Euloran Cookbook Version 1.3 - download as csv file

Harvestable Resources | Mining Recipes | Recipes for Multifunctional Samovar | Recipes for Craft-Table | Recipes for Small Grotesque Altar | Recipes for Bandar Toolkit | Recipes for Worn Old Screens | Recipes for Turning Wheel |

Item Base value (bv) Bundle value (bdv) Built-in overcraft(boc)
Alchemist's Cheap Gin 7254 7254 0
Almost Wine 35880 35880 0
Ancient Stove Grimes 100000 1380783 1280783
Assorted Library Mites 1000 21005 20005
Atrocious Stinkbomb N/A 99735 N/A
Autographed Dagsgen Flags 1000 21005 20005
Bandar Toolkit 53061 63061 10000
Barbarian Earrings 7412 7413 1
Base Metal Studs 1588 49259 47671
Basketcase Headdress 1488 1488 0
Bernet Franco 21346 21347 1
Better Beetle Brew 5355 5355 0
Bird's Nest and Gin 11395 11395 0
Black of Desspayr 29170 29170 0
Braided Coarse Thread 540 540 0
Caveman Bedroll 3551 3552 1
Chair for the Head 10726 10726 0
Cheapest Wedding Ring 6057 6058 1
Chetty's Divining Stick 20396 20396 0
Coarse Cordage 3780 3780 0
Coarse Frangible Thread 180 180 0
Congressional Pulp 1207 1207 0
Craft-Table 1404 1404 0
Cruddy Hoe 9352 9352 0
Crude Stinky Wineskin 13499 13499 0
Dazzling Gemstone Shards 10000 21005 11005
Demeaning Urabihs Harness 7020 7020 0
Disgusting Goop 470 470 0
Doubtful Tome 88462 88462 0
Drunken Wedding Cake 146168 146168 0
Dulce de Leche 36160 36160 0
Early Technicolor Dreamcoat 39478 39478 0
Ensconced Rastrum 1328 1329 1
Extremely Creaky Vellum 14587 14587 0
Flat Clump of Slag 8824 8824 0
Flinty Toothpaste 5623 5623 0
Foxy's Dismal Scribblings on Building N/A 17007 N/A
Foxy's Dismal Scribblings on Gathering N/A 17007 N/A
Foxy's Dismal Scribblings on Tinkering 17007 17007 0
Grimy Toolkit N/A 2609419 N/A
Grotesque Sacrifice Token 1000 230520 229520
Grubsilk Thread 16393 16394 1
Hoof Gloves 622 622 0
Improbable Oil 5439 5439 0
Improved Cruddy Hoe 44125 282475 238350
Improved Stone Adze 44125 282475 238350
Improved Stone Pickaxe 44125 282475 238350
Indistinct Bark Shavings 255 255 0
Indistinguishable Toupe 1250 1250 0
Leaky Treebark Flask 4070 4070 0
Little Bit O' Nothing 11 1727 1716
Maculature Is N/A 167907 N/A
McReed Kilt 1295 1295 0
Mircea's Confused Scribblings on Tinkering 44192 44192 0
Misshaped Ampoule 13451 13452 1
Mollusc Cheese 15705 15706 1
Multifunctional Samovar 93746 93746 0
Nauseous Pigment 7846 7846 0
Objectionable Screwdriver 20833 20833 0
Offensive Eggnog 11708 11708 0
Omlette du Disgorge 17638 17638 0
Particularily Promising Branch 4466 4466 0
Penance Clogs 20862 592902 572040
Pincered Skullcap 1087 1087 0
Plain Coarse Flour 696 696 0
Pointedly Odorous Charcoal 5022 5023 1
Pointy Clump of Slag 8824 8824 0
Questionable Flagon 6624 6624 0
Reed Hauberk 2106 2106 0
Remembrance Tincture 141488 141488 0
Rock Distillate 51411 51411 0
Rockpile 17763 17763 0
Sharp Clump of Slag 8824 8824 0
Shiny Rock Shards 454 454 0
Slag 677 677 0
Small Grotesque Altar N/A N/A N/A
Somewhat Fashionable Hat 656 656 0
Stone Adze 9352 9352 0
Stone Pickaxe 9352 9352 0
Suspect Ointment 87556 87556 0
The Neckerbocker 597 598 1
Tinkerer's Petrified Aspirations 100000 N/A N/A
Tinkerer's Petrified Sentiments 1000 21005 20005
Treebark Mockasillies 1787 1787 0
Tuber Flatbread 2147 2148 1
Tuber Milk 35689 35690 1
Tuber Tea 10390 10390 0
Turning Wheel 396546 396546 0
Unspeakable Livresque Horrors 100000 1380783 1280783
Unsteady Scaffolding 290348 290349 1
Various Ladle Handles 1000 21005 20005
Very Valuable Vapors 100000 200488 100488
Water of Anamnesia 12255 12255 0
Widow's Whisp Tincture 11465 11465 0
Wood Distillate 51417 51417 0
Worn Old Screens 405107 405107 0