]
mircea_popescu: but the mining works fine, minus the fucking sweeping of large claims [18:30]
mircea_popescu: so playas should be able to feed. [18:30]
diana_coman: but once again, how would I know that well, tomorrow the merchant will stop supplying that or the other [18:30]
mircea_popescu: bird in hand. [18:31]
diana_coman: uhm, so like buy everything and don't care about the others who were trying to get started just like me, is that what you mean? [18:31]
mircea_popescu: these are different things are they ? [18:31]
mircea_popescu: which one are we discussing ? [18:31]
diana_coman: the buy all the flotsam while it's there, lol [18:32]
mircea_popescu: right. if you pay for it you own it, which means you control its fate. if you don't pay for it, you specifically make the statement, "i do not care what happens". [18:32]
mircea_popescu: charity is unrelated to this, and passive charity is nonsense anyway. [18:32]
diana_coman: uhm, so then why not buy everything from the merchant from the very start? [18:33]
diana_coman: I mean: everything [18:33]
mircea_popescu: compare "i'm not buying the flotsam so other people starting out can buy it, maybe" vs "fuck it, i'm buying it, and if later people need it can buy it from me, i'll do them a good deal too, since i'm nice." [18:33]
mircea_popescu: diana_coman you ? i dunno. me ? cause im not really into abusing my knowledge advantage. [18:34]
mircea_popescu: (which is also how i was the one who SOLD the original finds to the merchant, rather than' storin' 'em) [18:34]
diana_coman: yeah, I thought about that and I saw how it went with selling stuff, like pulling teeth even when given good deal, almost like either free or no, thank you [18:34]
diana_coman: uhm, I also sold [18:34]
diana_coman: what are you on about? [18:34]
diana_coman: even you bought initially from the merchant the VERY high quality flotsam I sold [18:35]
diana_coman: and I sold precisely for that reason [18:35]
mircea_popescu: um [18:35]
mircea_popescu: but it says "crafter mircea" on it ?! [18:35]
diana_coman: I think this was after mine [18:35]
diana_coman: it's long gone that one [18:35]
mircea_popescu: oh. i didn't buy it [18:35]
mircea_popescu: i bought this one [18:35]
diana_coman: common, you said it in game at that time [18:35]
mircea_popescu: o i did ? [18:35]
diana_coman: should I search in the logs now, or what [18:35]
diana_coman: yes, lol [18:36]
mircea_popescu: lol. how much was it ? [18:36]
diana_coman: ugh, around 500q I think (not quite sure about this, as it was long time ago) [18:36]
mircea_popescu: looks through this log see wtf lol [18:36]
diana_coman: which log? [18:36]
mircea_popescu: Jun 06 12:49:36 <mircea_popescu> fact that one gets 4 remarkable out of 5 tries makes them think remarkable's not that remarkable lol << ahaha the good old days [18:37]
diana_coman: yes, somewhere in there, lol [18:37]
mircea_popescu: Jun 20 12:24:11 <diana_coman> that's how I ended up buying much more flotsam than I needed, lol << i never said it!!1 [18:38]
diana_coman: ? [18:38]
diana_coman: not this, no [18:38]
diana_coman: it has nothing to do with it [18:38]
diana_coman: that's a diff story [18:38]
mircea_popescu: well i searched for flotsam. ima go search for what, "Bought" ? [18:38]
diana_coman: de altfel ti-am vandut si tie direct [18:38]
diana_coman: stai 1 sec [18:39]
diana_coman: 22:09:20) Foxy says: piramide, alea [18:39]
diana_coman: (22:14:34) Mircea says: ha, asta 700 de lemn de-aici tot tu l-ai scos ? [18:39]
diana_coman: ia de ici [18:39]
diana_coman: lol [18:39]
diana_coman: it's in romanian [18:39]
diana_coman: that's why [18:39]
mircea_popescu: oh oh [18:39]
diana_coman: but you said it publicly too so in english, let me search... [18:39]
diana_coman: and so 700 [18:39]
diana_coman: there [18:39]
mircea_popescu: well sure, i bought small bits directly from players here and there. this is unrelated in my mind. [18:40]
diana_coman: and btw, I did NOT say (and I do NOT think) that you are abusing knowledge [18:40]
diana_coman: that no, certainly [18:40]
mircea_popescu: ah i didn't think you did. [18:40]
diana_coman: anyway, that quote was about the the flotsam at the merchant, as you noticed it (I had sold it to the merchant) [18:41]
mircea_popescu: dun fret, it's not a very emotionally colored thing. i'm mostly exploring teh conceptuals involved. [18:41]
mircea_popescu: fact of the matter is, someone's gotta make the soup for people to have soup. and then whosoever made it knows what;s in it. no escaping this that i see. [18:41]
diana_coman: it's not about the emotional part of it, just that well, that would already get the whole thing onto a different story, so thought of making it clear that it's not about abusing knowledge [18:42]
diana_coman: yes, of course, I fully agree with that [18:42]
diana_coman: all I am saying basically [18:42]
diana_coman: is that you have a big advantage, whether you like it or not, as it were [18:42]
mircea_popescu: contrairiwise, all i'm saying is, that people have a large selection of means and ways to deal with very poorly understood, fluid situations. hence quoting the proverb above. this is what life was about, most of history, before the welfare cancer at any rate. [18:43]
mircea_popescu: obviously these two aren't meeting at any point, so we're each talking his own talk :D [18:43]
diana_coman: lol, yeah [18:43]
mircea_popescu: anyway, i'm open to buy pretty much any materials / sell stuff for a reasonable markup [18:44]
diana_coman: any flotsam for sale? [18:46]
mircea_popescu: i had some flotsam... but i ated it [18:46]
diana_coman: or if stuff only for sale [18:46]
diana_coman: any good axes? [18:46]
mircea_popescu: yes actually. [18:46]
diana_coman: brb will check bill of materials [18:46]
mircea_popescu: im willing to give out good axes in exchange for worn axes + the qual diff as coin. [18:47]
diana_coman: what quality are your axes? [18:47]
mircea_popescu: ~15k iirc [18:47]
diana_coman: sounds good [18:47]
mircea_popescu: plain, not improved. [18:47]
diana_coman: yes, I need them to try again and make an improved one [18:48]
mircea_popescu: i intend to try making some improved later when i go in [18:48]
mircea_popescu: kk [18:48]
diana_coman: maybe I actually get something this time [18:48]
mircea_popescu: alrighty, like an hour ? [18:48]
diana_coman: uhm, I can't :( [18:48]
diana_coman: I kind of need to go in 20 minutes max [18:48]
diana_coman: bah, I made those damn clogs and I am out of studs too [18:49]
diana_coman: any slag and any metal studs by any chance? [18:49]
mircea_popescu: i can sell studs yes [18:49]
mircea_popescu: well, are you off for the night or what ? see you in the morning ? [18:50]
mircea_popescu: it's like 8pm here [18:50]
diana_coman: yes, it's almost midnight here [18:50]
mircea_popescu: alrighty, ima log in special for you how about that. [18:50]
diana_coman: but tomorrow I'll get online only in the afternoon [18:50]
diana_coman: thank you [18:50]

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